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Biwabb............................ ■ Coulson .......................... ■tison ................................ ■ Turner ........................... ■ Hardin .......................... ■ Blum................................ L Mills ............................ L Desmond......................... [Lyster ............................. kerns.................................. Lyster.................................. [Krake .................................. L. lllingsworth ................. popkins ........................... Î. Free berg .................. .. D. Smith.............................. Phillips................................ I Lyster .............................. It. Vaughn ........................... ■do Darby ........................... ■ Hammond ....................... ■ Atkinson ........................... ■ Blaser................................ ■L Darby ............................ ■ Johnson ........................... B Darby .............................. II. Neilson .......................... lb. Darby ............................. ■ Wissbaugh....................... [Haugen ................................ [Kinnaman ........................... [Goodspeed ........................... [lagman................................ [J. Himes ............................ fcer Himes ........................... k Himes................................ [bilks......................... i. Wilks........... .. [■ H. Leach ......................... Hanenkratt ......................... L. Shreve............................. ■ S. Coates........................... IL. Parrish ........................... tsc] Dodson .......................... , Her & Reed ......................... . • Arstill................................... ' ' 6. Anderson .... fx Me. Nak & Co.'. I H Coats Lbr. Co................ Pl Transfer........................... ■tuny & Bremer Co.............. B’ Turner................ ■B. Hardin ... Mills.......... t ®Mser .... t^Dye fE;r 4 Son ............................. parage ............... ZZ""* lie John Dyke ........... Vail Fisher ........... Dick Dingus ........ 2.50 Claud Lewallen .. 3-45 L. Speece ............... 72.00 Art Measor ........ 1485 Mervin Butts .... 6.00 Guy Swartz ........... 3.00 Maddux ................. 3.00 Jas inilah ............. 300 A. B. Wood ......... 1760 H. E. Hornschuch 28.10 Alfred Bauer .... 9-75 John Affolter .... 24 20 Fred Affoller .... 6.00 Walter Affolter .. 36.00 Nick Affolter .... 69.86 L. C. Meyer ........ 3.00 John Fox ............... 10.50 Frank Fox ........... 2700 L. J. White ........... 11.75 O. C. Gardner .... 300 Ralph Chilcot .... 300 Lester Ray .......... 10.50 R. H. Laffoon ... 58.50 Ray Hushbeck ... 19-50 Guy Mattoon .... 22.50 H. A. Brandt........ 16.50 Edward F. Carter 300 Jack Johnson .... 9.00 E. R. Hayes ........ 300 Harold Brandt ... 18.00 Ira Dimond .......... 12.00 P. Newberg .......... 3-75 Eugene Atkinson 300 Hiner & Son ..................... 1-50 General Fund 40.00 Mary Burmestcr .............. 78.00 Irene Eadus ....................... 1.50 Johanna York .......... 15400 Lizzie Armstrong ... 88.75 Florence M. Baker . 72.00 Ivel V. Gillam ........... 8.QO Ruby C. Brooten ... 28.75 Sarah E. Hatch ........ 2700 Emma A. Crown ... 7.87 Floyd Wilson ........... 2450 Ted McFall ............... 1500 F. D. Small ................. 22.50 F. W. Talbott .......... 12.00 W. F. Town ............... 6.00 Jesse Edwards .......... 30.00 G. A. Edwards.......... 30.00 Blake Thompson .... 12.00 G. W. Parrish .......... 12.00 Blake Thompson 7-25 Jesse Edwards .. 6.25 T. R. Eraser .... 1.00 Jesse Davis ........ 17-45 A. L. Thomas .. 272.65 Chester Thomas H. C. Hanson . W. L. V catch .. D. E. Robinson Frank liucll ... A. L. Thomas .. Chester Thomas H. C. Hanson .. W. L. Veatch .. D. E. Robinson Frank Buell ... W. M. Heacock D. P. Hopkins . Carl Hunt ........ Wm. Maxwell .. Alex Watt ........ Elmer L. Webb, constable ... E. W. Stanley J of P.............. E. W. Stanley J o f P.............. E. W. Stanley J of P................ Crystal Laundry Co. D. S. Boyakin ........ A. F. Coats Lbr. Co. W. Kuppenbender .. Glass & Prudhomme Frank Taylor ............. Erwin Harrison .... Erwin Harrison .... Vida Millis ................................. Ethel Curtiss ........................... Irwin-Hodson Co....................... Irwin-Hodson Co....................... U. S. Fed. & Guaranty Co. ... P. W. Barrett ........................... Erwin Harrison ....................... Bushong & Co.............................. Elmer Webb ............................. C. B. Stanley ............................. W. L. Campbell ....................... Tillamook Garage ..................... P. W. Todd ................................. L. B. Antrem ............................. Bushong & Co............................. W. L. Campbell ......................... Tillamook Headlight ............. G. B. Lamb................................. Marion Hare ............................. G. B. Lamb ............................... G. B. Lamb................................. P. W. Todd ............................... B. L. Beals ................................. C. A. Johnson ........................... H. B. Millis............................... A. M. Hare ................................. F. L. Owens ............................... H. V. Alley ................................. Tillamook Mutual Tel. Co. .. Smithy’s Variety Store........... E. T. Haltom ............................. N. W. Barker............................. T. E. Epplett ........................... T. E. Epplett ........................... Pac. Tel. & Tel. Co.................... Oscar Taggart ........................... R. T. Boais ................................. C. E. Trombley ......................... Morris Schnal ........................... City Dairy ................................. Dr. H. E. Rinehart ................... Mrs. Marie Ramm ................... R. N. Henkle ............................. A. H. Russell ............................. L. L. Hoy ................................... W. C. Hawk ............................. H. Mason & Co.......................... E. T. Haltom ............................. Mrs. F. P. Hobson ................... G. W. Phelps ............................. J. C. Bewley ............................... Tillamook Furniture Co. ... J. F. Jones................................... The Frederick Post Co............ T. H. Goync ............................. Frank Heyd & Co...................... T. C. Percy ................................. Tillamook Feed Co.................. Tillamook Garage ..................... L. S. Hushbeck ......................... C. O. & C. M. Dawson ........... Tillamook Water Com.............. J. H. Wilson ............................... bills ®oad District No. 3. RC Deuel........................... P'-r