FOR 7 DAYS. A Mammoth Clearance SALE For Seven Days, beginning at 10 A.M. Saturday, December 29 THE REASON FOR SUCH A SLAUGHTER OF NEW MERCHANDISE. I have no alternative. I must do it. ’Tis now or never. My orders are emphatic. “Do it now and do it in seven days.” In order to conform to the nation’s new merchandising policies this stock must be reduced to the limit. It is absolutely imperative. This is the reason for the smashing of prices on all this merchandise. My I How the people will revel in such an opportunity. With an extra force we be­ gin invoicing Wednesday, Dec. 26. As fast as they finish I will be right behind them placing great quantities of merchandise on tables, counters and cases and will put a price on it that will clean it up in a hurry. a —.... Scrims, Cretonnes and Silkolines, Women’s Munsing Union Suits, Worth today 25c. per yard. They are worth 25c. per yard, and people have bought them at that price. Worth $1.50 and difficult to secure at that price, eizes 34 to 50. Smashed Price Smashed Price Smashed Price. Smashed Price 79c. each. 15c. yard. 10c. yard. 98c. each. WOMEN’S $1.00 and $2.00 WAISTS the greatest value in America, sizes 34 to 46, Muslins, Towelings, Outing Flannel, Ginghams, Percales, Everything Beautiful High Grade Dress Goods, Suitings, Coatings. In French and Worsted Serges, Epin­ gles, Poplins and Novelty Fabrics, selling at $2.00 to $3.00. These will be positive bargains. POSITIVELY NOTHING EXCEPTED On BARGAIN Balcony. At the BIGGEST SMASHED PRICE KNOWN. Beautiful New Dress, Waist and Skirt Silks. Crepe de Chines, Duchess Satins, Duchess Satins, Georgette Crepes, Plain and Fancy Taffetas and Messalines. This is to be the most astonishing sale ever before known in this section. Think of it. Values to $2.75 per yard. Smashed Price Coats, Suits, Dresses, Skirts, Waists, Petticoats, Children’s Coats, and Everything on the Balcony. Smashed Price $1.69 yard. ONE-HALF PRICE. $1.69 yard. MEN’S UNDERWEAR. MEN S SHIRTS. MEN’S SHOES. WOMEN’S SHOES. Men’s Heavy Ribbed Underwear, all sizes and worth $1 00. Men’s Golf Shirts, all sizes, in late and Popular Patterns. Regular $1.25 and $1.50 values. Smashed Price Men’s High Cut Shoes, Full Stock, Heavy Kip, outside pocket counter tap sole, pegged. Broken lots, but all sizes, low and high heels, worth $5 to $7.00, to clean them up the Smashed Price Smashed Price Smashed Price 63c. Garment. 79c. Each. $3.65 Pair. DUTCH AUCTION Beginning SATURDAY, at 10 A.M., I will conduct a Dutch Auction each day during the sale, some articles will decrease in price every hour. Some each day. All articles left on the last day will be given away. Come promptly at 10 A.M Saturday. There will be Lots of Fun at the Dutch Auction. Doors Open and Sales Begin at 10 A.M. Saturday, Dec. 29. 100O REMNANTS SILK, WOOL AND 9 COTTON REMNANTS Left from our heavy Xmas selling to go on sales at promptly 10 A.M. On BARGAIN BALCONY at HALF PRICE Never such a sale. Never such Bargains. HT I willbe $1.95 Pair. o> •■t Join the crowds on Bargain Balcony We are Invoicing. Store will be Closed 'until 10 A.M. Saturday, Dec. 29. Be on Time.