I TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 17. 191 g and the most grusome work. It’s their life work now, it seems, for after CONDITIONS ARE VERY BAD three and a half years of war, it re­ WITH PEOPLE IN GERMANY. mains no novelty.. Their hours are — o- ■■ long and the discipline s'ritt. Their Are Nearly Starved--The Country ordinary pleasure in life has gone and Honeycombed with “Graft.” gone completely. The pleasure now is — O—- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL in their work and it shows itself in Dr. Law, a dentist, did not leave the way they $0 cheerfully and so CEMENT LIME, PLASTER, LATH < Berlin until last October, and he very tenderly do their work. For my­ throws some light on the conditions self, there will always be two parts in BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND in Germany. He reports that all the war and both parts are equally as food bought in Germany is by card essential and both call for equal sac­ SMITHING COAL rifice. I'm afraid the Red Cross will system, and only a limited amount is Warehouse and.Oftice Cor. Front and 3rd A allowed weekly. Only an eighth of a come first, always and now, believe ve. West, Tillamook. Or me, if never before you thought the pound of butter a week is allowed, half a pound of meat, a pound of flour I work of Florence Nightingale, Uto­ [seems no end in sight, for with every pian and glorious, you may think so (mixed graham), two pounds of bread France, November, 20, 19*7* and five pounds of vegetables to each ¡reverse, 1 believe the attitude of the now. Dear Friend Pye I Allies will be more determined, and, person. These things were noi very Well, 1 guess my enthusiasm and expensive as there was a way of buy­ The last time 1 wrote you 1 was in of course, on the other hand, the con­ the "pink” of condition and 1 believe fidence of the Entente more optimis­ my gratitude for the Red Cross has ing from soldiers, who got the food carried me far enough. It will be nev­ • hat should have gone to sick soldiers. it was the night, or two nights before tic. er forgotten if 1 am spared to come we went into the hardest fight of my. . Women’s Faces Haunt experience. It fell to our lot to takee s®on a"d address my mail through, old man—and i£ I die over Dr. Law says that the faces of the MITCHELL as before as it will be forwarded to there, well yes, the Women of Britian BUICK German women haunt one. There is Mitchell Motor and Service Co., Seattle the crest and a portion of the other me. J. D. Lauppe, Sacrumettto alone are worth the sacrifice, leave no coal and no serp at all. The only 'results are better and cost of operation side of the Passchandaclc Ridge. j Best wishes to yourself and pl ‘have found Zerolene to be a satisfatory . lease alone the principle. considerably lower wink* using Zero- Well! we took it and hold it still, but remember solution to the war he sees is for this lubricant for Buick automobile«. letw. " me to all friends. Tell Miss of course, that goes without saying. Anderson We get some splendid concerts in country to fight the Germans on their those handkerchiefs just Of all the campaigning experiences 1 match the hospital. The best operatic stars trav­ own soil, for, although the people are DODGE white sheets. have had, that one will be forever up- el around. Their work is great. I've nearly starved to death, they will not H. O. Harrison Co., San Fnnciace Chas. R. Parrott. “give» perfect satisfaction.'* j imost in my memory. 1’11 try and never listened to finer music than in give in as long as they feel safe and relate to you the affair from the start, hospital. I’ve paid big money for think they are winning. 1st Southeren General Hospital, The bread is terrible stuff, made of until the time 1 got my knockout. MAXWELL worse. The various societies and Ward 3, Cuyler Lee, Oakland he waded into the front line, about' schools give excellent concerts and coarse graham flour, with a mixture •^Zerolene has given us perfect • Stourbridge, Worcester, seven miles, through mud and mire, there’s hardly a night goes by without of straw and yellow turnips. There is satisfaction." England, Dec. 9, 1917. blood and water, sometimes going up no wool in the country and very little something good for the “boys.” Yes! to the neck and at other times hang­ Dear Friend Pye:— these people are good, they’re thc cotton. A meter of longcloth costs I know only too well that you will $2.50 and may be purchased only upon ing on in strings to our rifles to help very essence of goodness. pull one another along. The load! appreciate another letter from me. written permit by the police, and then The hospital is full, terribly full, all Good God! we each had two hundred That’s really the whole joy of writing over the British Isles. This is a huge only once a year. Only two chemises rounds of ammunition, two smoke it seems to me, when one’s letters are place and it used to be a poor house a year are allowed the women , and bombs, six rifle grenades, ten bombs, looked forward to. It’s giving some­ before the war. We have quite a num­ those are made of the fabric that dis­ two water bottles, two ground signals one else pleasure, I suppose that real­ ber of American doctors here and the solves when boiled; these cost $3 heavy signals, a ly causes the insentive to write. and two other each. Six handkerchiefs at a time is Well! I’ve been in the above hos­ doctor that attends me came from the limit, and resturants arc forbidden shove), our rations for forty-eight rr - - - “ ' " California, the University of Berkley. hours, and a lot of miscellaneous pital for two weeks now. I had three He and 1 got fast friends as for a long to use table linen. things that go to make a modern | weeks in the hospital at Le Treport, The Germans feel that Americans time 1 was at Berkeley. 