TILL AMO -'K HEADLIGHT, JANUARY 3, ADVERTISING RATES. ** What Billy Si respecta Ing word CUBB 1S Hl plane t< Registe r. The m soldiers for crltli aril to gigantic both of livery iibj Eventua, im p rove, mail go! cause A • the proljj energy of ove * there irv mu nica B 1 home 1 if home a there News-l'il .o' Oswijgl Pierce c run th ^1 Covert > I do It. Mor oifç object auppo ought maint the pJl1 capen attem |i< comi i !?* it la com? much or in Hal 1 .hat inalo antic inter tutu y Legal Advertisements. First Insertion per line ............. Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and Professional cards one month....................................... Locals per line each insertion... Display advertisements, an inch and Lodge Notices, per line . All Resolutions of Condolence one month...................................... I .10 ■05 1.00 05 .05 .50 THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. F. C. BAKER, Publisher. Editorial Sap Shots. Hoovcrize, yes Hooverize. Well Hooverize on the waste attending so many holidays in the public schools. ------ o------ A large number of Christmas and New \ car s cards were sent out this year bearing the trade mark “Made in Germany. ’ 1 hese cards should be canned if you have any of them in your possession. W e didn't know w hether it was the proper thing to report that we had secured 2500 ’wits" for the Red Cross. Anyway, it was impossible to make the weather any wetter during the drive or find a “dry” Red Cross booster. Now don’t complain because rain has fallen in considerable quantity and with considerable force the past three weeks. It is a hundred per cent better weather than the howling bliz­ zards thVy have had in the cast and the middle west. Did you ever observe that Tilla- inook County never had any failures to amount to anything. A crop failure is unknown, and when Tillamook County was called upon to go over the top in the Liberty Bond drives, A . M. C. A. drive and the Red Cross drives, there was no failures. there is a good deal of gospel truth what I he Oregon V oter says about the Portland Journal: "The Journal tears down. It does not build up. It is stabbing Portland for the sake of glorifying itself among thoughtless people as alleged champion of the people’s Protestant chudches of his city would get together one or two pastor» would lie sufficient. This is a good oppor­ tunity tor the member» oi the L. B. church to go over to the M.E. Church, tor there never was any need or necessity to build that church and maintain a separate church organiza­ tion. It was a waste ami continues to he a waste, and a burden on those who have to support it. ------ o------ Business men who tail to adopt a cash basis of doing business are starting the new year wrong. Now is the time to cut out the credit business with its attending losses. \\ Iu n peo­ ple go ino the postoffice and want stamps they have to pay cash, or go to the express office with a parcel they expect to pay cash, or buy a ticket at the depot they are prepared to pay cash. Now if the businessmen who think they can’t run their busi­ nesses without giving credit will con­ sider that other businesses have no trouble in doing a cash business, they would have none themselves if they adopted a cash policy. No one ever heard of mail order houses giving credit, neither should any business man in this city in the future. Some people contend that the Unit­ ed States is not fighting the German people, but simply the kaiser. W e are not only fighting the kaiser, but the brutality of the German soldiers who have committed the most horrible crujies in history. If United States soldiers were ordered to commit the horrible crimes the German soldiers are permitted and ordered to carry into execution, they would refuse, and revolt, and they would show their humanity by doing so. But here is the contract between two countries. Ger­ man people consider nothing too cruel and horrible to inflict on their en­ emies and German soldiers take a de­ light in killing and torturing people, and we consider the German people are just as guilty as the Kaiser, so it is foolish for any of us to think for one moment that wc are not fighting the German people who permit and appear to take delight in committing horrible crimes. FAMILIAR WITH GREATNESS. th* It la Not in Evant, but a Mere Matter of Everyday Duty. A story told by Francis A. < olllns in i the Camera Mau show» that tlie direct , meth' <:» oi the Am ricaii news pie t"g- rapber are i. t a le ted by .» i-round- I iiigs that i..-t_lit cause otlieis to grow self ci.nsclou.i A newspapei assigned an American I to make a portrait of Generul von : Hissing In the palace in Brussels. The , photographer applied for permission to Hie authorities at Berlin, who received him cousteously and, after consider­ able formality, detailed an officer to accompany him to Brussels. Au ap­ pointment was made, and the two were admitted to tbe general's room. Pre­ viously, however, it had been explained to the American that under no circum­ stances was he to address the general. The utlii er begun his explanation, but became confused at (hiding biniseli face to face with so distinguished a personage. "Your excellency,” lie began, “we have come from Berlin—that is, if you will be so kind"— lu his confusion he came to a full stop. General von Blssing was seated at a desk and seemed to be very busy. The American photographer stepped for­ ward. "General, I