TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 24, 1913 WITH THE EDITORS Discuss Questions of Interest to People. Billy 8 Tenpacte Ing wor cuss 1« a plane t Register , The n soldiers ‘lor criti 11 to gigantii both of J livery Event Im pro mail I1 cause: the p) «nerg of O'J thereX muni home home there News O hwì Pierce run th Goveri klo U* pior oi objec aup maint the pi I capes 1 alterni coniti ’ it 18 copie tacci or tn K, inak< anti« Isler The government is again investigat­ ing the price of newspaper. Before it gets through all the little papers will be busted or the war over.—Jefferson Review. ers in the United States according to General Crowder's estimate. I h it calculation supposses that ti-ri ncn in each registration district l av escaped service without being caught. While a faw more than 250,000 of the more than 3,000,000 registered nu n failed to appear when called for examination. General Crowder estimates that 85,- 000 of them have gon into military service without notifying the local board'. There have been 928 1 .ernians of draft age accepted for service in the national army. A total of 14.161 enemy aliens were accepted, the re­ mainder being Austrians and Hungar­ ians. The enemy alien registration was 279,431, of whom 104,672 were called to produce the 14,161 accepted. AH aliens accepted make a total of 76,545,—Telephone Register. I tenant Spindler's concealed money forfeit to the crown. It magnanimous­ ly granted him, however, out of it, a full months pay—26 pournls. The court returned in full to two other of­ ficers of the Libau the money which they had surrendered, as they had truthfully stated the amount they possessed.—Outlook. Our Boys io France. Why Pay More for your Smoking and Chewing Tobacco or Cigars. Good Havana Cigars—5c. Each. SMOKING TOBACCO: (By Charley Gant.) I’m not going to sniff and cry and The term “drive" used so often in say my boy has gone to die upon the 10c. a Can. Prince Albert wai news originated in Missouri, blood stained fields of France—he's 10c. » » when farmer Corntassel remarked to gone to take a fighting chance and do Texedo his neighbor—“Well, what be yeh his bit for that old flag—I’ni betting 10c. > » Velvet - - • drivin’ at ?”—Willamina Times. on that skallawag. I'm not going to 10c. a Package, UnionaLeader - mope and say, they dragged my prec­ 65c. » » Pedro, 16 oz. ious boy away and left my heart all The meat fiends can cheer up, for 60c. broke and seared; cause that there lad » » Dixie Queen, 14 oz. Hoover has decreed that meatless Some of the excuses of the spies 65c. day» with the exception of pork may picked up in this country read like he volunteered. But even if conscript­ » » Gold Shoe, 16 oz. - be suspended in the western states dime novel history—but it seems to ed when the country needed fighting 60c- Petterson Seal, 14 oz. » » until March 13. The order is said to work all right with Uncle Sam, or men, he’d be as good and true and 60c. Union Leader, 16 oz. > » have resulted from the transportation rather his lieutenants who have these brave and though all France should situation, there being ample meat in cases under investigation. The aver­ be his grave, you'll never hear me the west which cannot be transported age German spy is just clever enough once complain—he’s gone to help to sections not so well supplied.—In­ to formulate a pre-arranged program them break the chain which binds the human race to earth—I’m going to dependent. to prove an alibi long before he face the world with mirth and say to 60c. pound. 10c. a Cut. Star commits any acts against this govern­ every passer by, “My boy has not The supreme court has upheld the 60c. ment. This part of his nefarious Cut. a 10c. > 9 Horse Shoe gone there to die,, he went to help draft. Every contention raised against scheme is usually built and barricad­ 60c. - 10c. a Cut. 9 9 the draft has been swept aside. Au­ defend the right—that fellow went to Climax * ed with a great array of systematic thority to enact the statute and to France to fight. 