TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. DFCEMBEK 20, 1017. What the Editors Say. The German forces in East Africa were small, but thoroughly trained and fully equipped, and they were commanded by a most able and re­ sourceful general. Von Lettow, who time and time again when he appear­ ed to be completely cornered by British, Belgians and Portugese col- i umns, managed to break through and ' resume guerrilla warfare. The British South African troops and the Euro­ pean soldiers suffered severely from tropical diseases and from the hard­ ships of trailing the elusive German detachments, composed mostly of Arabs and natives, through the jung­ les. The subjugation of the last Ger­ man province took vastly more time than any of the English leaders had anticipated. Still, it was a necessary task, So long as the Germans could keep mo- bile forces in the field, they could harrass the neighboring colonies of England, Belgium and Portugal, and could divert from the fields of Europe large number of entente soldiers. On­ ly by making a clean sweep could the allied forces hope to keep this part of Africa from continuing to be a sore spot . German East Africa was the largest and most valuable of Germany’s over seas possessions. It is larger by 180- ooo square miles than German " in Eu- rope, and its natural resources are very large and very remunerative. It will be an important asset to the en- tente allies in case peace negotiations are based to any extent on territorial bargaining.—Spokesman Review. SEALING IN STOCKS. Know What Yau Are Buying Bator. Investing Yeur Money. There are a good many plans for We bear of fortunes quickly made tn winning the war, and the following is Wull street, of miners who have accu­ likely as feasible as any other: An mulated enormous wealth by a lucky Ohio man has proposed to the war department a plan which he feel sure •trike, of Inventions that have made would put Germany out of business. inventors rich Hut bow many of He proposes that aviators be sent these instances are there? Just a few, over Germany dropping not bombs, while countless thousands »nd hun­ but potato bugs in Germany, that the dreds of thousaads have lost every­ potato is essential to the life of the thing In unsuccessful ventures. The prosperous, successful man or country, and if his plan is adopted it woman Is the one who buys with means defeat for the kaiser.—Tele­ knowledge of what lie or she Is buying, phone Register. whether It be a piece of beef, a dozen ------o- — eggs, a horse, a bouse or stocks and Every postal employe in the United bonds. States has been instructed to take an Money has been made In W’all street active part in the campaign for the and will continue to be made. Those sale of war savings stamps. In order who buy stocks when they sell low and to reach the desired sales mark of •ell them when they advance must $2,000,000,000 by January b 1919. it make money. The operation la no dif­ will be necessary to sell sufficient ferent from buying a bouse or a farm stamps to average $16.50 for each at a bargain and selling it at a profit man, woman and child in the country. But one should exercise just as much —Itemizer. care In one transaction as tn the other. ------ o ■■ Have nothing to do with those who Until recently our railroad man­ ofTer glittering opportunities to get rich agers put in most of their time ap­ quickly. This will save your money. pearing before commissions instead It may sound very nice to say that one of managing transportation. At pres- owns a thousand shares of a gold, sil­ est our shipbuilding executives have ver or copper mine with a par value of to put in most of their time at Wash­ $10,000 and that cost the bolder only ington, wrestling with the U. S. $50 or $100. But what use is such a Shipbuilding Board. There are prob­ certificate unless It has real value? ably fifty Pacific Coast shipbuilding Better put the $50 or $100 In one share executives in Washington now. The of a dividend paying stock and be sat­ time and energies of these men are isfied with moderate returns and • needed sorely at their plants here on moderate profit on any advance the the Coast. Probably the government stock may enjoy.