TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. JANUARY 17. 1913. ’me to X» take ot over. e gone knitting purling Tremendous Features at GEM THEATRE Tillamook, MON DAV Night, January 21. arn run o make “THE FIGHTING TRAIL,” ogether ilunibu Purl 2 Marvelous Outdoor Photoplay, featuring WILLIAM DUNCAN and CAROL HOLLIDAY. easures 1 oil 24 nit 28 sliould- lain tor hes for iving 9 > single e row tnholes. tch n be 23 Scenes filmed in wildest recesses of Sierras- 1.000 people employed in the company—Pic­ ture eight months in making—95 per cent of the picture taken out of doors—Thrill of vast nature felt in every scene—Hard riding, quick riding, quick shooting, fighting men, afraid of nothing on earth, meet time after time and struggle for supremacy with primeval ferocity. This wonderful photoplay has for its stage the vast outdoors, with the mountains of the desert always in the background. Don’t miss your opportunity to see this most magnificent screen story. Gauge .. Plain lipping On this night we also present the last instal­ ment of our Pathe Serial ‘‘The Neglected Wife,” making in all an interesting and pleasing 7 Reel Program. Special music. UL” joyous Miss begins id by 1er art tcessei oi the Adults 15c. lilitary most at the Adult* Children 5c. Adults 20c. TUESDAY NIGHT, JANUARY 22. . Children 10c. A Feature Production Produced by the Artcraft Pictures Corporation, “BARBARY SHEEP,” featuring MISS ELSIE FERGUSON. Special Music. WEDNESDAY NIGHT, January 23, “JULES VERNE’S 20,000 LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA.” 'inter. isolivi I cl'.tllvt I ■f light! crude,! for the I ussinjl rday. I itch «! lubri-l the oil weath-l :k to-l hardi eepingl partly] Over fifty years ago, Jules Verne, the greatest imaginative writer of all times, pictured, in novel form, the feats of sub-sea sailing and flights in the air which in the present day are becoming daily oc­ curences. And now this wonderful novel “TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES UADEA THE SEA” has been used as a basis for the greatest photo-drama that has ever been produced. This unequall­ ed picture will be presented in eight mamotli reels on the date mentioned above. Children 10c. Special Music. Adults 20c. " the form of advertising. Insist that Iard anJ not wofth q( ireedoJn ,j Wherever they may be. our appropriate a sum for ' 1 cnj jn lhis CQUn purcha|td with cheese business instead of starting on y°' ’' directors —----------------- ----- - -------- a new venture, is a good one. It seems th,s purpose. I the b,ood of our forefathers. A home But this old frog was a jolly frog, Ben Kuppcnbender. to me that now is the time of a life Who croaked the whole year where the parents will not defend tunc it is the psychological moment I I their children, is no home worth through to get our name and product on the I living in. The beast will defend their For he was king of all the frogs m.ir et. Everybody . is . . talking ccon- . A Pacifist Qustion Answered. 1 young from enemies. Shall we be pr>, At least of all he knew. 0II,-xJn food and clothing, the papers than the beast of the field? worse To the Editor: are full of it. Daily articles are ap- And let enemies of our country des­ And this is the song the old frog sung Pearing on the 1 he question has been asked me, meat substitute, I His song both night and day; Cheese is the logical and healthful “How do you reconcile the teachings troy our citizens in their peaceful persuit on the high seas which should For here frogs croak in winter time subsumte which is backed by all the c • of Christ with tile attitude of niinis- be free from all? A minister who As well as in fair May. |'r" authorities of the country, in- [. I ters in favoring the enlistment of our would be a slacker under the present r ,.'ing th I nited States department 1 young men in this war?” "Till-a-mook! Till-a-mook! ’ condition as a pacifist, is not w' rthy ■ griculture. But what arc the I In answering this question, we of the name, Jesus says "He that is Oh listen to his song. aairymen of this county doing to in­ I must consider that Christ’s teachings not for me is against me,” ami J say "Co-op-c-rate! Co-op-e-ratc! ’ sure this market for themselves, what ¡were largely to his church and the He that is not for America in the It moves the world along. .(re 1111-v (Icing for the present and kingdom of Heaven; and lie taught war is against her. And he is for the —\\. S. Charles. uUire output uf I illamook cheese 1 them that his kingdom was Spiritual, Kaiser. He is for autocracy and m v, I at way arc the}- taking ad-I and was not of this world, and they against democracy. vantage of the opportunity now given, ’ were not to use carnal weapons to SICK WIFE’S STORY SUR­ The nonrcsistcncc of the pacifist PRISES TILLAMOOK seems to me that up to the present! fight for it He taught that the would dethrone God, and give su ­ separate, have have not done anything! church and states were nor are the y doing ’ ' preme rule to the devil in Heaven and 1 I " Matt. 22:21. anything now. The following has surprised Tilla- I war.: t . And that we should pay our taxi s, earth. It is no time for a citizen of mook: A business man’s wife suffer- ntJo^sav to the dairymen of Tillamook ■- C x.ounty, don’t sit back and Matt. 17: ¿4-27. And be true obedient these United Stales to be a pacifist. ed from dyspepsia and constipation ___ Although she dieted she be contented with — cur present sale, citizens. The Apostles taught the The question now Is shell demociacy , for years. /........ so bloated die, was „.™... her .... clothes would not live and liberty stand, or shall it