TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT JANUARY 10. 1918. Immense Six Reel Goldwyn Production featuring MAXINE ELLIOTT, At the GEM THEATRE, Tuesday, January 15th Adults 20c There have been—and are—many beautiful women in motion pictures, but the beautiful one is here, in this great screen play. Children 10c jury List For 1918. Leach, W. H., farmer, Tillamook County Court DoinSs. claimed that they were right, that 1 to the incrascd allowance of bread Lawson, J. L., merchant, Tillamook prunes, dried peaches, apricots, raisins and other starches would mean a who are so heroically denying them­ Araientrout, F. S., farmer, Hemlock Lommen, J., farmer, Mohler selves the company of fathers and In the matter of claims for cattle dates and other foods are more pleas --- ------ .S” great strain upon the Alltn, P. E- *ar,nel> Nehalem Loerpabel, Geo., farmer, Mohler slaughtered, the following were al- ■ ing to the taste, as well as more diabitics, and more pancreas, more mothers, brothers and sisters, sweet­ obsesity. Less Atkinson, Chas. S. farmer, Sandlake Larsen, S. C., laborer, Nehalem lowed. [wholesome, when cooked without ' candy and less sugar, generally, will hearts and friends and that too, for Anderson, S. V., farmer, 1 illamook our sakes. Lewallen, Fred, truck driver, Hebo Bell Johnson .... 12.50 sugar. decrease our girths and make us Austin, A. M., farmer, Tillamook Lowrance, J., farmer, Cloverdale John Hathaway .. 18.50 | In spite of the artificial market con- healthy generally. I AUerman, W. B. Tillamook Leach, M. F., merchant, Tillamook Andrew Anderson A Merry Widow Party. cent would 37-50 ditions, <1:*:------- i ------------- ,J purchase more Andtrson, merchant, Hemlock Lucas, P. B. C., farmer, Tillamook Gust W icklund ... ----- o----- 25.00 calories in the buying of sugar than The Knights of Columbus Drive. Andersen, A. C. merchant, Nehalem Geo. Zirr ............. Lyster, T. W., farmer, Tillamook A party of seven merry widows 12.50 in the buying of any other food the ----- o Ackley, Claude, farmer, Tillamook Lena Pelz ........... Magarrell, R. C., farmer, Blaine gathered at the home of Mrs Edna 112.50 price of which was published on De­ 1 he Knights of Columbus War Hall, Jan. 1st, to celebrate New Years. Anderson, A., farmer, Tillamook M. Abplanalp .... Madden, E. C., banker, Wheeler 25.00 1 cember 11. Sugar P is straight food. Atkinson, Eugene, farmer, Sandlake J. S. Diehl ........... Marolf, Albert, farmer, Tiliamook 25.00 There is no waste __ about, ____ , Further- Drive, authorized by the Government The morning was spent in pleasant W. W. Conder .. Baker, W. F., printer, Tillamook. Mason, H„ merchant, Tillamook 187.50 snore, it is the only original and gen­ of the United States on the same bas­ conversation, a Hooverite dinner was is as that of the Y. M. C. A. and pur­ Bailey, A. D. Farmer, Cloverdale Mattoon, Guy, laborer, Cloverdale Jeff Wallace .... 40500 uine predigested food. It is absorbed porting to provide recreation centers, served at one o’clock. lhree other widows joined them in Baker, J., farmer, Hemlock Maddux, G. H., laborer, Tillamook H. B. Lockwood . without undergoing digestive changes. 12.50 Geo. W. Bodyfelt Bales, E. M. carpenter, Tillamook Martiny, D„ Agent, Tillamook 125.00 At that it is far from being a good libraries and tinges of Home Atmos­ the afternoon making eleven in all, Barber, H. L. farmer, Nehalem Mills, Morrison, farmer, Tillamook Wirt Sappington 25.00 food. It is a heat and energy produc­ pheres for our boys at the front, will with ten babies, there were two little be ushered in on Monday, January the boys among them. Music was one of M. C. Kcllow .... Batterson, S. M., farmer, Mohler Miller, W. M., logger, Tillamook 12.50 er and nothing more. It causes the fourteenth, and will continue through­ the pleasures of the afternoon. Those putting on of fat, but it cannot be The following were continued. Beals, F. R., real estate, Tillamook Miller, C. W., book keeper, Tilla­ out the week, ending Sunday, Jan. present were Edna Hall, hostess, mook H. A. Springer ...................... Billings, D., Farmer, Tillamook 2500 used to build up muscle or to regen­ 20. The ladies of the Catholic church Grace Garner, Belle Blum, Elvo Gro­ t Beebehiser, J., farmer, Bay City Munson, Edgar, lineman, Tillamook Cinnie Dye .............................. 