—Leslie’s Weekly. officials realize this as thoroughly as Red Cross in Oregon. anyone else. The situation merely illustrates the difficulties of conduct­ (By Orton E. Goodwin.) HOLES IN MACARONI. ing vast business enterprises on an Next to the war, there is one sub­ emergency basis while hampered by ject just now that has the center of Did You Evor Wonder How the Dough all manner of government restrictions the stage in Oregon—The American Wee Put Around Them? —Oregon Voter. Red Cross. It’s not a society, a club, Haven’t you often asked, “How do ------ o------- or an organization. There is just one they get the boles in macaroni?” Yes, The declaration of war against Aus­ of its kind, and it was incorporated you undoubtedly have, and unless you tria was largely a matter of form, for by act of Congress. Perhaps, too, the have visited a macaroni factory you as a matter of fact during the last Red Cross for another week will are probably still In doubt Interest­ nine months we have been as much at rank even with the war in public in­ ing methods are employed In bringing war with that country as we have terest. this food into the form in which It is with Germany. It is well known that And why not? The Red Cross is placed before the public. for war purposes boundary lines be­ the greatest corporation in the world. After the dough has been well mixed tween Germany and Austria have The little section of it monopolized and kneaded in a powerful machine it been eliminated and the latter coun­ by Oregon employes far more people is ready to form into macaroni, which try is as much dominated as Prussian- than any Oregon cgorporation. is of a tube shape about one-fourth Inch ism as states of the German empire The mind revolts—sometimes—at in diameter, or spaghetti, which Is a and we are to use our military forces statistics, yet one cannot study the solid stick shape of about one-eighth against armies commanded by Prus­ Red Cross without statistics. In Ore­ Inch In diameter. This is done by forc­ sian generals the rank and file of our gon there are more people working ing the dough under hydraulic pressure foes is bound to include many Aus­ under the Red Cross, and not paid through a cylinder with a flat circular trians. It must be remembered also even a "dollar a year” for their ser­ bronze die or mold at the bottom. The that for three years we have had the vices, than seems creditable. And that macaroni die Is full of holes about one- same cause for war with Austria that statement fails to include the certain­ fourth inch in diameter, and each bole we have had with Germany, for the ly 5,000 probably nearer 10,000, that has a small pin In the center of It, activities of the Austrian embassy un­ will be enlisted under the member­ which is attached to one side of the der the direction of Ambassador ship campaign banner week. hole. This pin forms the bole in the Dumba were equal to those of the Three thousand women pass all macaroni and divides the dough on one I German under Von Bcrnstorff. Both their spare time, and many of them side as it starts through the bole, but included a campaign of destruction their whole time, making bandages, before the dough reaches the end of and frightfulness against a country hospital supplies, knitting, etc., for the hole the divided side comes to­ with which the nations represented the Red Vross—and please don't for­ gether and remains so, making a per­ were on friendly terms, and discloses get that the Portland surgical dress­ fect tube. The spaghetti die contains as a result of secret service activities ing workroom last month shipped only plain holes about one-eighth inch on the part of the United States have inorc hospital supplies by far than In diameter arranged in groups. When shown that while pretending friend­ any other city work room in the Unit­ macaroni and spaghetti come from the liness they were leaving no stone un­ ed States, size and population not presses or cylinders they are cut into turned which might later embarrass considered. Several hundred more do­ certain lengths, the length depending this country when it entered the war. nate their entire time to chapter, upon whether the curing or drying is It may be that the knowledge that branch and auxiliary work; others are to be done on trays or by hanging over Austria is already beaten and with affiliated with the civilian relief bu­ rods.—Exchange. the support of Germany removed reau—taking of dependents« of sol­ would collapse has heretofore pre­ diers. Doctors and nurses conduct Hare Are Two Kinds of Education. vented the United States from mak­ Red Cross classes—2,000 Oregonians In an article called “Increase Your ing the formal declaration now made, graduated from such classes in the Driving Power’’ In the American Mag­ azine 11 writer says: but whether or not we ever actually last six months. “Horace Taft, » brother of the for­ meet Austrian troops in battle the There are 23 chapters of the Red statutes of that country is clearly de­ Cross in Oregon and about 250 mer president, once told me that he fined as an open instead of a secret branches and auxiliaries is concluded. never considered a man as educated foe.