TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT Discuss Questions of Interest co People. t The 1 isoldieri ■or crll aril tc ^igant both r livery j Even j iinpr 1 mail1 f cans the | ener Pierce run th 1 Covert /Í i IF" u or * JBor maint the p< capes attem cotnii it is CO III* or in :s, ingki anti«. Why Pay More for your Smoking and Chewing Tobacco or Cigars. Good Havana Cigars—5c. Each. SMOKING TOBACCO: CHEWING TOBACCO horn horn ther New obje «up 17, 1913 an alternative gove eminent ...... — ownership tourists, which appear likely to grow of the arteries of transportation w will after the war. Year by year Alaska ¡looms larger and larger upon our na­ seem intolerable.—Oregon \ oter tional horizon. A great state is in Yamhill county's estimated expen­ the making there.—Spokesman Re­ _______ diture tor next year, according to the view. budget now fixed by ti e county court, ------o------ is $.'93,004. This does not include the Don't Need so Many Churches, Add a final “g” to the title of Wil­ item of $1,700 for the employment of helm the Hun, and it will describe county agriculturist. The total of the j Ex-Mayor Hindley, of Spokane, him as he ought to be.—Oregm Reg­ Washington county bu > Pedro, 16 oz. their power ought to be pleased to state of Oregon has had.—Newberg their worship. 60c. » » Dixie Queen, 14 oz. I Dallas is one town among a thou ­ know that before the war Germany Graphic. 65c. sand of others in this nation that is » » Gold Shoe, 16 oz. - was eonspiring with the Russian em­ ——o------ | “church poor.” Without any desire to 60c. peror to stamp out Socialism.—Ore­ Petterson Seal, 14 oz. » > There is no need of being discour­ express ourselves partially toward gon Register. aged. Look at Canada, her young men 60c. Union Leader, 16 oz. 1 1 any one of the Protestant denomin­ ------ O------ and middle aged men have been asked ations, we wish to declare that any Ranging snow storms and far be- to respond to the call of the mother lew zero weather have been prevalent country. Thousands enlisted as soon one o£ three or four of the local in the East the past few weeks while as the war was declared, thousands church buildings would easily ac­ the mildest winter ever known has have joined the army since and still commodate all theh regular church 60c. pound. Star - - 10c. a Cut. been prevailing in this locality. Did her industries are humming, her fields goers in this city, and the support of we say winter—we meant spring— are being cultivated and Canada is do­ so many churches here in this city, 60c. a Cut. > > Horse Shoe - 10c. gentle spring, dear reader. Not a hint ing her full share in providing for the as elsewhere is a waste of money and Cut. 60c. a Climax * - 10c. f » of snow thus far this season and no feeding of her people at home and energy. 60c. Spear Head • 10c. a Cut. 9 » freezing weather, even—News Times her armies over seas. Deep sorrow | If there is one thing that we hope ------o ■ 5c. a Package. Tigar has come into the homes of Canada, to sec brought about nationally in this News comes from across the sea yet that brave people are showing an country it is the elimination of about that King Albert of Belgium now is indomitable courage for the tasks 90 per cent of denominationalisni, and seriously considering the plan of now before them. The example fur­ the unification of the Christian peo­ turning his government over to the nished by our neighbor on the north ple. It will be a lot better country people and making a Republic. It should be an inspiring exampl: to us. then and far more good will be ac­ would be a great gift and one that —News Reporter. complished with far less money.— would please our nation and stand as 1 Itemizcr. a monument of. reward and esteem. The beet opinion of those who re- I 1 An Old Friend Passing. History would read quite interesting turn from Washington, D. C., is that 1 that King Albert was the last King of the present war in Europe will last Belgium and the first president of the tor another year. Statesmen and busi­ W ar prices of paper and shortage of ABORTION IN CATTLE. OBERT H. McGRATH, P)R j. G. TURNER, new Republic.—Banks Herald. ness men who have studied the situa­ labor in the trades are reflected in the scarcity of 1918 ealanders. Formerly C ounsellor - at L aw , tion from every angle are of the be­ All this speculation about the Jews lief that Germany will be able to hold it has been the unfailing custom of High Meat and Milk Prices Make EYE SPECIALIST. Abortion Control Double Necessary rushing to Jerusalem to repeople the out for at least two years. They say it certain business men to advertise ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDING, PORTLAND — OREGON land of their fathers may interest is generally admitted that Germany is through the medium of ealanders TILLAMOOK, OREGON. those who feast on “the signs of the willing to make much better peace year after year, but an authority in Regular Monthly Visits to Authorities are alarmed at the in- times” and attendant prophecies for terms than have appeared from ex­ the printing trade says that the out­ creasing losses caused by contagious Tillamook and Cloverdale. the ending of things earthly, but our pressions