TILLAMOOK, OREGON, JANUARY 24. 1918. Tillamook Jottings. w. A. Wise, dentist Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Co. • Clough * Lamb-Schrader Co. will pay ioc . each for good sacks. * Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, Cloverdale, Ore. * Kuppenbender sell: feed for less. Call at the warehouse. * Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ ware.—R. W. Bennett. * R. W. Bennett, expert watch re­ pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. * Announcing the new Grant Six, the best ever. S :e Kuppenbcndcr. * Let Kuppenbcnder tell you hew to save money on ycur cement work. * Will pay you to see Everson ror a sate investment in city property or I farm lands. * I Sec Kuppenbender about the Grant Six automobile, the snappiest car on the road. * Homer Mason has sold his grocery business to the Dawson Bros., who will occupy the store. W. H. Hoskins and wife left last week for southern Oregon and are now visiting with their sons. I Reliable girl wants housework. Ex­ perienced. References. Answer to ¡Tillamook Headlight. • Born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward ¡Adolph Blackmore, of Mohler, on Jan. 119th, a son. The Fairview Farmers’ Union will meet on the 29th of January, at one o'clock, at Fairview. 1 A. F. Coats , of .he A. F. Coats Lumber Co., was in this week on business connected with the saw mill. , A heavy team, harness and wagon Ifor ale. Apply O. Myers, East 7th, Street, Tillamook. Oregon. ♦ Those who wish to see Dr. Wise will please bear in mind that he will return about the 1st of March. * Train service was resumed Saturday and on Sunday all the delayed mail arrived in the city. The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay 10c for al) to pound lard pails and 5c. for 5 pound pails. They must bt. free from rust. Bring them in at once and get your money. s Demand that your contractor use Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni­ form and has exceptional fast setting qualities which is preferred. For sale at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * Get your farm implements, gas en­ gines, silos and cutters from Kuppen­ bender. We guaiantee all of our goods. * Services will be held in the~Pres- byterian church on Sunday at 11 a.m. by the Rev. Theo. P. Smith, of Ells­ worth, Wash. All are cordially invited to attend. Fairfiew Birthday Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Seifer, Jan. 29th., assisted by Mrs. Robert Stillwell and Mrs. Arthur Mapes. Please return the library books. A. H. Harris and daughter Fay re­ turned from Portland on Monday, where Mr. Harris was making ar­ rangements for Saxon automobiles for his agency here. M. D. Ackley has bought one acre of land south of the Editor’s residence and will move his house, which he will build over making it a modern mungalow. Don’t forget those busted castings. Can be welded for half. Goods sent by parcel post and express promptly returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, Oregon. • Mrs. Emmett Bales gave a 500 party to a number of lady frineds on Tuesday afternoon, when a very pleasant time was spent, the hostess serving a dainty lunch. The honors fell to Miss Marie Tinnerstet. Tillamook Red Cross was benefiited to the amount of $42.00 as a result of the performance at the Gem Theatre on Monday, when Messrs. Partridge and Morrison very generously gave half the proceeds of the evening to the local Red Cross. Lost—Pocket' book containing $75 in gold two dimes wrapped in paper and some silver, between Tillamook County Bank and court house. Finder please leave same at the Tillamook County Bank. Will pay a suitable re­ ward. W hy not be insured in the best fire insurance company, it costs no more. See Everson. * Mrs. E. S. Wiseman left Tuesday Found a fountain pen, owner can morning for Hammond, La., where ccover same by calling at Dawson she will join Mr. Wiseman. Mrs. Wiseman has spent the last year in 1 os’ store. Tillamook with her daughter, Mrs. The cleaners and tailors of Tilla- R. S. Johns, having improved greatly 1100k, aftet Feb. 1st, will cliai ge $2.00 in health while here. . suit and up on all French dr. clean- Married at the Methodist parsonage, ig- Wednesday morning, at 9 o’clock, For Sale—New modern rest lence, icated in best residence district For Mr. Walter J. Mead and Miss Alona ale at a bargain. See Frank Heya. * C. Wright, both of Nehalem, Ore. Mr. Mead is one of the presperous Dr. \\ ise will return from his business men of his home town. Chas. alitornia trip about March 1, to re­ E. Gibson D. D. officiating. line his work in Tillamook county.