TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 20. 1917 — ----------- ............................................. 13 t % Notice of Sale. Quarter of Southeast Quarter. the further sum of $17.35 costs and ------ o------ Section Twenty-five. disbursements and the costs of and In the District Court of the United Northwest Quarter of Northwest upon this writ commanding me to Hit Narva In Dealing With a Savage Quarter. States for the District of Oregon. Zulu Chieftain. Detroit Trust Company, Third: South Half of Northwest make sale of the following described A story of the cool daring of General Quarter (Lot Two and Southeast real property, to-wit: Plaintiff 1 Louis Botha, whose name is so inti­ The East half of the Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter), and vs. mately associated with dramatic epi- Carlos A Mann North Half of Southwest Quarter quarter and the West half of the I sodes tn the history of South Africa, Jeane B. Mann (Lot Three and Northeast Quarter Southeast quarter of Section seven­ of Southwest Quarter). T. ~ Brock teen (17) in Township Six (6) South appears in his biography written by Clarence ~ J | When You Think About All in Section Nineteen, Township range ten (to) west of the Willamette I Harold Spender. It happened one win. Mary A. Brock Ten South, Range Five East of the Meridian, in Tillamook County, Ore­ | ter when young Botha had taken sheep Lewis Montgomery Your Suit to be Made for Willamette Meridian, in Linn County, gon. for pasturage across the Drakensberg Ida Mae Montgomery State of Oregon. Christmas, Think About mountains and down to the warmer John C. Ainsworth Now Therefore, by virtue of said Fourth: The following described Alice H. Ainsworth coast lands, which were still tn the Joseph C. Mann real property situate in Tillamook execution, judgment order, decree and grip of the Zulus. order of sale and in compliance with County, State of Oregon, to-wit: Matilda Mann The One tranquil day a young native J. F. Hertzler Southeast Quarter of Section the commands of said writ I will on rushed into Botha's camp. He breath­ C. R. Hoevet Thirty-four in Township Two South, Saturday the 29th day of December, We Make Suits For lessly warned the young Boer to fly Toledo Lumber Company Range Eight West of the Willamette 1917, at the hour of to o’clock a.m. at and save his life. Mapelo was “out" Oregon Lumber and Construction Meridian. the front door of the County Court The undersigned is by said decree House in Tillamook, Tillamook Coun­ Company The most bloodthirsty of all the ruf­ of foreclosure authorized to sell said George W. Moore Lumber Company fianly gangs that were then ravaging ty, Oregon, sell at public auction Of Your Own Materials or Zulnland was the well mounted and Oregon Surety & Casualty Company property to make the amounts due (subject to redemption), to the high­ the plaintiff on said mortgages, ad- J. B. Miller Logging Company well armed gang of Mapelo. Only an With Our Materials vanees and expenses, as in said est bidder for cash in hand, all the hour or two before, said the native, he Washington Securities Company decree more specifically set out. right, title and interest which the R. N. (Sada) Warnock had cut the throat of a missionary at Alice Nye after crediting upon said decree within named defendants had on the J Thousands of Satisfied CUS- the old mission station, about six miles Ivan E. Kyniston the sum of Eight _ Thousand One 10th day of December, 1914, the date ¡¡TOMERS. We are Sure to from Botha's camp. The native him­ Leland Kyniston Hundred ($8100.00) Dollars paid of the mortgage herein foreclosed, or self had just left the body of the un­ Herbert F. Kyniston thereon November IJ, 1917, which since that date had in and to the ■ Satisfy YOU. All our Suits happy man lying still and warm on his Eva Pollock said amounts are approximately as above described property or any part J are Tailored in our Store follows: Seventy-three Thousand Six own dining room table. Nellie Palmer Hundred Forty-four Dollars and thereof to satisfy said execution, Botha bad little time to make up his Ida Kyniston i on Premises..................... Forty-eight Cents ($73,644.48), to- judgment order and decree, interest mind, but one thing was clear—he W. A. Knyiston gether with interest thereon at the costs and accruing costs. could not desert his sheep. Most of R. L. Sabin Trustee We Want Your Business rate of ten per cent per annum front Dated this 23rd day of November, J. B. Miller them belonged to his brothers. So be !