T1LLAM0 00 MANY CHURCES called for the observations of the lay critic, was chiefly that there was needless duplication of religious en­ deavor by a dozen churches occupy­ ing a field where there was room for fewer. How did that come about? It arose mainly from the belief that creed was all important and must find expression the form of substantial works. But now it seems less impor­ tant to both laity and clergy. Some churches languish and all are hurt by duplication and competition. The problem may be, in part at least, solved when churches are not located, in town or country, by guess­ work or by a preacher-solicitor anx­ ious about his job, but only after an actual determiniation by competent authority of its need. The authority might well be furnished by an inter­ denominational organization, which would decline to give its sanction to. construction or maintenance of a church in a community otherwise ad­ equately provided. It is not an im­ practical suggestion; it could be made entirely practicable if such a solution were to be approached in the spirit which led to the informative survey made by the combined denominations in Lane County. CLASS ONE LISTINGS ONLY TEMPORARY o----- District Board Will Make Final Dis­ position of All Classifications. age who has taken out his first pers declaring his intention to be­ come a citizen of the United States, regonian Intelligently Diecu»» is subject to draft. It makes no dif­ Duplication and Waste in ference how long or how short a time ------ 0------ Church Work. he may have taken out his first Registrants of Multnomah County ago papers. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL and, presumably, many in outside tier to our lively contemporary counties, who have based their sole CEMENT. LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND rvallis Gazette-Times, on the claim of deterred classification on in­ Rare Field Seeds to Be Distributed r"nt. — ■ o ------- h Problem in War Time" con- dustrial or agricultural grounds, are "y church, and there over this temporary classification, clover. Each package contains enough 11 'TED To be $•■<>,000 for real Christian once the registrant acquaints himself seed for making a careful test ami I DER. with the procedure which must be fol­ cultural directions accompany the lowed by his division exemption seed. The department would prefer 1 financial calculation might be a board. This explanation by one of the that a farmer experiment with but awary—we think it is; but the chairman should allay all undue alarm one kind of seed at a time, as the stion that there should be a on the part of the man seeking defer­ supply is so small that the demand unity church, suitable to the re- STATE red classification on industrial for it is never supplied and as gener­ ,, social and educational needs al a distribution as is possible to se­ grounds. e smaller towns is being thought- "Under our working rules we ex­ cure is desired. Mr. Hawley will glad- discussed by clergy and laity, emption board members have absolu­ ly supply a package of such seed to ,t is certain to bear fruit. tely nothing to do with the claims for such of his constituents as may write ere is no economic justification elve churches in a place which deferred classification based solely on him for it so long as the seed may be In another editorial on the same industrial or agricultural status of the available. It is suggested that an or­ dequately support, say, not more four or five. The churches do subject, the Oregonian concludes, as registrant, except that we may make der of preference be made when writ­ ing for the seed, so that if a certain a recommendation. so far as we know, assert that follows: variety is no longer available another Case Goes to District Board. L is a place for all of them. But Doubtless some of our doubting [ it would seem, thinks that the “Where an unmarried man presents desirable kind may be substituted. He ! Vh En other ought to give way. The friends will be interested in the testi­ only a claim that he is a skilled work­ expects his quota to be exhausted by I has long since passed, however, mony of a preacher, Dr. Charles B. er in a necessary war enterprise, or is the demand before the first of Febru­ r 1 any denomination has dared to Taylor, of McArthur, Ohio, who has, the directing head of a necessary ag­ ary. u jt that it is the sole voice and as he says, been "ministering for forty ricultural enterprise, in asking deferr­ Ln of truth, and all or most of 10 ‘he needs of various groups ed classification his case rests in the Keeping it Out of The Paper. TILLAMOOK X s’t “ 1 L agree that the others are finding lof country churches among the hills hands of the district draft board. of Southwestern Ohio.” Dr. Taylor ■*( Wh is the editor who has ‘We are bound by the rules to notify ' 1 ly to the eternal kingdom; but offers this pointed assertion: 1 r justification for existence has men of this status that they are tem- been importuned with tears to keep 3 I that there is a variety of re­ "The first thing to do is to get the porarly listed in Class I, final decision the lie of some offender against us needs and, therefore, there is church at large awake to the need of as to where they shall