12.50 erate the worn tissues. Like alcohol, rBlackburn, A. T., farmer, Tillamook Murphy, James, farmer, Tillamook Frank Freeman ....................... 12.50 it is a poor food in that it flashes into under the direction of the Catholic ver, Marie Johnson, Evelyn Hall, Fred Maurer ............................ 12.50 a quick hot fire which burns out the order of Foresters will launch the Eunice Hall, Bertha Long, Esther McDonald, Alex, farmer, Mohler Blum, J. L. farmer, Hemlock drive Monday, Jan. 14th, here in the Blum and Florence Blum. grate and blisters the boilers. Ben Neilson ............................ 12.50 McKimens, Geo. R., farmer, Mohler 1 Blalock, R. Y., farmer, Blaine city of Tillamook, The whole of Till­ The little folks were Doris, Irene We think that a restriction to thirty Zeno Biser .............................. 12.50 McDonald, C. A., farmer, Blaine Blum, Alwin, farmer, Tillamook 12.50 five pounds of sugar a year for five amook county will be canvassed and Clifford and Agnes Long, Edna and McGhee, C. A., banker, Tillamook Peter Heiscl ............................ Bodyfelt, O. W., farmer, Hebo 12.50 years would be great for the health combed during the course of the week. Mary Grover, Francis Johnson, Vir­ Mcllvaine, C. W., moving pictures, Noyes & Folks........................ Briody, Fred, farmer, Cloverdale Sentiments of patriotism and ties gil Garner, Edna and Grace Blum. Noyes & Folks ........................ Bay City i 8.75 and general welfare of our people. Brodhead, S. A., Tillamook Every one present voted the merry of faith and blood have cemented this The consumption of ninety pounds o£ John Morgan 25.00 McMillan, N., farmer, Garibaldi Bodie, J. M., carpenter, Bay City chaotic mass of humanity into one widow party a success. sugar a year makes us a nation of dia ­ John Naegeli 23750 Messner, P. H., farmer, Cloverdale Burke, J. L. farmer, Cloverdale A. N. Marolf 2500 betics and obese individuals. It makes loyal and responsive unit. The boys at Meyer, A. E., farmer, Cloverdale Boquist, N. G., farm r, Tillamook Dr. R. T. Boals was appointed our women fat and flabby. It makes the front are flesh of our flesh, blood The Chamber of Commerce of Do­ Moulton, S. A., barber, Tillamook Bozorth, J. O. banker, Bay City our young people a pimply faced lot. of our blood and therefore it be­ ver, New Jersey, has entered upon a county health officer. Moore, I. H. farmer, Tillamook Bunn, A. W. farmer, Beaver We are suffering from the eating of hooves us all to alleviate their condi­ buy at home campaign. It has put out In the matter of the report of J. H. Naegeli, John, farmer, Tillamook Christensen, C., farmer, Bay City Wilson as auditor of county records, too much carbohydrates. Carbohy­ tion, to mitigate the inhumanities that . posters urging the Doverites to pat- Neilson, farmer, Tillamook i Christensen, J., farmer, Tillamook confront them and to encourage them | ionize local merchants and tradesmen Nelson, John, merchant, Bay City same was accepted and warrant or­ drates are the cheapest of all foods. I Christensen, F. W., cheese inspec­ The prevalence of high prices will by a lively interest in their well-being instead of getting their supplies in dered drawn for $200.00. Nevins, John, shoemaker, Bay City tor. Tillamook drive us to a larger consumption of Ingratitude is an heinous monster and New York, forty miles away. It is an J. C. Bewley was appointed truant Norberg, Peter, fanner, Tillamook Chilcott, Ross, farmer, Hebo carbohydrates. We will eat more well might we drive him from this excellant idea—the protection idea officer. Olds, Henry, farmer, Tillamook