* Grant Mills has left for Mexico and For sale, 14 head of hogs, also some several persons from this county ex­ young pigs. Inquire of W. W. Cason, pect to accompany him, but they Blaine, Oregon. could not obtain passports. Mr. Mil’s Robert McKillip, brother of C. will be joined by others at Los Ange­ McKillip, of Hebo, was in from Klick­ les. before leaving California for itat county, Wash., rnd left for his Mexico. home on Wednesday. About two dozen men are in the Roy Main vs. Howard Brooks is a county looking over the spruce tim­ suit filed in the circuit court to re­ ber, headed by Twohy Bros., railroad cover money for labor performed by builders of. Portland. It is reported plaintiff. if sufficient spruce is found in the Get your big book on uses cf ce­ Whitney’s Co.’s timber six miles ment in modern sanitary farming. Nc south of the city, a railroad will be farmer should be without it. It is built into it at once. free. Sec Kuppenbender. * One name was omitted from the John Theilcr vs. L. E. Gctchell ar.d board of directors of the Tillamook Marie Getchcli is a suit filed in the County Bank last week. The board is circuit court to recover $150.00 and now composed of M. W. Harrison, H. T. Botts, D. Fitzpatrick, Thad $185.00 on two promissory notes. Robison, Chas. Kunze, T. W. Lyster, Lost, Amethyst ear ring, set in James Williams, C. A. McGhee and silver, with Rhine stones. Finder Wm. Maxwell. kindly leave at this office and receive Donald L. Schofield vs. Ethel Scho­ reward. * field is another divorce suit filed in Mrs. R. W. Holland and daughter the circuit court. These parties were Dorothy, of Eugene, arrived in the married on the 23rd of December, city last Friday for a few weeks visit 1916, at Bay City, in this county, and with relatives and friends here. on the I9»li of January, 19'7, defend­ F D. Hull left on Sunday for Buhl, ant wilfully abandoned the plaintiff Idaho where he will look over a and since that date has failed to live bustin s. .ituation there with the pros­ with him as his wife. pect of locating there. Now is the time to look after your The city council sold the sewer and cows. Prevent and control aboition paviuent bonds, amounting to $129,- in your herds. Get a jug of B. K. to­ 000 at par to Abe Tichner, of Port­ day. It is absolutely guaranteed for land. what it will do for you. No work no pay. Bulletin No. 52, prevention and Ih 1 ivde Clements home for rent, control contagious aboition. Bulletin, furnished or unfurnished, to family "ith u; small children. Enquire at No. 136, calf scours. Save the calf. See Kuppenbender. Haltont's Store. A. C. Everson went to Portland on Want to rent a dairy farm with 20 tow< ,.r more on shares. Address or Friday to attend the convention of tall at the Headlight office. 2* realty men. Having rubbed up against the live wires in that organization, For Sale— 22 Shoals and three Mr. Everson returned on Tuesday Brood >ows; j cows and one three full of vim, enthuasiasm and boosting Jiar old horse.—Apply to Ike Quick, ideas. He visited Vancouver and rillamuok. Orc-. Mutual Phone. 2* Astoria while outside as well as the plants in different t \ Dunn who was assistant state ship building Ingin 11 and had charge of the state places. r> "I work in this county, will, we un- The body of William Woods was L'sta-!. be given another position. brought from Walla \\ alia, W ash., Money to man on farm lands, from and buried here on Monday, the Odd­ D'.'O v,| Good terms. Reasonable rate fellows having charge of the funeral. Jf interest. We want your business. He was a former resident of Bay City ■*e Everson. * and was bom in i«53- Two brothers ■ In i' ’ - rnnty with the rule formed from Walla Walla accompanied t..e ■Isewin , all wood orders must bi remains to Tillamook. He was a mem­ ^cconq aii4 by payment in advance. ber of the Oddfellows and W. O. W. F. Coats Lumber Co. * lodges. 