TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER ¿0. 1917- acresys-7^?ere Uid out for -’°°° acres. $.,5,000 worth of stock was ri/e fa co°Pcratively at a saving to the farmers of about $13.000 One Seied wV°r,y £ .... > h a total attendance of 3433 people. 5700 miles were traveled b) automobile and 0600 by rail Principal Events of the Week All present were then asked to out- OREGON NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST RED(ROSS Th« average salary being paid men 1 teachers throughout the state for 1917 ' is $98.62 and for women it is $65.75, I according to figures contained in the official directory of school teachers, being issued by J. A. Churchill, super 1 Intendent of public instruction. The values of railroad securities are ( falling with such rapidity as to be a source of great alarm to bankers iu , the east. Is the statement of Frank J. | Miller, chairman of the public service commission, who has just returned front a several weeks' trip in ths eastern states. Mount Angel was the host to hun-; dreds of visitors who swarnted from , Salem, Silverton. Sublimity, Wood 1 burn, Oregon City and other Marion and Clackamas county points to join Irt *elebrattng the completion of a it*-! mild atretch of concrete highway from ; Silverton to St Benedict abbey. SUPERIOR PROGRAM AT THE Gem Theatre FOR XMAS. WEEK. FRIDA Y Briefly Sketched for Infer- 11 k °' WOrk theX thought Should be taken up in the county dur- “THE STORM"—5 reel Paramount photoplay, featuring w mation of Our Readers. lnK the next year. Before this was Blanche Sweet. completed it got so late that the "BUTCHER BOY”—2 reel Roscoe Arbucle comedy, with riHh0" °f °H,cer* was Postponed un­ many a laugh and amusing situations all through it. The Halsey high school has organ­ ' til the next meeting. Council members present were ized a band of 23 pieces. AGRICULTURAL NOTES SATURDAY Twelve thousand turkeys were ahip- Chas. Kunie A W. Bunn. James ------ o----- “HIS FATHER’S SON”—5 reel comedy drama featuring By R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist \ illiams, C. E Donaldson. Ole Red- ped from Douglas county last week. Lionel Barrymore. A play of love, mirth and millions. R R. Lloyd. Forest Grove, wae Hat­ bcg. R. C. Magarell, Jesse Earl, C «• —d— A. Swenson, C. W. Tilden, Fred ed aa killed in action In a Canadian Agricultural Council Meeting. SUNDAY I Robitsch and Mrs Frank Worthing­ 1 casualty (hi. I The annual meeting of the County "THE APPLE TREE GIRL"’—j reel Edison production feat­ ' ton. | The th* Oregon Agricultural Board was held ! I sporteni?u*s ieag^J Tj'j ^e held la uring Miss Shirley Mason. The story of Little Miss Moses, day of this week. President Kunze who tried to do three things. First: How can I make every opened the meeting with a few re­ Senior "Vodevil" Last Friday Even­ Portland December 9 and 10. ! ing. body love me? Second: How can I make myself famous? marks on the possibilities for work of J. A. Churchill, state superintendent the organization. Owing to the lack body lige me? Second: How can I make myself famous? of public iuetruction, will be a caddi- The military department at the Ore A full house in spite of disagree- date for re-election, he has announced, gon Agricultural College at Corvallis I ’ ra'n Su"day, Prof. Maris was Third: How can 1 marry a millionaire? -v Senior -mor unable to be present so the County “vLWer!h7 Wi,nessed the The Northwest Hereford Breeders' has received an order from the wat j FridlvV S.h0w Lal the C«y Hall last MONDAY Agent spoke in bis place, of the pres- association was organised at a ban­ department at Washington to the et-1 mg it. Favorable comments alone 20 head of cattle the United States government by ing next Monday in Tillamook, as ed tissues. . , . , hive died from one or the other oause. which it is to furnish the latter with 1 B-K is a wonderful germ killer, its this is the time for the Portland City PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON 8 C Morton, editor of the St. Hel­ a certain kind of fir lumber turned meet and 1 shall remarkable germ killing strength is War Council to 1----- out by the Carlton mill, which. ’ ■> necessarily have to be present. | plainly marked “£’^’¡”"‘'00 p° . ene Mist and mayor of 8t Helena, has NATIONAL BUILDING, be shipped direct to Chicago. This 1 have read carefully what you have cv’ry ? ‘ „¡j_ ¡t ¡s clear and clean been appointed county Judge of Co mountain timber, commonly known TILLAMOOK OREGON. to say regarding the cheese product '^'uater and as easy to use. B-K may lumbia oounty to auccoed Judge R B under the name of "bull fir,” Is tough of Tillamook county and have placed d Irfl.]y in the drinking water, Hettan. of 3t Helena Tba vacancy memoranda on file so that wherever hcJ -ng to (lfstroy the germs which was oeiieed by tba death of Judge Hat- and outweighs oak two to one. TESTED AND PROVEN T. Bottb B«an growers in the upper Coquille it IS is pVJJIUIV possible .v. for us to assl?‘ , ?" accumulate in the tank-; may also be tan. ----- o------ G »alley, who had out extra acreage thia Th*re is a Heap of Solace in Being spreading the the cheese cheese gospel, gospel, with with the the of|1 effectively to 'hc bu" spreading Forty or SO Ipdians ot th« Klamath ATTORNEY-AT LAW'. f Able to Depend Upon a Well- idea of encouraging greater consump- d wash calves atUrth.^ Indian reservation are to become full- season and garnered heavy crops, do Complete Set of Abstract! Bock a in Earned Reputation. tion, we shall be pleased to do so. | D-o ■» simp1y mixing fledged cltlsens of the United States, not find a ready market for their Office. For months Tillamook readers have noticed that that the the JI JI ready ready for for use use by by simply You probably have noticed I X "non* product, atnee the buyers who In other according to Superintendent J M seen the constant expression of praise Taxes Paid for Non Resident«. for Doan's Kidney pills, and read Food Administration is Johnston, following a meeting of ths years absorbed the offerings In that T illamook B lock , vicinity are not purchasing freely. Th • for gener- about the good work they have done ing the greater use of — competency commission at Klamath . • . Oregon in this locality. What other remedy slowness of th« market is attributed Tillamook . State council of Defense will join » al ust—no special mixing of various Falla. Both Phones. ever produced such convincing praof ingredients—saves trouble and mis­ this work. Four sororities at the Oregon Agri­ to the uncertainty of the food control of merit’ akvs-insures promptness, accuracy, Vcrv truly yours, propaganda and buyers are expecting cultural eollege. Delta Alpha. Alpha Win. Tupper, 1009 Furr St., Hills­ convenience and successful ( HAWK Bruce Deunis. a price-setting to be announced boro, Ore., says: "I have tried several Chi Omega PI Beta Phi and beta Tau Contagious abortion i' bang Director of \\ ork An appeal for skilled laborers to b» kidney medicines, but I have found eeifullv controlled m many h.rd.Kby Beta, have adopted French war or­ It was the opinion of thos< Prc*‘ that there is nothing equal to Doan’s used In th« arsenals of th* United (olloving our simple pl- _ ", _ r . PHYSICIAN ANO SI'RGEON phans. In order to aid the Freaeh gov Kidney Pills. I am more or less sub­ ent that Mr. Newell expressed the Write for testimony of users States has been received by Labor ornment in the care of the French and reason- why B-K ts used < ireuori ject to kidney trouble an