TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JANUARY 24. on the for one its hand that and the firesides, country JUNIOR nrruuftW RAINBOW RFGIMENT. ,oltl fighting homes I Make It Personal--Do You ? Summons. • ». to on the other, that we do not and can The State Supt. Urges Schools 1 . .. ----- 0------ This is my war. The kaiser is my not know what we are fighting for .' In the Circuit Court of the State of u-in *■ in Thntt Stamp “Drive. ’ j d until our terms of peace ■®»P own after in black and white. We are are set in enemy. Every one who believes in the Oregon for Tillamook County. kaiser, who favors the kaiser, who Donald L. Schofield, Plaintiff docs kaiser the kaiser's bidding, who helps J. A. Churchill, superintendent of the middle of a whirl of skilful Ger-! the vs Public Instruction has sent out the th.. k->::er in any way, *•- man lies, long planned and intended C.. .»„u.umcss, toy is my enemy. Ethel Schofield, Defendant. following letter: On my faithfulness, loyalty, industry, I solely for the disintegration of our skill, thrift, self-denial, To Ethel Schofield, the above nam­ skill th-;** earnestness, --11 -* • • co-operation, ed defendant: Again the Federal Government is purpose. Our leader sents forth, in efficiency, E offer free our Safe Deposit service to men in asking the public schools to take up a language as clear as it is eloquent, our cmciency, earnestness, zeal, belief —1 1 In the name of the State of Oregoi the training camps or at the front. Before definite piece of work. 1 realize that 1 real aims, our real proposals—and we and honesty depend the outcome of you are hereby required to appear i leaving home, every man should bring his the demands for outside work have i do not read his words. Ho , can w e this war. It will be won or lost by me. this cause and answer the complaint valuables or important papers, keepsakes, cor­ been very heavy this year, and that contradict the asservations of our en­ Each night when 1 lay down to sleep filed against you in the above entitled respondence and other precious possessions to this they have to some extent broken in emy? How can we justify our action 1 shall say: "This is my war.” Every I < ,----- J WMl UVltUll Bank and we will arrange the space for keeping cause, on or before the date of the upon our regular school work. This to morning when 1 awake 1 shall say: “ 1 those who honestly hesitate to sup- *— »up- last publication, hereinafter named; them safe during the owner’s absence without nnri it’—Cl.:--------- ci . Department has been careful, there­ 1 port must fight every minute of this day and if you fail to so appear and ans­ it?—Chicago Herald. charge. There is always danger of loss, when fore, to endorse only those move­ I with all the strength and purpose 1 wer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will i valuables are kept at home. ments which are authorized by Fed­ Truth About the German Nation. possess to win.” Democracy is my apply to the above entitled court for eral authorities, and which are educa­ right. 1 must defend and establish the relief prayed for in the complaint, DEPOSITS OF MONEY ARE ACCEPTED BY MAIL: tional in character. that right at all time and against all AND MEN IN THE SERVICE ARF. INVITED TO As President Wilson says with odds. 1 believe that only with this to-wit: that the marriage contract ex­ Secretary McAdoo has appealed to isting between the plaintiff and the us to have the children save their great force and verity, “we do not full sense of my individual responsi­ defendant be dissolved and annulled, SEND DEPOSITS BY MONEY ORDER. pennies to buy thrift stamps and war wish to injure Germany or to block in bility shall be able to do my full duty and that the plaintiff have a decree I certificates. In order that we may any way her legitimate influence or as an American citizen—Old Fogy in against • you for absolute divorce and actually secure results, we wish to : power. We wish her only to accept a the Valve World. for such other and further relief as place of equality among the peoples organize a Junior Rainbow Regiment. I the court may deem just and equit­ To be eligible for membership in this of the world, instead of a place of UNEXCELLED ON WEST COAST OF STATE. able. This summons is published by Shocked by Lloyd George. Regiment, a boy or girl must be one mastery.” order of Hon. A. M. Hare, Judge of This appalling war is the crimson Tillamook, Ore. of tfie first 1000 to sell $50.00 worth of the County Court of the State of Ore­ thrill stamps. We will send to each of flower and fruitage of two false and Lloyd George is said to have gon for Tillamook County, said order the first 1000 an achievement pin to fatal conceptions that trace back too shocked the British public in his fa­ being made in the absence of the wear during the period of war. Just years through German philosophy mous Paris speech by the use of “yea” Judge of the said Circuit Court from as scon as a child in your district has and statecraft—a delusion that the instead of the more sober “yes”. A said County of Tillamook; and the sold $50.00 worth of stamps, please German people were essentially su- comic paper, with an eye to our co­ first publication thereof is fixed by <...u report his name and address to the perior to all the other nations and therefore called by a God-given man­ operation in the war, stated that per­ said order to be January 24, 1918, and county superintendent. haps he meant to say “yep”. It seems the last publication, February. 