be classed be­ the law out of his paper? Many there of country churches, ing entirely out of our hands. If the arc who can also remember the ■responding variety of religious | centralization c 'Urge, 0 ds and organizations. It is not The present condition of these chur­ man's claims seem to justify it we threats of dire vengeance if the re­ purpose to assert that a single ches is a woeful waste of the Lord’s may, in the proper space on the ques- quest to “kill" a certain story was not and Mi ch, or a single designated group money, the labors of his ministers and tionnair, note a recommendation that complied with. The average publish­ urches, is enough, but to say that the energies of his people. It is a he be placed in class 2 or class 4. It is er does not take pleasure in pgyading old rule of survival of the fittest detriment to the spiritual life of the seldom, however, that we do this. the misfortune of. some men of wom­ te fiions solve the problem if the churches country community and a hindrance en in the columns of his newspaper, “ 1 cannot emphasize too strongly automohifa selves do not take hold vigor- to the upbuilding of the kingdom of the fact that the district draft board but as a purveyor of the news of the rica—be® God in the souls of men. Whenever y, disinterestedly and consccra- must pass on all claims of men who day he is often called upon to print best eq® the church is ready awake to these y, and find a way out. things he would much prefer not to. other sä we will find a way to central­ think themselves skilled laborers or Here is a reply of John L. Sullivan, year or two ago there was a sur- I. truths, 1 managing or engaged in a necessary 11 Prepart of a single county of Oregon by ize. 1 ” FORD— E. I Veitch, Oakland - editor of the Evening Leader, St. A way is being found. The Ore­ industrial or agricultural industry. Mary, O., to those who try to prevail “California asphalt-base oil formt an ideal lubricant oup of far-seeing clergy men un- I Indusuiii The draft board, not the exemption for a Ford car.” the auspices of the interdenomi- gonian is told that the interdenomina­ boards, classifies all such registrants upon him to overlook certain matters is mak- STUDEBAKER — Studebaker Garage, Stuckton— ona! conference of ministers of 1 tional , Committee . , , , , in Oregon - and, while the higher board is probing of news: gon. The investigation was made | edA part t of the into their status these men are tem­ “having used Zerolene for over six years, feel justi­ “Life would be much more pleasant is to agree ‘ that competition shall fied in recommending it to users of Studebaker cars.” stakmgiy and thoughtly, with a plan " “ ............... ........... to the average newspaper publisher porally placed in class one." DODGE— McArthur Bros., Phornix > to ascertain the facts and to face be eliminated when there is room for if everyone would walk in the straight cases, and to state them. Lane County, 1 one and not . for two. - In some ;- “have used Zerolene exclusively in all our Dodge and narrow way. One of the real scat of the State University, with °"e denomination will give way, , . in Brothers cars.” Information for Registered Men painful duties of the publisher is to i typical American population and I er c*ses another. So, in this way, ------o- ■ ■ OAKLAND — O.kl.nd Auro Sale, Company, Portland— print the news concerning people’s Except to fill vacancies in calls al­ wrongdoings. That may appear almost "Zerolene haa proved a aatufactory lubricant in our characteristic distribution of town there will be a better chance for the Oakland can.” county life, was chosen. The re- denominations as a whole to prosper, ready made,no more men will be incredible to the reading public, but s were startling and not at all re­ and the communities to be well serv­ drafted from Oregon or other states it is a fact, just the same. It is the ring. It may be well to recapitu- ed. A live church anywhere is better before February 15. As all question­ good that men and women do that we them, with the explanation that than no church, or two churches dy- naires will be completed before that like to publish, and not the evil they date, this will give men taken here­ do. Although the evil doings make survey had to do with the terri- ing or nearly dead. The Standard Oil for Motor Carr after, except such few as may be need­ more spicy reading matter and are re­ outside of Eugene, the largest ed prior to February 15 to fill va­ ceived with more apparent relish by 1: National Prohibition Nearer, Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors cancies, the advantage of the new those who delight in the sensational ajority of churches were estab-1 ------ o------ — because the records of their service departments show ed and located by guesswork, with I The vote on national prohibition in classification system. side of human life, we always try to that Zerolene, correctly refined from California asphalt* Very few men would have been actual knowledge of the com- the house of representatives will put ourselves in the other fellow’s base crude, gives perfect lubrication ity needs. I hardly encourage the enemies of forc- taken from Oregon in any event prior place. power, least