TILLAMOOK xEADLlGHT, DECEMBER 27, 1917 the further sum of $17-35 costs and Quarter of Southeast Quarter. Section Twenty-five. disbursements and the costs of and Northwest Quarter of Northwest upon this writ commanding me to In the District Court of the United Quarter. States for the District of Oregon. make sale of the following described Third: South Half of Northwest real property, to-wit: Detroit Trust Company, Quarter (Lot Two and Southeast Plaintiff The East half of the Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter), and vs. North Half of Southwest Quarter quarter and the West half of the Carlos A Mann (Lot Three and Northeast Quarter Southeast quarter of Section seven­ Ijeane B. Mann teen (17) in Township Six (6) South of Southwest Quarter). I Clarence T. Brock All in Section Nineteen, Township range ten (10) west of the Willamette Mary A. Brock Ten South, Range Five East of the Meridian, in Tillamook County, Ore­ Lewis Montgomery Willamette Meridian, in Linn County, gon. Ida Mae Montgomery State of Oregon. John C. Ainsworth Now Therefore, by virtue of said Fourth; The following described Alice H. Ainsworth real property situate in Tillamook execution, judgment order, decree and I Joseph C. Mann order of sale and in compliance with County, State of Oregon, to-wit: Matilda Mann i Southeast Quarter of Section the commands of said writ I will on J. F. Hertzler Thirty-four in Township Two South, Saturday the 29th day of December, C. R. Hoevet Range Eight West of the Willamette 1917, at the hour of 10 o'clock a.m. at Toledo Lumber Company the front door of the County Court Oregon Lumber and Construction Meridian. The undersigned is by said decree House in Tillamook, Tillamook Coun­ Company George W. Moore Lumber Company of foreclosure authorized to sell said ty, Oregon, sell at public auction Oregon Surety & Casualty Company property to make the amounts due (subject to redemption), to the high­ the plaintiff on said mortgages, ad- J. B. Miller Logging Company vanees and expenses, as in said est bidder for cash in hand, all the Washington Securities Company decree more specifically set out, right, title and interest which the R. N. (Sada) Warnock after crediting upon said decree within named defendants had on the Alice Nye the sum of Eight Thousand One 10th day of December, 1914, the date Ivan E. Kyniston Hundred ($8too.oo) Dollars paid of the mortgage herein foreclosed, or Leland Kyniston thereon November 13, 1917, which since that date had in and to the Herbert F. Kyniston said amounts are approximately as above described property or any part Eva Pollock follows: Seventy-three Thousand Six thereof to satisfy said execution, I Nellie Palmer Hundred Forty-four Dollars and Ida Kyniston Forty-eight Cents ($73,644.48), to- judgment order and decree, interest W. A. Knyiston gether with interest thereon at the costs and accruing costs. I R. L. Sabin Trustee rate of ten per cent per annum from Dated this 23rd day of November, J. B. Miller the 26th day of September, 1917; 1917. I W. P. McKenna Two Thousand and Fourteen Dollars W. L. Campbell, I W. C. Corbett ($2014.00) with interest thereon at the Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon, I Spain E. Pearce rate of six per cent per annum from First publication, Nov. 29, 1917. Henry D. Davis the 26th day of September, 1917; Two Last publication, Dec. 27, 1917. I William U. Franey Thousand One Hundred Fifty-three James T. Salvage Dollars and Seventy Cents ($2153.70), I Fred H. Taylor Notice to Creditori, and the sum of Twenty-nine Dollars I A. T. Peterson and the sum of Thirteen E. G. Ralston (E. G. Thompson) , ($29.00), ■ - Notice is hereby given that the un­ Carlos A. Mann and Lewis Mont- Dollars and Thirty-five Cents ($13.35) gomery, co-partners doing business with interest on each of said sums dersigned has been by the County as Mann & Montgomery at the rate of ten per cent per annum Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, Andrew Nye as Administrator of the from the 26th day of September, appointed as executor of the last will Estate of Julia Kyniston, deceased. >917; and the further sum of Three and testament of James Hughey, de­ Defendants. Hundred Fifty-six Dollars and ceased, and he has qualified as such. Under and by virtue of decree of Eighty-five Cents ($356.85), and Fif- All persons having claims against the foreclosure and sale entered by the teen Dollars and Eighty Cents estate are required to present them District Court of the United States ($15 80), with interest thereon at the to the undersigned, together with for the District of Oregon on the 26th rate of ten per cent per annum from proper vouchers as required by law, day of September, 1917, in the above the 26th day of September, 1917; and at the office of H. T. Botts, Attorney entitled cause, the undersigned, as the further sum of Four thousand at Law, Tillamook City, Oregon, Master in Chancery in and for said Fight Hundred Seventy-five Dollars within six months from the date of Court, will offer for sale and sell at ($4875.00), with interest thereon at this notice. Dated November 8th, 1917. public auction to the highest bidder the rate of six per cent per annum Wesley Rush, for cash, at the hour of ii ; oo in the from the 26th day of September, 1917; Executor of the last Will and forenoon on the 29th day of Decern- | together with plaintiff’s costs and Testament of James Hughey, her, 1917, at the main entrance of the disbursements taxed in said cause, deceased. Court House in Linn County, State and the costs and expenses of this H. T. Botts, of Oregon, in the City of Albany, sale. For particulars relative to each Attorney for Executor. said County of Linn, State of Oregon, all of said sums reference is made the following described property, (o- decree. Upon the sale each and every pur­ Notice to Registrants for Selective gether with all appurtenances there­ unto attached and belonging, includ­ chaser, other than the plaintiff, shall Draft. ing all standing and down timber forthwith deposit with the Master in Chancery a sum equal to ten per cent thereon, and described by said decree Notice is hereby given that the fol­ of the purchase price bid for said lowing attorneys are members of the of foreclosure and sale, to-wit: pieces First: All those certain pl ___ or property, . r. and in case any .. purchaser Legal Advisory Board for Tillamook parcels of land situate in the County shall fail to comply with the terms of I of Linn, State of Oregon, in Town- his bid or any order of the Court re­ County, and that under ordinary con­ ship Ten South of Range Four East lative to consummation of the pur- ditions, each of them will be at hi* of the Willamette Meridian in Ore- chase, then the said sum or sums paid address below given between the gon, and more particularly described in by said purchaser shall be forfeited hours of 9:00 a.m., and 5:00 p.m., to- as follows: I as penalty for non-compliance, and in wit: Section a. I the event that the sale to any pur- Sidney S. Johnson, 108 I. O. O. F. West Half of Northwest Quarter; chaser is not confirmed by the Court Bldg., Section 10. I such deposit shall be returned to the T. B. Handley, 108, I. O. O. F. South Half of Northeast Quarter, bidder. Under and by virtue of the terms of Bldg. Northwest Quarter of Northeast Carl Haberlach, Tillamook, Bldg. Quarter, West Half of Southeast said decree, the plaintiff may become Geo. P. Winslow, Tllamook Bldg. of Southwest a purchaser at said sale, and in lieu Quarter, East Half of) H. T. Botts, Tillamook Bldg. of said sums from the plaintiff the Quarter. Also all those certain pieces or par- Master in Chancery will accept from Robert H. McGrath, I. O. O. F. cels of land situate and being in the the plaintiff the receipt for any por- Bldg. County of Lincoln, State of Oregon, tion of said bid which may become C. W. Talmage, National Bldg. in Township Ten south. Ranges Ten tion of its bid which may become T. H. Goyne, Corner 1st Street and and Eleven West of Willamette I properly payable to the plaintiff un­ 3rd Avenue. Meridian in Oregon, and more bar-Ider said decree John Leland Henderson, Tillamook ticularly described as follows: I Said various parcels of real proper­ in Township Ten South, Range ty will be sold by the Master at said County Bank Building. Webster Holmes, Commercial Eleven West of Willamette Meridian sale in the order heretofore set out, in Oregon: and the Master will sell only such of Building. _______________ Section Fourteen. said parcels as may be necessary to South Half of South Half. pay an(l discharge the sums mention­ A SAFE TEST. in