1 am the only Endorsed by leading Car Distributors soldier and a perfect w-alking armory. France. The hospital in France was a are not standing with the President Canadian in this ward. The man Of course, it rained (as this is the huge hotel in pre-war days, a most and that nothing very serious can —because the records of their service de- alongside me is an Australian. He only weather we have in Belgium.) luxurious place, right on the cliffs. happen from our being in the war. (rartments show that Zerolene, correct- told me some wonderful stories of the One could look through the windows Fritz shelled us unmercifully all the The people are weary of thc war, y refined from California asphalt-base way in and our casualitics were some­ and sec for miles across the channel, work of -the Germans in Australia. but have no idea of giving up, as they crude, gives perfect lubrication leas ' Tile preparations the Germans made what heavy. However, we got in and but always with his mind on England, wear, mure power, least carbon deposit. believe victory will be theirs and refer believe me, if ever men held out for or for me, dear old Portland. Well! ; in Australia to fight against the em­ frequently to the map, which , of Dealers every where and at our service stations. Thc thirty-six hours under one of the the time came to be moved to Eng­ pire were simply alarming. course shows considerable conquered heaviest bombardments in the history land and then began the most inspir­ amount of field artillery they had territory. STANDARD OIL COMPANY of the war, it was us— for he simply ing and touching memories of my war smuggled into the country “as pianos’ (California) Defeat Never Admitted. wounded forget and the various other stores apd plots turned on to us what he calls "Anni­ experiences. The The German people never admit de­ For trafíon, Zeroime Heavy-Duty that were nipped "in the bud. ” 1 he hilating"” fire. Wc were burned and their pain, thc limbless forget their feat, but if news of a setback seeps u especially recommended. buried again and again. It seemed he loss, the blind forget their terrible way the Germans had got ifito the through to them it is always but in House of Representatives and the bad ,.d thc world's artillery set on us! affliction, and thc gassed forget their | the form of a “strategical retreat.” Our trench was smashed to atoms inevitable doom, and from those way they had so very cunningly done The military powers say so and it is and .rias! many of our boys, too: We great strong faces one secs thc tears their work through 1. W. W.ism was so to the people. When the people cry -imply lay in the earth with our faces run as the boat reaches England. I a revalation to me. It will come out, for peace, the war lords tell them ¡after the war, and then look out for buried in thc ground, waiting for that tried to study it out man, as I limped they have offerd peace, but thc allies truths. Apparently the world does not thirty-six hours to pass over. Each about thc deck with my two sticks I | yet know what agonizing times Aus­ refuse it, and the people, with great minute we each expected the end. Thc and thc only conclusion 1 could conic patience, continue on. signal came at 6:05 a.m. and believe to was, that wc were going home. Go­ tralia and New Zealand had at the "Germany today is honeycombed me the whole line jumped up and ing back to the land for which the beginning of the war. lhey intended with graft,” declared Dr. Law-. It is away wc went. Even though it had lads had fought. The realization of to make war there deliberately and it thc most gigantic graft 1 have ever meant death, 1 was never so glad to actually returning with life. One appears they had sufficient people seen. 1 never thought in peace times "jump the bags” in any attack before. hears it said so very often in life there to do it. The lad has many facts that it would be possible. 1 here nev­ We stumbled forward, we rolled and “There’s no place like home”—maybe and if his word is doubted, he can im­ er was graft in America that could crawled, and what 1 remember, the it’s said too casually, but it’s the first I mediately turn to something that compare with it. There is a new word and -- only .aaaax, time * I’ve . K. V. ever V X s OS.VU seen HIV the rtV ac- I happened in Parliament to prove what L in Germany since the war began, it is boys were singing and howling. I — guess it was relief to get away from tual joy, the joy that moves a soldier I he says. Possible you have read of | ‘ •, wucher’ which corresponds to the that waiting for it. The bombers, the to tears. There wasn’t a cheer from ' some of their work there. 1 have not. ward ’profiteer’ in America. Many ........ • • just as pcuplc iu Germany have made loads people in section under my charge, 1 never saw. the men- i—the^e waTn’t’a^mik. bui tVc ! Weil- the> lost out- anyway, j tears of ' ,hc do 8 s w111 lose out in main - I key of money < ’ ' war began . 