carbon deposit. ain in church membership during I ed abstinence, who had been given to the next draft, which it is now an­ "There are very few households but year was good, but with cotnpara-1 cause to hope, from recent prohibition nounced will not be earlier than Feb­ that have their family skclton,’ very Dealer« everywhere and at our aervke station». ly small churches. I reverses, that a reaction against “dry” ruary 15. This is one of only 10 states few homes were misfortunes of some niy ¡3.1 per cent of the population I legislation had finally set in. By giv- that have already filled their quotas kind or other have not caused heart­ tside of Eugene) were church I *ng a _ margin of » 25 votes , over the in the first draft, barring a few va­ aches and humiliation. It is not be­ STANDARD OIL bers. I necessary two-thirds the house sub- cancies caused by rejections at the coming, therefore, for one person to COMPANY training camps. ittle country church dying out; big I stantiated the advance claims of the gloat over the misfortunes of another IClnuiuial Future draft quotas are to be filled person, or laugh in derision when the church growing. prohibition leaders and pul itself de- Competitive religion” in small com- c's*vely on record of favoring the first from Class I, comprising men shadow of scandal hangs like a pall ties little better than proselyting I submission to the states of a constitu without dependents. They will be over the other fellows home. It would hutches generally have failed to ’'ona' amendment. Thus, while the drafted from deferred classifications be pleasing to us if there were a law prehend the “missionary states-I *‘na' campaign has really just begun, only when Class 1 is exhausted, thus prohibiting the details of scandal of ship" necessary to lay out their I ^as begun in a manner propitious making it necessary to go to the next any sort whatsoever from appearing S'lAR GARAGE. adequately. |‘° prohibition, which now occupies a class for enough men to fill up the in the public prints. But it would seem quota. that the welfare of society demands rofessional revivalist is, on the sound strategic position. An exception to this will be made that such things should be published, 7 ILLA MOOK GA R A GE. le, not helpful. I To make valid the amendment three hutches negative attitude toward fol'rths of the states, that is, 36, must in the case of experts and men highly and we cannot have our way as long amusement problem is outstand- I ra‘*G The issue is now—assuming skilled in agricultural or industries. It as such is the case. “There are very few days of the reason for its small social influ- I t*lat t*le two houses can agree on one is announced that the government t. I remaining point of difference—out of will soon call for a large number of week when some one does not call up bsentee pastor is a prevailing evil. I t*le hands of congress and definitely men of this special class. They will be and request that this, that ami the niy twenty-two out of ninety-four IUP to *he individual states, into which taken as needed for such special work other thing shall be kept out of the J churches have regular services. w.e maY expect the battle to be car- from whatever classification they paper. Reference is bail, of course, to matters affecting the morals of peo­ ost flourishing institution in couti-1 ried next *ear w‘*h ‘he election of may have been granted. A limited number of officers not ple and there is only one answer that I legislatures. Twenty-six states have is rural dancehall, ommunity church believed to be Ivotvd themselves dry, and though in now in active service, and retired of­ we can give, which is: ‘We cannot I some instances the law lias ___ not _ yet ficers of the Oregon National Guard, make fish of the one and flesh of the of vital needs. _____________ ______ tt it not be overlooked that these I taEen effect, public sentiment in those who are physically fit and between other.’ That is to signify that if we ings were the product of the study I states *s decisively against the saloon, the ages of 23 and 47, are eligible for keep one offenders name out of the investigation of clergymen from *11 ” so, so,llc ne other states, such as Ohio enlistment as privates first class for paper, we must keep the other offen- decliiR denominations—Christian, Con-| Con-| and a,ld California, California, the the wet wet forces forces have attendance at the next Officers er’s name out of the paper, and vice Rational, Methodist, Baptist and I retained their hold only with difficul- Training Camps, which begin January versa. Furthermore, if we kept all of _ ■ ------ VW.0W, Lwp.ov sbyterian. 