ìillainook Y V HeaMiaht. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. JANUARY 10. 1018. Friday evening a party went to the • i jo PER YEAR. Coats loKK>n and 8 camp in behalf of that the tary; Flora Aschim, Financial Secre­ |lll(llUVVa uvvfc* D Red Cross, notwithstanding 1 seem, in the city would be attracted TILLAMOOK HOTEL COMPANY tary; Frankie Talbott, Warden; Rose gations of the petition. This being o - a number of the boys had previously Wagy, Conductor; Minnie Duvall, ln- by Alice and her \\ onderland. It was MUST PAY BILLS. . dentist. become members in'Seattle and Port- cide Guardian; Ella Plank, Outside .the Regent theatre—seating 2,500— true, it follows that the receiver is not V .L.dv at C. I. Clough land, 38 new memberships were ob- 1 where Alice was billed and both Case Growing Out of Receivership in any sense a trespasser. In High on Guardian; Mary Smith, Chaplin; May goofror Kemeuy * tained. Receivers we find this statement of Decided by Supreme Court. Frisbie, R. S. N. G.; Alice Wolf, L. streets leading to it were blocked the law; with children. They came in autos ----- o—— S. N. G.; Bessie Chaffee, R. S. V. G.; 1 M. W. Harrison vs. Charles E. D,. Shearer, physician and surgeon, “An order appointing a receiver is and farm wagons, and worst of all the John Leland Henderson vs. Tilla­ Haas, W. F. Woolitz and Mary Wol- I Cecil Kinnaman, L. S. V. G.; Lewella trolly cars leading into the city were mook Hotel Company, et al appell­ a cause in which the court has full njrerdale, 0fe- Nelson, Treasurer; Lewis Hushbeck, ’ litz and Roger L. Scott and Jane packed with youngsters, who had to ants; from liilamook County; appeal jurisdiction, affords protection to the t0 the Wife Of Chester Stew- Scott c—“ is ' a suit • filed — i t|Je circuit court team captain. Indications point to return home disappointed. What a from decree settling final account of receiver for all acts done under and -tontiieand, ason. great interest in the Rebekah in conformity with such order, even to recover $500.00 on a promissory as there are now a number of work pity that moving pictures houses do receivership of hotel property; opin­ appli- not cater more to children and use ion by Justice Benson, affirming Cir­ though it is afterward reversed for clocks, watches, »ilver- note and foreclose mortgage _• on cer- 1 -R. W. Bennett. cants for the decree. tain error.” tain property. - their screens for such wholesome cuit Judge Belt. ”^1 your flour and feed at the Kup- This doctrine is supported by Beach stories as ‘ Alice in Wonderland. ’ 1 his is an appeal from a decree of R. E. Clanton, Master Fish Warden, “Smoker” for Business Men. Xnder Warehouse. Give patrons less blood and thunder the trial court settling the fina 1 ac­ on Receivers. The court therefore is in looking over the hatchery. He j W. Bennett, expert waten re- will ..... ship in 500,000 silver salmon There will be a “Smoker” for busi­ scenes and more of the sweeter things count of the receiver appointed to very properly allowed as credits to eggs of life. Yesterday’s experience should take charge of the hotel property of the receiver, all disbursements made » | eggs owing could to the water here, he here. as uuuiM ^atcl ’"S not high be secured water the ness men at the rooms of the Tilla­ be enough to convince any maker of the defendant corporation, with direc­ in paying the debts of the defendant Furniture for sale—Mrs. 1-eldsc lau, win H Wilson has charge of Er­ mook Commercial Club at the City films what is most desired.”—The tions in the order of appointment "to corporation and in carrying on the Hall next Monday evening, when all business. ia venue and Third Street. hatchery on Trask river. tile those who are interested in the busi­ Paterson Call. act as^such until the further order of The discrepancy referred to, supra, National Bank has been this court, with full power and au ­ ¿ » United States depository. Lost—Pocket book containing $75 ness progress and development of the News Notes From the Gem Theatre thority to take immediate and exclu­ arises from the fact that the receiver city are urged to be present. in gold two dimes wrapped in paper sive charge of the business and affairs continued to do business with certain „... |jros. Blue Can Coffee land some silver, between Tillamook of said defendant corporation, and to firms who had accounts with the de­ i Attorney Henderson ’ s Son is Captain Friday January 11, "The Mysterious from C. 0. & C. c M. M Dawson. County Bank and court house. Finder fendant corporation prior to the ap­ Miss Terry” Paramount photoplay, manage the same according to the .... O— — Will pay you to see Everson tor a please leave same at the Tillamook orders, and directions of this court pointment, to whom there were un­ Hood River, Ore., Jan 8.