PICTURES the SPOT—Every Shot u DAWN, ” Is the Next Goldwyn Attraction at the GEM Theatre, TUESDAY NIGHT, January 29tli Featuring JANE COWL A Feature De Luxe Production. Dist. No. 17— Louise Himes, Henry NEW I.O.O.F. LODGE INITIATED John W. Longer, Secretary Himes. W. F. J olliffe AT WHEELER. Dist. No. 19.—Hallie Gould, Viola R. H. Cady Pupils of County Schools Who i Wilson, Mabie Dunn, Erwin Gaines, A. L. McCarty Did Their “Bit” to Gain Honor. 1 Mabie Wilson, Edna White. Harry Renile, Treasurer Dist. No. 20.—Theodore Huffman, Over Two Hundred Oddfellows C. P. Briggs, R. S. N. G. Join in the Work and Have District No. 1—Merrill Maxwell, 1 Wilbur Osborne. Harry H. Johnson \ erne Elfstrom, Winfield Tinnerstet, H. E. Craig Dst, No. 23—Hazel Childers, Mary Big Fraternal Time. omai, Lloyd Hughey. Anna I Ettzler, Alice Hanenkrat, Joseph C. E. Easom Omer F. Huguenin Anderson, Roy Elfstrom, Jack Neil- Baumgartner, Walter Earl, John Enz­ What will no doubt prove to be the C. F. Johnson ,on Rosa Schild, Rosa Mayer, Ina ler, Guy French, Roy Hanenkrat, “livest” Odd Fellows lodge in Tilla­ Chas. Adams A kr-on, Lily Schild, Albert Mayer, Leonard Wallace, Johanna Landolt. Fred Morgan Douglas Leach, Charles Thomas, Dist. No. 24—Lucy Daniel, Lois mook County was organized at Dr. H. E. Rinehart Mabie Anderson, Billy Johnson Daniel, Alice Daniel,, Helen Daniel, Wheeler, the thriving and prosperous Charley Victor Berglund Maxwell, Walter Severance, Roy Daniel, Muriel Willford, Mildred metropolis of the north end on last Thursday night, January 17th. Ray V. Thompson Elmer Elfstrom, Schuyler Fletcher, Willford. Never before in the history of the Jesse O. Jones Millard Johnson, Oren Leach, Hen­ Dist. No. 26—George Armentrout, Wm. Huguenin rietta Jenkins, Edith Fletcher, Ruby Margaret Armentrout, Benjamin county has such a successful and fra­ ternal gathering predominated, All Thus. Leabo Anderson, Pearl Hughy, Lolito John- Shultson, Lloyd Wilson, Ray Goldsmith Dist. No. 27—Edd Doering, Lillie of the greater and lesser lights of son. Albert S. Easom Dist. No. 7—lva Wells, Charles Doering, Gertie Doering, Jean Gould Odd Fellowship were here gathered, Maxim Huguenin Wells, Annabelle Lane, Adelbert Ruth Gould, George McDonald, Char from the tyro who is on his way, to I. H. Deacon lotte Measor, Harold Mcasor, Gladys the Past Grands, Past Chiefs and Lane. , , _ Masters of the intricate workings of J. N. Rasmussen Dist. No. 8— Wlma Dingess, Lan- Chappelle, Albert Slakis. Lars Snorsvold ccL t Swaitz, Willie McClay, Bessie Dist. No. 31.—Jennie McClew, Haz­ the order. The preliminary work of organiza- Wm. E. May Fi-hcr, Meltha Dingess, Lynn Smith, el Kabkee, Cecil Wilkins, Margery lion having been perfected by Deputy J. T. Beauchamp K,„ma Fisher, Ralph Davidson, Veda Prime, Loycel Jolly, Lynn Hayes, W. G. Hiatt S i ith, Noah Richards, Francis Me- Herbert Miller, Marie Flagg, Anna District Grand Master, S. A. Brod­ H. F. Effenberger Eneny, Thelma Ayer, Harold Ayer, McClcw, Myrtle Sandberg, Dottie head during the day, all that remained U. S. Grant Lyle Dingess, Buetta Fisher, Allen Sanders, Wayne Todhunter, Thelma to be done during the night session C. F. Henner t, Jack Shoemaker, Jean Wilson Ware, Helen Bair, Wendell Prime, was the initiation of the large class C. A. Dettbarn Dist. No. 9—First Grade—Margaret Catherine Proovost, Naomi Simmons, by the various degree teams and the N. P. Alley Abraham, Ruth Beals, Lcta Bush, Orin Hess, Helen Jordan, Cora Pike, installation of the appointed officers Emery E. Wagner Mamie Dye, Janette Golden, Arlene Donald Provoost,, Lee Sanders, Rich­ to complete the organization of the Frank A. Rowe tones, Wilma Mason, Frances Smith, ard Hayes,, Wayne Wilkins, Alyn “baby lodge” of