— Independent. 1'oday they arc approximately 30,000 just because he could talk a long time members in Oregon, Tomorrow or and answer a lot of questions about a Lending to Other Nations. Christmas Day, given subject, but that he did consider correctly speaking, 1 him as educated if set down before ------ o— the total is i expected to be around some hard, unknown subject or task The United States has loaned to 250,000. he could lu two hours make something other nations engaged in war 1 with Oregon was the first state in the out of it. Judge Daly, brother of Au­ Germany something over three bil- Union to complete its Red Cross lion dollars, taking for the sums > ad- Christmas package quota for soldiers gustin Daly, once told me that be and vanccd the obligations of such na- and sailors, and Portland the first his brother at the ages of twelve and tions, bearing the same interest and city; it was Portland and Albany that fourteen years were left as the sole supporters of their widowed mother. maturing at the same time as I the compelled Secretary Daniels to re­ “ That,' the judge said, ’I consider Liberty loan bonds. tract his ill-advised statement that about as good an education as a boy The wisdom of this policy is bc- the women knitters of the country can be given.’ ” yond question. By strengthening were too, er,—"sentimental.” It was these nations and making them as Oregon that campaigned against slan­ Our Climata an Ass.t. powerful ami as effective as possible derers and detractors of the Red On no other continent, under no other we are greatly aiding in the shorten­ Cross—and shut their mouths, too. sun. In no other zone, in all the world ing of the struggle; we are doing The Portland chapter is but an ex­ much to insure an ultimate victory. ample of the way we, as Oregonians can be found the same extent of fer­ W e are doing only that which is our have “taken up" Red Cross—or did tile, available agricultural land as in these United States. And in no other duty to do toward our allies in this the Red Cross take us up? With its equally large trnct as that stretching tremendous war against an autocracy volunteer staff, which extends even from the Atlantic to the Pacific and I which would debase and enslave all to stenographers and telephone aides, between the groat lakes and the gulf nations and all men. it is doing work at a cost for over­ can lie deplicated the same amount of The fact that if we did not advance head of only $400 a month, that would normally good weather as nature has this money much of the work which cost a private corporation at least bestowed on this favored land. Our the allies are doing would have to be $0,000 a month—and that, of course, rain and sunshine are so proportioned done with American money and docs not include the thousands of the one to the other as to produce the American men establishes clearly the w illing workers in the ranks. beat yearly conditions on earth.—De­ intelligence and wisdom of our policy. Should you join the Red Cross? troit Free Press. There is work to be done which re­ W ell you could hardly spend one dol­ quires the expenditure of blood and lar a year better! Our Platinum Product. treasure. In making these money ad­ The United States produces platinum vances to Great Britian, France, Italy as a byproduct of copper refineries and How To Prevent Croup. and other nations we arc lending also from most of the placer gold money which will be returned to us, mines of the western slopes. Its occur­ In a child that is subject to attacks rence there is very widespread, being instead of spending sums possible greater, with no hope of return, In of croup, the first indication of the found along the entire west coast, from addition we are saving the lives of disease is hoarseness. Give Chamber­ Alaska to California. Except in a very lain's Cough Remedy as soon as the few localities, however, it Is found tn American soldiers. No policy the American govern­ hild becomes hoarse and the attack such small quantities that its recovery ment has pursued is wiser or more may be warded off and all danget «.nd save as a byproduct Is not profitable — truly economical and patriotic.