28, The sale of thrift stamps and war date to make themselves the masters to be a matter of remark on the other 1918. of this planet says the Spokesman Re ­ certiiicates is a part of the govern­ side that our slang has been inter- , Johnson & Handley, ment's program for financing the war. view. penetrating England. England states- ' Attorneys for the Plaintiff. The insolent assumption runs Wc must realize that our very exis­ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 108 I. O. O. F. Bldg. the utterances of such fa­ men have been reported as pounding tence as a free nation depends on our through 1 the diplomatic table and stating that Tillamook, Oregon. CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND success in this war, and that it cannot mous German philosophers as Fichte, “we will put it across," generals are be won unless every person does all Nietsche and Treitschke, and a great reported to have concluded an order Notice of Administrator ’ s Sale BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND in his power to help. Every cent that host of minor philosophers and au­ of the day with the words, “Soldiers ——o----- can be raised is needed to clothe and thors, university professors, journa­ of England its up to you!” When Notice is hereby given, that by SMITHING COAL. equip our soldiers. The children of lists, pastors, public officials, army Asquith fell a staid old member of : authority of the County Court of the i Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. West, Tillamook, Or. officers and toadies have joined in the this nation are anxious to help. They parliament is said to have remarked: State of Oregon, for Tillamook Coun­ i need the guidance of their teachers, acclaiming chorus. ty, and in pursuance of an order here­ “We feel ourselves to be the bearers “1 knew he would get in bad.” "Some” and this plan has the additional value in the superlative sense has risen to tofore made and entered in said court of assisting the schools in their work of a superior kultur,” declares Dr. in the matter of the Estate of Frank Paul Conrad, pastor of the Kaiser the dignity of discussion in the staid of making good citizens.. Long, Sr., deceased, the undersigned old Manchester Guardian. How have The Oregon teachers made a record Wilhelm Memorial church in Berlin, we reciprocated for this British cour­ administratrix of said Estate, on and for this state in the food conservation in his book published in 1915. “We tesy? Wc have adapted such express­ after Monday, the 18th day of Feb­ execute God Almighty ’ s will and the campaign. Let us again work for the ions as "doing our bit,” "slacker,” ruary, 1918, will sell at private sale good name of our state, and help the I ' edicts of his justice we will fulfil, , i iin- "over the top” and other war express­ for cash to the highest bidder, sub­ government raise money to carry on hued with holy rage, in vengeance ions. But ordinary English slang has ject to confirmation of said Court, all the war. 1 upon the ungodly. God calls us to the right, title and interest of said murderous battles, even if worlds passed over our heads. "Side,” “doing Estate in and to the following des- j some one in the eye, ” "fancy ” "jos ­ Colossal Blunders of the Ages. should thereby fall to ruins.” situated in ser” and the rest have not yet reached cribed real property, “ We are the salt of the ------ o----- | us. Courtesy might point to our cul­ Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit: For disenfecting where Contagious or boasted the kaiser, in an addt Germany drove through Belgium, The Northwest quarter of Section tivation of them. But good sense, let Bremen. and so got Great Britain into the war infectious diseases are prevailing. us hope, will keep us to our own 31, Township 2 South, of Range 9, Germany drove to Paris, and so i This ridiculous and violent bombast idiomocracy of Mark Twain’s soul.— West of the Willamette Meridian, ex­ would be cause for world laughter if aroused the French people to the CARBOLIC COMPOUND is a power­ cept the right of way for logging and New York Post. most valorous and effective military its consequences were not so terribly timber purposes, being in connection ful Germicidal mixture and by its use organization in all their valorous and tragic. It shows to what wide depart­ with and appertaining to what is ure from the truth an inordinate con­ The American Sacrifice. heroic history. will improve general stable conditions. known as the Yellow Fir Saw-mill, in Germany leaped at the throat of ceit can carry individuals and nations. Tillamook County, Oregon, and the ------ 0 ------ | It has no foundation in fact. The civilization with its devil weapon the After all American talk about the right to use the pond thereon for mill submarine, and so got America with lamentable truth is that the German sacrifice America is making for the purposes. people are being carried down to a all its resources into the war against Dated Jan. 14, 1918. status of national inferiority by their allies, the figures produced by Mr. I her. Catharine A Long, Hoover respecting American consum ­ Germany drove for Venice, and so overpowering egotism, their gross ma­ Administratrix of the Es- RELIABLE DRUGGISTS. ption of sugar are enough to make I terialism and their craze for militar ­ united the Italian people against her tate of Frank Long, Sr., Americans feel uncomfortable and ism. as they had never been before, and deceased, Tillamook, Ore. Their art is inferior to the art of look