Oregon and of Tilla­ C. O. Dixon Catherine Schultz, Clara Vaver, \ era Warren, Edwin Bair, Richard Romain mook County, which is strated out a Ward Mayer \\ agy, Zelma W agy, Sadie W ickliam, Evelyn Provoost, Ludwig Krugan, very husky infant. The special train front Tillamook Andrew Stani Geoige Brown Elmer Gilliam, Floyd Jane Prime, Melcher Duncan, Eliza­ E. A. Dixon Rosenberg, Lloyd Smith, Ernest beth Hess, Delma Schiffmann, Edwin carried the Cloverdale, Beaver, Tilla­ Fred Seeley Wickham, Virgil Bocher. Krugan, Fay Jolly, Alma Kerr, Wil­ mook and Bay City brothers to their Francis M. Nary Second Grade—Arline Austin, Hen­ liam Springer, Roy Hayes, Robert destination arriving in time to open Albert C. Bisbee ry Be.key, Mason Hancnkratt, Glen Mobry, Theron Janies, Eugene Pro­ ladge promptly at 7 3° in the hall of A. E. Ferguson Rosenberg, Dorothy Kirk, Harold voost, F.lva Sanders, Stanley Wilkins, the Union cannery where fine quart­ ers had been previously arranged. Chas. R. Vosburg, Margaret McKinley, Bessie Thomas Stubblefield, George Kerr. After all brothers had quieted down W. P. Walker Baker, Bertha Baker, Maxine Baker, Dist. No. 32—Floyd Booth. O. E. Brook Robert Boals, Norman Burdick, Don- District No. 38—Jack Driscoll, the opening ceremonies were dis­ Aaron Lane ail Crenshaw, Oral Duvall, Jesse Dye, William Olson, Kate Shaw, Asbury patched and the various degree teams got down to business. D. O. Worthington Carolyn Haberlach, Robert Robison, Shaw, William Driscoll, Bessie Thom­ Pacific Lodge, No. 105, of Bay City, Alfred Lindblom Pangborn, David Schnal, Carrol as, Dorothy Vaughn, Nina Kodad, V. Goodrich Schultz, Evangeline Smith, Wayne Gladys Kodad, Erma Vaughn, Marie Past Grand D. A. Simmons presiding, exemplified the work of the inititory Wells B. Chalkcr Wiley, Alvera True, Mildred Berkey, Stubblefield, Harriett Hellebuvck, W. V. Lindley Darrel King, Kenneth Cole. Roy Shaw, William Vaughn, Delia degree. Joseph S. Walker Tillamook Lodge, No. 94 1 “st Fourth Grade—Vern Christensen, Vaughn, Warren Goodspeed, Leon Marion Lamb, Elizabeth Clements, Shaw, Bert Goodspeed, Harold Hou- Grand Dolph Tinnerstet presided and Louise Handley, Liona Holden, Jua- gen, Dora O'Brien, Elizabeth Vaughn, exemplified the work of the first The following brothers registered ncta Thompson. Isabel! Woods, Hen­ Willie Goodspeed, Vcrgie Shaw, degree. their attendance from the various Mt. Hebo Lodge, No. 221, of Beaver ry Crenshaw,« Earl Schwartz, Wade Gladys Neilson. Past Grand R. O. Richards presided lodges of the county:— Jenkins, Lloyd Johnson, Gilbert Pye, Dist. No. 49—Martin Becker, Ber­ Flvon Smith. Ralph Vaver, Lewis tha Zirr, George Becker, Lizzie Ab­ over the work of the 2nd degree. Tollamook No. 94, Tillamook City Tillamook Lodge No. 94. Past Webb, Lavelle Baker, Hazel Duvall, planalp, Rosie Abplanalp, Margaret S. A. Brodhead Grand, John Aschim presided over Emma Gillam, Alma Heusser, Corin­ Becker, Ferdinand Becker, George H. Crenshow the work of the third degree. ne Jenkins, Nevelie Smith, lone Tal- Zirr, Werner Abplanalp, Agnes Birr. John Aschim Space forbids going into detail in cott, Alameda True, Muriel Wiley, Dist. No. 50—Reata Kinnanian, regard to the degree work of the Dr. David Robinson lva Wilson, Hazeldean Fulton. Robert Nicklaus. Sollie Smith _ _ ...., various teams; every brother was ace Fifth Grade—Leonard Bales Ella Dist. No. 51—Gladys Curl, Earl J. W. Maddux high with words of praise in the able Blalock, Alta Carr, Dorothy Dennis, Stults, Gusse Holgate. D. R. Tinnerstet manner that the work was put on. Isedor Erickson, Ruth Erskine, Merle Dist. No. 56—Isham Bradley. Oscar Myers A recess of about an hour was call ­ Frisbie, Wanda Haltom, Mabie Har­ Dist. No. 57.