illanwk TILLAMOOK, OREGON. JANUARY 3. 1918. —•_______________ __________________________ — ti.50 PER YEAR. Want to rent a dairy farm with 20 Floyd Eberinan, formerly of Tilla- ; THE RED CROSS DRIVE memberships. There was no hardship Christmas offering. It helped to make cows or more on shares. Address or ■nook, has enlisted in the navy and is ! they were not willing to undergo. order for 100 pounds of yarn. 2* ■ stationed at Bremerton, Wash. call at the Headlight office. Tillamook County Exceeds its Quota The distressing shortage of buttons the Needles have been ordered, and as After being closed down for the Brighton Makes Remarkable Record and other supplies embarrassed them, soon as the order is filled ladies who In conformity with the rule formed Wise, dentist, but they went ahead with lofty cour­ elsewhere, all wood orders must be holidays, the saw mil! started up on Notwithstanding the rain storms age. They were animated by love of know how to knit are invited to “lend g Remedy at C. I. Clough accompanied by payment in advance. Thursday. The mill will run night a hand”. The box is almost ready for —A. F. Coats Lumber Co. * and day, two crews have been em­ throughout the entire time that the our country, affection for our soldier the first shipment in January and Red Cross drive was on in Tillamook ployed, for the logging camp and the boys and a desire to be of actual ser­ many hands are needed to complete Judge Bagley intended to hold court saw mill. This will arer, physician and surgeon. mean 200 men cm- County, the Executive Board of the vice in relieving the suffering caused this. Those who participated in the on the 17th of December, but owing ployed by the A. le, Ore. F. Coats Lumber Tillamook Red Cross on Monday by frightful war; also they were de­ Red Cross drive report that there are to the storm and the prospect of a wired Portland that it would guaran­ termined Tillamook County should do f, clocks, watches, silver- tie up on the railroad, he did not Company. tee the full quota of 2,500 new mem- its full share in the enrollment of quite a number of ladies who intend , W. Bennett. taking an active part in the work, and The Tillamook Commercial Club bers. 1 his was a source of great 1 come in. members in response to the appeal of ir flour and feed at the Kup- I sent a letter to A. S. Rand, Rand, CL™ .. — Chief satisfaction to those who had labored President Wilson asking every man they will always be welcome.. Mrs. The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay Edwards r.nd Mrs. Eversun, the pres­ r Warehouse. * | ioc for all 10 pound lard pails and 5c. Clerk of the Railway Mail Service, 1 ’ so hard in such inclement weather. and woman to join the Red Cross. ident and secretary of Tillamook Red Bennett, expert watch re- for 5 pound pails. They must be free asking that the mail for the south On Saturday evening a meeting was The results in Tillamook County Cross, organized two auxilaries on i. P. Watch inspector. * i from rust. Bring them in at once and part of the county be taken out im­ held at the court house to devise speak . ----------- — To your heroic for themselves. Wednesday. One at Magarrells and mediately after the arrival of the train, get your money. ♦ plans to obtain the full quota. At that ' workers belong the credit. It was in­ Le tor sale—Mrs. Feldschau, the other at Blaine. Everybody is it being a great delay and inconven ­ | Dr. Wise will be at his Wheeler of ­ time -Tillamook county was shy 500, dividual work like this all over our He and Third Street. ♦ ience having the mail lay over in this 'and plans were made to obtain that 'state that won again for Oregon the heartily thanked for the help so read­ ily given in the recent membership bst National Bank has been fice Saturday and Sunday of this city for 19 hours. 1 number. -----1— Several • committees • went to proud distinction of being among the drive. week for the last time until his re­ jnited States depository. work on Sunday soliciting new mem- I foremost states of the Union in pa­ turn from California, about March THE TAX LEVIES. tls Bros. Blue Can Coffee 1st. bers with the churches taking an ac- | triotic achievement. More Pay For Men Working in Ship tixe part. The M. E. Church, through I '). &. C. M. Dawson. A meeting of the Civic Improve­ For County, Cities, Schools, Ports the efforts of its progressive pastor, 1 No mere letter of thanks can con­ Yards. vey to your workers anything like the y you to see Everson lor a ment League will be held next Tues­ ------ o and Drainage Districts. raised $80.00 As a result of the work credit is their due. Their