1 heir predictions and pY’ ant^ uew elections may easily 15. Official word to this effect has their names out of the paper, the .... .1. judices, if they had any, naturally change their situation. Given six or just been received by John M. Wil­ whole community would he ‘on our wiR old have led them to favor the I seven years in which to ratify the liams, Acting Adjutant General, from back,’ figuratively speaking, because sent institution; but they could not I national amendment, the anti-saloon the Chief of the Bureau of Militia Af­ the community is not so charitable as conscientious men, anxious to I organizations need only a continua­ fairs at Washington, with the request may seein upon the surface. "Now, there is only one way by * and to be of service, get awaf tion of the present trend of sentiment that it be given publicity. Applications for the camps by such which you can keep the names of of­ m the facts. to accomplish their end. Sentiment is not changing, notice­ officers must be approved by the Bu­ fenders against the laws of the com­ t is a commonplace observation ably, at least. Among recent declar­ reau. Those qualifying at the camps, monwealth out of the newspapers, t e unwillingness of the church ants for national prohibition is Gov­ which will be held in Southern Cali­ and that is to turn their footsteps recognize and attempt to solve ra- fornia and the Southern States, will into the paths which lead to right­ 4 > the amusement problem is ernor Whitman of New York, known receive commissions. eousness and not to the police court. not only as an able and far seeing great reason of its failure to grow Whenever a man or a woman is so politician, but as a shrewd student jf e in accord with the spirit of unfortunate as to g< t his or her name national affairs. Federal regulation of Draft Information. | .On.t,le contrary, it has into the police court blotter, the news ■■ . _o ■ - l'u ' ■. *,s n,*ssion was not liquor selling as a war measure is a paper's duty to the public is to pub­ r X but purely spiritual, and that factor for prohibition, for of late Is an alien of draft age (not an lish the facts, no matter whether the I decreasing years liquor has shown *?r.' was ended when its message an alien enemy) subject to draft? offender be high or low, rich or poor, s p ‘'’cred. Is that so? Or is that 1 ability to recover ground once lost. Is a man of draft age who has tak­ learned or unlearned. So it is a waste A “dry“ nation seems now more r ‘ robably u wi|j be founj that en out only his first papers subject to of time and energy to give the editor ny men who have heard the call to than ever to be principally a matter draft? curtain lectures over the ’phone simp­ ome preachers have no adaptitude of time.—Spokesman Review. These questions have been asked of ly because he has performed a duty social work or service, and decline | local exemption boards time and that is everything but pleasant to him. ai on that account to leave the This Might Help Some. again since the sending our of ques­ *a>s or modify the old formulas. th' tionnaires began. 1 The he answer to the ------o----- ,* true, too, that many of them A South Carolina man claims to first question is No.” The answer to MERCHANTS WIFE ADVISES ’ a deep conviction that most I have made a substantial contribution the second question is "Yes.” TILLAMOOK WOMEN. ern amusements and many mod- Ito the movement for the conservation An alien of draft age who has not "I had stomach trouble so bad I occupations are frivolous and un- I of human life, through the invention declared his intention to become a y. and they feel that they have in of a device which will positively pre- citizen of the L nited States may could eat nothing but toast, fruit, and hot water. Everything else soured cience no alternative but to make I vent accident to automobiles at grade waive exemption on the ground of his and formed gas. Dieting did no good. on such things. Let us not say crossings. The working- of the at­ alienage, but if he does not want to I was miserable until I tried buck­ ey are right or wrong; but it tachment it simple, and is explained waive his exemption, the local board thorn bark, glycerine, etc, »» I"'"'1 not be disputed that there are by the inventor as follows: “While has no choice but to put him in class in Adler-i-ka. ONE re* FL... THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN u occupations and harmless the car is running 15 miles an hour a V. However, he must answer his benefitted me *NSr.AN,My. ¿1 large I questionnaire and return it within the cause Adlcr-l-ka empties BO1 H large ■ which the church has white bulb shows on the radiator, at THE COUNTY. kk L ** cannot and should not 25 miles a green bulb appears, at 40 a seven day limit to his local exemption and small intestine, it relieves AN Y See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. CASE constipation, sour stomach or [°. ! '* Y *hich it would do well red bulb, and when the driver begins board, just as a citizen must do, or gas and prevents appendicitis. It ha« k,. e.under its protection. lie will endanger his right to be plac ­ to bat 'em out around 60 miles an QUICKEST action of anything we L I.” on|y °ne aspect of the prob- hour a phonograph under the seat ed in class V. ... cv,r sold. J. S. Lamar, druggist. On the other hand, an alien of dratt [’ ‘be situation at Corvallis, which plays “Nearer My God to JThee.!” UAJVIB-SCHRRDER co FISHING RODS, FISHING TACKLE Spoons, Baskets, Reels, Snells Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc. Our flies are known to the Sportsmen and are reorginized the finest and best made flies in America. C. I. CLOUGH CO Asphalt-Base Oil Ideal Lubricant 1 ZEROLENE Nt D Æ flhEX. McNflIR & CO i lA GENERAL HflRDCUHRE Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves.