Tillamook Jottings. TILLAMOOK, OREGON. DECEMBER »1.50 PER YEAR. A; will move to the -Masonic building firt * Wi of the s» the —- ... UiC year ( occupying 1 i' Z* 11 V * V r« a. —— l half l f - of - tl>e groun<1 2 C ’ L 1 r°,nble ........ K move unu “ to oor. >’ will the store next to Ray & Co’s store. Don’t forget those busted castings Can be welded for half. Goods sent by parcel post and express promptly returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook Oregon. e coming of peace with RED CROSS DRIVE TO CONTIN in. He claims he did not know Chapter, No. 18. Order of Eastern ’ thdt of ‘he birth of the meshiah. UE TILL JANUARY 1. man. The officials do not place much Star; Treasurer of Lodge, No. 290 Rev. Charles Gibson pastor of the ’ T’ Church, went more fully into Owing to the Stormy Weather Work dependence in the young man’s story. Fraternal I nion of America; and a member of the Women's Relief Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough the history of the Red Cross, making Was Interfered With. Corps and the American Red Cross. A TAX COLLECTING DRIVE. an earnest plea for membership. He The funeral took place today, the said there was some misunderstand- By authority of Northwestern Di- ir. Shearer, physician and surgeon, rc.igious services being held in the Will Start in Tillamook County mg in regard to the aims and objects i vision Headquarters the time limit of ■erdale, Ore. » Christian church and the interment in January aa, 1918. of the Red Cross, and then pointed I the Christmas membership drive has the Oddfellows cemetery, which was out that the president of the United I been extended for the states of Ore­ ewelry, clocks, watches, silver- In a communication ^ccived by attended by a large number""6F people. States was the President of the Red gon, Washington, and Idaho. This t— R. W. Bennett. » Cowpunchers who know how to act The bereaved husband and family this paper, Collector of Internal Rev­ et your flour and feed at the Kup- in motion pictures are used in Harold (- ross. He had been under the impres­ mak.-s it possible far Portland to get have the sympathy of the people of bender W arehouse. • Lockwood s Metro wonderplay "Un­ sion that the Red Cross was con­ her 100,000. The Portland managers enue Milton A. Miller, announces the county, and the bereavement that a federal income tax officer will ducted by women, but he found that Car for sale—5 passenger Ford in der Handicap” will be seen at. the it was men who held all the offices are undertaking this with confidence be sent into this county on Jan. 22, comes at a time when the only son is that they can make good, as at least serving the country and is “some­ condition. Apply at this office.* Gem Theatre, Saturday, December, with the exception of one, and that it the Partland campaign is jn full 1918, and will be here until January where over there” not knowing that 29- A thrill from start to finish. 30, 1918. He will have his office in the was the women who were doing the swing. Every one there seems confi­ R. W. Bennett, expert watch re- his mother was sick. Webster Holmes, as trustee of Lys- work. He said that it was the mili­ dent that Portland can go over the court house at the county seat and iring. S. P. Watch inspector. » will be there every day ready and tary branch of the Red Cross that i top. ter Bros, and Jennings, vs. Fred Bur ­ Buy Hills Bros. Blue Con Coffee Resolution of Condolence. ton and Geo. W. Kiger, is a suit filed they were more particularly interest­ . As this is dictated, six Oregon willing to help persons subject to the am C. O. & C. M. Dawson. in the circuit court to recover $800.00, ed in at this time, on account of the ! counties have made their quotas and income tax make out tlieir returns Inasmuch as it has pleased our The ship being built for the govern- alleged to be owing the plaintiffs for deplorable war German had thrust us campaign managers of eleven others without any cost to them for his Heavingly Father to call to his re­ tnt is to be finished next May. logging, cutting and bucking logs on into. The speaker thought that the have wired they are certain they can services. How many income taxpayers will ward our beloved brother and Wor­ people had not woke up to the ser­ make 100 ver cent. If all will keep up Born to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wil­ the Harrison tract. iousness of the war, but they would their efforts there is no question but there be in this county? If you can thy Master, Fred Zaddach, ms an eight pound boy on Dec. 21. Mrs. J. C. Holden will form new do so in a comparatively short time Be it resolved that we the officers that Oregon can make the full 240,000 