devotion itment in city property or day afternoon at 2:30 at the city hall, Chief Inspector Magee has sent a on Sunday 300 new members were demonstrates that they were not I. • it being the annual election of of­ The Headlight has compiled a list of pledged. At the meeting Saturday striving for personal credit. Their rich telegram to Feeney and Bremer Co., ppenbender about the Grant ficers. the levies in the county, cities, ports ¡evening 13 persons guaranteed, pro­ reward is in the consciousness of sac­ insuring men who work in ship yards lobile, the snappiest car on After three weeks of continuous and schools and drainage districts, as vided that 50 would do so, would guar- rifice made and duty done, but in be­ an increase in pay to the amount of rain storms, the weather changed on they appear on record at the court ■ antee the full quota of 2500 of new half of the Northwest Division Cam­ 10 per cent. The pay roll at the ship ie can be found at his Tilla- Tuesday with bright sunshine and house, which, no doubt, will be inter- 1 members. Others agreed to do so on paign Committee, will __ yard amounts to $4,000 a month, and you kir^Jly Ice except Saturday of this warm. Meadows look beautifully esting and useful information for the Sunday, but on Monday it was convey to each and all < of ’ them, 11____ this will be an increase of $400 for green and grass is growing. I he leaves. I taxpayers. The county levy is 16.2 thought wise not to ask anyone to through any channel that may be the men. The telegram is as follows: i guarantee the number for the Execu- available, the deep sense of apprecia­ it be insured in the best fire Married at the parsonage of the mills. "1 am directed to inform you that I tive Board was fully convinced with tion felt at Division and State Head­ County Levy company, it costs no more, Methodist church, on Jan. 1st, Leslie’ in order to provide a proper stimulas $42,553.91, ion. * Barber, of Nehalem to Miss Melissa . For county schools, be-¡a little extra effort the people would, quarters for their devoted service. » to increasing the output of ships in ¡soon make up the deficiency, which | Yours gratefully, , on Dec. 18. by the Rev. R. J. Scovell, of Hood River, Or., Rev. in8 2 1 99 of munition manufacturers. Teddy •7 mills only obtained one new member or a Voter. 3 .... L. * west featuring Dustin Farnum in >> tt 1-7 mills hundred. However, this is not what I intend­ tails in love with Pacifice Ford, who 5 ........ k buyer for farm in Tilla- William Fox’s photoplay. “North of »» tt 1.1 mills happens to be the daughter of an ex­ 6 .... Owing to the weather conditions ed to write about. 1 intend to express treme pacifist. When Teddy’s court­ ky. Write full description Fifty Three” at the Gem Theatre »» tt mi'ls 3-8 to you on behalf of the Committee 7 .... k'iev, 23; . Washington, Thursday, January 10th. during the Red Cross drive for new 99 It 8 .... of ship is refused in favor of a youthful 5-8 mills members, no doubt a number of per­ our unquestioned appreciation land. * 99 II mills 9 .... your very many efforts; the time and pacifist, the youth vowes that he is 5-0 County Agent of Tillamook County, sons in different parts of the county ■ze and wife are back in 19 tt it ... 1-5 mills space you devoted to the campaign through with lithe fair sex for all time have not been asked to become mem­ In a visit from California, R. C. Jones, will tell the Oregon 19 5° mills bers, but they can do so by applying It makes us here feel how very little and imbibes freely in spirits nectareal. 13 Guernsey Cattle Club on Tuesday of pvt a fruit orchard of 80 9t 14 ... 1-7 mills we really did when we see what you On awakening the next morning he Farmers” week at Corvallis, why it is for membership at the different aux­ 99 99 finds himself 111 jail with a girl nours- 2.3 mills have accomplished . 17 .... necessary that there be co-operation iliaries. These are located at Tilla ­ »» II 2.0 mills Assuring you again of our appre­ ing his colored optic, the cause for 18 .. Uni daughter, Doxinc, of among minority breeders. If 99 which he does not seem to be able to .2 mills mook, Wheeler, Brighton, Bay City, ciation and with best wishes, I am, 20 .... ■den Fisk, arc visiting Fairview, Pleasant V alley, Beaver, 99 Mrs. J. C. Holden will from new It remember. Very sincerely yours. 21 ... 3-4 mills tuts, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Blaine and Cloverdale, Oretown, »» classes for all ages in the Dunning II After becoming acquainted with his Orton E. Goodwin, 22 ... 5-3 mills Magarrei district. ft Method of Improved Music Study on 99 mills Manager Press Bureau. fair nurse, Teddy decides that the« 24 .... 