I11.1.AMOOK, OREGON. JANUARY P. 1918. Do you enjoy good shows and good •> jo PER YEAR. Tillamook Jottings music? You are guaranteed both of Now is the time to use gallon fruits. RED CROSS ACTIVITIES IN 1 We have the best line.—C. O. & C. years the McKinley family came north these at the Gem Theatre next Mon­ M. Dawson. TILLAMOOK COUNTY. BUSINESS MEN MEET. and located at Tillamook, Oregon, day, Tuesday and Wednesday. • _ w. A. Wise, dentist -----o----- where the father died May 20,1891. There are 55 men now working at Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Lost—Pocket book containing $75 Commercial Club Taxes Active the ship yard, and 15 more will be put Auxiliaries and Social Clubs are Eighteen years ago Mrs. McKinley in gold two dimes wri^pped in paper went to Washington, making her Co. All Busy—Oretown has Mem­ Measures for Betterment of and some silver, between Tillamook to work in a few days. They will be home with her eldest daughter, Mrs. Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, County Bank and court house. Finder local men, there being quite a number bership of Seventy-Two. B. S. Pettygrove, in Port Townsend, City and County. Cloverdale, Ore. • please leave same at the Tillamook of men in different parts of the ----- o until Mrs. Petty grove’s death. Last county who have applied for work at o Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ County Bank. Will pay a suitable re­ the ship yards. The four day service began this May Mrs. McKinley came to Port There was a "smoker” on Monday Angeles with her youngest daughter, ware.—R. W. Bennett. • ward. week on Tuesday, with Mrs. R. W. District No. 56 vs. Corwin Kirk as captain. There were several Mrs. Viola Snyder, at whose home evening at the Club rooms of the William Duncan and Carol Hallo­ C. School Get your flour and feed at the Kup­ Commercial Club in the city hall. Byers and Mutual Security Co. is garments completed and the shelves she died. Grippe was the cause of her There was a fairly good attendance, penbender Warehouse. * way the stars of "The Fighting Trail” a suit filed in the circuit court, which w iie.: these are placed seem to have a death. At her advanced age she was was but not as large as it should have R. W. Bennett, expert watch re­ to be seen at the Gem Theatre next I is to recover ------ money . through the ue- de- satisfactory showing. ...vwftii me not able to successfully fight this been. pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. * Monday night, are two of the most | falcation of Byers, j who enemy. was school o----- actors in the role of westerners. The first matter to be discussed W ill pay you to see Everson tor a able Mrs. Fred Beals, superintendent of Don’t fail to see them in the wonder­ i clerk of the district. The complaint was the ship building industry and safe investment in city property or ful Opportunity to Secure New Boat alleges that defendant turned over to film story. sewing, states that the shipment to the condition of the road to the ship farm lands. • his successor, Clara Russell, $508.82, Service to Tillamook City, yard. There was a large delegation James Christensen sent a petition which was a shortage of $1632.42. Portland should be within the next See Kuppenbender about the Grant days. Every woman who can do from the ship plant present, who took ______ The suit is to recover that amount ten Six automobile, the snappiest car on to Washington protesting against so, is asked to come one or more a lively interest in this matter. It was the road. * the "hold up” of the mail for the from the National Surity Co., which days and help in this urgency. The business men have an oppor­ reported that the shipbuilding was Let your wagon be a Mitchell—the south part of the county in this city. went on Byers bond. tunity to secure a boat service for going ----- o along fairly well, but not so wagon that has built a monument of He, like a number of other persons in Tillamook City, provided sufficient Mrs. David Robinson directs the A. Richards vs. Minnie Z. , ... , , r. rapidly as expected. The present con­ fame. See Kuppenbender. * that part of the county, is fighting .. Guy , , ,. . ... , . , work on Wednesday; Mrs. .. — . business can be securer to justify dition of the road is ^pything but I. M. Richards is a divorce suit filed in the ,. ■ , .r, , . ,, You always save money by getting mad. .. were mar- ¡circuit mar' Smith circuit court. . These 1 hese parties .... on Thursday; and Mrs. , Chas, having the Anvil call here weekly on satisfactory, it being reported that your flour and feed at the Kuppen- . . at Eckelson, North Dakota, on E. Gibson on Friday, lhe clubs are her down trips to Marshfield. The the county court would be asked to Rudolph Zweifel vs. J. W. Short­ ried bender Warehouse. * ridge is a suit filed in the circuit court the 14th of April, 1896, and that on giving special service to this work. service can be started in about ten have the road closed and only those days if the business men decide to working in the ship yard and the Those who wish to see Dr. Wise to recover cattle, which is valued at the 4th of July, 1907, without just o----- The Shakespeare club is knitting take up the proposition. There will be county officials allowed to use it. will please bear ih mind that he will $495.00. It is alleged that on the first cause or provocation, she deserted her * of January, 1918, the defendant | husband, leaving for Oregon, but the 12 inch squares that become the a a saving of 20 per cent by steamer, This was on account of autos and B return about the tst of March. blankets for the wounded Belgians’ wagons going there carrying persons ■ Mrs. W. Haden Fisk and daughter, wrongfully and without authority since that date plaintiff was unable to cots. The Kill Kair is making am­ City Banks Elect Officers. who wanted to see the plant. They locate her, it being stated that she I ft'; . liav. b> 1 >1 visiting Dr. and Mrs. 1 took possession of the cattle. bulance pillows. The Swastika is mak­ get stalled on the road, and on ac­ I Wise, have returned to Portland. All Knights are requested to be at had gone back to North Dakota. No ing lei. towels. The Kingston goes children were born to the union. count of this there is delay in getting the Castle Hall promptly at eight Tillamook County Bank. I Why not be insured in the best fire every Wednesday to the rooms to material to the plant. The club pled­ I insurance company, it costs no more^ o’clock Saturday evening, January work. The annual meeting of the stock- ged its support to see that the road Holstein Breeders to Meet. 19th. Nehalem lodge will be here on I holders of the Tillamook County I See Everson. ----- O-— was put in the best shape possible, - o----- The auxiliaries are busy as bees. I Bank was held Thursday, when the for it was pointed out that -¿Conover & Condit have bought the , that evening. Come and help entertain I the boys from the North end. Big J nothing I following officers were elected: Patterns, one set of finished garments The annual meeting of the Holstein grocery business of Grant Mills and supper. should be allowed to del. lay the ship M. W. Harrison, President; Thad building. Breeders’ Association will be held and material, has been sent to each have taken position. Robison, Vice-President; C. A. Me- as they have been ready to work. next Monday, January 21st, at the Some of the business Don’t fail to see the display adver- For Sale—New modern residence, men thought M. W. that Tillamook was sr located in best residence district. For ■ tisement of the Gem Theatre on page Court House, at one p.m.. Prof. There are twelve auxiliaries in the i Ghee, Cashier. Directors, M. somewhat neg- five of this issue, as they are to have Westover of the O. A. C. will be coun>y now. Any school or other I Harrison, H. T. Botts, D. Fitzpatrick, lected in the matter of sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. -f news sent to present neighborhood that desires to help t Thad Robison, Chas Kunze, James the Portland *— papers, and contrasted •--- --- Charles Ray vs. F. C. Feldsch.au is four of the most celebrated photo- I The question is asked why you are can ‘iave an auxiliary formed by call- i Williams, C. A. McGhee and Wm. ,u- the large number of news items that a suit filed in the circuit court to re­ plays of the present day. These have or are not a Holstein breeder. ln8 >° their aid Mrs- C. ■’•Edwards, Maxwell. appeared from Coos wumy _ been secured as a result of tireless county a and _ _ the cover $131.05 on a promissory note. First National Bank. The cheese factory proposition will President of the Tillamook Red Cross, small amount from Tillamook . efforts on the part of the management. The annual meeting of the stock Dr. Wise will return from his It will be time and money well spent be explained at this meeting. A communication from Oretown re- The loganberry industry w5s the _________ ports a good attendance at their holders of the First National Bank of next topic. There were several parties California trip about March 1, to re­ to see all of these. _ . __ _ 7 _ , , _ , meeting Jan. 7. The following were | Tillamook, Oregon, was held on Jan. figuring upon coming to Tillamook sume his work in Tillamook county.