1 r since the Soon alter the start 1 seemed to sky joy was demonstrated with £an~live at k^’otm high, n>y rifle smashed and ail my gratitude—thanks for the life that was I ; arc powerful yet, horribly powerful, think thc equipment blown off me. 1 pulled my­ spared them and who knows! pos­ | and will take a lot of beating. Every lnore yean Thcre is no tea or coffeCi ^eer is about like water and self togethehr and kept dangling for­ sibly the realization that they | j one realizes the enormity of the task, anj ward till I reached our objective when had fought their fight for their dear but by God! the people seem deter- tastes likc varnish.” Newspapers are reduced in size, the 1 was told that I was wounded. It was old country and “done their bit” [ mined to bring them down, for they rather amusing, for 1 hadn’t got a Strange and most realistic thoughts | seem to realize the great issues at ink being of poorest quality and rubs thing to defend or fight with, except pass through one’s mind. One sees it ' stake. 1 can tell you, there’s very off easily. Of 500 shoe factories, 100 Every' are making shoes for the armies and thc shovel. 1 wo of the boys dressed in France” o'ne'actual'l'y'sccs^ if in Ger-I'Btle joy in Britia" ’'iKht many. One secs it now practically thc | one ** ra, * one d an< ' food >• scarce, jo for civilians, the others being clos­ my thigh and before 1 got too weak, or too stiff, 1 commenced the most world over—and soon, old Friend, 1 here s an awful scarcity ot sugar ed; many go barefoot, all factories are agonizing and longest crawl of my you good people will be brought to an<® wc^ cven in hospita s, t icy making war materials; every bit of ! sec,n to Put on thc outs,(le of thc oil is gone, even to castor oil; train lite. 1 had to keep moving or sink see it too! As soon as the ship was docked, we tca CUPS- These are the things, with service, aside from military lines, is and 1 crawled clear to Yprcs and then remembered no more until 1 was in a were most delicately and carefully many> many worse that the people very bad, there arc no automobiles, hospital wagon. handled and with a system that runs | Bave Kot to endure in order to win. excepting for thc military. "The winning of the war for the Our wounded were getting sniped so smooth, that one actually thinks 1 on,y hoPe their stolidness and their cruelly by the Boache and al time one he’s in Heaven, we are placed in the staunchness holds out. I think it will, allies,” concludes Dr. Law, "depends almost dtspared of getting out at all; huge hospital trains. Oh God! such i We need thc American Army, a upon how many airplanes America However, when one fully realizes that comfort is almost bewildering after ¡huge army and we do need thc air can furnish. There never will be an determination is the only salvation France. Good, delicious meals are service. Remember we fight at a dis- uprising of the German people until it's ample surprising where thc : served around and then as the trains I advantage, we have to advance over the army is driven back to thc Rhine; strength conies from. Of course you i pass through the country, one sees beaten ground, every inch of which then 1 believe it will come suddenly, can t understand the situation up gratitude. ‘Twas thcre that my tears thc Hun has registered perfectly. It's after the German towns have been there until you can realize that the were shed. As the train rushed along, I an uphill fight at a tremendous cost. bombarded and torn down. Thc mili­ greatest military feat has been ac­ the people cheer and cheer. One won­ His spy system behind our lines is tary party will die fighting, whether complished through what seems — . ders why it is possible for that spirit still wonderful. It has grown with thc killed by the allies or by their own ini- passable mud. Try to understand that to remain so staunch and so fervent people, generated and fostered for people in an uprising after Germany has been crushed.” if a man is very badly wounded he is after almost four years of war. years, but we’ll get him yet! Dr. Law and family left Berlin worse off than dead, for his chances Four years of sacrifices unknown bc- Please don’t talk or excuse Russia October 23 for Copenhagen, where he of ever getting out are so very remote. fore. to me ag..in. If you were here, or It's a regular “quick sand mud” and We reached Stourbridge about mid- rather in France, you’d know what it waited several weeks for a boat, and later went to Christina. He came ¡¡■one's disappearance to thc undcr- night and it seemed the whole coun- JWg round is rapid. There is one redeem- trysidc was out to cheer us On thc was to have your own guns firing at from there to New York without any you, guns which were to help us on ,||H>ng feature about thc mud up there, it ________________ station were (ever to the fore) the the East, We know, we’d have finish- delay. stops thc flight of lots of shrapnel backbone of this war, the Red Cross 1 , cd this last summer and beaten thc Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. ¿¡Mboiti his "heavies.” 