—Carl Geinger, Donald ed after the first two degrees for Claude 1. Myers. rison, Lucile Leverich, Aldah Mills, Tone, Lenhart Geinger, Dennis Tone, R. A. Leonard refreshments which were served by Mary Pangborn, Ralph Smith, Cliff­ Mabie Klinchan, Ernest Geinger, Nel­ Geo. Chaffee ord Ullmann, Roletta Watson, Min­ son Paul, Agnes Hunter, John Gien- the sister Rebekahs, when a rousing J. J. Powell ette W ickliam, Florence Willett, Karl ger, Pauline Gienger, Gladys Kline- cheer of good fellowship was extend­ Frank W. Merrick ed to them which brought forth a Wolf, Anna Morgan. han, James Tone, Marie Gienger. A. Velsch general hearty response. Sixth Grade—W illie Brown, Illa Dist. No. 61—Arthur Krebs, Oscar J. M. Selby The following officers were install ­ 1 "avidson, Ernest Dodge, Ramona Krebs, Erna Krebs, Florence Krebs, Chas. Kunze Haltom, Bennie Howell, Nathan Helen Krebs, Freddie Krebs, Frieda ed for the term, Dist. Deputy Master D. Curtis S. A. Brodhead officiating and Past K - ilman, Kathryn Kirk, Mary La­ Graves. Joe Rutgers Grand Brother Dolph Tinnerstet as mar. Pauline Lamar, Carl Leach, Clarence Wagy Grand Marshal: Marion Robison, Inez Schwarz, Lor- Willard Broughton Astounding Report for Tillamook. N. G., John F. Lucy; V. G. Chester ■mie ¡vine, Hugh Gale, Ora Gillock, D. E. Robinson O. Dixon; Secretary, J. W. Fonger; The wife of a merchant had stomach Oscar Hanenkratt, Chester Hopkins, F. W. Mathews Treasurer, Harry Rentle; Warden, trouble so bad she could cat nothing 1 nr a Watson, Lucia Wiley, Dorris Tlios. Coates Woolf, Goldie Stephenson, William but toast, fruit and hot water. Every­ W F. Joliffe; Conductor, A. L. Mc­ Jeff Harris Carty; Chaplain, E. O. Dixon; R. S. McKinley. thing else would sour or ferment. N. G„ C. P. Briggs; L. S. N. G., H. H. B. W. Neilson J*« » .nth Grade—Bernice Clark, In- One spoonful buckthorn bark, glycer­ Johnson; R. S. S; R. H. Cady; L. S. S. R. N. Henkle gvc Erickson, Ruth Heitman. Jesse ine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka ben­ Emery E. Wagner; R. S. V. G., Ward D. Billings ■s Edna Small, Lillian Groat efited her instantly. Because Adler-i- L. Mayer; L. S. V. G., Frank A. Rowe Ira G. Lance Cordelia . Eliot Henderson, A. T. Dolan O. G., John T. Beauchamp; I. G., W. i - S lici.. Albert. Bernice Stone. ka flushes the entire elementary tract W. A. Church T. Hiatt. it relieves any case constipation, sour ' I pltina, Leona R. L. Shreve Wheeler Lodge, No. 240, starts out ' '. km-, May me Jacob, Theodore stomach or gas and prevents appen­ with 57 working members and bright J. L. Steinbach dicitis. It has quickest action of any­ Jacob, Evelyn Frecberg. E. U. Wagy prospects that the number will be in- I - io—Edwin Glad, Frank Erick- thing we ever sold. J. S. Lamar, drug­ creased to more than a hundred in the Wm. Maxwell -’n. William Cummins, Ellen Glad, gist. W, E. Easom next few months. Hattie Zuercher, Claude Ackley Everything is in readiness for a 1 Dmighcrty. Christina Olson, Erwin Harrison movement to be started for an equal y eth Zuercher, Evelyn Glad, Stomach Trouble and Constipation. strong Rebekah Degree lodge organ­ A. L. Page ----- o----- Cummins, Dillow Smith, Emil Heusser ization. Xicklau», Florence Freeman, Ben Egge Those who are afflicted with A number of members arc from -Ne­ William-. Evert Gla*d, La- stomach trouble and constipation halem, Brighton and Mohler districts. T. E. Epplctt a Ackley, Harold Glad, Ernest should read the following: “I have Fred H. Minich The disposition is to make this a W. G. Harris >’• i uns, Burnell strong central lodge, and the first . Pear! Glad. Mildred Glad, never found anything so good for need is an adequate home. The move­ W. H. Leach Zuercher, Nil- Farnstrom, Anna stomach trouble and constipation