f s. DRAFTING AN ARMY Conscription Had Its Origin In France In 1798. THEN SPREAD OVER EUROPE lane t< 11 to g antic both of livery ill Eventus improv' mail g> causs a the pro energy jof ove there n munlca home i home a there i Newu-l OswtU Pierce ‘h'h ' ‘ run tl Govertf ri» I o It. object suppofa ought oaint The Terrible Power It Plaoed In Napo­ leon’s Hands Forosd the Other Na­ tions to Adopt ths System—Ito Intro­ duction Into Thio Country. ~TTLLAMO0K HEADLIGHT JANUARY 3, 1918. 4 THE PLATE ON REGULAR HABITS. They Ge a Leng Wey Towerd Building Up Good Health. Regular habits for retiring must be considered as one of the best methods for securing good sleep. The human Laxly has a wonderful periodicity in all its «i»ontaueous ac­ tions, and by studying these much of the machinery of health may be made to work smoothly. Witness one habit of waklug at a certain hour to which we have been ac­ customed. Regularity in eating is moat impor­ tant for health. The digestive tract will respond at regular times Just as other habits will repeat themselves. Proper food properly digested will do much for one's health and happiness. I It is a mistake to eat too much. We should try and enjoy our meals by paying attention to the taste of food. Do not gulp it down. It should be masticated and tasted so as to stim­ ulate those nerves which reflect their sense on the other nerves controlling the glands of digestion. When you feel indigestion after eat­ ing a meal note the ingredients eaten and should it repeat Itself try to con­ vict the guilty food and dismiss it from your dietary. Don't make eating a task, but make it a pleasure, to that the food will di­ gest and be assimilated and applied to the different necessities of the activi­ ties of life. Youth demands a greater variety and quantity of food than does old ags and especially does it require more protein and meat. I Learning what foodstuffs best ault la one of the great educational tasks man has before him, for he no longer has the intuition of the lower animals. The latter seem to inherit a sense that di­ rects them what is beat for their body wants. The vast majority of animals can differentiate between poisonous and nonpoisonous foodstuffs —Commis­ sioner of Health Dr. Samuel G. Dixon of Pennsylvania. Curious Story Of . Proph POSITIVETY THE they Hold the Sultan’s Vast Store of Hidden Wealth. LAST 2 DAYS BILLIONS IN RICH TREASURE. Outturn’s Bseides the Gern Leden Throne of Beaten Gold, These Hoavily Guardod Caves Secrets the Hoardinge of All the Groody Rulers of Turkey. SMASHED PRICE SALE Friday and Saturday, January 4th and 5th. WONDERFUL BARGAINS FROM EVERY DEPT. OF THE STORE Everything on the Balcony 1 2 We Pay You to Pay Cash Why They Heve Green Baeks. An Arabian Titbit. Cheese today Is not common among the Bedouin Arabs, butter being pre­ ferred. There is a substance closely corresponding to cheese mentioned in Samuel. This consists of coagulated buttermilk, which Is dried until it be­ comes quite hard. It is then ground, and the Arabs eat It mixed with butter. He is twice a conqueror who can «retrain himself in the hour of victory. —Cyrus. Imaginary. “Father," said the little boy, “every now and then I hear you talking about somebody who was old enough to know better.” "Yes, my boy.” "What age is that, father?" And the old gentleman after some thought replied: “My son. there isn’t any such thing. It's like the golden age—purely mytho­ logical.” Easy by Comparison. “You must put your shoulder to the wheel,” said the earnest citizen. "Glad of the chanee.” replied Mr. Chuggins. "I feel lucky if I don't have to craw! under a motorcar and lie on my back to fix the works.”—Washing­ ton Star. Our Help, “Did you succeed In hiring a new cook?’* “Not yet She is looking up my ref- erences."—Exchange. Mahogany Trees. Mahogany trees do not attain their full growth till they have reached the age of 200 years. Tt Is better to be always prepared than to suffer once.—Latin. T Fulfilled, Visitors at museum, often ou the sadness of the present the Egyptian mummies buried with such great caret that their rest might never bed,?* ed But such thoughts never ente/t minds of natives who p;iiaM lb'r* cestors' graves, nor do they more civilized explorer. To. tlous person, however a stur«1*^' mummy that R. Caton’Wood^W.2 in Random Recollection," mlrtoa a sinister meaning. ‘ 11 Aft^ th.e H1 fu,ed exI>eecause his body up in a knot on top of her bead inside sorbs less nitrogen. Also, the di»«J a diamond crown, the front of her must have at least one and onehl dress covered with diamond orders, cubic feet of air per minute st • while her bands were incased with depths. Lacing the legs of the diver» golden mittens studded with precious suit increases his stability and I*rml him to come to an erect position «■> stones. Few are aware that the sultan is in ease. It also lessens the danger« ’ Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same as Wesley Rush, falling or being suddenly blown to th Executor of the last Will and Mrs. Morton uses. Foster-Milburn receipt of the largest income paid to surface.—Popular Science Monthly. any earthly sovereign — something like Testament of James Hughey, Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. £1,006,000 a year—and has the right to deceased. ask for more should his privy purse A Ready Witted Parton. H. T. Botts. run short. The treasury of useless The evening lesson was fr0ID * Attorney for Executor. II. T. Botts, Pres. Attorney W’ealth boarded away in the green book of Job, and the minister had M at-Law, vault, if converted Into cash and used read. “Yea. the light of the wiestow«Ml buying rouge tile other day. B. S herman . Yreka, Cali­ pairing smoking Fire Places. “That certainly does lend color to upon that hitherto almost unknown lit­ fornia ; or P. E. W alker , report."—Baltimore Amer? an. tle sonthem river. — Philadelphia Rec ­ Agent, Ramsey Hotel, Till­ ord. amook, Or. I Right is the eterim! sun,and the, TILLAMOOK ORE A little loss frightens; a great one cannot delay it« coming-" eD