60c. 10c. a Cut. Spear Head 9 » any pos- send forces to fight the enemy when­ network designed to cast off I'm not agoing to hang my head and 5c. a Package. sible suspicion upon the rascals. Tigar ever he may be found, the court held, walk about with solemn tread and lies in the clause of the constitution About the best and easiest way to talk of horror and defeat—I'm going a strong dispose of a spy is to use giving congress the power to declare to save the pork and wheat and all piece of hemp—and this should be war and to raise and support armies. the sugar that 1 can, I’m daddy of a done just the minute he is found .Mid the army cannot be raised with­ fighting man whose not afraid to play guilty of tampering with the govern ­ out men to compose it.—Telephone the rub while dad at home is raising ment’s war program. A few good Register. grub to send out where the trenches stiff lessons along this line would lay—where angry German bullets According to records of the selce- have a tendency to abate this nation­ play. I’m going to do my best to cheer tive service, country boys do not al nuisance and in the meantime dis­ the young men as they volunteer and show much physical superiority over pose of a few undesirables.—Ump­ also those who go by force—they’d those of the cities. For purposes of qua Valley News. better volunteer, of course, but if they Summons. TZ> OBERT H. McGRATH, i 0R. J. G. turner , ------ o------ comparison selection was made of Some things are happening in our waited for the draft, no reason why C ouxsellor - at L aw , cities of 40,000 to 500,000 population, In the Circuit Court of the State of government which get little attention they should be gaffed. Conscription 1 EYE SPECIALIST. and a corresponding set of counties never was disgrace and conscript . Oregon for Tillamook County. due to the engrossment of the war. ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDING, of the same total size, in the physical PORTLAND — OREGON One of these is the passage by the boys will bravely face the foreign foe M. W. Harrison, examination -’8.47 per cent of the city TILL A M (JO K, OR EGON. Plaintiff lower house of congress on Jan to. of upon the field, the Sammy boys will Regular Monthly Visits to boys were rejected, as against 27.96 vs the national suffrage amendment bill never yield; that’s why I’m not ago­ per cent of the country boys.—Seaside ing to cry, our boys have not been Tillamook and Cloverdale. Charles E. Haas, W. F. Wol- providing for the submission of the Signal. same to the states for their ratifica­ sent to die. With nerve of steel and litz and Mary Wollitz his wife WATCH PAPER F or HATES. ------ o------ ! hearts of white, our boys have gone and Roger L. Scott and Jane tion. The vote stood 274 for and 136 A Sherwood citizen lias signed him to France to light. JJAVID ROBINSON, M.D., Scott his wife, Defendants self “A reader" took occasion to put a against. The battle has been half, won, I’m not agoing to hang my head To Charles E. Haas, W. F. Wollitz and it remains to be seen what the black eye 011 his home town in the and mourn and say my boy is dead and Mary Wollitz his wife, and Oregonian last Monday when he re­ senate will do. A recent poll of this and thus discourage those who may PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Roger L. Scott and Jane Scott his body showed suffrage it votes shy of ferred to it as an "incorporated town be called to follow day by day. I ’ m wife, the above named defendants; the required number, , but it is said NATIONAL BUILDING, of 300". Weil bet on three proposi­ In the name of the State of Ore­ i going to shout and laugh and cheer— tions; He cither owns a few cur dogs, that conditions have changed, and it of course my old heart holds him dear gon, you are hereby commanded and TILLAMOOK OREGON. does not own property, or if lie does is known that President Wilson hai s but dearer s’ill 1 hold the right; and required to appear and answer, or in favor ol the i placed his influence it is in such shape he could not ,'Vll. glad J am lie’s gone to light. W hile T. Bui a a The party took that method of belit- bill. When the last vote was taken on my lad fights beyond the foam , I'm otherwise plead, to the complaint fil­ tling the town because the council the amendment in 1914, it was beaten going to fight the foe at home, the ed against you in the above entitled ’ ATTORN EY-AT LAW. in the senate with 35 for, 34 against suit on or before six weeks from the last Friday night amended the dog treacherous, traitorous, foreign spy; date of the first publication of this Complete Set of Abstract. Boeks in and 26 not voting, Should this bill tax from $1 and $3 to $5 and $10— Office. pass the senate, which is probable, it the slothful slacking cowards who try Summons, and if you fail to appear Sherwood News. will add one more star to the already to keep our boys from marching out and answer as aforesaid plaintiff will Taxes Paid for Non Residente. crowded galaxy of constellations to put the tyrant foe to route, If 1 apply to the Court for the relief T illamook B lock , "Buddeized milk” is the latest lac­ whose brilliance has burst upon the shed tears, my tears must be for prayed for in the complaint, to-wit: Tillamook .... Oregon teal product. It is milk that has un­ present administration.—Telephone babes who perish in the sea, for For a decree and judgment against Both Phones. dergone a certain treatment which Register. mothers who were slain unseen, the you for the sum of $500.00 with in­ will keep it for 21 days without spoil­ victims of the submarine. For these, terest from the 20th day of Jan. 1917, T ELAND E ERWIN ing. Dr. John Robertson, of Chicago, I may shed loving tears, but for the at 6 per cent per annum; for the fur­ health commissioner, says that this Word of Praise for the Governor. boys who fight, three cheers. ther sum of $100.00 attorney’s fees ----- o PIANO INSTRUCTION, preserved product is called "buddeiz­ I’m going to laugh and talk and Diploma from Chicago Musical The Salem S atesman has this to plead and work and strive with act and the costs and disbursements of ed milk" and is treated to a one per and Governor and deed; I'll sing and dance and this suit; and for a further decree College.—Beginners receive the same cent solution of peroxide and then say about Oregon foreclosing plaintiff’s mortgage dated Whitycombc: heated 120 degrees Fahrenheit. It is careful training as the most advanced. brag and blow to get our noble sons The state of Oregon enjoys an en­ to go and crush the kaiser's iron hand July 27th, 1914, executed by the de­ argued that milk thusly treated would Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ fendant Charles E. Haas, covering all permit wholesale buying by the house viable standing among the states of — I’d ever craw’l before the band and tion. wife, and also prevent possibility of the Union on account of its splendid shout my blessings to the ranks that of the following described real prop­ All lessons given at Studio. milk famine. No one locally appears to I record in every movement of patriot­ march to Belgium's riven flanks to erty, to-wit: Beginning at the South- County Representative for the west corner of Section 30; thence know anything about this process to ic duty that has been inaugurated for heal her wounds and make her whole Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high 1 the support of our government in the —Yes, God above, I’d pon my soul South 310.74 feet; thence East 373.74 grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos keep milk.—News Reporter. Here is a message to feet; thence North 310.74 feet; thence [ successful prosecution of its most to see these countrymen suffering women, from of mine West 30 feet; thence North 277.2 etc. Mrs. Kathryn Edwards, The effort of the United States to worthy war aims, for the cncourage- inarch tip and down the river Rhine. of R. F. D.4, Washington feed its allies are not wholly confined I iiicnt, protection and comfort of those I've sent my boy wholehearted, free j feet; thence West 143 feet; thence Court House, Ohio. “I to our own soil. The food administra­ ( who have placed their lives upon the to fight for human liberty. Though South 83.96 feet; thence West 168.75 am glad to tell, and have tion is shipping 1500 farm tracto: to I altar of sacrifice of their country’s days and weeks and months and years •feet; thence South 193.24 feet to the told many women, what PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. France, and these machines are ex- defense, for the conservation of re- shall claim him, there shall be no place of beginning, containing 4.52 1 suffered before 1 knew pectcd to he of immense service to I sources and for such unselfish denials tears; no sighs and signs of weaken­ acres more or less, all in Sections 30 Bay City .... Oregon of Cardui and the great the French in their efforts to feed j as the ruling forces of the nation ing cause, there’ll be no veil of weep­ and 31, Township I South, Range 9 benefit to be derived rrom this