as ment to build an $8.000 lodge building C. E. Reynolds L. S. Hushbeck L ' a Hasselburg, Marie Shamberlain's Tablets. I have used on the most valuable site in W heeler Rollie W. Watson '«nee Zuercher, Cecil Krake, them off and on now for the past two is meeting with much favor. Already -ester Krake, J. S. Lamar years They not only regulate the act­ one half the necessary stock has been Ira C. Smith ' - lync Blackburn, ion of the bowels but stimulate the subscribed. Sid Anderson an Blackburn, liver and keep one’s body in a The following brothers compose T. W. Armstrong ( a c- Bhini. Herbert Blum, Harold healthy condition,” writes Mrs. Ben­ the members of the newly instituted Geo Tinnerstet Ravmond jamin Hooper, Auburn, N. Y. For Wheeler Lodge, No. 240, 1. O. O. r. Jack Graf. Viola Blum.' C. H. Woolfe I sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. J. F. Lucy, Noble Grand DECEMBER ROLL OF HONOR. > 1 Adults 20c Mt. Hebo, No. aai, of Beaver Forest J. Ayer W. N. Bays Henry A. Ely J. H. Proctor Hugh Wallace Jay Baker Reed Farmer J. M. Baker J. T. Davis H. M. Farmer S. C. W oods R. E. Wilson Fred Gilbert C. O. Curl R. B. McClay R. O. Richards F. S. Armentrout H. H. Hayward Guy Schoppcrt Lloyd Kcllow A. W. Bunn Louie Wooley Abe Bays Chas. Baker Chas. Desmond C. A. Sailing Ed Morehead E. R. Ayer Geo. M. Kostic Emil Wooley Janies Christensen ----- o----- Pacific, No. 105, of Bay City D. A. Simmons S. Sivcrtson G. V. Doughty Olc Pederson Ed. C. Dromnes J. B. Mather W. H. Livingston W. B. Elliott J. H. McClure Henry Nelson J. W. McKinley F. W. Smith A. E. Nichols A. Ramsey Wm. Jolly .T • H. O. Buttler Alex Finlayson Alfred Magnucen • ♦ I Theo. Jacoby Milton B. Shafer Hans Lesund C. A. Elliott John Hansen Ingold ingclbretsen Nestucca No. 114, of Cloverdale C. C. Murphy Roland McGinnis A. A. Imlah Wm. A. Gage Cliff Mattoon Leslie Wallace Jim Carver Joe Price , . Clarence Hushbeck E. J. Hunter F. L. Owens Claude Lewallen J. R. Lowrance A. A. Lane Ray Cooper James Im'an W. A. Gage Guy Mattoon Leo Norton A. C. Gist The following brothers were regis­ tered from various lodges scattered from all over the United States from Atlantic to Pacific coast. N. J. Huddleston, Reliance Lodge No. 533, Siou City, Iowa. H. E. Howard, Samaritan Lodge No. 2 Portland, Orc. Roy Blackerby, River View No. 179, Milwaukee, Ore. W. B. Flagg, Atlantic No. 80, At­ lantic, Iowa. T. C. Workman, Catlittsburg, Lodge No. 142, Catlittsburg, Ky. W. H. Klinefelter, F.lkcrn No. 196, Baker, Oregon. J. S. Prime, Normal Lodge No. 204, Monmouth, Oregon. Al UTIIIIUULII, VHVgVIl. C. C. W agner, Samaritan Lodge No. 2, Portland, Ore. E. E. Savage Bristow Lodge No 112 Haines, Oregon. A. E. Anderson, Beaver Lodge No. 35, Astoria, Ore. Ira L. Rowe, Cottage Grave No. 68, Cottage Grove, Oregon. Archie B. Fleming, Amazon Lodge No 662, Penn. Josef Bauer, Tualatin Lodge No. 226, Tualatin, Ore. Children 10c W. J. Minx, Lodge No. 994 Drift- w'ood. Pa. H. T. Lydick, 125, Lowell, Wash. A. G. Ross, Driftwood Lodge No. 994, Driftwood, Pa. M. H. Schiffman, Ida L' exige No. 422 Kansas. NOTICE TO GERMAN ALIENS. AU German Aliens are Required to Register 4th to 9th February. By proclamation of the President of the United States, all Germans are hereby notified that all natives, citi­ zens, denizens, or subjects of the German Empire or Imperial German Government, being males of the age of fourteen years and upwards on registration day, who are within the United States and not actually nat­ uralized as American citizens, are re­ quired to register as alien enemies. The dates of registration, within the state of Oregon, have been fixed by the Attorney General of the Unit­ ed States to commence at 6 a.m. on February 4th, and to continue on each