guess how many married persons liv­ White Clover ing with wife or husband will have and members of Will pay you to see Everson ror a classes for all ages in the Dunning for our boys will be shot down and Harvey Lindley, Northwestern Di ­ net incomes of $2,000, or over and Grange No. 279, hereby express our e investment in city property or Method of Improved Music Study on probably some boys from Tillamook vision Chairman wires as follows: rm lands. * January 5, 1918. Those not desiring county would be buried “somewhere sincere sympathy to his widow and Seattle, Wash, Dec. 24, 1917. how many unmarried persons will family, in their great and irrepairable See Kuppenbender about the Grant the Dunning Method jwill also be ac­ over there.” Addressing the young Don’t let anything stand in your have net incomes of $1,000, or over ____ consider- men in the audience he said it might loss of a loving and thoughtful hus­ ix automobile, the snappiest car on cepted on this date. Terms way but keep at it all the rest of this this year, then you know. The Collec­ e road. * able less than when taking the Dun­ fall to the lot of some of them to be week if necessary and get 240,000. tor of Internal revenue estimates that band and father. ning System. We also grieve for the loss of a buried there or need the assistance Oregon has high water mark on other there will be 82 taxpayers in this Why not be insured in the best fire good member of honest, cheerful and county. of the Red Cross when shot down. In Gladys W. Smith, daughter of Mr. isurance company, it costs no more, patriotic efforts. It is expected she Returns of income for the year 1917 sterling character, ice Everson. ♦ and Mrs. Ira C. Smith, obtained the closing. Mr. Gibson appealed to will maintain and improve her record. May his memory long be with us. must be made out on forms provided You always save money by getting high score of 99 points in an examina­ those in the audience to join the Red All campaign workers have done for the purpose before March I, 1918. White Clover Grange, Cross, and as a result 40 new mem ­ wonders. Rotten weather, short time tion under the rule of the Parent Ed ­ our flour and feed at the Kuppen- Nehalem, Oregon. Because a good many people don ’ t bers were secured. for organization, limited supplies, are ucational Bureau of Oregon Congress enuer Warehouse. » D. F. Thompson, Sec. I understand the law and won ’ t know ­ considered. of Mothers. The test age used was 12 Special price—Crystal White soap, Don’t let that discourage you. We how to make out their returns, the Death of William Squires. C a bar; $4.65 for 100 bars. Regular months, the height of the baby being Winners of Shetland Ponies. want to put a mark on the Northwest government is sending in this expert 29 inches and weight 22 pounds. rice $600. Ray & Co. ------ o------ division that will not be equalled in to make him self known to the gov­ William Squires, son of James Those who took the teachers ’ ex- 1 he ponies which were given by ■ Let your wagon be a Mitchell—the the United States for percentage on ernment. If he doesn’t make returns rag on that has built a monument of amination last week were: Eacie 0. Squires and Martha Lurton Squires, population. Get all forces together as required before March I, he may Mr. Hawkins to Riverdale District Mullen, Vera P. Barnes, Miss, Mattie was born on the 25th day of Febru­ Christmas day and organize for fur- have to pay a penalty ranging from No. 38, were won by W illiam Olson imt. See Kuppenbender. ♦ ary, 1828, on his father’s farm, which j ther work. By your loyal workers de- $20 to $1,000, pay a fine or go to jail. with an average grade of 97% per Mrs. C. B. Wiley left on Saturday Walton, Genevieve Ward, Ella R. Sperry, Helen M. Beals, Mrs. Arthur had been in the Spuires family for 1 voting six days more does not of it- . So if you don’t want to take chances cent, and Marie Stubblefield, whose .0 spend Christmas with her daugh- Tippin, Daisy E. Goodspeed, W. L. three hundred years, near Leeds, I self mean too great sacrifices to any- on going to jail, you better call on the average was 93 per cent, Jack Dris- er, Mrs. W. S. Buel. Bryan, Harriett Ford, Myrtle Wallin England. He was confirmed in the I one but does mean a lot to the entire income tax man. If you are not sure coll was a close second among the Episcopal church of England. Mrs. H. Crenshaw and sons spent and Sylvia Rowe Hoskins. 