• the 26th day of September, 1917; 1917. began to prepare to face the raider. W. P. McKenna Two Thousand and Fourteen Dollars W. C. Corbett VV. L. Campbell, Looking at his bandoleer, he found to Spain E. Pearce ($2014.00) with interest thereon at the Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. bls dismay that he had only one car­ Henry D. Davis rate of six per cent per annum from First publication, Nov. 29, 1917. tridge left. Scarcely had be discovered William U. Franey the 26th day of September, 1917; Two Last publication, Dec. 27, 1917. the fact when a troop of Zulu horse­ Janies T. Salvage Thousand One Hundred Fifty-three Dollars and Seventy Cents ($2153.70), men appeared about a quarter of a mile Fred H. Taylor Notice to Creditors. and the sum of Twenty-nine Dollars away over a rise of ground in extended A, T. Peterson ($29.00), and the sum of Thirteen (Located across the street from Clough’s new drug store) order and charged toward the wagon, E. G. Ralston (E. G. Thompson) Notice is hereby given that the un­ waving their rifles over their heads Carlos A. Mann and Lewis Mont­ Dollars and Thirty-five Cents ($ 13.35) Suits Cleaned and Pressed, Prices the Lowest. Try our Drv gomery, co-partners doing business with interest on each of said sums dersigned has been by the County and Bboutlng like demons possessed. at the rate of ten per cent per annum Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, as Mann & Montgomery Louis Botha rose and very deliber­ from the 26th day of September, appointed as executor of the last will Andrew Nye as Administrator of the Cleaning and Dyeing. ately mounted the box seat of his wag- Estate of Julia Kyniston, deceased. 1917; and the further sum of Three and testament of James Hughey, de­ on. He laid his rifle in a conspicuous Hundred Fifty-six Dollars and ceased, and he has qualified as such. Defendants. **********************'*"»*»»V**»*V»V«V*V»«%VVVSSV»SSV«S»«»»»««%^ place next him. Then be proceeded, Under and by virtue of decree of Eighty-five Cents ($356.85), and Fif­ All persons having claims against the with an outward calm very foreign to foreclosure and sale entered by the teen Dollars and Eighty Cents estate are required to present them his own inner feelings, to light a match District Court of the United States ($15.80), with interest thereon at the to the undersigned, together with and apply it slowly to his pipe. for the District of Oregon on the 2bth rate of ten per cent per annum from proper vouchers as required by law, Throwing away the match and look­ day of September, 1917, in the above the 20th day of September, 1917; and at the office of H. T. Botts, Attorney ing up, he found that the native horse­ entitled cause, the undersigned, as the further sum of hour Thousand at Law, Tillamook City, Oregon, men had drawn rein in a cloud of dust Master in Chancery in and for said Eight Hundred Seventy-five Dollars within six months from the date of this notice. within a few yards of the front of the Court, will offer for sale and sell at ($4875.00), with interest thereon at Dated November 8th, 1917. public auction to the highest bidder the rate of six per cent per annum wagon. Wesley Rush, for cash, at the hour of 11:00 in the from the 26th day of September, 1917; A few seconds of dead silence follow­ Executor of the last Will and forenoon on the 29th day of Decem­ together with plaintiff's costs and ed, the natives glancing at Botha and ber, 1917, at the main entrance of the disbursements taxed in said cause, Testament of James Hughey, Botha eying them with a steady gaze Court House in Linn County, State and the costs and expenses of this deceased. H. T. Botts, of surprise. Then Mapelo advanced of Oregon, in the City of Albany, sale. For particulars relative to each Attorney for Executor, and said that bis men were very hun­ County of Linn, State of Oregon, all of said sums reference is made yc said For they are the cheapest food gry and wanted something to eat. the following described property, to­ decree. Upon the sale each and every pur­ Botha gravely demurred at this stormy gether with all appurtenances there­ in the Market today. We carry Red Cross Service Flags. way of approach and coolly bargained unto attached and belonging, includ­ chaser, other than the plaintiff, shall a complete stock. forthwith deposit with the Master in with the invader of his peace. At last ing all standing and down timber One of the noteworthy features of be agreed to give them one sheep on thereon, and described by said decree Chancery a sum equal to ten per cent the coming Red Cross membership of the purchase price bid for said the strict condition that they should of foreclosure and sale, to-wit; First: All those certain pieces or property, and in case any purchaser drive, planned by the headquarters of withdraw some distance from his parcels of land situate in the County shall fail to comply with the terms of the drive, is the distribution of Red camp and not disturb him again The of Linn, State of Oregon, in Town­ his bid or any order of the Court re­ Cross service flags. To every home condition was accepted, and so ended ship Ten South of Range Four East lative to consummation of the pur­ enrolling a member of the Red Cross an incident that Botha has always de­ of the Willamette Meridian in Ore­ chase, then the said sunt or sums paid one of these service flags will be scribed as one of the most disturbing gon, and more particularly described in by said purchaser shall be forfeited given. tn his whole life. -o- as penalty'for non-compliance, and in as follows: It is a paper flag with a blu.e board­ the event that the sale to any pur­ Section a. er, a white background and red cross Quarter; chaser is not confirmed by the Court On« Inning, Six Hits, No Runs. West Half of Northwest such deposit shall be returned to the in the center. These are to be pinned Section 10. Can six hits be made in a half in­ or pasted on the front window of the South Half of Northeast Quarter, bidder. ning without the side making the hits Under and by virtue of the terms of home. A small additional Red Cross Northwest Quarter of Northeast scoring a run? This question was put to the Chicago Quarter, West Half of Southeast said decree, the plaintiff may become is to be pasted on the white back­ a purchaser at said sale, and in lieu ground for every additional Red News, whose expert says “Yes” and Quarter, East Half of Southwest of said sums from the plaintiff the Cross member in the home. Quarter. explains: Also all those certain pieces or par­ Master in Chancery will accept from It is in the plan to put a candle be­ The first man up triples and is cels of land situate and being in the the plaintiff the receipt for any por­ thrown out at the plate. The second County of Lincoln, State of Oregon, tion of said bid which may become hind each one of these Red Cross A Complete line of man triples and Is also nailed at the in Township Ten south, Ranges Ten tion of its bid which may become service flags on Christinas eve, so home pan. The third, fourth and fifth and Eleven West of Willamette properly payable to the plaintiff un­ that they will show to the world that in that home the spirit of Christmas batsmen single, filling the sacks. The Meridian in Oregon, and more par- der said decree Said various parcels of real proper­ and the spirit of the Red Cross and sixth man drives the ball between sec­ ticularly described as follows: In Township Ten South, Range ty will be soló by the Master at said all it stands for have been linked to­ ond and third, and the leather hits the runner coming from second. The man Eleven West of Willamette Meridian sale in the order heretofore set out, gether on this, our first war Christ­ and the Master will sell only such of mas. hit is out. retiring the side, and the in Oregon: Section Fourteen. said parcels as may be necessary to If this feature is carried out by the man who bit him gets a base rap. pay and discharge the sums mention­ local Red Cross membership, and we South Half of South Half. This makes six consecutive safe raps ed in said decree. Upon the confirma ­ In Township Ten South, Range hope that it is, there should be a Red without one run being scored. Ten West of Willamette Meridian in tion of said sale and payment in full Cross service flag in every Tillamook of the