—In a let­ featuring Bille Burke. D—•- ....... paid balances due. New liabilities '¿S,“'"’ in cily property „ r~—»- Bank. bi,-” ter to his wife this morning Louis A. Saturday, January 12, "Their Com­ from time to time to be made herein, Henderson, City Treasurer, who is pact", seven reel Metro super-feature, and to take such necessary steps as were thus incurred and the dispute arises upon the question as to wheth­ Sec Kuppenbender about the Grant lnstall->ti«„ now stationed at Camp Lewis with presenting to all livers of the photo­ ' may be necessary to procure sufficient Sii automobile, the snappiest car on ‘ ? officers for the en- er subsequent payments to such firms [ funds to meet and liquidate running the 316th Engineers, supply depart ­ play, the popular Francis X. Bush­ fcroad. * "g yc“r ln the I- O. O. F. Encamp- were applied to the old or new obli­ and current expenses of the defend ­ Special price—Crystal White soap, lows’ Ha'lMhls**1 Th atjhe °dd Fel* ment, announces his promotion to a man and Beverly Bayne. A picture gations. The new accounts are a prop­ ant corporation, and pay the claims captaincy. Captain Henderson , who of the mining fields of "Silverville. K. a bar; $4.65 for 100 bars, Regular Aft,.r ;n 11 I hursday evening. of A. H. Gaylord and the said C. J. er charge against the defendants, $600. Kay & Co. * Of T n " *°n * “H°overized” feed is a graduate of the University of Adults 20c. Children 10c. Oregon, where he was prominent in Carlton, and other urgent demands since the supplies thus purchased Sunday, January 13, “Cy Whitta­ would have been a necessary expense, There is no truth in the report that crabs and” Holst ein milk°S “' student activities, having won recog- soup, bT'*' cracked ker’s Ward,” five reel Thomas A. against the same, and is hereby given even if there had been no receivership. -- serv- nition as author of the the train scnedule is to be reduced to ed. * T oe power and authority to negotiate a ‘ song “Hail, Edison production featuring Shorley It follows that it can make no ma­ ¡Oregon!” recently returned three trains a week. P . . from i Mason. A story of rural life and I loan upon the credit of the defendant terial difference to the defendants Complaints continue to reach the Camp Lavenworth where he was in I small town politics, is filled with hu­ corporation and its assets, etc.” Let your wagon be a Mitchell—the Headlight office a to the | training. whether the payments in question ln obedience to this order the re Hgon that has built a monument of “) ....... ...................... regard to mor and human interest. re- ­ were applied to the new or old ac­ 'hold up” of the mail for 4he South ceiver took possession of the proper ­ Monday, January 14, “Neglected fcme. See Kuppenbender. * part j counts since both are their obligations of the county in this city for Methodist Episcopal Church. Wife” No. 14—“Hearst-Pathc News” ty on May 5, 1914, and conducted the We find no substantial error in the ......... some of - the"r» - You always save money by getting 19 1 hours, ‘,V..-*‘J’j ‘°r business thereunder until August 2, “The Flirt”, one reel comedy, Bring­ jour flour and feed at the Kuppen- wanting to know ; • ‘jspondents record and the decree is therefore Chas E. Gibson D. D., Pastor. Wer Warehouse. ♦ in the * ?°, kn.ow ”no »• nigger ing Up Father,” split reel comedy •9*4, when, upon the reversal of such affirmed. The 11 o ’ clock service will be of a I the pile who succeeding in cartoon and Sardine fishing at Monte­ order by this court,, the receiver was Why not be insured in the bes^ fire having the schedule changed. patriotic nature, dealing with one of rey- removed and directed to return the Facing the Inevitable. asurance company, it costs no more, proprty to the defendant corporation. The Shakespeare viuo Club met on Mon Mon- ­ our serious national problems. Sub- -. — ^-«ivvspcaic Tuesday, January 15., “ Fighting ----- o— jet Everson. day, Mrs. John Groat being the lady ject: “The Religion of Conservation. I ” Odds” six reel Goldwyn photoplay, Thereafter, an accounting was had The “Publishers Auxiliary,” a news­ Furnished and unfurnished house- who did the entertaining on this oc­ The subject for the evening will be featuring Maxine Elliott. This is a wherein the trial court made and en­ paper published in the interest of the kping rooms and rooms wth stoves casion. A most pleasant time and “Ancient Sins in Modern Settings.” picture in a class with “Polly of the tered a decree theron as follows: country daily and weekly press I the Watch Tower building * dainty lunch was enjoyed by all. The Sunday School at 10 ■X-TV.iJ' a.m. every Sun- Circus” and “Baby Mine” See display “Based on the findings of fact and throughout the United States sums _ __ UU1I ” * K ’ ’ • , for Sale—New modern residence, invited guests were Mrs. Thad Rob­ I day. Midweek service every Wednes- advertisement elsewhere in this pa­ conclusions of law heretofore found up the future of these publications in and made in this cause, it is by the the following war-time language: ¿ted in best residence district. For ison, Mrs. J. C. Holden, Mrs. I. M. jday evening at 7:30 o’clock. per. Adults 20c. Children 10c. lie at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * Smith, Mrs. E. Bales and Mrs. Con- We want to extend to all the _ most “The farmer is getting over 38 per . ........ Wednesday, January 16, “Mutual court ordered that the receiver A. H. cordial invitation to worship with us, Program,” watch scheen for an­ Gaylord pay to the defendant Hotel cent more for what he has to sell than Want to rent a dairy farm with 20 dit. Company the sum of $422.00. he was getting a year ago, but is still ws or more on shares. Address or | Casper Amacher vs. E. C. Monnich, as no sectarian preaching will be nouncements on this one. “That the said Hotel Company Paying the same price for his news­ Thursday, January 17, “This is The ill at the Headlight office. 2* Strome David, Joseph David, W. G. heard from the pulpit. Nothing but sin will be denounced and nothing Life”, a five reel William Fox photo- thereupon transfer and assign to the paper that he paid a year ago. LG. Sears who lived in the county Dwight and J. M. Nichols is a suit but righteousness will be exalted. play featuring George Walsh. Mr. said Gaylord all his claims and inter­ “The groceryman is making a profit lee years ago and left here in 1892, filed in the circuit court to recover Walsh has taken the leading part in est in the claim now shown upon its on an 18 per cent average increase in , money on a promissory note to the in from Dallas on a visit. several Fox features, but in this one books against one E. F. Helliers for the price of everything he sells, but ' amount of $700.00, that a certain mort- Corinth Relief Corps. For sale, five heifers coming two 'gage be he has outdone all previous efforts. A $133.00 on account of draft cashed by is still paying the same price for his foreclosed and that the the said Gaylord while receiver. advertising and for his newspaper. ar old next spring. Apply to An- sheriff be cyclone comedy. Don’t miss it. Corinth Relief Corps met last Sat­ required to deliver to the “The clothing merchant is making a “That the said A. H. Gaylord have w Vetsch, Mutual Phone, purchaser a certificate of sale of said urday night with a large attendance, land recover of and from the plaintiff profit of more than a 17 per cent intending to install the officers, but ice Kuppenbender about building property. !• O. O. F. Lodge to be Instituted |in this cause for his services as re­ average increase, on everything he nr Ford into a first class l'/i ton having so much work had to postpone At Wheeler. ceiver the sum of $455.00, the further sells, but is still paying the same price The loss sustained by Johnnie an worm drive truck at a small the installation till the next meeting, sum of $79.00 for his services in keep­ for his advertising and his newspaper. : Stewart to his household goods on st • About one hundred members of. the ing account of the receipts and dis­ “It is only a question as to how long I New Year’s was settled by the Fire Saturday afternoon, Jan. 20. Members It is a safe bet, that you will see Association of Philadelphia, which are cordially invited to come out as various lodges of Cloverdale, Beaver, bursements of the defendant company the publishers who have not raised mires worth while if you attend company was carrying the insurance, there is a lot of work to be done. The Tillamook, Bay City will join in in­ prior to his being appointed receiver, their rates can keep up a loosing t Gem Theatre attractions. They a check in full being paid the assured corps is doing good work, taking in stituting an Oddfellows’ Lodge at and the further sum of $289.00 on ac­ game, how long they can continue new members every meeting. Many tall good. on Sunday the 6th, through the of­ ¡persons are not aware of the fact that Wheeler on the night of Thursday, count of said Gaylord and Carlton as playing the role of philanthropists. In January 17th. A special train has been expert accountants, the further sum of time they are bound to be driven to Money to Loan on farm lands, from fice of Rollie W. Watson. Mr. Frank ttll luyal wo loyal women as well as relatives of arranged for which will leave this $32.15 for premium on bond, labor and one or two alternatives. Either they W up, Good terms. Reasonable rate Glover special agent for the company ! ' all the veteran s are eligible to member- city at 5:30 p.m., and which will re­ expert accounting and for publication must raise their rates, or they must go interest. We want your business. adjusting the loss. ship in this order. Let us remember turn to Tillamook as soon as the of notice of hearing of final report, out of business and leave their fields I Everson. * C)n v Qhoriii On Wednesday Sheriff f Campbell • they are banded together to assist the lodge is instituted. The Bay City and that this shall be a full, final and to men who will ask a war-time price J E. Tucker, until recently pastor made a raid on a homestead two and grand army of the Republic. Two of team will put on the initiatory degree, complete settlement of all matters for a war-time product. Medford, Oregon, will preach at "There is a considerable number of half miles west of Beaver and cap-i the old boys surprised the W. R. C. Cloverdale team will put on the 1st herein connected with the said receiv­ I Christian church next Sunday, at a tured munitions of war. K Bumme and 'with ice cream and candy. The W. R. degree; Beaver team will put on the men in the country newspaper busi­ am. and 7:30 p.m. ership.” ness who have not been afraid to ask O. Aume, both Germans, lived on the j C. club meets Tuesday, Jan. 29, at the 2nd degree; and Tillamook team will From this decree defendants appeal. what their product—their advertising then you wonder where to spend place, and the sheriff captured a rifle, [home of the president, Mrs. Billings, put on the 3rd degree. It is expected Benson J. The evidence taken upon and subscription—is worth, and they eiening, go to the Gem Theatre : double J—v’ • barrel • shot • that the Grand Lodge officers will be gun and two , re_! All come out that can. the accounting in this case is very vol­ have found that there was no difficul­ ire you will sec all the latest and I volvers, all loaded and in addition to I present and it is desired that all uminous and is rendered vague and ty in getting fair prices. The Publish­ kst class photoplays. this ammunition and blasting powder, i brothers of the order that can will confusing by what we mean an un­ Red Cross. er’s Auxiliary has told of the exper­ ____ ____ , make i, it a pvim point to iu juui join the me parry, party. The me necessary elaboration of petty details. 1 conformity with the rule formed A number of letters and German ; iences of dozens of them, has told *here, all wood orders must be . language papers were also brought to i The Red Cross branch seems to be | in’tituting of th.e Wheeler lodge is the From it all, we gather that the re­ how they not only did not lose busi­ _ ‘ •mpanied by payment in advance. the city and the sheriff is making an ■ 1 ’ increasing in its scope. The member- . culmination of the desires of the ceiver took charge of the property ness by the raise, but in many, many 1 F. Coats Lumber Co. * investigation of these men. | ship grows, new auxiliaries are being County Convention which was held in on May 5, 1914, at which time he re­ cases were congratulated on making formed and the machinery to operate Beaver *n October, when a commit- ceived with the business cash to the the raise. But with all of this there inland that your contractor use Only one permit for the appropria­ Cruz cement. It is always uni- bar supplies are hundreds, thousands, almost, who its work seems to be well in hand. tce was appointed for the preliminary amount of $132.40, tion of water in Tillamook County and has exceptional fast setting Last Thursday the officers went to worK, Bro. John Aschim, county pres- $1034.72, and dining room supplies will not profit from the experience of was issued by State Engineer John its which is preferred. For sale Oretown and organized an auxiliary idcrit, has