1.4 ■chedule between Tilla- January 5, 1918. Those not desiring Mbrs. Pct. 99 Quota 99 world is not so bad after all and when 3-4 mills County 25 .... ■ Cloverdale is changed, the Dunning method will also be ac- ( fl 99 mills Morrow.......... he learns that she is Janie Smith, the 1500 .. 2625 .. 175 28 ... -5 Fairview Red Cross I city at II o’clock in the ceptcd on this date. Terms consider- , tt It deputy Sheriff’s daughter who is nev­ 1.6 mills Umatilla ........ 7500 . 11050 .. 147 29 ... ------ o ------ 99 able less than when taking the Dun- j 99 er allowed to venture outside the 1.8 mills Crook ............ 1300 . 1750 .. 135 31 ... A full attendance of Fairview is de- 99 It Its. Jno. McKee, of New- ning System. 1430 .. 130 sired for next week, whicli meets prison grounds by her watchful par­ 1100 ■7 mills Sherman ........ 32 ... 99 99 .6 mills Douglas.......... rave come to Tillamook 7500 .. 125 every Wednesday afternoon at one ent, he welcomes with joy the infor­ 6000 33 •• Edwin Pietita was bound over to I* tl 2500 .. 125 o’clock fain or shine. Those who have mation that he is sentenced to thirty winter. He is saw filer the grand jury, having broken into 2000 40 mills Grant.............. 34 ••• 99 99 M. 1500 . 5-5 mills Harney .......... 1750 ..117 partly worn bed spreads, table cloths days in jail. 36 .... ' and stolen articles from the store of 99 Someone's mania for placing bombs mills Klamath ...... 3300 .. 3842 tt 116 etc., and want to donate them, they t-4 38 ... 18'i acres bottom land. R. E. Wilson & Co. at Beaver, under Jersey ammunition plants and 99 II 9000 .. 10250 1.3 mills Lane................ <14 will be most acceptable. 39 ••• 1 in Nestucca Valley, Christinas. His bail was placed at blowing them into the thin air dis­ tt 2500 .. 2852 114 42 .... 5-0 mills Deschutes .... Although Oretown is not organized, r Real Estate Agency, $1,000. It was W. H. Edson who ar­ turbes the sheriff's peace of mind to 7.0/mills Malheur.......... »> 3050 ..113 2700 .. new 45 •••• Miss Irene Pearsons sent in 55 kegon. 2* rested the man and not Ed. Kostic as the extent of promising the hand of 99 tt 2.0 mills Tillamook .... 2500 .. 46 ... 2737 - .IK members. ________ __ _____ his daughter to the person who can 99 December 19, the cere- reported in our last edition. 80 mills Union.............. It 5000 .. 5567 - .KI 47 ... throw some light on the mystery. mills ft The Pentecostal Church of the Naz- lerformed by Justice of 99 4- 2 1800 .. 1900 .. 106 48 ... Dance for Red Cross. Lake................ When his worries are at their height »» nley, Eugene C. Tucker arene is holding a series of revival 99 49 ... 1-7 mills Clatsop .......... 5500 .. 5700 .. 104 the sheriff discovers the new trend of hgsbery. tt ! meetings in their place of worship in tt 7000 .. 7275 .. 104 51 ... 1-4 mills Yamhill.......... Beaver, Ore., Jan. 2, 1918. Janie’s affections and orders the II this city, which commenced last Sun­ 1.1 mills II 54 ... 7500 .. 7550 .. 101 Mrs. A. C. Everson, Sec. Coos .............. I, of Neskowin, was 19 1.2 mills Wallowa........ 3000 .. 3000 .. 100 Tillamook Branch American Red prison authorities to allow Teddy to 56 ... t city, his mind being day. Services are at 2:30 and 7:30 p, go free on the ground that the pris­ tt 2.0 mills Baker ............ m. each day. A cordial invitation is ft 7000 . . 100 7000 .. 60 .... Cross: e was committed to the oner's health is in great danger. The mills 99 »> extended to all. The services are be ­ 5400 .. 100 5- 7 5400 .. 6t .... Dear Mrs. Everson.—Please find in­ Benton............ L ing conducted by the pastor, Rev. Ira 94 closed report of Beaver Auxiliary latter finding that he is by no means Multnomah ... 100000 .. 94412 Drainage District Levies. a welcome caller at the jail, decides ir Rebekah Lodge, No. D. Brown. 90 American Red Cross. 2000 . . 1800 Little Nestucca Drainage District, Hood River .. that he will get back, and proceeds to drainage thank all their friends 80 800 IOOO ... There was a dance giv cn for the Curry............ Tillamook Red Cross received $1,- $2.50 per acre, on land in an unlawful citizen, I helped them in the 79 benefit of the Beaver Auxiliary Red live the live of a 7000 .. 5500 Linn................ 140.00, this being the county's portion i district. only to find that He tries speeding District, contest. 900 75 Cross New Year’s night by Mrs. A. 1200 . . Big Nestucca Drainage Gilliam .......... for the previous Red Cross drive. I he (he has crossed ___ i the city line and is drainage Polk........ 73 3290 4500 . . $2.50 per acre on land within F. Williams, in Williams hall. Mr. sec Douglas Fairbanks money will be divided between the 68 Edw. Mallory’ manager of the dance, sent to the wrong jail. Breaking up a 7500 . . 