remedy. A few themselves and at the same time arc have deemed necessary to the ends ing gausc to dim the glow of Free­ West W. M. Said mortgage being years ago 1 became prac­ expected to relieve the strain oil Al­ I and purposes of the nation's participa- dom's light, my boy has gone to recorded in Book “Y”, page 616 JOHN LELAND HENDERSON tically helpless. the international conflict. France to fight, to help subdue that record of mortgages for Tillamook lied tonnage by aiding in the produc- ' tion in ATTORNEY County, Oregon, and for a decree or ­ lion oi more food on the other side. Every citizen of this state must feel tyrant Knaves who long to make a dering said property sold in the man­ AND thus decreasing the amount of food I proud of what Oregon has done in world of slaves. supplies that must be shipped from, answer to every call—to the Red Come forward lads, its just and ner provided by law to satisfy said COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW America. Five bundled of the tractors Cross, to the voluntary enlistment of right, its human hearts for which we judgment, and that you and each of T illamook B lock , arc already oil the way, and the entire ' its fighting forces, to the Liberty fight. Its ravished Belgium in her you be forever barred and foreclosed - - • Oiegon number is expected to be in France I Bond subscriptions, to the Y. M. C. chains; its blood of innocence which of and from any and all right, title, Tillamook - ROOM NO. ' by March, in time for the spring I A., and to every form of appeal that stains the heartless kaiser's iron hand claim or interest in and to said prop­ calls for generous response and sac- behold the field of fertile land, w here erty. plowing.—Oregon Register. This summons is served upon you QARL haberlach ------ o------ rificc, ami in that pride let us not wheat once grew but crosses arc: “I was very weak,” Innumerable articles and many forget to place a large share of the Come forward lads from near and far by publication by order of A. M. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Mrs. Edwards goes on books have been written to define credit where it belongs for the con- and join the army of the just and slay Hare, County Judge : of Tillamook to say, “and could not "Germanism" and show to the world dition of the public mind and con- the tyrant lord of lust. The tears 1 County, Oregon, in the absence of T illamook B eock stoop without suffering what it means. In his message to science which made such acliieve- have are tears for those who under­ Geo. R. Bagley, Circuit Judge, made great pain . . . Nothing Congre" recently President Wilson mints possible. It is but justice to sav neath the waves repose and tears for and entered the 9th day of January, Tillamook seemea to help me until Ore go ti defines it as follows: " I bis intolerable that the fine precept and example of Belgian mothers slain—but prayers 1918, directing such publication be 1 heard of Cardui and be­ gan the use of it... 1 lliing of which the masters of Ger- our patriotic Governor, James and tears arc all in vain. Let's laugh made in the Tillamook Headlight once w EBSTER HOLMES, gradually gained my mam hav< >how n us the ugly face, \\ ithyconibe, exhibited and expressed while with a sprightly tread across a week for six consecutive weeks, and strength ... I am now this menace ol combined intrigue and earnestly and vigorously on all occa­ the field which blood made red, our the date of. the first publication is the A TT( )RN E Y- AT-LA W able to do all my work.” force which we now sec so clearly as sions, have been most powerful boys arc marching true and brave to 10th day of January 1918. COM M ERG IA L HUI I.DING, If you need a tonic take the German power, a lliing without agencies in spurring and encouraging slay a Nero, bind a knave and break Geo. P. Winslow, Cardui. It is for w omen. FIRST STREET, conscience or honor or capacity for our people to do the very best that is a heartless tyrant’s might—Our boys It acts gently and reliably Attorney for Plaintiff. Tl LLAMOOK, . OREGON and will probably help covenented peace. 1 hi' lliing must in them, and it is also safe to say that have gone to France to Fight. Post Office Address, Tillamook, Orc. you as it helped this lady. be crushed, and if not truly brought no person in the State is prouder of 0R. L. L. HOY, to an cn I, at least shut out from the the record made than he is. All Druggists The Powdered Milk Industry. friendly intercourse of nation', and it ebi 2 ALL WRONG. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON i' only when this l liing and its power German Standards of Probity. arc indeed defeated that the time can One of the greatest conservation The Mistake is made by Many Tilla­ T illamook B lock , come when we can discuss peace with factories in the dairy industry is mook Citizens. A curious sidelight on German stan­ found in the manufacture of powder­ the German people."—News limes. Tillamook, Oregon. dards ot probicty is found in a report ed milk by processes which began to Look for the cause of backache. John D. Rockefeller is reputed to he ol the case of Lieutenant Spindler, come into wide use about 15 years To be cured you must know the ic world's richest man. Man) mean who commanded the German ship ago. The last available census figures things have been said how he ground Lilian, which landed Casement in lor ¡914 give the total production of cause. attorney - at - law . If it’s weak kidneys ■none) from the blood of men—and I' eland and was captured. Spindler powdered milk as 20,000,000 pounds a /zMôRE THAN DTK \ ou must set the kidnevs w orking Office; opposite C ourt H ouse , are still being said of him. You hear cave up | crowns when taken prison year in the United States, of which right. jœr raity’ more about that fiotn those who tear er, saving it was all he had. When New York state made almost half, A resident of McMinnville shows Tillamook ■ Oregon. tluir haii and howl against wealth his captor asked, "On your honor?” with Wisconsin second, and Michigan you how. _____ deys n\ust t mou than anything else. But Roke- Spindler replied, "No, no more.' \ third. Nine pounds of milk pondered Frank Grant. 4S2 Lafayette Ave., T. BOAI.S, M.D., fcllcr is also spending his money—by seal ch revealed 21 5 pound notes con­ represent 100 pounds of milk, and all McMinnville, Ore., says: “Doan’s by tlu million, too \ .small press dis­ cealed in his clothing. I he attorney forms of milk, such a» whole milk, Kidney Fills are the only medicine UH utork PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. patch a few da»« apo stated that lie general asked him: "Do you think in skim milk, buttermilk and cream, are that docs me any good whenever my back feels lame and stiff. Heave lift ­ l ad just sent a check for$5,500.000 to the circumstances you were entitled now dried successfully, a« Will a« Surgeon S. P. Co. tlu Rockefeller Emulation "to meet to give an untruthful answer'" Lieu­ modified milk for infants’ food. Dried I ing ami exposure gets niv kidncv> out of fix once in a while. I can ha rd1-- (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) I the ever increasing demands for its tenant Spindler replied: "There may milk products .ire in such demand lift anything, and when I get r: illamook . various forms of war work.'' etc. lawn be different points of view -the point that this country has never had a sur­ is difficult • - Oregon -2-L for — me to straight« De< is verily giving his money away oi view on an F.ngli-h officer and the plus lor export. They are used in bak­ I Xfter I have taken Doin'« 1 i bj the millions, and for useful and point of view on a German officer.” ing ice cream, candy and other pro­ I Pills for a few days, my Cat fall in shoulder. chiSt 1 E- reedy . D.V M., beneficial purpose«. W ould you do as volume' could speak no more. ducts, as well as by families, and offer strong aj ever.” o « Price fine., at all <1 rs, T I lie generosit) with which Eng­ a method by which a great surplus t well had you had his wealth.—Item-, and arms-comlcrtor veterinary . izer. lishmen treat unprincipled enemies is in a perishable food staple may be simply ask for a kb' 1. v r rm y— get Doan's Kidney i '!•- «ame indicated In the decision in the above turned into imperishable form and Both Phones. as Mr. Grant us I: urn l In 11 arc titty thousand real slack- case. The prize court adjudged Lieu held lor market. Co., Props, Buffalo. .' . Y. GUARANTEED ------ Tillamook |. CHEWING TOBACCO: Buy your Tobacco from us and save Money. Have Your tain . Yai 2- «Ut House Wiring Done by Goajst poWefCo. DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES. w.c HA'VK TAKE The Woman’s Tonic REFLEX SLICKER Oregon.