am an American,” he be­ gan without embarrassment. “I see that," said tbe general, with a smile. "I have come to take your picture,” the photographer added without waste of time. The situation was unprecedented. Tbe officer stood aghast. “Very well,’’ replied General von Blssing. “Go ahead, What do you want me to do?" “If you will step to tbe window,” "Now the photographer explained, step this way, a little farther, please. No; this way.” And to the horror of the attending officer the photographer laid his hand on the general's arm and arranged the pose. The picture was taken In a few seconds. "Thank you, general.” sakl the un­ abashed American easily. "1 hope your picture turns out well,” replied General von Blssing, and the interview was over, Once they were outside the door, the officer expostu- luted: "How did you come to address his excellency ? It is most unprecedented. And you laid your hand on him. How could you do so?” “Mein Heber freund,” said the Amer­ ican, "I have photographed three Amer lean presidents, and a general more or less is nothing to me.” Our navy is crowded with men who will face uuy daugei Some years ago one of our lMlttleal>i|» was on tbe bat­ tle range, w ith Innis of powder »towed in her turret» to save lit»-- in loadiug and tiling the gnus. A spark got to tile bags of powder. There were an ex­ plosion and a tire. Directly under­ neath was tbe handling room. Burn­ ing pieces of cloth fell trom the tunet down into the handling room. The crew of that handling room could have Jumped into the passageway, made their way up a ladder and so ou to the free and safe air of the open deck. \\ but they did was to stand by to stamp out what fire they could. Leading from the handling room were the magazines. The doors of the mag­ azines were open. Men Jumjied into tlie magazines and buttoned the keys of the bulkhead doors so that there would be 110 crevice for sparks, tn doing that they locked themselves in. and once in they bail to stay iu. Above them, they knew, was a turret full of men and officers dead and dying. They knew that tire was raging around them, too, and that the next thing would be for the people outside to flood the mag­ azines. The magazines were flooded. When things were under control and the doors opened the water iu the mag­ azines was up to the men’s uecks. While that was going on below decks in the turret were other men and offi­ cers, including the chaplain, not know­ ing what was going on below and ex­ pecting every moment to be blown up into tlie sky. But there they were, eas­ ing the last moments of the men who were not already dead. Thirty all told were killed in the turret. All concern­ ed behaved well, but no better than they were expected to behave. A few years ago there was a destroy­ er off Hatteras. It was before day­ break of a winter's morning in heavy weather, A boiler explosion blew out her side from well below the water line clear up through to her main deck Men were killed by the explosion; oth­ ers were badly scalded A steam burn Is an agonizing thing, yet some of these scalded men went back into that bell of a boiler room and hauled out shipmates who, ro their notion, were more badly burned than themselves. One such rescuer died of his burns. The hole In the deck and top side of that destroyer was twelve feet across, yet her commander anil crew got li»r to Norfolk under her own steam. Com­ mander and crew behaved well, but no better than they were expected to be­ have.—James B. Connolly in Collier s Weekly. More Gsnsrals Didn’t Impreeo American Camere Man. Germany practically admits that she is whipped. When lhe war lords of that country plunged Germany into war it was with the expectation of obtaining possession of Belgium and the coast ports of France, and with a big indemnity from England and the The snap shot man is inclined to United States. Germany would con­ think that it is a waste of time to clude peace tomorrow' if it’could get keep the mail for the south part of out of the conflict and retain what the county "bottled up" in this city territory it had before the war. That CONQUERING THE CRAMP. for 19 hours. The people of the south is tile kind of peace Germany is now part of the county should send in a. striving for, which shows plainly that vigorous protest to the postofficc of­ she has come down off her high Rule* a Swimmir Should Follow When an Attack Comas On. ficials and the Oregon delegation in horse and its war of conquest is de­ A cramp is merely a contraction of feated. There is another important Washington. factor that Germany now confronts | the muscles caused by the penetration Wc believe that before another which makes her very desirious of of the cold. Obviously it could not of year rolls round it will be possible to obtaining peace as soon as possible, itself cause drowning. Its worst effect, auto in and out of the county all times anil that is the United States partici­ according to the Popular Science of the year, for when the Grand pation in the war. It is true that Rus­ Monthly, is to cause a panic which Ronde road is improved it will re­ sia is desirous of making peace with throws the swimmer off his guard, causing 1dm to let the air out of his move the obstacle. And it is claimed Germany and may not participate in lungs and thus allow the air passages the conflict again, but Germany by a good many persons that it will to become tilled witli water. The safe­ take less time to