* Owing to the tie up on the railroad, Only 32 Inches Rain in December, elected to office: ------- chairman, ----------- , Mrs.S. Sth, and the following officers were and putting in a fruit cannery. An ef­ For sale, 14 head of hogs, also some the play “Alice in Wonderland,” can­ ----- o----- H. Rock; vice-chairman, Mrs. L. M. elected: fort had been made to induce some of young pigs. Inquire of W. W. Cason, not be given, as the film failed to The rainfall for the month of De- Bailey; Secretary, Mrs. Retta Ray; I B. C. Lamb, President, J. C. Holden, the people to raise loganberries, but Blaine, Oregon. reach the city. The performance was cember was exceedingly heavy, it be- Treasurer, Mrs. Zada Christensen, 18 vice-President, W. J. Riechers, cash­ thus far but few had shown any in­ Want to rent a dairy farm with 20 to have been given by the Women’s ing 31.95 inches. One day it amounted new. members were added L making a ier, J. E. Keldson, Asst- cashier. clination to plant several acres. cows or more on shares. Address or Civic Improvement League and the to 4-35 inches. The weather this win­ total of 72 members, Florence M. i The following were elected direc- The matter of bonding the county call at the Headlight office. 2* proceeds given to the Red Cross. ter is quite different from a year ago, Parsons is publicity chairman. 1 tors: C. J. Edwards, John Morgan, for hard surfaced roads came up and 1 A. W. Bunn, Peter Heisel, B. C. Lamb, was discussed, the club being in favor 1. G. Sears who lived in the county Watch the Headlight next week for when it was cold with east wind and a The Beaver and Wheeler each gave J. ,C. Holden and W. J. Reichers. of it. It seems that the supreme court the date of this wonderful photoplay. good deal of frost. This year, however some years ago and left here in 1892, (passed upon the petition of a rehear­ a social function netting quite a sum The regular semi-annual dividend there have been a continuous rainfall, is in from Dallas on a visit. Tillamock Red Cross received 1000 of 6 per cent was declared and the ing in the bonding case last Novem­ with no frost up to the present, with of money. See Kuppenbender about building Red Cross buttons on Saturday, and the meadows as green as in the spring O- ■ ' surplus fund increased $5000.00, mak­ ber, when it would not permit it. A those who are entitled to them can your Ford into a first class 1% ton The business meeting on Tuesday ing combined capital and surplus, question was raised whether another of the year. obtain one by showing their member ­ Am ,-s worm drive truck at a small From the present indications the nioht was full of interest. At the next $35,000.00. The First National reports special election could be held. It was * ship card. They have been placed in . cost. rainfall for January will be also heavy meeting the report of the first quar­ the past year as having been the most decided to go ahead, and the presi- For Sale—22 Shoats and three Clough’s Drug Store. It is a serious 1 One peculiar thing about the weath­ ter's receipts ; -nd ’ expenses will . be prosperous since its organization, the dent was authorized to appoint a offence for a person to wear a Red 7_ „.; j _ - ------ v at the present time committee to push this matter Brood Sows; 3 cows and one three given. Committees made satisfactory ' ’ »«•-' total — resources Cross button if they are not a irfem- er ' this year, the frogs have been reports, bills were allowed and the being nearly $600,000.00. through. year old horse.