which come from Berlin put this year will be reduced fully 90 abortion. Some state it is causing I more damage to live stock than tuber- WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. observation has been that the Jew is and other German news sources, but per cent. ’ culosis. some financier, and we give him cred­ the Allies demands that the present ’Some printers have turned down I Research men from the U. S. Gov- j~~^AVID ROBINSON, M.D., it for ability to see a lot of other bet­ German government be turned out by ordeis of this kind of work, because eminent and other institutions assert ter prospects for development than tiic people is a sticking point. Rather of the growing scarcity of material, , that there is no absolute abortion old time-scarred Jerusalem has to PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON than give up his fat job as Emperor, and others report that advertisers “cure,” but all authorities agree that offer. “Money talks,” and it speaks tile head of the German government have voluntarily cut down their or­ ' abortion can be controlled and the about the same language to Jew and NATIONAL BUILDING, is prepared to fight as long as there is ders in the interest of conservation. i losses stopped. Gentile alike.—Newberg Graphic. No serum or vaccine has been found The situation should stimulate the any fight left in his soldiers.—News OREGON. making of "perpetual ealanders," that gives any protection. These au- TILLAMOOK Reporter. thoritics all recommend that a thor- County Commissioner Stewart has some hundreds of which have already , | ' ough system of sanitation be follow- LI T. HOL Its been out looking after the new survey A good story is related at the ex­ been invented and upon which untold I cd on every farm, including treatment A A . of the roadway between Grand Rondo pense of a certain wellknown political ingenuity is still being expanded. I I of bull, cows, calves and buildings. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. and the Sour Glass grade. This new spellbinder. He was billed to deliver a There was a time when the perpetual I . This is the only certain means of con- survey is being made because of work political address at a certain country inlander was a close competitor of i trolling and preventing abortion— Complete Set of Abstract, Bocks in Office. that is to be dune this year. Unnec­ town. Upon liis arrival he found a perpetual motion and the time motor i ' Sterility—Premature Birth—Retained essary crooks and grades arc to be very small town hall and a good sized in the effections of inventive geniuses, j i Afterbirth in cows and White Scours Taxes Paid for Non Residents. eliminated as much as possible, be­ crowd, so it was decided to hold an For some reason they are seldom 1 , in calves. These all seem to be symp- T illamook B lock , DONE RIGHT cause the road is to be permanent and open air meeting. Opposite the coun­ seen on our walls, which will look 1 ' toms showing the presence of aboi- TillamooK .... Oregon several thousand dollars will be ex­ try hotel was a farm implement house bleak, indeed, if our old standby, the I j tion germs. Both Phones. To correct this condition, B-K, the at pended this year in macadamizing it. so the committee asked that some im­ calendar with advertising on the face ■ powerful antiseptic, used as a douche, Commissioner Stewart, who is the plements be moved out on the street of it, goes entirely out of fashion.— I kills the abortion germs, dissolves J ELANDE ERWIN RIGHT PRICES Winter working part of the board, is corner to serve as a platform for the Oregonian. the albumin, removes the slime, neu­ keeping an eye on the work.—Willa­ speaker, whereupon the implement PIANO INSTRUCTION, tralizes the acid, cleans the tissue mina Times. and thereby puts the organs in a con- Diploma from Chicago Musical dealer, who was somewhat of a poker, Keep tbe Roads Up. dition for natural healing. College.—Beginners receive the same ran a new manure spreader out upon B-K does not irritate, but is sooth- We take our hats off to those East­ the street. Mounting up into the seat, careful training as the most advanced. ing and healing to torn membranes, The recent announcement by the ern Oregon fellows who have be n the orator looked down upon the im­ Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ o f I and does not cause straining. Other heading their counties in so strong plement for a moment, then grinning- Lane county court that a system substances such a carbolic acid, cresol for the Liberty Loan and Red Cross ly surveyed the throng, said: “Ladies road patrol may soon be given a trial iodine, etc, are more or less irritating, tion. All lessons given at Studio. and every other patriotic movement. and gentlemen this is the first time 1 on a scale large enough to demon­ 1 do not dissolve the albumins, but tend County Representative for the strate the value of such a system is ' to coagulate or thicken them, thereby We need more of these kind of “pep” have ever delivered a Republican here in the Willamette Valley. Espec­ speech on a Democratic platform.”