worked untirely and sacri- $94.60. When he was removed on er Kuppenbender Warehouse. * H. Lewis during the last Quarter of of- 70 members. On Friday they secur- iiced considerable personal time and August 2, 1914, he returned to the de­ these men and do the thing they know they must do if they are to con­ the year 1917. Gilbert Brothers, of It Tillamook Meat Co. will pay cd 42 members at Garibaldi, on Fri- expense to carry these plans to per- fendant Hotel company cash $654-97 tinue in business. Beaver, Oregon, has secured the right kr all 10 pound lard pails and 5c. day next they will go to complete the fection. bar supplies $1121.29 and dining room “You, Mr. Publisher, who have not : pound pails. They must be free to appropriate two second feet of society. The rooms in this city are to 1 l*e heeler I. O. O. F. lodge will supplies $118.17- According to his raised your price, just put yourself in I rust. Bring them in at once and water from East Beaver Creek for the 'our money. ♦ purpose of irrigation. This water will be open afternoons each week, with have a start of about 50 charter mem- own contention, he paid $2504.37 o* the position of the groceryman of hers and in the very near future will bills incurred by the defendant prior your town for a minute. As the gro­ a captain for for each. G- Dwight vs. J. A. Brandt, F. be diverted through a flume one and Tuesday—Mrs. R. W. Kirk institute the Rebekah degree for the to his appointment, of which defend­ ceryman you have been selling sugar one-fourth miles in length which is to ’-Is and wife is a suit filed in the Wednesday—Mrs. David Robinson ladies of that locality. The principle ants concede the payment of $1710 75- at, let us say, 5 cents a pound. You ’• court to recover $250.00 on a be erected at an approximate cost of Thursday —Mrs. I. M. Smith. movers in the lodge work at Wheeler This discrepancy will be referred to were then buying it at 3% cents a l'“°ry note given by J. A. $500.00. Froday—Mrs. Chas. Gibson have completed plans where they will later. He also incurred new obliga­ pound. The war caused a jump in the dt. j j Mabel McDonald vs. James Mc­ Mrs. Fred Beals is General Supt. erect at fine hall at a cost of $800, tions in conducting the business, price of sugar and instead of costing The yarn is ready for the knitters, which is financed by the members. which are still unpaid, to the amount you 3%, it cost you 6 cents a pound. Campbell mailed out the last Donald is a divorce suit filed in the ‘01 Questionnaires on Wednes- circuit court. There parties were mar- The new directions will be here for The building will be located on the of $2336.81. The total cash receipts, Would you continue selling it at 5 1 ning, and by next Wednesday I i ried on the 18th of September, 1917, j the next work day. Every woman is best corner • of Wheeler and the including the money on hand on May cents, or would you do just what the Tues-[ground ground floor of the building has al- 5, 1914, were $7604.64 and the receiver groceryman did do, advance the price ■tionnaires should be returned in this county, and shortly after the : urged to come and help. Next Tues- 1 local board. marriage defendant commenced to day at 8:00 p.m. will occur the regular | ready been leased for a term of years, accounts satisfactorily for $6933-3'1 to cover the advanced cost plus a ------------------------- in the shape of necessary ■ disburse­ proportionate profit? treat his wife in a cruel and inhuman business meeting in the city hall. > »grams at the Gem Theatre “So far as receipts and expenditures Nehalem has sent in 1% doz. nap- ENGINEERS OPPOSE TO ments, in addition to the sum of manner and to heap upon her person­ ‘tting a high average, you are concerned publishing a newspaper al indignities that did and do render kins, 2 tea towels, 1*4 doz. hdkfs, 2 DEEPER NEHALEM $654.97 paid to defendants on August *t them. Open every night is just like any other business—if you 2, 1914. The trial court properly dis­ ------ o ■ - *'tk, but never a weak pro­ her life burdensome. Defendant ac­ ambulance pillows. do not get for your product what it cused his wife of improper relations Report to Congress Declares That allowed some of the disbursements costs you to produce it you are going "Alice in Wonderland.” with other men, and on the 19th of and, as disclosed in the decree, order­ Facilities are Adequate at Present , . Schultz returned from Aber- November, 1917, violently slapped ed him to pay to defendant the far­ broke. "And