—Apply to Ike Quick, 1 croaking all winter. It was reported that some parties 2* ber, for there is a penalty of $500.00 ' Tillamook, Ore. Mutual Phone. machinery for running this organ-I for doing so. [ization seems to be in satisfactory! Railroad Out of Commission. Were figuring upon locating a furni- Attorney Joseph Mannix, of Willa­ ture factory in this city, which would Brnce Ross Dies from Injuries. condition. A committee consisting of ■ The Shakespeare Club had another mina, came in on Saturday, having employ 40 men. Mrs. H. H. Rosenberg, phone 131 m; delightful time on Friday, it being the business at the court house. He drove ' The heavy and continuous rain in The old shacks, or fire traps, come ____ ______ ___ Bruce Wallace Ross, t who was a Mrs. Geo. Morgan, phone 42J; Mrs. Tillamook county the past few under fire, and the meeting thought in over the Grand Rondc in his auto. regular monthly meeting of the club. Mrs. Riechers was the hostess for the machinist in the U. S. Navy, died at H. D. Harford, phone 36 J, was ap­ months is playing havoc with the that the city council should condemn F. G. Lewis is appointed Traveling occasion, and the invited guests were pointed to secure from the homes the Passenger Agent of the S. P. com­ Mrs. E. T. Haltom, Mrs. Condit, Mrs. the Naval Hospital, at Norfolk, Va., following needed articles, w’orn out roads and the railroad was put out a number of them. from injuries due to a fuel oil fire at In future the club will meet the pany at Portland, Oregon, vice C. ■ Thad Robison, Mrs. E. Bales, Mrs. table linen, old muslin of any sort, of commission on Tuesday, when a an Atlantic port last month. The bad slide occuren near Enright. The second Monday in each month, Sev- Taylor resigned. Lewis, Mrs. J. C. Holden, Mrs. Part­ body was brought to Portland, where sheets, pillow slips, bed spreads, all slide was about 600 feet long and eral new members joined the club TheWater Commission met 011 Mon­ ridge and Mrs. E. E. Koch. Part of it was buried. He was the son of Mrs kinds of garments that are laid aside from seven to forty feet deep, com- and an effort is to be made to have day evening, and tire chief Coates the afternoon was spent in patch J. Jensen, now residing at Florence, as useless, out-grown children’s gar­ pletely covering the track and filling every business man belong. ments, baby wardrobes. The only made a request for several new hy- work for the Red Cross. The hostess Oregon, and spent his early manhood specification is that they must be up the river at that point. It is ex­ served a dainty lunch. drants. at Fairview, in this county. He enlist­ clean. If those having such in small pected that the slide will be removed A Wonderful Photo Play. F. M. Dunn vs Heata F. Dunn is ed about six years ago and was a or Urge quantities will phone either I in a few days, when travel will be re­ Dr. Wise and family have left for the outside and will spend a few a divorce suit fiiied in the circuit court. bright intelligent young man, having member of this committee and have sumed. Something new in the way of film Nine drummers who were in Tilla- weeks in California. They expect to These parties were married in Tilla­ married Miss Gertrude Warren two these articles tied up in a bundle, an I I_____ 1. ..u... -i... -...I-..-..! mook county on the 13th of Septem­ years since. At the time of his death auto will call for it giving the house­ mook when the railroad was put out entertainment will be seen at the Gem return about March 1st. of commission, made up a party and Theatre next Wednesday, January 23, ber, 1917. It is alleged that after the he was a little over thirty years of wife no further trouble. Money to loan on farm lands, from marriage "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea” will age. His untimely death came as a went out by auto. defendant began a course ----- o----- 1500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate Thad Robison, of the Tillamook be presented. This dramatization of Before the money can be divided of interest. We want your business. of treatment towards the plaintiff great shock to his wife and relatives. which consctitutes cruel and inhuman Besides his wife and mother, two that was sent to Tillamook of the first County Bank, was held up in Portland Jules Wrne's famous novel has been See Everson. a wonderful photo-play sisters survive him. Red Cross drive, it is necessary to on account of the railriad going out made into difficulties In conformity with the rule formed treatment, and on the 27th of Oct., encountered in after many of commission. Two years ago when segregate the names and amounts of elsewhere, all wood orders must be 1917, without any cause whatsoever, a slide occurred, he was in Portland, taking the pictures under the water, defendant left plaintiff and refused to each , district before the money can be accompanied by payment in advance. Hose Company Elects Officers. Over 900 scenes and 2,000 actors return. divided. Mrs. C. J. Edwards is en­ this being his second experience. —A. F. Coats Lumber Co. were required to tell the story of the I Postmaster Todd made a requisition deavoring to straighten this out as Subscribe for the Tillamook Head­ imaginative Captain Nemo. Adults 20 Demand that your contractor use Tillamook Hose Company held soon as possible, when the different that the mail be sent via Willamina, cents, Children 10 cents. Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni­ light, the pioneer newspaper of Tilla­ its The but as there is a good deal of red tape annual election last Thursday, • auxiliaries will receive their proper form and has exceptional fast setting mook county, and get three years "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” connected with a chang« of route, v— " eI.e 1 share of the money, qualities which is preferred. For sale subscription to the Oregon Farmer. when the following officers nt Jules \ erne's famous prophetic tory permission having to be obtained C. 1 at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * The Headlight is published regularly elected for the year 1918: President Tres., 1 - --------- - - ■ - from Washington. The latest report has been filmed, and a genuine under C. Curtis; Sec., Bert Thayer; ~ The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay on Thursday afternoons, and you are Coates.; ' A Former Resident of Tillamook is that mail will arrive by that route sea photoplay is the result. It will be toe for all to pound lard pails and 5c. not disappointed in receiving your C. A. Mahan; Chief, Thos shown at the Gem Theatre next to-morrow (Friday.) ^geleS, for 5 pound pails. They must bt free home newspaper. It gets there on Asst. Chief. Harry Long; Captains; passej, Away Wednesday. The submarine scenes A. F. Coats Lumber Company is 2, A. C. No. 1, Wm. Foster; No. front rust. Bring them in at once and time. Send the Headlight to your in which are shown the mysteries and experiencing some trouble in obtain ­ ■; No. 4. get your money. * friends, for the coming year we are Everson; No. 3, Bert Thayer ----- °----- Mre. Premclia McKinley, widow of ing cars, and in consequence the wonders of the deep are the results G. H. Ward tiaded for the Brant going to do another "bit” to help Claude Frisbie; No. 5, Lewis Dick; Dr. Erasaus McKinley, died on De­ large amount of lumber that is now of the greatest achievement of motion Hook and Ladder, Marsh Burdick; property across the street south of boost Tillamook county. cember 20 at the home of her young­ cut by the two shifts is filling up photoplay. One scene shows a hunt­ Electrician. Marsh Burdick. the court house and thin sold 55x105 est daughter, Mrs. Viola Snyder, 117 every vacant space. The lumber com­ ing trip taken under the guidance of During the year 1917, Tillamook “Slide Kelly Slide” Slides between Captain Nemo who leads his com­ ft on the corner and two houses to Tillamook and Portland have tied up City was remarkably free from fires. East Eighth street, at the advanced pany has been promised cars as soon panions out of his submarine. Nauti­ Dr. Wise. as railroad service is resumed. the train service for a time, but not There were only five alarms, one of aged of nearly 97 years._ lus, on the floor of the ocean. The ex­ Mrs. McKinley was born in New P. W. Todd lost one of his Jersey so with the film for the Gem Theatre. which was false, and one for a fire ploration of the coral gardens and the [Cows, which died suddenly on Wed­ We have one film on hand at this outside the city limits. There was no York state March 8, 1821. When she I.O.O.F. News Notes. shooting of sharks is shown in this nesday. The animal was insured by time, others will be secured, so that damage at any of the other places to was quite young her parents, Mr. and remarkable feature film. Adults 20c. Mrs. Henry, emigrated to Ohio where which the company was called out Rollic \\ atson. the show will be open every night as Children 10c. Tillamook Lodge I. O. O. F., in- usual. Don’t stay at home, but go to except one, where the damage, Permelia was married to Erastus Mc­ Those who have read and enjoyed Attorney Botts informed us that the show at night where you will for­ amounting, not to exceed $100 was Kinley, a rising young physician and stalled officers on Tuesday evening Jules Verne’s "20,000 Leagues Under the Supreme Court overruled a re­ get that you have missed your daily not covered by insurance. The last a scion of the family made famous by for