Christensen, W. H. farmer Oretown bread, hominy grits, rice, cornmeal, fair soil and clime by espousing the on a diminished scale. Buy at home, The county treasurer was ordered Olsen, G. W., farmer, Tillamook. Crane, F. W., farmer, Garibaldi worthy cause that will be launched by all means. That is the basic princi­ to transfer from the general fund oats, cerials and potatoes. Ott, P. D., merchant, Hebo Cross, E. E., farmer, Hebo In view of this tendency we are for­ next Monday for the good of our ac­ ple of protection, and if it is a good $15,000 to the road fund. O’Necl, E. B., engineer, Hemlock Christensen, C. H., farmer, Nehalem 1 he Tillamook Headlight and the tunate in being denied a full supply of quaintance for the betterment of our principle locally it is a still principle Perkins, J. H., retired, Tillamook Conover, S. W., merchant, Tilla­ Tillamook Herald were designated sugar. Ninety pounds of sugar added friends, as a consolation to our sons nationally. Perry, J. J. wood saw, Tillamook mook county official papers, Price, Joseph, farmer, Hebo Day, W. G., farmer Bay City Phelps, Geo. W., merchant, Garibal­ as no sectarian preaching will be I Darby, Albert, farmer, Tillamook di Daniel, A. C., farmer, Mohler Gospel Meetings Begin at the United Pike, C. W. farmer, Bay City Dunn, D. J., farmer, Mcda Brethem Church. Pennington, A. A., merchant, Till­ Dolan, A. T., contractor, Tillamook amook Donaldson, V., farmer, Tillamook Last Sunday night, conducted by Doughney, C. L., farmer, Nehalem I Plank, Albert, clerk, Tillamook Elder G. R. Eads, Baptist missionary Porter, T. A., farmer, Oretown Dwight, W. G., merchant, Tilla­ for Oregon, the opening sermon was Provoost, J., farmer, Bay City mook. taken from the Prophecies of Daniel, Powers, J. F. laborer, Tillamook Elliott, W. B., farmer. Bay City second chapter, showing that Ne- Penter, Dell, farmer, Oretown Elliott, T. R., farmer, Bay City bauchadnezzar's great image repre­ Quick, I. F., farmer, Tillamook Erskine, J. R., carpenter, Tillamook sented the four great world kingdoms Randall, Cyrus, farmer, Tillamook Emery, Fred., farmer, Mohler and that the toes of the image are Rittenhouse, A. E., farmer, Mohler Edmunds, G. A., merchant, Tilla- the European powers that are now at Redberg, Ole B., farmer, Oretown » 100k Reedy, J. E., veterinarian Tillamook war. Everson, A. C., real estate, Tilla- Monday night the prohpecics of Robison, F. C., merchant, Barview 100k Ross, C. W., carpenter, Rockaway Daniel, seventh chapter, was taken up Farmer, H. M , farmer, Hebo Rogers, Henry, farmer, Tillamook and the great events of the world’s Fitzpatrick, D. farmer, Tillamook Rosenberg, J. H., merchant, Tilla­ history brought down to the present Flugg, \V. B., farmer, Bay City time in the development of Germany Freeman, Frank, farmer, Tillamook mook as the "Little Horn”, of Dan. 7:8-26. Rupp, J. J., farmer, Tillamook leek, John, farmer, Cloverdale Tuesday night, the sermon was tak­ Sales, W. H., farmer, Mohler Foster, J. C„ farmer, Cloverdale Sappington, F. L., civil engineer, en from Ezekiel, 38th chapter, deal­ Poland, G. H„ farmer, Tillamook ing with the imminent return of the Rockaway «age, W. A., farmer, Cloverdale Schiffntann, Solon, farmer, Bay Jews to Palistine, and the war that btllam, J. B„ farmer, Cloverdale shall then be waged against them by City b'nn, A. M„ carpenter, Tillamook Shafer, W. D., drayman, Rockaway “Mayog” (Russia) and the nations blad, Erick, Farmer, Tillamook Sclinal, Morris, merchant, Tilla­ that shall then be allied with them. «st, Archie, farmer, Cloverdale These sermons are very interesting Goodspeed, H. F., farmer, Tilla- mook 00k. Stuivenga, L. W., farmer, Tillamook and the interest is increasing. The meetings will continue at 7:30 Simmons. D. A., farmer, Bay City Gray, L. P., farmer, Blaine each evening this week, if interest Small, F. D., merchant, lillamook a 1. Elmer, farmer, Hemlock sufficient will continue next week. Smith, Sollie, tanner, Tillamook Haag Ernest, farmer, Beaver