1 can't understand Ladies. They work like trojans, giving Bosche, had not we been betrayed This is not only one of the best and ■vet, the readiness of thc Bosche to and thinking of nothing else but thc by Russia, and now! what do we get, l most efficient medicines for coughs, ■lose such positions. His men (with comfort of the men. Then waiting out i millions of men against us, who were colds and croup, but is also pleasant ■ very few exceptions) will not face us. (al lhey have positions that have, if held side are all the private automobiles of relieved from that front—and yet you and safe to take, which is important the country and after hot coffee and war.; to excuse Russia. Did Russia when medicine must be given to t". at' absolutely impossible to take. fruit, etc., on the station, we were j ever make a fighter? I’m afraid I can't children. Many mothers have given it mP His 'Till Boxes” arc absolutely safe carefully (always very carefully) o« from any shell (thc only thing I’ve driven to the Hospital. Thc system of see it in history. I’m afraid some peo­ their unqualified endorsement.—For ple tried to base their opinions of a j Sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. IP seen to withstand our heavies.) It's the whole thing is a rcvalaton to me. good Russia on it’s Tolstois and oth­ no use, Heinie will not put up a fight Every branch it seems so dcsciplined er men of genius. Wern’t we fooled Chamberlain's Tablets. against us, he's literally scared and to a wonderful state of efficiency. As precisely the same in guaging Ger­ Chamberlain’s Tablets arc intended with very few exceptions, his hands one passes his time away in hospital, many by thc genius and talent of go up before we get at him. Now! thc picture comes to his mind of what their country? That time has gone by, especially for stomach trouble, bil­ iousness and constipation, and have 1 in not saying they're all like that, but women are to war. You know a sol­ the very, very great majority. There dier is in thc line so long that he we must judge by their actions as wc met with much success in the treat­ now judge Germany. ment of those diseases. People who was some g..od bayonet work with thinks he's the “only thing”. He gets Well! I must close old friend. I'm have suffered for years with stomach our boy- that morning. It was the rough, uncouth and more like a sav­ only thing to use, as our rifles were age. He forg<-t‘s there's others so far, going along O. K. My wound is heal­ trouble and have been unable to ob- ing magnificently and my nerves arc tan any permanent relief, li.-vc been like sticks of mud and slime. maybe, behind. Of course, its almost Well, 1 can’t write much more now, natural I suppose, when up thcre man, steadying daily. Please address your I completely cured by the use of these letters care Army P. O., London tablets. Chamberlain's Tablets are for mv wound is troublesome, al­ j women are not of your life. There’s England, and I’ll get them more also of great value for biliousness. though not serious. It's torn a piece , naming genne, me 'nothing gentle, there’s nothing but direct. Don’t send any more papers Chronic constipation may be perman­ out of my thigh, but my flesh is, ap- |the savage and thc : ravage of war. until I get back to France. My very- ently cured by taking Chamberlain’s patently clean and healthy and I think I But these women—the way they work, best wishes to yourself and kind Tablets and observing the plain print­ it will soon heal. The rest, I 1 can can as- as- | | . c rest, ed directions with each bottle. For | the sacrifices they make and above regards to all friends. sure you, 1'11 appreciate, for I'm in a ■ sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. Yours most sincerely, targe hospital and above all. I'm be- I all, the grucsomcness of their work. Surely, surely! if a man loses his life Chas. R. Parrott. tween sheets and I’m clean! It's thc 1 How to Prevent Croup. P. S.: I guess I've lost a lot of mail, Srst time my clothes have been off in the line, these good women give In a child that is subject to attacks theirs equally as courageously and like particularly papers, and I would foe fifteen months (except, of course, of croup, the first indication of the THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN devotedly for us. It matters not a copy of that letter, or letters »1 for * change.) disease is hoarsness. Give Chamber­ whether they arc ladies of title or had published. C. R. P. 1 guess the Italian fiasco has upset lain's Cough Remedy as soon as the THE COUNTY. child becomes hoarse and the attack you. It has me for it's both discourag- , Princess, they start at the bottom to I See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. _ wwoww. VMS end «»5 learn their profession of nursing. may be warded 'rii and all danger and '",1 for us and and only only prolongs prolongs the the end j They scrub floors, they make beds, I For sale, five heifers coming anxiety avoided. Fo> sale bv Lao r ’ s year old next spring. Apply to the Hcllishnc** ” r * ■" L.;.zss. To me, there they do the most manial kind of work Drug Sto drew Vetsch, Mutual I’hone. INTERESTING LETTERS FROM A PORTLAND MAN. L i AMB-SCHRADER CO Gives Description of a “Drive” Fiance and How Wounded-Pays British Red Cross High Tribute. “Results are Better ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Carr STAR GARAGE. TILLAMOOK GARAGE. flbEX. McNAIR & CO i *■ GENERAL HARDWARE Ritehen Ranges and ’ Heating Stoves.