the ensuing year as follows: The Sea” will have a chance to see pealing in the bond case, the court the late William McKinley, former Rollic W. Watson, N. G. ; F. H. call wat at midnight of July 22nd, at this wonderful piece of fiction visual­ paper. having done so last November. Mathews, V. G.; S. A. Brodhead, Sec; ized in motion pictures when the president of the United States. the Coats Lumber Co. saw mill. On next Monday, Tuesday and . On Monday night Chief Coates Dr. McKinley and Miss Henry were J. C. Holden, Très.; Ike Shortridge, management of the Gem Theatre Special attention is called to the lonaut-i = , . ... .. i ' esday, < ’ ,hc [arranged with the Council for per- married October 16, 1844. They fol­ Warden; Henry Crenshaw, Conduc ­ display advertisement of the Gem Wednesday the management of Willard i Priscnls ,*”s ,calure r the attic lowed the westward trend of emigra ­ tor; Joe Rutgers, Chaplin; V." ” __ ! ■' ser- I mission _ to ... fit _ up in the city Theatre on page 5 of this issue. Four Gem Theatre have secured the - - V T I January 23. vices of Mr. Wilkins to direct the ,ia]j for a gymnasium for thr Hose tion and lived in several states con- Church, R. S. S.; Louis Hushbeck, L. I big special programs. music for their feature pictures on company, and also made arrange- tinguous to Ohio until the late 50s S. S. ; Geo. Tinnerstct, I. G.; Wm. | 1 he gospel meetings that were held thesc nights. The pictures are all good, mcnts wjth the Water Commission to when they removed to Texas. Here Maxwell, O. G.J J. S. Lamar, R. S. M.E. Church Notes. at the i B. Church, conducted by the music will be good and every one ¡nsta]| a number of new hydrants, Dr McKinley had established a large N. G.; S. W. Conover, L .S. N. G.; Elder G R. I the Baptist who comes will be sure to have a practice when the question of slavery Ben Egge, R. S. V. G. ; D. J. Billings, Chas. E. Gibson, D. D. Pastor ’ - lay evening. good evening's entertainment. If you Talented Billy at Gem Theatre. arose and Northerners were regarded L. S. V. G. Preaching at 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Me- After the installation, the degree with suspicion. Dr. and Mrs. Mc­ are the loser. Don't forget those busted castings. miss these you ----- o ■ Kinley with their four children then staff of the first and third degrees Sunday School at 10 a.m. Can be welded for half. Goods sent W illiam Courtlcigh, Jr., the hero in joined a party to travel over the exemplified the work, which degrees 1 Prayer meeting every Wednesday Fred Lyster and Clara Schmidt by parce. ; < . ; promptly were ’ united in marriage at Portland, the latest Fox production, "Miss V. S. plains and mountains to the Pacific they will put on for the benefit of the evening at 7:30 o'clock. Subject for the morning service will «turned. Hiner 4 Ree 1, Tillamook, Oregon, ' at the home of the bride's A.,” the stirring patriotic photoplay coast. This party formed one of the W heeler lodge, being instituted on Oregon. • 1 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry A. in which June Caprice is the star, is largest caravans which crossed the ( this (Thursday) evening. A special be "Sin and its Remedy.” -- ............. Fred ...... ______ has been chartered, leaving Til­ For the evening the subject will be Schmidt. Lyster is a well known the son of the eminent actor William country with ox teams. Mrs. McKin- train ( One of the biggest successes of the young man of .his county the son of Courtlcigh, and has fallen heir to ley, who was possessed of a remark- lamook at 5:30 and a delegation of ‘Two Views of the Same Picture.” j If you are not attending some other •euoo it the Gem Theatre next Tues- an old settler, Ed. Lyster, of Hem- much of the talent which made his able memory for her advanced age, ( one hundred Oddfellows from the church you are most cordially invited d»y night, “Barbery Sheep” featuring lock. The bride is a well liked and a father popular throughout the coun- was able to tell many thrilling things various lodges of the county will join . |T1 im Brit 1 • . is is an Art- plucky homesteader in the in the ceremonies of organization of to attend services at the Methodist Blaine try. of the trip. i Church. ‘Miss U. S. A.” will be seen at the ■ I i- endorsed aS a country. They have the best wishes of new lodge at Wheeler, After living in California for some the , a host of friends. Gem Theatre next Thursday. cent ( h t ; lay .See it.