5100 Washington .. play “In Again Out different auxiliaries in the county, district. ________________ pacifist^^^m^H^H^Bd meeting conducted * ' by the 670 .. 67 turned over to me the net proceeds, IOOO .. Wheeler........ * Gem Theatre next which will give them money to buy and fiance of his former father Tillamook Girl is War Bride. 9600 .. 8000 .. 67 $30.90. Mr. W. N. Bays, of Bays Ho­ > Jan. 8th. Clackamas ... house, and their supplies. Added to this will be sweetheart, robbing ivvu...s a _____ 5700 .. 64 9000 .. tel, furnished the supper for the oc­ other disorderly acts fail to attain the Jackson .......... Court is in session this half the money obtained for the Miss Helen Beals became a war Wasco.......... .. 3000 .. 64 casion and also donated the net pro­ 4650 .. bride last Friday at Vancouver, Wash., results. >g the first meeting of Christmas membership drive. 750 63 ceeds of the same, which was $10.00. desired 1200 . . Lincoln.......... As a last resort Teddy impersonates there is considerable Supt. G. B. Lamb, of Tillamook, is w-hen she became the wife of Harvey Josephine .... 3000 .. 1850 .. 63 Yours truly, the mysterious stranger who has at this time. to discuss “Organization of County Ebinger. The wedding came as a Marion............ 12000 . . 7000 .. 58 Mrs. W. J. Glbert, Sec. been sending the munition plants sky­ great surprise to the relatives and Club Bureaus ” at the conference for 3600 . 1800 .. 50 lost his champion ward, from a description of the cul­ friends of the young couple, who had Columbia........ 100 .. 400 .. 40 Holstein bull, which county school superintendents and Jefferson........ Tillamook Red Cross. prit which has been spread broadcast. # hst Mon 1 It was in- supervisors to be held at the Oregon not been advised what was going to Estimated unre] ported from counties -o He finally realizes his great ambition happen. Miss Beals quietly left Tilla­ Agricultural College on Jan. 3 and 4, -- _ Interest increases in Red Cross but is given little time to rejoice over t Wat son's Agency. 5250 under the auspices of Farmers' Week, mook, and when the nuptual knot was 149506 108 plans and work, only in Tilla- his success, for things take an abrupt work, not 1 Hty Three" will please Tillamook is recognized as one of the tied, the relatives and friends were in­ Outside Portland 140000 9» <77 9’ inook city, , but in all parts of the and serious turn when he discovers Portland ............ 100000 Itn Theatre T hursday, leading club counties of the state. formed of the happy event. The war State ................ 240000 240683 too county. Wednesdays and Fridays are that he has no means of proving that featuring Dustin Far­ bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. busy afternoons in Red Cross head­ he is not the desperate criminal he is ------ o It is requested By the legal advisory B. L. Beals and the groom is a son of id the Northwest. board that those who are registered Rev. Paul Ebinger, who is now in the People^of Tillamook County Thanked quarters in this city. One thing the impersonating. Fate intervenes, how­ women need in their work rooms is ever, at the last minute just as Teddy tty vs Ahl ■< Petty is a and have to answer questions read more chairs, which will replace the is about to be lynched by the angry xd in the circuit court, over questionnaires before they take medical corps at Vancouver, having Mr. Fred C. Baker, Campaign Mgr. Christmas Red Cross Membership boxes now being used. Here is an op­ as a pharmacist. Both are »ere marri< d at A’.kin, them to the attorneys, so as to be enlisted Jerseyites and not only does he go popular young people of Tillamook Drive, Tillamook, Ore. portunity for generous persons to do­ free but he catches the real criminal, * 5th of July, 1901, and able to answer the questions with as county, and as it is all fair in love and Dear Mr. Baker:—Your campaign nate or loan a few chairs for this * e born to the union, little delay as possible. It is now tak­ thus winning the hand of his sweet­ war. no one can blame the young workers have braved the weather and good cause. One person gave the Red •leges that defendant ing up considerable time <>i local at­ couple. We wish them a long life of went from house to house and farm Cross a donation of $10.00 as a heart. Id and abandoned her torneys and this can be greatly re­ to farm, canvassing for Red Cross 5 happiness. duced if this is done. amook Jottings. I I