Township Ten South, Range I ed in said decree. Upon the confirma- Ten West of Willamette Meridian in I tion of said sale and payment in full For those who are in need of a Oregon: I of the purchase price, and upon com- remedy for kidney troubles and back­ “ ‘ ~ _ I pliance with all the terms of the sale, ache, it is a good plan to try Doan’s Section Seventeen. making Southwest Quarter of Southeast I or upon . _ such . provisions for Kidney Pills. They are strongly re­ Quarter, South Half of Southwest the payment of the purchase price as commended by McMinnville people. Quarter of | the Court may approve, the Master Quarter, Northwest Arthur Branson, 339 B Street., No. I will make, execute and deliver to the McMinnville, Ore., says: "About six Southwest Quarter. Section Eighteen. purchaser, his successors or assigns, or eight years ago, I had rheumatic East Half of Southeast Quarter, in form to be approved by the Court pains in my back and legs so bad that East Half of Southwest Quarter, or a Judge thereof, a proper instru­ I wasn’t able to do my work. At Southeast Quarter of Northwest ment of conveyance, transfer and as­ times, it was all I could do to get signment of the property sold, and Quarter. Sharp, shooting pains caught upon the delivery of such instrument around. Section Nineteen. me in the small of my back and for a East Half of Southeast Quarter, the grantee named therein will be let minute I could hardly move. When I Northwest Quarter of Southeast into the possession of the property got down to do anything it was all I I Quarter, South Half of Northeast and all the appurtenances thereunto could do to straighten up a9 my back belonging. Quarter, and Lot Three. For further particulars with refer­ felt so weak and stiff. After I had Section Twenty. six or eight boxes of Doan’s Southwest Quarter of Northwest ence to the property to be sold and taken Quarter, North Half of Southwest with reference to the terms and con­ Kidney Pills I was cured. Since then Quarter, Southwest Quarter of South­ ditions of sale, reference is made to I haven’t had any rheumatic pains the said decree, a copy of which may and my kidneys have been as strong east Quarter. be found on inquiry at the office of as ever.” Section Twenty-Nine. Price 60c. at all dealers. Don't Northwest Quarter of Northeast the clerk of the United States Dis­ Quarter, Northeast Quarter of trict Court for the District of Oregon, simply ask for a kidney remedy—get at Portland, Oregon, or on applica- Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Southwest Quarter. tiin to the undersigned Master in Mr. Branson had. Foster-Milburn Co. Section Thirty-two. Props., Buffalo, N. Y. Northeast Quarter of Northwest Chancery. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this Quarter. Second: All those certain pieces or 27th day of November, 1917. GIRL’S STATEMENT WILL Robert F. Maguire, parcels of land situate and being in the HELP TILLAMOOK Master in Chancery. County of Linn, State of Oregon, in o— Title & Trust Building, Township Ten South of Range Four ________ Portland, Oregon. East of the Willamette Meridian, in Here is the girl’s own story: “For Oregon, and more particularly de­ years I had dyspepsia, sour stomach Notice of Sheriff's Sale. scribed as follows: and constipation. 1 drank hot water Section Nine. and olive oil by the gallon. Nothing East Half of Southeast Quarter. In the Circuit Court of the State of helped until I tried buckthorn bark, Section Ten Oregon for Tillamook County. glycerine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka West Half of Southwest Quarter. Merchants National Bank, a ONE-SPOONFUL helped me IN- Section Eleven. Stantly.” Because Adler-i-ka flushes corporation. Plaintiff West Half of Northwest Quarter, the ENTIRE alimentary it relieves vs. Northeast Quarter of Northwest I ANY CASE constipation, sour stam- Walter A. Goss, and Rebecca Quarter. ach or gas, and prevents appendicitis. C. Goss, his wife, and Albert Section Twelve. It has QUICKEST action of any­ S. Goss, and Minnie H. Goss, Southwest Quarter of Southwest thing we ever sold. J. S. Lamar, drug­ his wife, Defendants Quarter. gist. Section Thirteen. I By virtue of an execution, judgment Northwest Quarter of Northwest order, decree, and order of