purchase price, and upon com ­ Oregon: W« Label Everything as Pur«. pliance with all the terms of the sale, home, with one or more additional Section Seventeen. The word pure is a curious exnmple Southwest Quarter of Southeast or upon making such provisions for crosses in the white background. of the striving of |>eople after perfec­ Quarter, South Half of Southwest the payment of the purchase price as of the Court may approve, the Master Quarter tion. We have pure olive oil, pur« Quarter, Northwest THAT KNIFE-LIKE PAIN. will make, execute and deliver to the candy and pure reading matter. Ev­ Southwest Quarter. purchaser, his successors or assigns, Section Eighteen. Is Only One of Nature’s Warnings °f erything that we know is likely to lie Weak or Disordered Kidneys. East Half of Southeast Quarter, in form to be approved by the Court adulterated we take paina to label or a Judge thereof, a proper instru ­ of Southwest Quarter, Have you lame back, aching day and “pure." We never call pure the things East Half ment of conveyance, transfer and as ­ of Northwest night? Do you feel sharp pains after we know to be pure, but only those Southeast Quarter signment of the property sold, and stooping? Arc the kidneys sore? Is tilings about which there Is an clement Quarter. upon the delivery of such instrument their action irregular? Use Doan's Section Nineteen. of doubt. Only in one particular do East Half of Southeast Quarter, the grantee named therein will be let Kidney Pills—the medicine that is we vary from this rule. If some kind Northwest Quarter of Southeast into the possession of the property recommended by so many people in friend tells us the truth about our­ Quarter, South Half of Northeast and all the appurtenances thereunto this locality. Read this Hillsboro res­ selves we are very likely to refer to Quarter, and Lot Three. belonging. ident’s experience. For further particulars with refer­ that as pure nonsense. — Woman's Section Twenty. Mrs. A. R. England, 728 W. Oak ence to the property to be sold and Southwest Quarter of Northwest Home Companion. St., Hillsboro, Orc., says: "Two years with reference to the terms and con ­ Quarter, North Half of Southwest ago 1 had such a bad attack of lum­ We protect you against advance or decline Quarter, Southwest Quarter of South­ ditions of sale, reference is made to bago that 1 wasn’t able to g t up or Long Distance Lecturing. the said decree, . copy of which may down stairs. When I sat down on A A pretentious person said to the bnr- east Quarter. in price. be found on inquiry at the office of chair, 1 could hardly straighten up. Section Twenty-Nine. gess of a country village: the clerk of the United States Dis ­ Northwest Quarter of Northeast Sharp pains, like a knife sticking me “How would a lecture by me on Beginning January, 1918, Gasoline will be of trict Court for the District of Oregon, in my back, nearly killed me at tunes. Quarter, Northeast Quarter Mount Vesuvius suit the inhabitants Southwest Quarter. at Portland, Oregon, or on applica- I could hardly drag myself around, as sold on a cash basis— of your village?” tiin to the undersigned Master in I felt so completely played out. I had Section Thirty-two. “Very well, str; very well indeed.” Northeast Quarter of Northwest Chancery. taken only a few doses of Doan's answered the burgess. “A lecture by Quarter. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this Kidney Pills when my back com­ you on Mount Vesuvius would suit 27th day of November, 1917. Second: All those certain pieces or menced to feel stronger. 1 lihd used Robert F. Maguire, them a great deal better than a lecture parcels of land situate and being in the only one box when 1 was able to get ff Master in Chancery. n by you in this village, sir.”—Pitts­ County of I.inn, State of Oregon, in about as well as ever. Since then I Title & Trust Building, have never had any trouble with my Township Ten South of Range Four burgh Chronicle-Telegraph. Portland, Oregon. East of the Willamette Meridian, in back or kidneys.” 