1 country in showing what we stand for of being subject to the tax, better ask boys with an average of 97 1-3 per He came to New York City in 1843 hristmas with her parents, Mr. and second him and make sure. Whether you see cent, Delia Vaughn was The pupils of Mrs. Holden gave a with his mother, his father having I in Pacific Northwest. Hrs. King., at Woodburn. among the girls with a grade of 91 the income tax man or not, you must Seattle and all Washington arc go- 24 num- very successful musical of died in England in 1832. There he per cent. Harley Foland has rented his farm bers at the Guild Hall, Monday even­ was married to Elizabeth Jackson in ling to crowd campaign until New make return if subject to tax. The winners wish to thank Mr. Of course, persons resident in other orth of town and has bought the W. ing of last week. Each pupil rendered 1850, where his three and only chil- | Year’s Eve for all we are worth. Jud- I. Hill residence in town. one number. Every pupil deserves dren were born, Anna S. Burton, who 1 ging from the patriotic enthusiasm counties may, if they want to, come Hawkins for his generous gifts, and I being shown by the people this holi- and see the income tax man, who will the whole school hereby express their Lost—Eastern Star pin, on Monday, special mention for their marked abil­ died March 28th, 1917, Lydia S. appreciation of Mr. Hawkins’ interest ity of expression and memory -work. Morgan and James Squires survive. I day spirit will put it over. Tonight be at the county seat on the date under please leave same at Head­ in their progress. Washington has 250,000, Seattle 80,- above mentioned. Mrs. Holden entertained her class the In 1849 he returned to England and light office, and receive reward. * Emily E. Mitchell, teacher. The Collector suggests that every­ following evening by taking them to settled his father’s estate. In 1856 he 000, Idaho 60,000, Alaska already has Geo. Hoskins and wife and I. C. the Gem Theatre to see Polly of the 60 per cent of Territorial population. body start figuring up now his income sold his 200 acre farm, which is now COMING Rowe left Saturday to spend Christ­ Circus. I congratulate all Oregon cam­ and expenses so as to be ready with * ____ a part of West Chicago, and moved mas with relatives at McMinnville. paign workers every one that has the figures when the expert arrives, with his family to St. Joseph, Mo., Gladys Brockwell in "Conscience” been helping and every one that has to do it for them. But the duty is on Attention Dairymen! Furnished and unfurnished house- where he had a contract for building William Fox’s latest photoplay bought a membership. Oregon has a the taxpayers. Expenses, however, eping rooms and rooms with stoves the railroad bridge across the Miss­ The mobolization for the summer’s issippi river. Two years later he good organization. Now don't lose it don’t mean family expenses, money “Conscience” brings to the Gem t the Watch Tower building * and the advantage you have gained used to pay off the principal on a Theatre Gladys Brockwell and a work is on and with this announce­ For Sale—New modern residence, ment the Tillamook County Holstein moved again to Greenwood County, by stopping your canvass until 1 you debt, new machinery, buildings, or great Fox cast in a stirring drama ocated in best residence district. For Breeder’s Association means to fire Kansas, purchased a 200 acre farm, have obtained all that is expected of anything like that. They mean what next Thursday, January 3rd. le at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. • the first shot. We mean to say, we built a saw mill and grist mill. His you. you spend in making your money—in­ Miss Brockwell who has been call­ wife died there. He never remarried, terest, taxes paid, hired help, amount ed “The girl of a thousand express­ Harvey Lindley, Chairman, See Kuppenbender about building have a statement from the president and in 1863 he moved to Lowerencc, paid for goods sold, seed, stock ions,” has, in "Conscience,” a vehicle Northwestern Division, 'your Ford into a first class 1J4 ton of the association that they offer $100 Kansas, with his three children. Here Ames worm drive truck at a small for the best working herd of milk American Red Cross. bought for feeding, rent (except for that gives her full opportunity to he served for two years ip the state your dwelling), etc. Income includes show her versality. Supporting her cost. * cows for the year 1918. Year will be­ militia, Which was called '-’o active about every dollar you get.” Tillamook Falls Below Quota Marjorie Daw, Eva Southern, Eugene gin January 1st, 1918 and end Dec. Money to loan on farm lands, from service for the Union. In the present Forde, Douglas Garrard, Edward The torrental rain and wind storm $560 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate 31st, 1918. For furthehr information war his sympathies have all been for Cecil, Harry