1 he high school debate between 1 ¡1 lam00k and Beaverton which was scheduled for last Friday but had to be postponed on account of no train serv.ee will take place tomorrow (Friday) evening at the high school building, the question to be debated is "Government Ownershop of Rail- Roads” Charles Lamb and Miss Margaret LaFollett will represent Tillamook. DISTRICT ATTORNEY SUED. For Destroying Cider, Plaintiff Claiming >2,425.00 Damages. some very good advice in regard to the work of the association. i President Kunze asked the question “Why are you interested in Holstein cattle in particular over other breeds? This question brought forward a | ready response from a number of the ' members, especially B. A. Folks, J. J. Rupp, Ben Kuppenbender, Chas, springer, Rollie Watson and others. 1 he whole afternoon was put in to good purpose. The following officers were elected for 1918: Chas. Kunze, Pres.; B. A. Folks, Vice-Pres.; John Ebinger, Director; Rollie Watson, Sec-Tres. »1.50 PER YEAR. ella,” “A Child of the Wild,” A Small Town Girl” and “Patsy.” "Miss L. S. A.”, a stirring military photo-drama, Miss Caprice’s most recent photoplay will be seen at the Gem Theatre next Thursday. I Claude Meineckc and Phillip S. Sea- brook, doing business under the name M.E. Church |Notes. anu style oi Meinecke & Seabrook vs. 1. H. ijoync, is a suit filed in the cir­ ----- o ■■■ ■ cuit court growing cut of a seizure Chas. E. Gibson, D. D., Pastor, anu uestruction 01 cider. The com­ Preaching n a.111. and 7:30 p.m. C. M. Thoma;, who was the assis­ plaint alleges that th.- plaintiffs were Sunday School at 10 o’clock a.m. tant engineer when the P. R. & N. engaged in the manufacture and sale Prayer meeting every Wednesday was being constructed, is back in Til­ evening. 01 sweet apple cider and apple cider lamook, and will have charge of the vinegar, their place of business being Subject for the morning _ service ___ ____ will State Highway road work in this be "lhe Material Side of Religion.” county. Mrs. Thomas will come in Willamina, Oregon, and that on or about tne 16th oi October, 1917, the Subject for the evening will be “My Last List oi Questionnaires. next week. They were quite popular Place in the Kingdom of God.” plaintiffs were the owners ol anu en­ when residing here. Mr. Thomas in­ titled to the possession of a certain First. We want to help make Tillamook a forms us that there is not much doubt amount of sweet apple cider, viz., 210 better city. How may we best co­ 520— E. S. Taylor that the State Highway Commission operate with you? Come and hear 724—Jess Wright would build the additional 15 miles of gallons and caused the same to be how you may cooperate with us. If shipped to Tillamook. The cider was 497 — Joseph West hard surfaced road if Tillamook you are not a regular attendant else­ consigned to Claude Meinecke at 5°3—L. B. Erwin • county would bond. where you are invited to worship Tillamook, It reached its place of des­ 642—H. Renell with us. The Tillamook County Teachers’ tination on the 17th of October, 1917, 168—L. A. Cooper association will meet at the high where it was placed in a warehouse 686—T. B. Higginbotham school in this city next Saturday at of the railroad company that convey­ Red Cross News Notes. 500—Clayton S. Patterson 10:30 o’clock. The committee has pre­ ed it, and the defendant wilfully and 509— E. H. Cross pared a good program, and Mr. Sey­ lawfully seized, took possession of Fourth One hundred and thirty-two ladies mour, of the O. A. C., will be present. and converted the same to his own w orked in the Red Cross headquarters 364—B. E. Randall It is the desire of County School use and destroyed the same by pour­ last week and the shipment of finish­ 703—J. R. Thompson Superintendent G. B. Lamb to or- ing same out and causing it to run in ed articles will be ready for shipment 720—L. H. Krake ganize the Industrial Club work of the streets of Tillamook. That at all at the close of this week’s work if 722— E. Seaman the county on a sound basis at this times plaintiffs were the owners of every lady who can will come to the 630—L. L. Kellow meeting, hence it is important that t.ie cider and entitled to the full pos­ help of their officers. 632—E. M. Clark every teacher who possibly can will session, the value of which was $73.50. ------o------ 714—W. H. Merritt be present. The secretary has completed the file Because of this wrongful act of the 707— P. C. Meyer of the membership drive. The amount O. E. Guls