reach Portland than knows that the United States is a more vigorous opponent, and for that guards against such panic are absolute by the railroad. W e believe it. confidence in the floating power of the reason wants peace before our boys ------ o------ body and a demonstrable knowledge of go over the top and give Germany New Year’s day in Tillamook county the proper way to All the lungs quickly was a 1 ideal summer’s day, the atmos- what she wants—a good licking. to utmost capacity with air. pherr being beautifully clear with The moment a cramp is felt the swim­ brigt... warm sunshine. It was, cer­ When Brighton reported last week mer should turn on his back and begin tainly, a pretty day and everyone en­ that it had 400 members in the Red to gulp the air, making no effort to joyed it after three weeks of rain Cross drive, it made most of us feel keep himself front sinking. As he storms. Those who have lawns will thankful, and everybody was loud in sinks be slowly exhales under water, have to operate their lawn mowers if their praise of the Red Cross workers through the mouth, with the lips this kind of weather continues, as the there. However, Brighton was cx- puckered as for whistling. If it is a grass is growing very rapidly and ceedinglv interested in the drive and stomach cramp the knees will be drawn needs cutting. was a good sport. It wanted to out- up against tile abdomen, but the swim­ distance I illatnook in obtaining the mer should force them out. pushing on Let everybody be inspired with the largest number of new members, and them with both hands and using all his idea of a bigger and better county it did give the metropolis of the strength until they are fully extended. along manufacturing lines. It may ap­ county a great jolt when it reported This will no doubt cause great pain pear to some of our progressive citi­ on Monday that it had rssichcd the for a few seconds, but as soon as the zens that we are not making the pro­ boo mark. Every member of the Ex­ legs are straightened out the cramp gress wc should, but after all, the ecutive Board of the Tillamook Red will vanish, and the body, buoyed up county is making material progress. Cross said "Bully for Brighton.” by the air in the lungs, will shoot up One important industry was added, \\ hen the final report came in from to the surface. There, still inhaling in that of the shipbuilding plant, and Brighton on Wednesday Tillamook great gulps and exhaling through having been successful, there is good got another severe jolting. Brighton puckered lips, the swimmer may float reason why others should be induced reported 828 new members. This gave until he regains his strength or is pick­ to start ship building plants in Tilla­ Tillamook a close shave, for the 900 ed up. In case of cramp in the leg or arm the mook county. mark had been reached by the local same system of breathing is followed, ----- o workers in this city, with the work in­ There is one good feature connect­ complete. Brighton made a remarka­ and the affected part is straightened ed with the numerous “drives”. It ed­ ble and commendable showing,, and if out by sheer strength. ui'atcs people to be more liberal iti other parts of the county had done their offerings and gets them in the equally as well, Tillamook county Preparing Him For Matrimony, way of helping others. Most of us would have been far ahead of every In South Africa some of the savage have been wrapped up too much in county in the state. Considering every trllies have a peculiar ceremony which self in the past, and we consider the thing, Brighton is deserving of con­ they put the matrimonial candidate “drives" have not only proved a bles­ siderable praise, and we extend the I through previous to his entering the sing to others, but it is going to be glad hand of thanks and express our marriage state. Hie hands are tied up that much more pleasant to solicit congratulations to the noble Red tn a bag containing five ants for two money in the future for good causes. Cross boosters of Brighton for the hours. If he bears unmoved the tor­ The good old book says it is more splendid showing they made in the tures of their stings he is considered qualified to cope with the nagging and blessed to give than receive, but we Red Cross drive. dally Jar and fret of married life. have somew hat neglected this divine injunction. «w*. The snap shot man is wondering how many real, progressive boosters there are amongst the business men of Tillamook city and how many arc drones. We will not attempt to class­ ify them at this time, but which crowd do you belong to. The fellows that have some life and push in them or the dead ’ens, who are so close fisted that they wouldn't give a dollar hnvards a Commercial V lut». Now don’t criticise the snap shot man if he attempts to bring to life the lifeless business men who haven’t supported the home town. \\ c publish an interesting editorial from The Oregonian on waste and duplication of church work in small towns and communities, which is worthy of serious thought. We have repeatedly stated that the churches in TillatnOok City should Hooverise, and we make the statement right here that if all the people that attend the Shrewd. Fires Rates in East and South In- creased — Jack—Fino trick Gotrox played on his titled son-in-law. Bass—What did he do? Jack—Gave him a 10 per cent margin on 10.000 «hares In P. D. Q. as a wed­ ding present, then lieared the market and sold the poor fish out when be couldn't cover—Wall Street Journal. o------ An increase of 10 per cent in fire rates has been made in Eastern and Southern territory, to meet the addi­ tional expenses of companies result­ ing from the war. The to per cent rise will without doubt be general through Why Ha Loved It out the entire country in the near fu­ "He used to tow he loved the ground ture irrespective of rating schedules, to remain in effect pending the return she walked on." "The ancestral domain, eh?" of normal conditions.