— encouraging to those who believe in I preventing destruction of the germs Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high Keep clean inside, as better all-the-year roads. It will be and thorough cleansing of the infect­ grade pianos, player-pianos, Victro.'os well as outside. Do not ially in spots in the valley. A lot of Harrisburg Observer. etc. allow food poisons to ac ■ more encouraging still if the patrol ed tissues. people figure that the Eastern Ore­ cumulate in your bowels B-K is a wonderful germ killer. Its system is actually given a comprehen­ gon bunch is a live bunch to tie to. c- HAWK Headache, a sign of self­ j remarkable germ killing strength is sive trial. This feeling will express itself polit­ Alaska Forging to tbe Front. poisoning, will point to I plainly marked and guaranteed on Roads an Ju.' like every other pro ­ ically. Any candidate that Eastern numerous other troubles -------- u— every package. B-K contains no poi- duct of human labor—they will not 1 son, acid nor oil—it is clear and clean Oregon gets behind, or any measure PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. which are sure to follow. Governor Strong of Alaska recently Keep yourself well, as it really wants, will have friends from put forth his official report for 1917. last always without proper care, if as water and as easy to use. B-K may Bay City .... Oregon thousands of others do, those who want to see Oregon get It shows that the war has made the lhe process of deteroration is permit­ be used freely in the drinking water, by taking, when needed, ted to go on unchecked the result is helping to destroy the germs which somewhere.—Oregon V oter. a dose or two of the old, production of some of its minerals inevitably ruined roads within a 'accumulate in the tanks; may also be J OHN LELAND HENDERSON reliable, vegetable, fami­ and metals greater than ever. British short space of time, it is the old, old ' used effectively to disinfect the bull There is at least one thing that ly liver medicine, Columbia, California , Oregon and I and wash calves at birth. ATTORNEY can be said concerning the Connecti­ Washington look with eager expecta­ question of a stitch in time saving B-K is handy. You have in one jug cut alien who returned his draft nine. AND 1 all ready for use by simply mixing tion to the time when Matanuska coal The railroads are obliged to provide 1 with water, your treatment for calves, questionnaire with "Dutchland Ub­ will reach their manufacturing cen­ COUNSELLOR-AT-LAW the most careful maintenance in or­ cows and bulls; also the best disinfec- er Alli s” w ritten across the face of it, ters. The national government has T illamook B lock , and that is that he is an open enemy der to prevent costly waste. The man 1 tant you can possibly have for gener- surveyed the Alaska forests enough to . . • Oiegon w ho builds a house must keep it in 1 al use—no special mixing of various Tillamook - and not a secret one, \\ e can respect reveal 50,000 acres available for wood ROOM NO. 261. an enemy who frankly says he will repair or suffer heavy losses. The ingredients—saves trouble and mis­ pulp. The fisheries .’.lone make Alaska Mrs. Maggie Bledsoe, «v.u,« do all in his power to further the owner of an automobile must keep it takes—insures promptness, accuracy, Osawatomie, Kan., says: a primary storehouse of American QARL HABERLACH, in repair or throw it away. And so it convenience and successful results. ends of his fatherland, but we have “Black-Draught cured Contagious abortion is being suc­ food. learned to classify the one of secret goes right down the line. me of constipation of 15 cessfully controlled in many herds by Last year the Alaska output of min­ ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. years standing, which Our highways arc built at heavy following our simple plan with B-K. learnings, too cowardly to came out erals in general grew 50 per cent nothing had been able to in the open, who while he profits by cost, and they are subject to severe Write for testimony of users T illamook B eock above what it had been in 1915, ag­ help. 1 was also a slave the institution of his adopted country depreciation. Poor drainage, peglect and reasons why B-K is used to stomach trouble ... gregating $51,000,000 while that of so successfully in this work. Tillamook does what he can to weaken efforts of chuck holes and ruts and lack of Everything I ate would Oregon silver and gold barely held its own. Send for these useful book­ to preserve tho: e institutions.—Inde a little work to keep grades in order sour on my stomach. 1 lhe yield of copper alone was worth lets. used two packages of pendent. all result in loss of efficiency. A little w EBSTER HOLMES, as much as that of all other minerals Bulletin No. 53 Black-Draught, and Ohl, ■■ ■ O' money spent 011 maintenance will save Contagious Abortion—Pre­ the blessed relief it has \\ hy shouldn't this country draft the year before, and already nearly a great deal on new construction.