DOUGLAS F1ARBANKS, W In Artcraft Pictures M - — _------ — - — — wa wxa a V- f 9 Gives a Top-Notch Funmaker for all but the Pacifists. This is another of those High Class Photoplays for which the Gem Theatre is noted. A laugh won’t hurt you, but will do you good, even though you may be a Chronic Grouch. The best prescription we know of is “A Good Hearty Laugh” which you will surely get by, seeing this work of art on the screen. GEM THEATRE, Tuesday Night, January 8th, 1918 ADULTS 20c. CHILDREN 10c. THE. QUESTIONNIARES RXER, CIA LIST, ORECOI b’ \ isits to <- Invertiate, f ok IM TES. four se 3ne by 310—R. A. Leonard 120—B.’E. Thayer 299—L. A. Wallace 246—G. G. Schoppcrt 322—A. Mettler 161—J. D. Z. Biser 166—C. E. White 180— P. E. Allen 185—G. W. Olson 189—E. E. Smith 202—F. B. Culberson 210—N. A. Christensen 216— V. R. Hushbeck 226——C. H. Gudge 232—A. F. Krake 235—J. Swift 311—Henry Diehl 315— R. Hoover 388—J. M. Borba 302—L. Blaser 217— E. W. Gilman 272—H. V. Ober 316— Lloyd D. Shannon 358—W. A. Snyder 277—L. Loll 399— J- R- Woods 361—F. L. Braden 295—J. E. Dunn 264—H. E. Wells 258—H. A. McCutchen 133—F. H. Kebbe 230—Albert Bays 344—L. O. Anderson 400— J. Davis 334—Orval Parks 239—G. C. Terry 337—A. D. Lomincn. Class 5. 17—L. Maraskiewuz 265—John V. Fitzpatrick 138—Nick Demchook 442—Eli Putes 153—Mark Fabijanick 169—M. Nokovich 256—Joe Burik 270—Peter Suklis 208—S. Borovac 214—I. Donaldson 456—Mate Juki! 136—Wm. Wilks TWO OREGON LADS ARE Attorney Winslow’s Mother is Dead GIVEN SIGNAL HONORS c. , „ ~----- „ . , , Another List of Those Who Have ___ Salem, Ore., Jan. 1.—Mrs. Adelatd Been Classed. V. J. Langman and L. C. Smith V’ Winslow, 60 years of age, died last Chosen from 600 to Attend 1 '1.,ght at ’tr IO1,U' on a {armP°'h We give below r.n additional list of University County. She has been a resident all hose who have been classed, There ___ ___ ' 1 er life on what is known as the old s some useful information for drafted Victor J. Langtnan, stepson of city Winslow place. . . knen appearing on another page of Auditor George J. Funk, who enlisted She is survived by three sons, this wick's Headlight, that may be of in the aviation corps April to of last Walter C., attorney of Sakin; George interest to those who have been plac­ year, is in Portland on a furlough. He [attorney of Tillamook, and Frank, ed in class one. is one of the two men selected from who resides in Polk County, and by Class 1. the four airplane squadrons at Fort tv.o daughters, Mrs. C. V. Nelson, 199— C. O. Woods Sill to attend the university of Illinois Los Angeles, and Mrs. Olive Whit­ 21 — I. C. I’lasker for special instruction in aeronautics. ney, of Polk County. 177—H. F. OU The other man is Lyle C. Smith, of Mrs. Winslow had been ill about a *’93— Deloss Woods Tillamook, Or. These young men con­ year. It is believed that her death 195—H. H. 41 ogan sider it a great honor to themselves was partly caused by grief over the | 470—R. Al. Blanchard. and to the state to be the only two to loss of her son who was drowned 341—Edw. Creecy be chosen from about 600 others to here in the \\ illamette river about a 237— E. J. Paul attend the university. They are both year ago in an effort to save a ferry ‘45—John Barber privates, but when they complete load of people crossing the river. Gladys W. Smith, daughter of Mr. ucational Bureau of Oregon Congress 134—Hcrchel Scovell their course at the university and and Mrs. Ira C. Smith, obtained the of Mothers. The test age used was ia 104—R. At. Wlahovich take up actual instruction in flying,, Attorney G. P. Winslow left for high score of 99 points in an examina­ ' 305—C. C. Adams they will be in line for commissions Salem on Tuesday owing to the death tion under the rule of the Parent Ed- months, the height of the baby being | 103—E. R. Wheeler 29 inches and weight 22 pounds. s as first lieutenants. They will be at of his mother. 249—J. A. Hoover the university for about 10 weeks. 130—C. C. Robitch Notice of Sheriff’s Sale of Real Private Langman witnessed the es­ 147—Tom Geganto Property. cape of the big observation balloon 229—T. J. Van Patten from Fort Sill several weeks ago, 260—K. McDonald when the cable was snapped by an I Notice is hereby given, that by vir­ 394—E. H. Porter tue of an execution issued out of the 200— John Kunzi ■~4. [Circuit Court for Tillamook County, 31—T. A. Gathers Oregon, dated the 13th day of De­ 238— O. J. Stasek County Court Proceedings. cember, 1917, upon a judgment made 173—E. P. Watt and rendered in the Justice Court of 281—VV. J. Burgan In the matter of the vacation of the Second Justice District, said 222—A. D. Schlegel Garibaldi Beach and the replatting County and State, on the 27th day of MUTUAL INTERESTS 338—H. H. Hanenkrat same as Garibaldi Cove, same was November, 1917, and thereafter on the BEGIN 1918 oil a solid business basis by establish- 8—T. R. Fraser granted. 