— Ins. News. “Yes. Pretended he loved tbe ground she walked on, nnd now he's trying to How to Prevent Croup. mortgage a lot of it."—Kansas City Journal. ------ o------ In a child that i< subject to attacks Had Enough Trouble. of croup, the first indication of the "Darling, I have decided to speak to disease i« hoarsness. Give t'hambcr- your father tonight.” Iain's Cough Remedy as soon as .he "Oh. not tonight. Alfred. He has ent child becomes hoarse and the attack himself shaving, missed a train, broken may be warded off and all danger and his glasses and lost an umbrella—all anxiety avoided. For sale by Lamar's since this morning."—Browning's Mag Drug Store. i HEROISM IN THE NAVY How Norway Finds Sailors. Norway’s navy, being a young serv­ ice. is built expressly for defense and not defiance. But. though her ships are few, the quality of her men is high, the hardy fisheimen of the coast providing an abundance of excellent material, and her officers are chosen and trained with the utmost care. A cadet has to serve at least one year in the merchant service before lie can enter the naval college at Horten, and his qualifica­ tions before obtaining the rank of sub­ lieutenant must include a thorough knowledge of English. French and Ger­ man, with ability to speak English and one of the other two languages fluently. 7 E offer free our Safe Deposit servi tlie training ctitupw or at th., / le..vt..K b...... every vnluoNe. <.r important k 1 "“'rii» respond» nee ami other precious D oshp ..; Batik find we will arrange the space f^V10 them safe during the owner’s a been charge. There is always danger of Y valuables are kept at home. ~ O88> *he« DEPOSITS OF MONEY ARE ACCEPTED B AND MEN IN THE SERVICE ARE IN SEND DEPOSITS BY MONEY ORDER^ 1 illatnook. Ore Machine Shop Polytechnic Engineer ing College OAKLAND CAL. Write for Catalog. olytechnic Engineering Colltge oayj] Wonderful Opportunity for Boys and Midi] Aged Men Boys inni middle aged men are wanted bv the tlionsaJ train for positions as mechanics and special affiorarti gineers—highest salaries ever paid in America-bed are receiving $5 to $6 per day—We have the best J shops and do more practical work than any other seJ the United States. Six months training will prepaid Oakland is now the Great Shipbuilding and Industrial I Center of the West. * ECQNOM Red Crown’s con­ tinuous chain of boiling points in­ sures complete combustion. Every drop gives full power. al z Standard Oil Company (Cllilornl.) Swimming as an Exarcisa There is no exercise like swimming. The breast stroke builds arm and shoulder breast muscles. The forward thrust and backward sweep are guar­ anteed to develop those back muscles which cure the scholar's stoop. The scissors kick of the side stroke will do mere for the legs than all the gymna­ sium tricks yet invented. The arduous labor of the trudgen and the crawl compels deep breathing. And when one's »Ind, grown short in office or chair or over workbench, is spent you turn upon your back and rock, as in a cradle, looking at the sky—Cleveland Plain Dealer. Motor Wheel Rime. How- ninny automobilists are there who ever remove their rims from the wheels until forced to do so by reasou of tire trouble? Very few, is tbe an­ swer. If they did take the rims off after having run tbe car for a short time and use a little graphite in be­ tween the wheel and the demountable rim they'd find tire changing easier lat­ er on. As it is, rims are sometimes so rusted and plastered on that thev take an unconscionable time to remove when the need finally does arrive.- Chieago Tribune. To Cure Scare. Scars are often very ugly things and disagreeable marks when they exist in prominent places on the skin. Prob­ ably nothing van remove a big scar the tissue of which has become fibrous and unyielding, but the following rec- I>e. to be applied on lint and allowed to remain on the part for a little time daily, will effect an Improvement in small scars and blemishes: Borax, one and a half ounces; salicylic acid, twelve grains; glycerin, three drams; rose­ water, six ounces. Mix. STAR GARAGE TILLAMOOK GAI “MONEY SAVIN GUARANTEED PRICE PLAN" We protect you against advance or d in price. Beginning January, 1918. Gasolinewill sold on a cash basis— TICKET BOOK, 100 gal. $24.50 paid in a' TICKET BOOK, 50 gal. $1TH__^. This will save you 2 per cent Per over the usual monthly charge plan­ means 24 percent per year to you. STAR GARAGE, TILLAMOOK CARAGt Have to Be. t>WU T18l,ing One rast. where men are alway, guarded in their conduct” ” '»nd what might that remarkable place be * * ie.T,e pe,‘i,e,“i"r.'’”-Baltimore Amer- True Politeness. rt’Does your wife U,ten t0 your a(,_ script Or co"«e she does. My VCrT Tran- " hen y. u meet an obstacle use it a. • stepping stone. “ “ SUBSCRIBE ¡WHILE THIS OFF e R TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. L WEEKLY OREGONIAN 1 > OREGON FARMER, d y All For $2.50. __ «