hypocritical. The plain facts are caused the allies to form the close co­ that American consumption of sugar France and Italy. Their literature operation that had been their greatest does not measure up to the glory of during a period of distressing short­ Notice of Call of Tillamook City Im­ lack before. age has at best slightly diminished. provement Bonds for Payment. Germany corrupted the Russian English letters. They fall short of Each American consumes over twice Fv America ’ s progress in government court, and so brought on the revolu­ as much sugar as each Englishman Improvement bonds of Tillamook tion that leveled all obstructions to and inventive genius. Take the great modern inventions and almost four times as much as 1 City are hereby called for payment on seeing the central fact that this is a 1 respective interest paying dates war provoked by autocracy, that has that have revolutionized world life in each Frenchman. Surely it is time to their deal more drasticallly with such an­ as follows: the past 150 years. been carried on ruthlessly and un­ omalies—with such overwhelming in- j Nos. 1 and 2 for $500.00 and$3i7.9i scrupulously by the militarism that I 1 he steam engine. dications of a refusal or inability < on dated ____ Feb. 3, >913, payable Feb. 3, Steamboats and railroads. is autocracy's eager slave, and that the part of the American to abandon 1918. The electric telegraph. can only end righteously when auto­ T___ shock L„L of war __ T wasteful _____| Nos. I"__. 3 and under the and „ 5, for $400.00 and $466.34 The sewing machine cracy and militarism arc slain . indulgence of his ordinary desires, dated March 17, 1913, payable March, The telephone 1 he Russian revolution is due to Americans arc the most reckless con- I 17, 1918. Wireless telegraphy. Germany's intrigues in the Russian sumers of candies and sweet drinks in ' Nos. ., I, ., 2, ....J and □, 3, for i.-,™.-«, $500.00, L $500.00 __ - Aerial flight court: and it is Germany's fate that the world, and it is in this class of ' and $66.62, dated April 2, >916, pay­ The automobile. this resulted in narrowing the field I consumption which is least necessary able Feb. 19, 1918. Electric lights ot autocracy to the central empires and has the smallest food value. | Nos. 41 to 56 inclusive of issue dated The phonograph. and concentrated there the hate and ' Something can be done to diminish Oct. 19, 1916, total of bonds called The typewriter. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN distrust of the world. the drain made by candy stores and $1641.59, payable April 19, 1918. Germany has shown cunning, but ■ Animated pictures. THE COUNTY. soda water fountains on the sugar j Interest will cease on the respective The rotary printing press. 110 imagination. i Modern farm machinery. supply by an appeal to voluntary ef ­ interest payment dates above stated. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. It was England's contemptible fort, but the appeal should be backed M. W. Harrison, The gas engine. little army,” but it could not see the City Treasurer. nndions of heroes behind it from the I Not one of these world changing in­ up by a power of coersion with which the food administration is not now British isles and the commonw'ealths ventions came out of Germany. Notice. , Medical science has throttled ty­ possessed, hut which should be grant­ across the sea. — o------ It saw Belgium’s smallness, but it phoid, small pox, yellow fever, diph­ ed to it some time in the near future. could not see the bigness of its soul. theria and rabies, and is now con­ —New Republic. I" the County Court of the State of I Oregon for Tillamook County. it saw France’s weakness, but it quering infantile paralysis. Germany's | In the matter of the guardianship could not see the strength of its spirit. contribution to this splendid benefi­ The Way to Talk and Act. I of Mrs. Inez Vinning, an incompe- It saw America's distance, but it cence has been practically nil. 1 tent person. Take again the realm of exploration could not sec that American ingenu­ Notice is hereby given to all whom ity would bridge it. It saw America’s and discovery. What Germans have If much has been heard of late STUDEBAKER FORD disinterestedness, and mistook it for found new lands or explored unknown about ships and other engines of war it may concern: That the undersigned Harmon Motor Co., Phoenix compliance toward evil. It saw Amer­ continents? Columbus and Cabot dis­ it does not mean that the air program as the guardian of the person and es­ W H. Wallingford, Portland ica’s pacificism, and mistook it for covered America, and before their day has lost any of its supreme import­ tate of Mrs. Inez Vinning, above nam­ "have had minimum amount of “wr know that Zerolene will givn fear. Scandinavian seamen were on the ance for the allies. It is probable a ed, pursuant to and by virtue of an carbonization, and can heartily efficient and satisfactory lubrica­ recommend Zerolene.” tion.” It saw the deadly possibilities of verge of the great revelation. fact that none of America's plans for order and license of sale made and | What nations poured the light into lighting Germans has caused more entered of record in and by the the submarines, but it could not see HUDSON VELIE the tornado of world rage that it the dark places of the globe?? Ital­ uneasiness in that country than the above entitled court on the 8th day H. O. Harrison Co.,San Francisco ians, Frenchmen, Spaniards, Russians, announced determination to build a of January, 1918, of the real property would evoke. Roesch Motor Car Co., Seattle “many owner» of I Judson run um Germany, with all its unscrupulous Portuguese, Englishmen, Scots and conquering air fleet with which to belonging to her situated in Tilla­ "we gladly recommend Zerolene Zerolene. We hear nothing but cunning, and with all its boasted Irishmen were early abroad with vis­ bombard German cities, destroy Ger­ mook County, Oregon, described as for Velie cars and trucks.” praise for it.” efficiency,” has proved itself by this ion and daring.. A Spaniard discover­ man railroad facilities and bring home follows, to-wit: An undivided one-fifth of the East 1 ( Germany exactly what war can be ' war to be the colossal blunderer of ed the Mississippi, a Hollander the to one-half of the South West quarter the ages.