— anxiety avoided. For sale by Lamar’s Exchange. Drug Store. Umpqua Valley News. Germany’s Last Colony Gone. I he British general staff must have felt notably relieved when it was able to announce recently that the last of the enemy forces in German East Af­ rica had been disposed of and the ter­ ritory completely occupied by entente commands. This, the last of Ger­ many's colonies to resist invasion, was one of the least of the minor theatres of war, but it had given the English trouble out of all proportion to its bearing on the main issue of the Conflict. Stomach Trouble and Consctipation. ------ o------ Those who arc afflicted with stom­ ach trouble and constipation should read the following: "I have never found anything so good for stomach trouble and constipation as Chamber­ lain’s Tablets. I have used them off and on for the past two years. They not only regulate the action of the bowels but stimulate the liver and keep one's body in a healthy condi­ tion." writes Mrs. Benjamin Hooper, Auburn, N. V. For sale by Lamar's Drug store. Why Pay More for your Smoking and Chewing Tobacco or Cigars. Good Havana Cigars—5c. Each. SMOKING TOBACCO^ * Prince Albert ... Texedo ----- Velvet ----- Union.Leader - - - - Pedro, 16 oz. - - - Dixie Queen, 14 oz. - - - Gold Shoe, 16 oz. - - - Petterson Seal, 14 oz. - - Union Leader, 16 oz. - - CHEWING TOBACCO: 10c. a Cut. Star Horse Shoe - 10c. a Cut. Climax * - 10c. a Cut. Spear Head • 10c. a Cut. Tigar 5c. a Package. » 9 9 9 99 <&. CO. R.-A.'X" XMAS GOODS ! We have a Full and Complete Line of PYRALIN IVORY—The Gift of Gifts« Soldiers’ Kits, Razors and Bags Perfume and Perfume Atomizers» Complete List. STATIONERY— A Distinctive Quality. CHRISTMAS CARDS- The Newest and Latest. TILLAMOOIÇ I 33 I 33 I “Cured!” ¿fi Mrs. Gus Griffith, of Everton, Mo., writes: “I suffered for three years with various female troubles. My life was a misery. I was not able to do anything .,. bear­ ing down pains in my back and limbs, and head­ ache ... weak and nerv­ ous. Dr. ------ recom­ mended Cardui to me.” 33 TAKE I Card-iH I a GOlf A]W, The Woman's Tonic “When 1 was on the sixth bottle”, she contin­ ues, “I began feeling like a new woman ... 1 am now a well woman ... 1 know my cure is per­ manent for it has been three years since I took Cardui.” Thousands of women, now strong and healthy, who once suf­ fered from women’s ail­ ments, give Card-u-i the credit for their good health. Try it, for your troubles. 33 a All Druggists EBia Tillamook, Oregon a Let er, : Rain. Z7 Technical Department ‘Bulletin Peerless Motor Car Co. To All Dealers: Irt- ■ For your information we wish to advise that in our experiments and tests here at the factory with our new eight-cylinder car, •we have been able to secure uniform­ ly better results with Standard Oil Company’s Zerolene motor lubricant than with any other which we have used. 7« FISH BRANDTS r - m 3! SLICKERS^ will keep^^Æ vou dry drv as as*^i you J^” fish brand nothing KSl.1- else will worid.nthe 'n. DEALERS EVERYWHERE A. J. TOWER CO — — BOSTON. Have Your Endorsed by Peerless Motor Car Co The above letter sent out from the factory to all Peerless dealers is an unsolicited testimonial to the perfect lubricating qualities of Zerolene. Less wear, more power, least carbon deposit — because correctly refined from California asphalt-base crude. Dealers everywhere and at our service station*. Earthquakes more or less violent have been of frequent occurrence In Palestine. One of the most violent oc­ curred In the reign of Uzziah. This was connected by Josephus with the sacrilege and punishment of that mon­ arch. (California) ZEROLENE The Motor Standard Oil for Cars Innocanc«. SI AR GARAGE TILLAMOOK House Wiring Done by Coa$ power Go. n I , STANDARD OIL COMPANY Nothing is so grand as truth, nothing •o forcible, uothlug so moral.—I-andor. 60c. pound. 60c. 60c. 60c. Buy your Tobacco from us and save Money. Holy Land Earthquakes. Fattier (to relwllious five-year-old)— Don’t tell me you won’t. Daughter— Well, par«, what must I say when I mean I won’t!—Topeka Capital. 10c. a Can. 10c. ,, 10c. ,, 10c. a Package. 65c. ,, 00c. ,, 65c. ,, 60c« ,, 60c. ,, GARAGE DONE; RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES Ornamental Fire Places Built of Brick and Stone. All Fire Places absolutely guaranteed not to smoke or money re­ funded. Brick work of all kinds done on short notice. We make a specialty of re­ pairing smoking Fire Places. RALPH E. WARREN, TILLAMOOK ORE