Smith, Ira C., merchant, 'l illamook Come and hear Dr. Eads and you will ,.a ’ D., butcher, Illamook Svenson, C. A., farmer, lillamook be well paid for your trowble. Haltom, E. T„ merchant, Tilla- I wish to say this meeting is no op­ Book Stoker, C. V., farmer, Garibaldi Hamlin, Geo. L., housemover, Till- Thompson, Sam, farmer, Nehalem position meeting gotten up by the United Brethern or us at the Nazar- •DOok Tilden, C. W., farmer, Tillamook ines. We had arranged with the Unit­ Hansen, H. C„ farmer, Tiliamook Tittle, Oscar, farmer, Tillamook ed Brethern for their house to hold Tinncrstet, D., farmer, lillamook A’ H., garage, Tillamook this meeting in nearly three months Todd, B. A., farmer, Nehalem u e* S-> farmer, Tillamook Tomlinson, Ira, farmer, Tillamook ago. So if you arc not attending the 11 art. G. E., farmer, Tillamook Traxler, J. M., truck driver, Clover­ Nazarinc, come to the United Breth- augen, Thoce, fanner, Bay City ern church. dale ° tn, J. C., banker, Tillamook Vaughn, Geo., farmer, Bay City ^acock, W. M. wood saw, Tilla- Van Patten, C., merchant, Tilla­ Keep Healthy by Eating Less Suëar. Htfd, I rank, carpenter, Tillamook mook The reason for th« shortage of su- Worthington, Frank, farmer, Tilla­ !iu/riS, J- Jr-’ furniture dealer, gar is easily found. In normal times F*ook mook Woodward, J. T., farmer, Bay City Germany and Austria export about Ht-In firmer, Tillamook two and a quarter million tons of su- Watt, Alex, farmer, Tiliamook Hnk l’ . y’ undertaker, Tillamook gar a year. They export none now. Watson, R. W., real estate and Ins. M.jSOn’ P’’ farnier> Garibaldi The invaded parts of France and Bel­ T lillamook fl Sonl J-’ farmer, Cloverdale Wagy, E. U. laundryman, Tillamook gium arc large sugar producers nor-1 u E’ D” farmcr. Tillamook Watt, R. J. bookkeeper, Tillamook rnally. The United States i« exporting . ver, W illiam, chauffeur, Tilla- almost twenty times the amount of ' W'alker, C. E., farmer, Tillamook Wallin, Carl, carpenter, 1 illamook sugar exported before the war. U1!."1’; VV’ H- farmer. Tllkimook We consume, under normal condi­ Ward, G. H., real estate, Tillamook I iiroh'• T-miS A" fanncr> Hebo tions according to the American Food Weston, Edw., farmer, Tillamook 'u_2' ,I<0, caPHalist, Bay City Journal, 90 pounds of sugar per year [ Wilson, R. E., merchant, Beaver ’ fawner, Tillamook per person. We read that our govern- | Williams, James, fcirmer, Tillamook farmer, Tillamook ment has put us on a sugar allow-1 U,’ ‘ merchant, Tillamook ance and we are to be reduced to an Jrisen’c V” farmer’ Tillamook How to Prevent Croup. allowance of 35 pounds a year. The Ktzdeii r C.-: farmer, Hebo various nations of Europe have been F’mz rt mi farmer, Nehalem In a child that is subject to attacks put on evan a shorter allow.imcc. 1 he fbv R r farmer. Beaver of croup, the first indication of the government is advising the use of *n' merchant, Tillamook disease is hoarsness. Give Chamber­ such sugar substitutes as glucose, "Cft. farmer, Tillamook lain's Cough Remedy as soon as the honey, molasses and maple syrup. At a recent fat stock show lectur- Unar r c”’ (lrmer' Tillamook - ■child becomes hoarse and the attack Ut1Dlf’rJ’ "»erchant, Tillamook mav be warded off and all danger and ers from agricultural colleges dem- U»r. ' ” farmer, Tillamook anxiety avoided. For sale by Lamar s onstrated methods cooking fruits rf p- L., farmer, Cloverdale Drug Store. without the addition of sugar. They ■ C-, banker, Tillamook Tillamook Women’s Civic Improvement League will Present MISS VIOLA SAVOY, Late Star of ‘ The Littlest Rebel,” in the $25,000 Six Reel Film Production, “ALICE IN WONDERLAND.” At the GEM THEATRE, «FRIDAY, JANUARY 18th PROCEEDS TO GO TOWARDS TILLAMOOK RED CROSS. The Most Remarkable Animated Picture Production of Childhood Dream World, and Her Dreamland Companions. “They’ve all Come to Life" The White Rabbit The Blue Catterpiller The Mad Hatter The Cheshire Cat The Sleepy Dormouse The Mock Turtle The Owl Twins ! ■