—Duluth Herald. Hudson, an American the Columbia, j made to mean. of Section thirty-two (32) T. I S , R. I An American broke the long slumber A British authority on the subject of to W, of the Willamette Meridian; I Knowing What Is Going On. 'and isolation of Japan. An American, aerial warfare has just reminded his 1 Stanley, and two Britons, Speke and countrymen and their allies of the and also all of the South W est quar- ' ter of the South West quarter of ( At a big western state university Livingstone, penetrated the deepest possibilitiesof this method of offense. Section thirty-two (32) T. I S., R. 1» the other day the instructors in the recesses of darkest Africa. Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors He maintains that with thousands of west of the Willamentte Meridian, Although the German people arc airplanes carrying the war into Ger­ department of American history were excepting therefrom that certain two instructed to find out how many of inherently a great people and wonder­ many day and night we shall shatter —because the records of their service departments show that their students had read President fully efficient in many ways, they arc I the two nerve systems on w hich acre tract of land heretofore convey­ Zerolene, correctly refined from ( alitorni.i asphalt - base ed by G. bi. Hodgdon and wife to J. Wilsons message to Congress. Twen­ destroying their own soul and spirit Germany relies, "flic first is the nerve crude, gives perfect lubrication—less wear, H. Riggs and wife, directing, ordering ty-two out of 36.’ had done so. That is with their damnable philosophy and of the men who are directing the war; and licensing me as said guardian to more power, least carbon de* They are their corroding egotism, the second is the railway system, sell said undivided one-fifth interest to say, t> per cent of the group of un- posit. 1 ergraduao s who were actually wrong headed and wrongly directed, which is so necessary for German op­ in said real property for cash in hand .. ing the history of their country Their philosophy is false, their gov- erations. And he is, moreover, of the to the highest and best bidder there­ L)taltri F.veryuht’re and at Our 1 .■ juainted themselves with the eminent medieval. And zo years opinion that the British budding and Service Statami for. in training program, supplemented by ; ■ t imp .riant current document in hence, if the entente allies succeed I will as such guardian on the nth I ¡story. Time was when this their righteous purpose to demolish what aid can be gotten from America 1 day of February, 1918, at the North Standard Oil Company ma- will be sufficient this spring to give ■ >vi meant little. Time was the ruthless Prussian military (( ahiurnia) c door of the County Court House in > r< ding a president's message chine, the German people themselves Germany a worse taste of war than , Tillamook City, Oregon, at the hour will rejoice in their reformation. she has managed to give British cities , of IO o’clock a.m. of said day and date it ■U.’.v.ciually developing Lyitu pool. That time is past, That is the way to talk—and to act. ' , sell at private vendue to the highest Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. In the war airplane the allies have a and best bidder for cash in hand said cri-.* in American history the .nt is the most important. The 1 This is not only one of the best and formidable weapon that may well turn undivided one-fifth interest in said 1:1 is on trial. Her courage is most efficient medicines for coughs, the tide of combat in their favor. real property belonging to said Mrs. t to be given a final test. Her in- , colds and croup, but is also pleasant They can build them more rapidly Inez Vinning. eilig cr.ee is undergoing that test daily I and safe to take, which is important 1 than the enemy, with the immense Dated this Sth day of January, 1918. rr<-s arc not casual months. They i when medicine must be given to I facilities of z\merica at their disposal. George N. Hodgdon, as children. Many mothers have given it ithe- r the •*-- condemnation 2....... eh: or the ¡Nothing that Washington can do to Guardian of the person and , their unqualified endorsement.—For ’speed this part of our war program tsuriection surrection of the world. Wc estate of Mrs. Inez Vin- I arc Sale by Lamar's Drug Store. ning. I should be omitted.—Chicago Herald. Men Serving the Colors. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK URJVIB-SCHRADER co ._ CLOUGH S CARBOLIC COMPOUND C. I. CLOUGH CO flbEX. MeNflIR & CO GENERAL HflRDUlflRE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. “Minimum Carbonization ZEROLENE 7he Standard Oil for Motor Cars STAR GARAGE. TILLAMOOK GARAGE.