6th day of December, 1917, duly dock­ iny a bank account and connection with this stone, 248— J. Grossman In the matter of the request of Jim eted in the Clerk’s office of the said progressive NATIONAL institution. Both YOU 225—C. A. Boquist Sutton for duplicate road warrant, No Circuit Court, wherein L. V. Eber- and the First National Bank should enjoy actual 354—W. G. Smith 35,692 for $63.00, the same being lost, hardt was plaintiff and John Feld- 221—J. H. Rock advantages and be better prepared to meet < oppor- same was granted when proper secur­ schau and Anna Fcldschau were de- 429— C. A. Bauer tnnity HALFWAY. ity was given. fendants, said judgment being in fa- 244— D. L. McCracken We welcome all sizes of accounts and all In the matter of the tax budget for vor of the plaintiff and against the J04—A. L. Bays classes of patrons. the 1917 roll, the same was entered defendants and each of them for the 397— F. D. Shaw DIRECTORS : in the court journal. This was prac­ sum of $25.75, with interest, costs and 288-P. J. Henige A. W Bunn. farmer. P. Helsel, Farmer. tically the same as the list published costs cf filing transcript in said Cir­ 64— J. L. Kipper C. J- Edwards. Mgr C.PowerCo. J. C. Holden. Pice Pres. and agreed to at the tax payers meet­ cuit Court, the said execution being t B. C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. 398— Neil Hiner ing. to me directed and commanding me W. J. Riechers. Cashier. 362—\ edo Cavaya In the matter of transferring the Drafted Men who Have not Reported to satisfy the said judgment out of 5°—G. Jarvis A There are eight men Sheriff Cam­ funds of. the county $30,000 of the the property of the said defendants; 402—C . Gilmore Now', therefore, I have duly levied pbell is looking for who have not re­ general fund was placed in the road 109—G. E. McDonald fund. upon, and on Saturday, the 2nd day of turned their questionnaires, they are 457—L M. Cruikshank In the matter of the application of Feb., 1918, at the front door of the as follows: *63—John Wyss the Wheeler Lumber Co. for permis­ County Court House in Tillamook TILLAMOOK. OREGON. 14—'1 hos Jessie McKnight, Dolph, 481-R. o . Wilson sion to construct a logging road City, Oregon, at to o’clock a.m., I Oregon. ‘96—E. Marshall 45—Matthew Daniel Sandidge, across the county road, the same was will sell at public auction, to the 209—W. W. Yates granted provided certain conditions highest bidder for cash in hand, the Meda, Oregon. 223—H. L. Alley real property of the said defendants, 62—John H. Wohler, Bay City, were conformed with. «43—V. Hanson Claims for indemnity for cattle situated in Tillamook County, Ore­ Oregon. 475—R. W. Smith gon, to-wit: 72—Guy Oliver Trude, Wheeler, slaughtered were: 487—J. E. Lucas J. S. Diehl ......... Lot number Six (6), in Block num­ $250.00 Oregon. 490—J. Nielsen 2500 bered 9, Park Addition to 1 illamook 91 — Henry C. Keys, Wheeler, Ore. A. N. Marolf ... 296—R. McGinnis 12.50 City, Oregon. 145—John Barber, 15J4 N. 2nd St. Bell Johnson .... 4*— J- A. Griffard John Hathaway . THURSDA Y Dated this January 2, 1918. 18.75 Portland, Ore. 447— Alfred Josi "NORTH OF FIFTY-THREE—William l ox photoplay star­ Andrew Anderson W. L. Campbell, 37-50 6—Freddie Enos Moore, Dolph, 303- Carl Erdt Sheriff of Tillamook County Gust Wicklund .. 2500 ring Dustin Farnunt . A vibrant story of love amid the Oregon. 349—B. E. Scovell Geo. Zirr ............. 12.50 First publication, Jan. 3, 1918. snows, filled with simple pathos and tense situations, a pic­ 309-A. E. Scholltneyer Lena Pelz ........... 112.50 Last publication Jan. 31, 1918. ture of the great northwest. >93—B. York MR. HAWKINS IS OPPOSED M. Abplanalp .... 25.00 234-A. D. Case These claims will be passed upon Chamberlain's Tablets. Senator Chamberlain Does Not Favor 271-T. K. Nickerson I RIDA Y F riday. Local Man for Aircraft Job. 171—W. N. Downs "OUT OF THE DRIFTS"—Six reel Paramount picture feat­ In the matter of a tax budget for Chamberlain's Tablets are intended 353—Mark D. Scovell uring Marguerite Clark, a picture for every body who enjoy» Russell Hawkins is in Washington the year 1917 tax roll, it was ordered especially for stomach trouble, bil­ 262—J. J. Michaud Miss Clark's production. that the iousness and constipation, and have following resolution be ad- attempting to further his candidacy 308—C. Seidie opted: met with much success in the treat­ for appointment as