1 This will save you 29 per cent per month Oregon, and more particularly de­ Price She. at all dealers. Don’t Save Som« Money. Notice of Sheriff ’ s Sale. simply ask for a kidney remedy—get over the usual monthly charge plan. This Every one should try to live within scribed as follows: Section Nine. Doan's Kidney Pills- the same that his income and also to put away a lit­ East Half of Southeast Quarter. In the Circuit Court of the State of Mrs. England had, Foster-Milburn means 24 percent per year to you. tle of his salary for use on a stormy Section Ten Oregon for Tillamook County. Co., Props., Buffa' >. N. Y. day. Don’t watch the other fellow and West Half of Southwest Quarter. Merchants National Bank, a learn how much he is spending; watch Section Eleven. TILLAMOOK ASTONISHED BY corporation, Plaintiff yourself and ascertain where you can West Half of Northwest Quarter, MERCHANTS STORY. vs. benefit It is time enough to increase Northeast Quarter of Northwest ----- o------ Walter A. Goss, and Rebecca your living expenses when your salary Quarter. A merchant relate! the following: C. Goss, his wife, and Albert Section Twelve. is advanced, when it Is also time to "For years I could not sleep without S. Goss, and Minnie H. G obi , Southwest Quarter of Southwest turning every hour. Whatever I ate add to your bank account his wife. Defendants Quarter. caused gas and sourness. Also had Section Thirteen. By virtue of an execution, judgment stomach catarrah. ONE SPOON­ Good Advie«. Northwest Quarter of Northwest order, decree, and order of sale, is­ FUL buckthorn bark, glycerine, etc., “The min I marry." she said, “must Quarter. sued out of the above entitled court, as mixed in Adler-i-ka relieved me think I am the only girl in the world.” Section Fourteen.. in the above entitled cause, to me INSTANTLY.” Because Aril, r i ka "Don't worry about that,” her rair- North Half of Northeast Quarter. ENTIRE elimentary directed and dated the 23rd day of flushes the rt«*l friend replied. “He will think it, Section Fifteen. tract it relieves ANY CASE constipa­ November, 1917, upon a judgment all right Just put In your time try­ Northwest Quarter. tion, sour stomach or gas an«l pre­ rendered and entered in said court on vents appendicitis. It has QUICK­ ing to find out bow to make him keep Section Twenty-four. South Half of Southeast Quarter, | the 9th day of May, 1917, in favor of EST action of anything wt ever sold. on thinking It.”—Chicago Herald. Northwest Quarter of Southeast Merchants National Bank, a corpor­ J. S. Lamar, druggist,_____ Quarter. Getting Through the 8heil. ation, plaintiff, and against Walter A. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Section Twenty-five. "A man may have a rough exterior, Goss, and Rebecca C. Goss, his wife, Northeast Quarter, Southeast Quar­ Albert S. Goss, and Minnie H. Goss, but a kindly heart." This is not only one of the best and "Yea,” commented Senator Sorghum, ter, Southwest Quarter, South Half his wife, defendants, for the sum of Northeast most efficient medicine for coughs, •but that kind « f man is usually lika of Northwest Quarter, $4750 with inter« -t at 8 per cent per Quarter of Northwest Quarter. an oyster He has to I* handled very annum from the loth day of August, « olds and croup, but it is also pleasant Section Thirty-five. rough to get any good out of him.”— 1915; and the sum of $250 with inter­ and safe to take, which is important Southeast Quarter. Washington 8 tar. est at 6 per cent per annum from the when medicine must be given to chil­ Section Thirteen. or. Front and 3rd Ave. Waat.JTillamook, Or. dren. Many mothers have given it Southeast Quarter. 9th day of May, 1917, and the sum of Warehouse and Debt I« the prolific mother of folly Section Twenty four. $325.60 with interest at 8 per cent per their unqualified endorsement. For Northeast Quarter, Northeast annum from December 20, 1916, and sale by Lamar's Drug Store. and crime.--Beaconsfield. STH .1. no RAISEl 00LNESS —ls 80TH‘‘ STILL NO RAISE The Right Step to DRESS SUPREMACY IN PRICE GOLDEN TAILOR Suits LADIES and MEN Made To Order Greatest Value Ever Offered Golden’s X’’’ Sam Says I Uncle Eat Apples HAVE SOME CHOICE ’XMAS. CANDIES LEFT COMPLETE LINE OF CIGARS PUT UP FOR ’XMAS. TRADE. 25 to 100 in the Box. FRESH NUTS The Fruit Palace. “MONEY SAVINC GUARANTEED PRICE PLAN” TICKET BOOK, 100gal. $24.50paid in advance. TICKET BOOK, 50 gal. $12.25 STAR GARAGE, TILLAMOOK CARAGE. I LiflMB-SCHRflDER CO CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. _______________________