sale, is- Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Quarter. _ _ _ I sued out of the above entitled court, Section Fourteen.. in the above entitled cause, to me North Half of Northeast Quarter. This is not only one of the best and directed and dated the 23rd day of most efficient medicine for coughs, Section Fifteen. November, 1917, upon a judgment colds and croup, but it is also pleasant Northwest Quarter. I rendered and entered in said court on and safe to take, which is important Section Twenty-four. South Half of Southeast Quarter, the 9th day of May, 1917, in favor of when medicine must be given to chil­ Northwest Quarter of Southeast Merchants National Bank, a corpor­ dren. Many mothers have given it Quarter. ation, plaintiff, and against Walter A. their unqualified endorsement. For ~ Section Twenty-five. Goss, and Rebecca C. Goss, his wife, Northeast Quarter, Southeast Quar­ Albert S. Goss, and Minnie H. Goss, sale by Lamar's Drug Store. ter, Southwest Quarter, South Half of Northwest Quarter, Northeast his wife, defendants, for the sum of 9 $4750 with interest at 8 per cent per Notice. Quarter of Northwest Quarter. annum from the 10th day of August, Section Thirty-five. 1915; and the sum of $250 with inter­ will not stand good nor pay any Southeast Quarter. Section Thirteen. est at 6 per cent per annum from the bills contracted b. my wife Mrs. Southeast Quarter. 9th day of May, 1917, and the sum of Mabie C. McDonald. She left my bed Section Twenty-four. $325.60 with interest at 8 per cent per and board. Northeast Quarter, Northeast annum from December 20, 1916, and Jas. A. McDonald. Notice of Sale. Why Pay More for your Smoking and Chewing Tobacco or Cigars. Good Havana Cigars—5c. Each. SMOKING TOBACCO: 10c. a Can. 10c. 10c. > » 10c. a Package. 65c. 60c. 65c. 60c. > » 60c. > * Prince Albert Texedo Velvet Union^Leader - Pedro, 16 ox. Dixie Queen, 14 oz. Gold Shoe, 16 oz. - Petterson Seal, 14 oz. Union Leader, 16 oz. » f i > > » » » CHEWING TOBACCO Star Horse Shoe - Climax «- Spear Head - Tigar 10c. a Cut. 10c. a Cut. 10c. a Cut. 10c. a Cut. 5c. a Package. 60c. pound. 60c. » > 60c. , » 60c. n Buy your Tobacco from us and save Money. QR. J. G. TURNER, EYE SPECIALIST. PORTLAND — OREGON Regular Monthly Visits to Tillamook and Cloverdale. WATCH PAPER FOR DATES. J ELAND K ERWIN PIANO INSTRUCTION, Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for the Wiley B Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos etc. FISHING RODS, FISHING TACKLE Spoons, Baskets,\Reels, Snells, Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc. Our flies are known to the Sportsmen and are reorginized the finest and best made flies in America. C. I. CLOUGH CO TILLAMOOK. : CARDUI : The Woman's Tonic Sold Everywhere r. • ORE HUDSON— H. O. Harrison Co., San Francisco— “Many owners of Hudson Super-six cars use Zerolene. We hear nothing but praise fbr^t.” FORD— Fahy-Atterbury Sales Co., Los Angeles— "we recommend Zerolene for the lubrication of Ford cars.” MAXWELL— J C. Phelan, Fresno— k "Zerolene is giving us the best of satisfac­ tion.” HUPMOBILE— Manley Auto Co., Portland— "we are convinced that Zerolene is giving uniformly satisfactory results.” ZEROLEN 7%e Standard Oil for Motor Cars TOWER S fish brand ; REFLEX SLICKER J Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors because the records of their service depart­ ments show that Zerolene, correctly relined from California asphalt - base crude, gives Crfect lubrication less wear, more power, 1st carbon deposit. Weiterproofy Absolutely.! [Its loose fit and $ood feel put you at ease on any job thaP. turns up. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED ‘Dealer» everywhere an J at our tervice »talion» STANDARD OIL COMPANY ^Calit'oruia) A J TOWUt CO BOSTON For tractor», Zerolene Heary.^Duty u apcciaUy recommended Have Your House Wiring Done by poWerCo GARAGE. ULLA MOOK GA R A GE STAR RLtEX. M c NAIR & co DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES GENERAL HARDUJARE Ornamental Fire Places Built of Brick and Stone. Ail Fire Placea absolutely guaranteed not to amoke or money re­ funded. Brick work of all kinds done on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Places. Kitehen Ranges and Heating ^toVes. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere RALPH E. WARREN, TILLAMOOK ORF. I 1