TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Billy 1 Toupee ti- ing wo cubb la plane Keglate ♦ The iBoldiert ■or crlt L 11 tC Mjigant both < i livery 1 Even I impr I mail1 ’ noni bom ther New Pierce run th / Cover» A S*1" lt ftior oV obje sup tain 17. 1918. Long Prairie. LATEST INSTRUCTIONS FOR but leave stitch on. Now „¿7" getting the to workers who succeeded front needle and repeat. AlwayT* ? Judges, F. L. Buell, rep., 1. J. Earl, their people to loosen up and loan RED CROSS KNITTERS. wool under knitting needle-,, no'o^ dem. Clerks, Amy Murphy, d.m.; Ra­ money to the government. Legal Advertisements. N. B — Each stitch must be . chel Westen, rep.; Elva Goeres, rep. • o ■ ■ It Is re-pi-rtcd tint th - ■ lent First Insertion per line ............. $ .10 , How to Make Socks, Sleeveless through twice. Slip off when knhtt* MaPle Leaf. lt is only a tew month» since that . is going to take a hand 1:1 Hie -.redit Each subsequent insertion, line. •05 Judges, J. H. Johnson, rep.; Peter Sweaters,Wristlets and Mufflers on iront needle. Slip off when , * uusiness. Persons who arc given pro-Mermans were arguing that th.. on back. hin Purling Business and Professional cards Heisel, dem. Clerks. Alma Glad, rep. ; war was lurced upon her, but of late credit must pay up ee.ry 30 days and In finishing off end of one month....................................... 1.00 ' the merchant will be called upon to they nave kept somewhat mum in this Allegra Mason, rip.; Sophia L Ma- Mrs. C. J. Edwards, president of once down the toe so as not to J?! Locals per line each insertion... 05 ' pay his bills in the mile time. Good point. One very important address kinster, dem. the Tillamook Red Cross, has request­ a ridge or lump. Neskowin. Display advertisements, an inch idea, lt is the intention of the gov- was made 111 New \ ork on Sunday, by ed the Headlight to publish new in­ rep.; Please wash socks; fasten toge|hw Judges, W. H. Christensen, ijtto 11. Kann, of the banking firm 01 ard Lodge Notices, per line . 05 i eminent to create thrift amongst structions to Reel Cross knitters, as and mark size, Coin- Art Tatro, pro. Clerks, Hazel All Resolutions of Condolence citizens. All must admit that we have Kahn, Loeb i Co. This is what he uions, rep., \ iola latro, pro.; Lee the- instructions we* published last one month.......... .'........................ • 50 1 been too -xtrae g..:n a:i i wasteful in says of the latherland: week were not satisfactory. We have Sleeveless Sweaters Affoller, dem. “ I do not apologize fur, nor am 1 our mode 01 living. The pe-isons who also give other instructions on an­ One No“;.01 n't' Socks. Netarts. th’nk that the delicacies did not suf­ 1 We want those who have taken an numerable violations of 1 he Hague 2 stitches for No 8 steel needles or No. 3 amber Judges, C. S. Wells, rep; W, W. Pet ­ 4 inches. Sew up sides • leaving 9 ¡active interest in Red Cross work in conventions and the- law of nations; fer a great deal of Hooverizing. inch«» for armholes. Two — o------ I Tillamook county to read the two oi abominable and perfidious plotting ty, dim. Clerks, Jno. Cross, rep, Edith needles Columbia gauge. Cast on 00 stitches, 20 on each crochet around neck and rows single Why not do a little political Hoov­ ¡interesting letters by a Portland man in friendly countries and shameless Wells, rep.; A. A. \ager, rep. one row Rockaway. needle. Rib 4‘j inches, 2 plain and 2 single, crochet around erizing. Make every male person who I w ho was wounded in France, and abuse of their hospitality; of crime afbiholes. Ross, rep.; G. A. purl. Knit plain 7 inches (nil inches Judges, C. W. aspires to political office join the ¡then taken to England, for one letter heaped upon crime in hideous defi­ Neck of sweater must stretch n Jone», pro. Clerks, Kathryn Bolfing, in all). colors and give th. job to women. ¡depicts the deep gratitude of a wourd- ance of the laws 0* God and man. inches. Finished sweater 1 must be ¿3 Heel.—Knit plain 30 stitches on to inches long. Icd soldier for what the British Red ------ o------ Notwithstanding the outspoken re­ rep.; Edith Louise Hart, dem.; Veda Is marriage a failure? If divorce ¡Cross is doing for humanity. Most of marks oi Mr. Kahn, the United States Sappington, rep. one needle, turn, purl back these JO suits and marriage licenses are any I us are fearful that when the United is honeycombed with a treacherous Sand Lake stitches, turn, slip one, knit to end of Wristlets No. 3, criterion to base figures upon, the ¡States soldiers have to take some of class of pro-Germaus, who not only Judges, U. S. Edwards, rep.; A. E. row, turn, slip one, purl to end of Four needles, Columbia Gauge No 3 past few weeks divorce suits have out­ ¡the hard knocks, thousands of wound- commit crime, but down in the secret Biown, dem. Clerks, Elva B. Atkinson row. Repeat (always slipping the first Cast on 52 stitches on 3 needles- it> numbered marriage licenses. led men will be returned to this coun- if their hearts hope Germany will win 1 rip.: Nellie bllea, rep.; Maud Atkin­ stitch) till you have 30 rows or 2'/t 16, 20, knit 2, purl 2 for 8 inches.’To son, soc. inches in all for back of heel. (N. B. make opening for thumb, knit 2, purl I try and the American Red Cross w ill the war. _______ The Oregon Register says keep the I be doing exactly what the British Red South Prairie. t his makes a square thirty stithches 2 to end of 3rd needle, turn; knit a„d the roads up. The only way to do so ¡Cross is doing today to cheer and COUNTY COURT HOOVERIZED I Judges, G. C. Vaughn, rep.; L. A. by thirty stitches for back of purl back to end of last needle, al- is to hardsurface them, that is the ¡alleviate the sufferings of the wound- Edgar, soc. Clerks, Edith Bohner of heel) With the inside of the ways slipping first stitch; turn, con­ MAN POWER IN COUNTY. rep.; main traveled roads. The good roads led. That is w hy so many of our good Minnie Quick, rep.; Bertha heel towards you, purl 17 stitches, tinue knitting back and forth for 2 boosters who keep on harping about ¡women are giving their time making Darbv, rep. purl 2 together, purl I, turn, knit 6, inches. From this point continue as macadam roads are back numbers. Stillwell I preparations to meet a like condition Large Number oí Women Placed [ slip 1, knit I, pull slipped stitch over, at first for 2 inches for the hand. Bind ------ o----- Judges, A. N. Erskine, rep., A. M. knit 1, turn, purl 7, purl 2 together, off loosely I that now exists in England. on Election Boards. and buttonhole thumb If the city council should decide to Austin, non. Clerks May Frisbie, rep.; purl 1, turn, knit 8, slip 1, knit 1, pull opening. ------ o------ order a number of old shacks and fire Apropo of waste and duplication in Ruth Warren, dem.; Roy Jones, rep. slipped stitch over, knit 1. In selecting persons to serve on the traps torn down, it would help some I church work, it takes about the whole Sunnymead Continuing work in this way until election boards the next two years, Muffler in winning the war, for the lots would ¡time and energy of some churches to Judges, John Aschim, rep.; N. M. all the stitches are worked in. Pick up One pair needles, Columbia Gauge the County Court placed a large num ­ be valuable to raise garden truck. But I raise the preacher's salary, and there' Ginn, pro. Clerks, Flora Aschim, rep.; with so many fire traps, where in I is no time or money for anything ber of women on the boards to serve Ethel Hays, dem.; Elizabeth M. Mad­ and knit the id stitches on one side No. 7. of the heel piece. Knit the 30 stitches Cast on 50 stitches or 11 inches. Plain thunder will the city council com­ ¡else. Hustling money for the preach- as clerks, but no w oman succeeded in dux, dein. off the front needles on to one needle. knitting for 68 inches, always slipping mence and where quit. ler 1- right and proper, but when there being appointed to the dignified posi- ■ Tillamook Pick up and knit the 16 stitches on first stitch. tion of judge. The court, probably, Lire three or four preachers where Judges, H. H. Rosenberg, ind.; the other other side of heel piece. thought that it would do a bit of 1 he county court appointed a num­ ¡there should be only one, it Leo Divide the- heel stitches on the two is about Hooverizing, allowing the men to at­ Samuel Downs, dem.; Clerks, ber of women on election boards. ¡time to Hooverize and use June Caprice in “Miss U.SJV; dem.; needles and knit right around again a little Morrison, rep.; John Plasker, tend to the dairy work. I...S will give sonic of the men folk I business as well as common sense in Leland B. Erwin, rep. to the center heel. who have always been appointed on running churches. But, alas, Bay June- Caprice, W illiam Fox’s jovout religious Trask First needle. Knit to within 3 little star, is very busy. When iliss these boards a severe jolt. But we prejudices appear to be so First Board—Judges, G. W. Day, strong. Judges, J. H. Liisberg, rep,; stitches of front end of side needle, don’t sec why the county court, in with so many different sects at. Rep.; T. J. Nevins, Dem. Clerks, Caprice finished a picture she begins knit 2 together, knit I. making up the jury list, did not select I nominations, it is no easy matter to Bernice E. Jacoby, pro.; Jessie H. Fitzpatrick, dem. Clerks, Bl to make ready for another and by Hart, pro.; Bertha Hunt, rep.; Front needle, Knit plain. an equal number of women. virtue of this enthusiasm for her art get them together into one church, Warren, rep.; Lizzie Boule, rep. Third needle, Knit 1, slip t, pull Second Board—Judges, C. \\. Dike, Klinchan, soc. she has a long list of screen successes hence the waste and duplication in Union. slipped stitch over, knit plain to end to her credit, though she is one of the I he politicians are now making a church work. Probably, if preacher* rep.; Theo Jacoby, dun., Clerks, Judges, J. L. Lawrence, rep.; K. O. of needle. “drive'' on the newspapers for a had a little more spunk and manhood, Archie Beebehiser, rep.; L. F. Brode youngest stars in the world. Bays, rip.; Allen, dem. Clerks, Olive This reducing Is done every other whole lol of free adver.ising. Well, if they would not accept a “call* to serve idem.; H. Butler, dem. Among the photoplays which she Mabel Edmunds, rep.; Mary E. C-in- row until there are 60 stitches on the the new-paper men have many more a church where- there was not l.irgi Bayocean. has made arc “Caprice of the Mun- 1 pton. deni. "drives” to put over the- top, they will enough congregation to pay a preach­ needles (30 on front needle and 15 on Judges, John A. Bigg-. Sr., rep., tains,” “Little Miss Happiness,” “The Wheeler each side needle.) surely do so. but we are inclined to er a good salary without making it a A. G. Larson, rep. Clerks. John A. Ragged Princess,” ‘‘The Mischief First Board — Judges, Frank A. :! .i.k that th y will balk when it burden on a few liberal members Knit plain until the foot from back Biggs, Jr., rep; Henry L. King, rep. Maker,” “A Modern Cinderella,” “A Rowe, rep.; W. C. Trombley, dem. comes to a politicians’ “drive.” of heel measures 8; 4 inches. Amelia R. Anderson, Dem. ------ o------ Child of the W ild,” “A Small Town Clerk-. Mildred S. Billings, dem.; To Decrease Toe. Begin at front Beaver Those who peddle untruthful stor­ Mildred Groves; Charity Trombley, needle. Knit 1, slip I, knit I, pull Girl” and “Patsy.” As there is no prospect of obtaining ies about citizens of German extrac­ Judges, \\ N Bay-, rep; A. \V. Bunn dem. "Miss U. S. A.” a stirring military slipped stitch over, knit plain to with- Federal and State aid for the Little tion arc not acting very discreetly. dem. Clerks, Daisy Goldswor.hy, Second Board«—Judges, C. L. Alley, in 3 stitches of end of needle, knit 2 photo drama. Miss Caprice's most Nestucca Road, it is now up to the For instance, the gossips have been dem.; Lena Gilbert, Dem.; Leah Sal­ rep.; Johi Hackman, dem. Clerks, recent photoplay, will be seen at the together, knit I. .people of that section to obtain an busy with a cock and bull story that mg Rep. Gem Theatre next Thursday. Adult» Ernest P. Watt, rep.; D. C. Denham, Second needle. Knit I, slip I, knit Blaine appropriation to do part of the work some of these citizens gave a party 15 cents, Children 5 cents. dem.; Ellis C. Madden, rep. 1„ pull slipped stitch over, knit plain Judges, E. R. Ayer, rep.; R. Y. Bla- the next four or five years, or obtain on the kaiser s birthday, and certain Wilson to end of needle. lock. dem. Clerks, Fanni.