Lonsdale, Colin Chase of interest. We want your business. as to rules and regulations thereto we the allies. Methodist Episcopal Church. last week had the effect of greatly in­ i and Bertha Grassby. The story shows See Everson. * invite you to attend the annual meet­ ------ o------ On the 23rd day of March, 1866, he terfering with the Red Cross drive in Preaching services 1: a.m. and 7:30 Ruth Somers, the reincarnation of a It is requested that the members of ing of the Association to be held on left Lawerence, Kan., in a four horse Tillamook county, for it upset and the Fairview Red Cross meet at the the third Monday in January at the wagon with his three children for disarranged the plans that had been p.m. Subject for the morning service fallen spirit, on earth. She had ap­ peared at the gate of Heaven with Grange Hall next Wednesday after­ court house. Oregon, going over the hot sands of made. Notwithstanding that consider­ will be "The Past and the Future We further wish to state that we the sage brush plains and down the able work had been done the Execu­ from the Standpoint cf the Present. Lucifer but the Archangel Michael noon. Subject for evening service, "The had told her to go back to earth and offer $zoo in prize money to be com­ tive Board of the Tillamook Red Have cash buyer for farm in Tilla­ peted for by the six Wisconsin heifers Columbia, arriving in Portland on tlg‘ Cross had to report on Christmas day Dying Soldier’s Shout of \ ictory.” work out her redemption. The Devil 4th day of October, 1865, where the mook County. Write full description Sunday School at to a.m., C. O. in the person of Dr. Norton (Bertram winter was passed amid hardsitip that the county was 1000 short of its to Ralph Acyley, 237% Washington, that were sold last January. Grassby), goes with her. Finally Ruth Committee. which compared to the present day quota, but the board decided to con­ Dawson, Supt. Street, Portland. falls in love with Cecil Brooks, Doug­ each Wednes- Midweek services on tinue the drive until January I, 1918. conditions is hard to imagine. Tillamook County is now listed when it is hoped that those who have day evening at 7:30 o’clock. Wm. las Garard) and the wedding day ar­ The Red Cross Rally. On the 6th day of July, 1866, being with the counties having over $1,000- rives when Ruth gets a message from the successful bidder for carrying the not affiliated with this commendable Heaston will address the meeting. 000 deposits in the banks of this coun­ Good music and courteous treat­ Ned Langley (Colin Chase) asking The Red Cross rally at the City mail to Tillamook, he set out on foot organization will do so as soon as ty. Hall on Sunday evening did not at­ over the Indian trail known as th- possible, for it is going to be no ment for every one. Our motto “As her not to break his heart by marry­ C. E. Trombley and family left on tract as laige a crowd as was expect­ Harris trail, for what was for him an easy task to increase the membership ye would that men should do to you, ing Cecil. Conscience then brings to Ruth pictures of the lying, deceitful Saturday for Pleasant Home, where ed, but what lacked in attendance was unknown country, but which was des­ in Tillamook county to 2500, that be­ do ye even so to them.” Chas. E. Gibson D. D., Pastor. acts she has been guilty of. Ruth goes they spent Christmas with Mrs. made up in enthusiasm, for after the tined to be his future home, for his ing our quota. through these acts depicting avrice, If all parts of the county will make meeting was over it is safe to say remaining fifty years. Trombley's father. ambition, lust, revenge and untruth­ another effort this can be obtained. that Jnost everybody had previously When he arrived in Tillamook with Death of Mrs. Thos. Coates, Ranch with 18% acres bottom land. fulness- During all these »Cis L?r Hor­ We give below the number of new joined the Red Cross or joined that the first mail sack the county had ------ o ------ Tine location in Nentucca \ alley. It was a sad Christmas morning in ton had been beside her, urging her ever seen, he found there was no members in each locality where there Terms. Taylor Real Estate Agency, evening. is a branch of the Red Cross, or the home of Thos Coates, when the on and grinning at the misery she is Mrs. C. J. Edwards, president of the postmaster, and no keys to open the Cloverdale, Oregon. 