— ATTORNEY-AT-LAW vention and Control. given me.” Black- aliens? W hy shouldn't they be classed equals half of that of Michigan. Tung­ Oregon Register. Bulletin No. 136, COMMERCIAL BUILDING, Draught should be on in the same way as our own men, the sten, tin and lead come out in increas­ Calf Scours—How to Save your shelf. Get a pack- FIRST STREET, only difference being that such as are ing amounts. Petroleum has been POINTS THE WAY every calf. age today, prke 25c. found 111 four fields, but the produc ­ TILLAMOOK, . OREGON W. Kuppenbender. held for military duty be given their One cent a dose. Oregon. choice of serving in our army or in tion of this no less than coal is locked The Statement of this Hillsboro Tillamook All Druggists QR.L. L. HOY, the armies of iheir native countries? up by the government. The railway Resident Will Interest Our Readers EBll liuilding to open the coal fields pro ­ I Our neighboring town Hillsboro Living in the United States today are Notice to Registrants for Selective gressed satisfy ingly in 1917, <53 miles points the way in the words of one of PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON many British and Italians of this Draft. having now been constructed from its most respected residents: class. Canadians also are numerous, Mrs. W. H. Morton, 1439 Second T illamook B lock , and in Canada conscription is a law. the center of the Matanuga to the St., Hillsboro Ore., says: "1 can j Notice is hereby given that the fol­ coast. Ten miles have been laid to­ From the standpoint of fairness to Oregon. ward the Nenana field, the 71 miles of always spray a good word for Doan s lowing attorneys arc members of the Tillamook, our own citizens and also to our allies the Alaska Northern arc being taken Kidney Pills, since they pulled me Legal Advisory Board for Tillamook it would seem that the men of this TOWER’S FISH BRAN! over and rehabilitated, and the 40 through a terrible attack of rheumat­ County, and that under ordinary con­ Hp H GO Y NE, class should be asked to take their ic pains. For over a year, 1 wasn’t miles of the Tanami road arc operat­ able -to dress myself and every cord I ditions, each of them will be at his turn along with the rest.—Telephone address below given between the attorney - at - law . ed under b ase. and muscle in my body pained so that Register. A lew years ago Alaska had no 1 couldn't rest day or night. 1 was in hours of 9:00 a.m., and 5:00 p.m., to- Office: O pposite C ourt H ouse , farmers. Now a farming population is constant misery every minute. During wit: is a corker The government ownership of rail­ Sidney S. Johnson, 108 I. O. O. F. Tillamook - increasing annually and entire com- this time trouble with my kidneys set Oregon. road* will ensue alter the w.u isover muties do nothing but farm. Potatoes in and they were irregular in action Bldg., of the bromides of the day. It is on T. B. Handlev, 108, I. O. O. F. T. BO ALS, M.D., remain the principal crop, but wheat, amt congested. I felt sick and nervous every lip. \\ e venture the prediction oats and bailey can be easily grown. all over. I couldn't get anything to re­ Bldg. that when the war is over the re­ Maska's reindeer meat, rutabagas and lieve the suffering, until I began tak- 1 Carl Haberlach, Tillamook, Bldg. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. action of public sentiment against strawberries have won a reputation ing Divan’s Kidney Pills. In a few , weeks, my kidneys acted more freely | Geo. P. Winslow, Tllaniook Bldg. government ownciship will be tre­ Surgeon S. P. Co. for succulence. 1 and the rheumatic pains began to ease H. T. Botts, Tillamook Bldg. mendous. If this war has demonstrat­ (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) Next to mining as an Alaska indus­ up. I stuck to them until 1 had finish­ ed any one thing better than another try comes fishing. This was worth ed about twelve boxes when I was Robert H. McGrath, I. O. O. F. Tillamook .... Oregon it is that private ownership and man­ Bldg. nearly $.'7,500.000 to Alaska last year. . able to get around as well as ever ; agement of the railroads has been Salmon packing has perhaps attained ----------- and do my work. Today 1 can get J C. W. Talmage, National Pl.' ' ’ bum ® • -V-« 1 responsible for transportation effi­ reserve is not to around without any pain or effort. I T. H. Goync, Corner 1st S r-it . nt! J, K. REEDY, D.V M., the maximum, if the llaierproof Absolutely- ciency and progress, l'hc public will be diminished, but fishing lor co^. 1 take a box of Doan's Kidney- Pills 3rd Avenue. awaken to the big fact and our coun­ SaiisTadioii Guaranteed ' halibut and herring grows constantly | Price hoc. at all dealers. Don’t I John Leland Henderson, Lilian.■ ■k VETERINARY.' try will enjoy another splendid era of DEALERS EVERYWHERE and other fisheries are developing, simply ask for a kidney remedy—get I County Bank Buildii. industrial and commercial growth Doan's Kidney rills—the same as Both Phone«. A. J. TOWER CO. BOSTO^ such as c: lining clams. Webster Hole cial Mrs. Morton uses. Foster-Milburn based on the resourceful private en­ An infant resource 1.’ the visits of Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Tillamook! * Building. Oregon. terprise of its I'.pablc citizenship. As WITH THE EDITORS Billy ! reepecu Ing wo cues la plane Beglste JANUARY Buy your Tobacco from us and save Money. Have Your tain for gon Yau House Wiring Done by poVverCo. Keep Clean Thedford’s Black-Draughi REFLEX SLICKEI