- Smith. rep; money by bonding the county. That persons were there. No such party Judges, C. G. Lyon, rep.; w. ii. Third needle. Knit plain to within Advises Light Oil During Winter. Josephine is the situation now confronting the took place in this city and strange to Addle Schmelzer, rep.. Smith, dem. Clerks. Edna Berg, rep.; 3 stitches of end of needle, knit 2 ------ o ■ — people- 01 the Nestucca \ alley. relate, a number of these- citizens did Straw, soc. Maggie Illingworth, rep.; Clara Sut- Ford owners would save themselves together, knit I. Knit 3 plain rounds, Carnahan ------ o ¡not even know the date of the kaiser s ton. dem. _________ then decrease as before. Knit 3 plain a whole lot of trouble in cold weather Judges. 1. H. Moore, rep.; E. R. Everybody should do their bit and I birth-lav. Before one peddles gossip rounds then decrease as before. Knit if they would use a good oil of light help raise garden truck again this phi v should be sure that it is not a| Garner, pro. Clerks, Alice M. Phillips, Our First Woman’s Rights Paper. 2 plain rounds, then decrease as be­ body refined from asphalt base crude, year. Every vacant lot in town should I pack ck 01 of lies. It is true that sonic of rep.; Ruth Desmond, rep.: Mary- Tl a first woman's paper to be estab­ fore. Knit 2 plain rows, decrease, knit said Mr. H. C. Boone,manager for the be used. However, make your plans lour citizens before the United States Blum, dem. lished in this country for the definite ! .mother 2 plain nows, decrease knit 1 Standard Oil Company, in discussing Cloverdale and get -arted as soon as possible I entered the war, talked quite freely purpose of spreading ahead news of First Board—Judges, D. A. Bailey, tbe new woman's rights propaganda ' plain row, decrease, knit another plain I cold w eather lubrication yesterday. with jour garden, lt would not only and were outspoken in favor of Ger­ “In the Ford motor, the clutch 11 rep.; W. A. Gage, Sr., deni. Clerks, help win the war but will cut down many winning the war, and. no doubt, was tbe U!y. a tiny four page weeklr row, decrease. Knit another plain row­ the living expense of every home. I vv hat they said then is now remem- Yela Gist. rep.. Mrs. J. E. Shearer, -hevt edited by Hrs. Amelia Bloomer decrease again Now decrease in each combined with the engine and lubri­ There is no reason, with the large |bered and repeated, and this is the rep.; Minnie Blum, pro. of Seneca Fa! s. X. Y This was begun of the next three rows, which leaves cated from the crank case. If the oil Second Board—Judge». J. R. Low­ in !<;:•, Ju«t tbe y- er after that famous you with 16 stitches on two needles. gets thick and sluggish in cold weath­ number of vacan* lots, why the peo­ r< non why some of ur cigiz ns are te ple of this city should not raise suf-¡looked upon with some amount of rance, rep., C. A. Smith, dem. Clerks, first woman s rights convention -'ailed 8 on needles across the front and 8 er, the discs of the clutch stick to­ gether. This is what causes hard ficient vegetables to last them the I suspicion. But it is not righ; to circu­ J. R. Bidgood, rep.; L. M. Kr .r.er, *»y E za'*--tli Cady Stanton and a few on back needle. Image of Toe. Break yarn, leaving cranking and that persistent creepinf late false reports, especially at a time Ind., V. A. Spalding, rep. whole year. ther »omen, tue radicals of those Fairview. about 9 inches, Thread a darning forward as if the clutch were partly times.