that is just what is going to r’t'- he had attended the fun- her and told plaintiff to "take your Tillamook Women's Civic Improve­ Washington, Jan. 8—The secretary ther sum of $442, and gave judgment happen to the newspaper publishers 1 I mother. Mt'. durty duds and get out of here.” ment League have made arrange­ of war has transmitted to Congress against the plaintiff for the receivers who do not raise their prices to cov­ >i d at Aberdeen owing The High School debate season has ments to produce "Alice in Wonder­ the report of the examination and compensation and other items of cost. er their heavy increase in costs. httis oi her father. land,” a most wonderful photo play survey of Nehalem Bay and river in The appeal of defendant appears to started again. The Tillamook High Newspapers that have not raised the :iIget those busted castings. School last year were defeated only I at the Gem Theatre, on Friday even­ connection with the proposed im­ be based entirely upon the theory 1’taied for half. Goods sent by Silverton the champions of west- | ing, Jan. 18, the proceeds to go to the provement of deepening the channel that the appointment of the receiver price of advertising or subscription Tillamook Red Cross. from the mouth of the river to was a void act and as a necessary are confronting a serious situation, "■ Post and express promptly ern Oregon. This year being coached Wheeler. The report says that the sequence that the receiver himself ■that is the country newspapers with 4 Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, by Cloyd Dawson they hope to win “As Punch and Judy is known as was a trespasser. This contention is fairly good sized circulations. Our the state championship. On Friday, the Adam and Eve of vaudeville, so is commerce of the river is small, exist­ without merit. The petition for the ap­ rates are exactly the same as when ing facilities arc adequate and further the 18th of January, the affirmative ‘Alice in Wonderland’ known as the ' ;t you ever heard of 20,000 team, consisting of Herbert Stam perfection in child literature. It seem­ expenditure is not deemed advisable pointment was included in the coy1' we took hold of the Headlight 20 plaint for an accounting and the alle­ years ago, and to give some idea of •eunt’r the Sea? The man- and Clare Small go to Forest Grove ed a pity yesterday to see thousands at the present time. gations were sufficient, if true, to the cost of paper these days, our pa­ ■ >' the Gem Theatre are go- to debate their negative team. On the of children turned away at one of our justify the action of the court. 1 he per account for December was $168. ^*w«t this most remarkable same night Tillamook negative team Pay Up. local picture houses where this fam­ appointment was made with notice It is double what it was two and a r4 Picture at an early date. represented by Charles Lamb and ous story was billed to be given. Of and after the defendants had filed half years ago, but this is only a cri- Ft it. Miss Margaret LaFollette will debate course, when a theatre is packed with j Having sold my interest in the Till­ their answer. It is true that this court terion of ai wiiul what country newspapers Beaverton ’ s affirmative team in the people, those coming later have no amook Feed Co., all accounts up to subsequently held that the action o against. We hope the predic- has returned from her are up __ 3rd, 1918, are due and payable. the trial court was erroneous and di- tion is not other alternative than to remain out- Jan. * [ 1 has resumed her work. High School Auditorium. noi true ii u* that if country news "»«'«- ­ We ask that immediate settlement be they * ’ rates •*'* ” The Rebekah lodge installed offi­ side. Being a holiday, of course, had r' 't musicals will be given reced that the receiver be removed, papers 1 fail to raise their ill have to . suspend “ or go wi.. --------- ~~ into r, Dick will give lecture» cers for the term: Hope Watson, something to do with bringing the knade so that the business may be but did not declare the appointment enner either w - * ’t • look -------- bankruptcy. That don very r en- void, nor was it so in fact. r •> the lives of the dif- Noble Grand; Alta Sfyortlidge, Vice children out, but no one ever dream­ closed up. Respectfully, "’’Posers. Grand; Nettie Page, Recording Secre- ed that every youngster, it would The decree was reversed because con raging to the snap shot man. D. L. Shrode. the evidence failed to support the alle- 1 TAllinrfO Till/iniOOK JOUlURb.