civilan member of 18—E. D. Edmunds "That the county court is authoriz­ ment of those diseases. People who SATURDAY the new aircraft production board, 327—L. G. Finney "SILENCE SELLERS"—Five reel Metro picture featuring which is to supervise the buildiing of ed and requested to use that part of have suffered for years with stomach 435—John Shimming the road funds of T illamook County, trouble and have been unable to ob- Mme. Petrova. This is a knockout, one of the best you have airplanes for the United States Gov ­ 363—A. Walker ernment, and the production of Oregon, to be raised by taxation in tan any permanent relief, have been ever seen with this celebrated actress as the star. 332—E. G. Baker spruce for both the United States and the year 1918, and specified in the completely cured by the use ot these "THE RINK"—Two reels of Charley Chaplin comedy. A laugh 343—E. C. Dromnes I budget as for road bed for hard sur- tablets. Chamberlain’s Tablets are the allies. 325— P. M. Holt every time you "bat an eye’’ don’t miss it. Adults 20 cents also of great value for biliousness. face and to match state and federal He has run against a serious ob­ 370—John Zwald Children, to cents. • appropriations, for other road work Chronic constipation may be perman­ stacle in the active opposition of Sen ­ 326— H. Champhc ently cured by taking Chamberlain's if a bond issue is arranged for which ator Chamberlain, who has thus far 423—C. Corder SUN DAY refused to help or even assent to his will provide sufficient funds for said Tablets and observing the plain print­ Class a. “SKINNER’S BABY”—A five reel comdy featuring Bryant purposes to meet the requirements ed directions with each bottle. For appointment. The Senator ’ s opposi ­ 378—D. M. Pentcr ____ Washburn. Ever) body liked "Skinner’s Bubble''and this tion is understood to be based on for obtaining state and federal aid on sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. 351-M. A. Shearer roads south of Tillamook City. will please equally as well. political grounds alone, and is similar The Government Wants Spruce Class 3. to his opposition to Collector of Cus­ For Airplanes. 267—C. O. Dawson Methodist Episcopal Church toms Burke. If Senator Chamberlain 319—C. A. McGhee MONDAY carries his protest to the White Look at the South East quarter of ■ “NEGLECTED WIFE"—Number thirteen. Chas. E. Gibson, D. D, Pastor 40/—Joel Atkinson House he probably can prevent the Comedy will b< announced later. Watch screen for announce* Preaching services at 11 a m. and South East quarter of Sec. 5, T\,wn- ■ «59—E. C. Wilson appointment of Mr. Hawkins. Demo­ 7:30 p.m. ship 5 South, Range IO Wc»l, contain- ' Class 4. mint. cratic politicians generally are indor»- 261—G. E. Swabb Subject for morning service: "The ing 40 acre . A liberal cash offer con- [ "HEARST PATHE NEWS."— No 87. ing a Major Sligh, a prominent Mich­ Fundamentals of a Righteous Life.” sidered. Addrem to E. H., Box 62. 228—O. K. Tittle igan Democrat, for the position Mr. ♦ For the evening service: Gambrel Sea View Wash. 245-J. A. Hurliman ---------- TUESDA Y I Hawkins seeks. Sommers will preach. 9—Roy Searcy “IN AGAIN OUT AGAIN"—Artcraft picture featuring Doug­ Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Sunday school at to a.m. and Young 115—Leo Morrison las Fairbank See di-play <•!•>< where in this paper. Profitless Year Ended. People’s Meeting at 6:30 p.m. 278—H. B. Moore This is not only one of the best and o----- Mid week services on each Wednes­ 206—R. W. Kcllow The year / just an cx- day evening at 7.30 o’clock. Mrs. Gib- most efficient medicines for coughs, WEDNESDA Y 206—W. J. Mann * J --------- ended ------------- shows cold» <..... and ____ croup, ____ but is alto pleasant "LOVE HERMIT*’—l >n mi Mutual M.i-ur Pitture fcutiiring >n wilt mouiig. tulul tremely poor fire loss ratio for this soli will address tne the meeting. 333—C. E. Olson We do not under estimate the ap- and safe to take, which is important William Ru>scll A »tory oi love and high iinance. country, the losses for November 3—Wilbur McCracken “BLUFFINO FATHER”—ore reti comedy fcaturing Willy .' lone running over $20,000,000 the to­ predation expressed by our audiences when medicine must be given to 2u7—W. D. Shafer have given it children. Many mothers ____ tal for the first eleven months am­ for these services. We anticipate your 1 children. 473-T. ~ M. "Berns Rhodc». their unqualified endorsement.—For coming with as much pleasure as w e I ounting to over $240,000,000, or $|O,- »7—F. H. Bush Sale by Lamar ’ s Drug Stop-. * 000,000 more than during the same would a day of sunshine. ‘42—H. E. Hoss fl Gem Theatre