—Ex hange. ¡when public sentiment is so strong ------ o— rep.: Judges, M. C. TrowT-ridgi needle. Begin at front needle, put engaged. ¡against pro-Germans. • A news item says: “Now an oil refined from asphdt Lewis Johnson, dem. Clerk- Grace needle in as if to knit pull wool Etiquette. ‘‘Robert E. Smith, of Roseburg, ed- rep. ; Originally the v ord etiquette meant through and take off stitch. Put need­ base crude flow s freely down to zero. The snap shot man is about tired Bestcr, rep.; Kathleen Milh itor of the lax Liberator, will be • ticket, label or s ip of pa|>er attached le in next stitch as if to purl, pull wool It has a natrual zero cold test, be­ state campaign manager ior the next reading so mush twaddle about the Mabie Folk-, dem to a ba.- or e ject to indicate its con- through but leave stitch on. Go to cause there is no paraffin to thicken Foley scarcity of spruce. There is doodles of liberty loan drive, which is expected Judges, Geo. R. McKimens, dem.; teote. It th* came to be used of a back needle, put needle in first stitch in cold weather. Hence when such u it in Tillamook county and those who to come next month.” Rora ticket given t a person taking part in as if to purl, pull wool through and oil is used there is no trouble with Wouldn't that jar you. Mr. Smith, have spruce claims can't dispose of Geo. Loerpab-l. rep. Clerk.- Daniel, dem.; Pauline Thompson, rep; a crrrrnonv • > tell him w bat he should take off stitch. Put needle in next hard starting, inefficient lubrication them. The whole trouble is with the the paid agitator of the timber men do; hence the ni-deni meaning.—Ex- stitch as if to knit, pull wool through A. D. Lommin. rep. government. If some live western or sticky clutch. ot that sec.ion of the state, and a man «•hanze Garibaldi. who has been a knocker and a ; bcllv- In” nia,> had been appointed, with Judges. W. H. Derby rep : Webster acher al-e-ut taxation, put in as state I power to act, an unlimited supply of Grvtna G-eeo. manager ot the next Liberty Loan (airplane spruce would now be avail- Holmes, dem. Clerks. Pearl Tippm, The U«t I ->w t . Gretna Green as a lable. for western people have more pro.; Ot.o Shearer, dem.. Sarah drive. Gee. what a joke. cleariu, r fi-- i-e for marital romance was I grit and know how to go about things Hatch, soc ------ o— •ie-Gt in !.<•:. wtien the Scottish law No one wants to stand sponsor tor in a big way and in a hurry. This is m. ¿e pre ««ary for one vf tbe con- the report that Pres ident Kerr, of the what the government did. Selected a i First Board—Judge«. tractlng parties 1» re-de three weeks inan who was superintendint of pris ­ Idem.; Geo. Williams. O. A. C\ was ottered the presidency in So*>- sr-i before the marriage could •w rerforiaed. . of thi Kansas Agricultural College, on- back east and sent him to the I Margaret lohnsoo, de*L not even those who started the Kerr coast. It seems he knew very little I rep.; Linnie Hilt rep Second Board—Jz- Revel re imtrir-b-ni from zn enemy. X. J Dye. propaganda. Wc do not believe it is about spruce. That is exactly what the Ovid. ep. Clerks, wise to beg and pray men to retain government did when it sent a man Idem.; B. KupjxxiLcis to the coast to look after ship build-I IT. B. Handley, rep ; < ä Denn. rep; their positions when there are plenty of men to select from who would ing. He did not know any more about I S. S. lohr -or- ; Stomach Trouble and Constipation. Hay* nicke just as good, if not better, offi­ it than the man in the moon. Here, I ------ o— cials. To our wav of thinking the agai.i, if some western ship builder or I | First Board—J»dge I A Dawson, 1 hose who are cp. Clerk*, afflicted with st; tement by the regents was of a mill man had been put in authority I pro.; C. E. Reynold there would have been more ships I F.thcl Gaylord, rep . ’ Gladys W. Smith, daughter of Mr. w ere greatly surprised to find that n fred Himes, stomach trouble and constipation white wash character. built. ■ ■ o — should read the following; “I have and Mrs. Ira C. Smith, obtained the was not the picture of their baby, t Idem.; Bernice Lucas. Now, that wasn't giving the women Second Board—Ju- , T. E Epplett never found anything so good for high score of 99 points in an examina­ course, that placed us in an embar­ It is going to be very interesting as I rep.; L. Hiner, dem a square deal to give the men folk the Llerks J. H. stomach