2* - 11 1 „ « ,1 On fin where one will be organized. These Tillamook Red Cross, presided. She sack, so returned « it • - to angel of death, deprived him of a bringing or. others. Portland, Finally Ned appears as the wed­ In conformity with the rule formed was not at all satisfied with the re­ his second trip to 1 illamook he figures are incomplete in some local- wife and the children of a mother,, elsewhere, all wfood orders must be ■ sult of the membership campaign in brought keys and papers for swear­ itics: Mrs. Lavina B. Coates passing away ding ceremony is being performed. Ruth scorns him, he goes into another accompanied by payment in advance. the central part of the county, and ing in the first postmaster. He contin­ 36 at eight o’clock that morning. Magarell 20 Pleasant Valley —A. F. Coats Lumber Co. The deceased had been sick off and room and kills himself. Cecil then urged those present to obtain more ued carrying the mail to Tillamook 9« on for about six weeks, the trouble leaves Ruth and she drops ou her Beaver . from July 6, 1866. until 1873- Later Miss Myrtle Mills left for Portland members. , 43 being in the head. During the past knees and begs Heaven for fogive- Blaine Attorney S. S. Johnson was the he carried the mail to Netarts for Wednesday to receive prophylatic Oretown 55 two weeks she grew worse, being of­ ness. At this the devil departs. first speaker, who took up the sub ­ four years, and his remaining years treatment from a specialist. She was 71 ten unconscious, and as a last resort Cloverdale were either spent on his homestead ject of the Red Cross from a sold.er s accompanied by Miss Kathleen Mills. War Loan Will Be Paid. Fairview . 75 Drs. Boals and Smith made an opera­ point of view. He spoke in high praise two miles south of Tillamook City or The Standard Feed Co. will carry a of the Red Cross and to fully under­ in Tillamook City property. Tillamook 443 tion when it was discovered that the full line of farm implements and ma­ stand the soldier’s 142 trouble was a hemorrage in the head, Many persons have asked if the Bay City . It was characteristic of him through position, one chinery. Also gasoline wood saws. 400 when it was decided that it would money now being advanced to the Brighton . should visit them in the trenches m life that no matter what obstacle was Get their extreme low prices. 3 France, where they come m close thrown across his path, he went on 208 not be long before the end came European allies will ever be paid. The Wheeler .. 110 which soon followed. answer is yes. It will be repaid, but Sergeant E. J. Claussen has been touch with the Red Cross. He said with undiminished courage, meeting Nehalem . selected from the 10th Company the Red Cross was doing more good I reverses w rith a strong heart and self­ Lavina B. Coates, a daughter of just when is a matter of considerable Coast Artillery to attend the next of­ than any other organization in the reliance, typical of the Oregon pio- Mr. and Mrs. John H. Nolan, was uncertainty. In the meantime all we Burglarly at Beaver. ficers’ training college at California. born on Wilson river, about one mile lend to Europe is staying at home, world, and being non-sectenan reach­ neer. ------ o------- for our loans are in the form of do­ He attended all the churches in The store of R. E. Wilson & Co., at north of Tillamook City, on April mestic credits which are taken up by The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay ed out to help humanity, no matter and loving 21st, 1872. She was married to Thos. Tillamook, was a kind what the nationality, or religion, 01 Beaver, was broken into at midnight 10c for all 10 pound lard pails and 5c. Tamer and anu is — mourned ________ by a SOn’ 3 on Monday and a number of things Coates, who survives her, on Novem­ the borrowers in the form of Ameri­ for 5 pound pails. They must bt free those who needed help. The speaker father can goods—foodstuffs, manufacturers daughter, seven grand children and from lust. Bring them in at once and said he had heard people complain ot daughter. were stolen. A stranger was seen ber 14, 1894. Four children were born of raw material for manufacture. the many drive, that have taken place six great grand sons. get your money. hanging around there, and it Was sup­ of this union. One son, W illiam When you read in the paper that this the past year, and in answer to this He died in Tillamook City, Dec. 20, posed that he was the burglar. Sheriff Thomas, First Class Private in Head­ Demand that your contractor use I nited 1 government has advanced France or Campbell was notified and he wired quarters Company, 102nd ¡917 at 10 p.m. Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni­ States Infantry, which left Camp I Russia or Great Britian an additional The remains were buried on Sunday '73 'he was passing the back door he went Worthy Matron be benefitted, Honor Guard ing, humanity would Portland ------ o~—* IV. A. Wise, dentist. Le .rtrf’Ts; -a-" • il.”« =«> •4