trouble and 1 constipation as tion under the rule of the Parent Ed­ rassing position, for the wrong c0 soft jobs on the election boards and Ito the amount of money that w ill be Rcscnberg. ind.! L. V. Eberhardt, Sha unberlain s Tablets. I have used ucational Bureau of Oregon Congress had been sent us. It might have E * the em off and on now for the past two of Mothers. The test age used was 12 worse, however, had we received t has inc the w omen appointed as clerks raised in Tillamook county in the rep.; C. O. Dawson, rep. years They not only regulate the act­ months, the height of the baby being picture of the colored baby■ R to do the work. Wi do not know how *C*I I it e-rty Loan’'dri»«". There ■ - Hebo. “Baby Mine" at the Gem Theatre ti e nu:nl>< rs of the county court are a great difference in the amounts of Judge«. Herman Farmer, rep . W. S ion of the bowels but stimulate the 29 inches and weighed 22 pounds. ’ Recently wc thought we published week. Another thing that wii- going to square themselves, other money raised in this county in the Boatman, dem. Clerks, Ollie Cross, liver and keep one s body in a barrassing, it was „_______ - the picture 0> fi than they must ,y they intend event­ first two Liberty Bond “drives". The ind.; Clara Ke'.low, rep.; Elizabeth ’ healthy condition,” writes Mrs. Ben­ thi picture of little Miss Gladys W. ________ jamin Hooper, Au’ urn. N, Y. For > 1 -.it Mr. and Mrs. Ira C. Smith boy that we published. nally to crowd out the men folk on The first only amounted to $13.400. Ott. rep. sale by Lamar's Drug Store. election 1 board* They surely did make while the si< md was $130.550. or Hoquarton. • iweep with clerks, and $ 117,150 more- than the first. If either almost a First Bo-.rd—J. L. Henderson, rep.; i wc «lippe judges will get their showed there was more active work Eugene Jenkin-, dem. Clerks. Ethel knock out blow next time the list is done in the second “drive"’, or the Bale*, rep ; Canzada Everson, rep : I H. T. Hotte. Pres Attorney pe-oplc of the county had woke up to P. made up. Barrett, dem. i atlaw. » the tact that it was their duty to as-ist Si •nd Board—Judge*. F M. Bales, 9 The state legislature put a stop to the government. At the first drive the rep.: W. F. Noyes. dem. Clerks. Thos. I John Inland Henderson. Sec- , the road supervisor abuse, for at the -nap shot mar. was - xi wb.it inter­ Coates, dem H. B Millis, rep.; J a ret,try Trea*.. Attorney at- - ! end of last year the office of road ested in arvoc tirg raising money Holden, rep. Law and Notrary I'pblic. for the company fund, just to show supervisor ceased to exist. This was a Kilchia good mov«'. Some counties l-.d as the home boys that our hearts and Judges, T R Elliott, rep.: N many as 50 or 60 road supervisors, best wishes were with them, but at Boquist. dem Clerks. Emily Mitel n but T illamook county had for a num­ the second “drive" wc joined those pro.; Edith Jennings, rep.; Jenny ber of years confined itself to only who were boosting for Liberty Bonds Finlayson, rep. Law Al »tracts. Real : three. In the future it will be deputy and gave the “drive” a big boost in I Little Nestucca. Inaurane» the Headlight That may have had roael masters who will look after the Fine Life—Live stock -Automobile Fire and Judges. W. H Kandle. rep.; D. J. B«'th Phot., «. road work. We have always been in something to Io with the difference Dunn. soc. Clerks. Mollie Craven, Theft Surety Bonds—l iste (Hass—Auto Lia­ TILLAMOOK-- Mninx. favor of a road master to superintend in the two amounts raised in this dem.. Adelia A. ■Weiss, rep.. Mrs. P. bility-— Accident the construction of roads, and it now county, but there were some real live C Myers, dem. ADVERTISING RATES. ? JANUARY devolve» upon the coun.y appoint a road master. Court Editorial Snap Shots W. A. CHURCH Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Room No. 2 Commercial Bldg Tillamook. Nothing But Insurance cludi of A dairy- sure are t futuri and i vanta It see time for ai I W; Tillan be eoi "o ma iet ou lifted ; there ¡ eiteese ■»•Iter *Hh ot •titule '*>d in