TILLAMOOK, OREGON, DECEMBER 20. 1917. We pick our programs at the Gem Theatre as carefully as a merchant selects his stock. That is why every one is so well pleased with our pic­ tures. A special line for our Christ­ mas week, you can’t go wrong, they are all good. - *f *~*T^ ’• ' 7** - rm ¡L ’ 1 v Mrs. C. J. Edwards formed a branch of the Tillamook Red Cross at Fair­ view on Wednesday with 27 mem­ bers. and the women are enthusiastic and expect to have the largest branch in the county outside of Tillamook City. Since forming 15 others have joined. Class lessons for beginners in music will commence at St. Alphonsus Academy, Nov. 17,. Special classes for children from five to ten years of age. No home practice required. No­ tation, finger work, time study taught in pleasing and original ways. Terms and further information on applica­ tion. *3 Word was received in this city on Wednesday that the Third Oregon( or 162nd Regiment, had arrived in Eng­ land. This was good news to some of our citizens, as there are several Till­ amook boys in that regiment. They include Thos Coates, Jr., Art Wallace, Verle Stanley, Harry Ackley, Clifford Jope, Orford Nolan, Jack Olson and Cliff Martin and Shultson. them between December 16 and De­ cember 25. The magnitude of this drive is com­ mensurate with the magnitude of the need in which it was conceived, We all know the tremendous demands on the good services of the Red Cross at this time. We all know that this de­ mand is going to be vastly greater be­ fore it grows less. W e all know t1 ere is only one way in which the un­ bounded suffering caused by this war can be alleviated systematically and on a scale proportionate to its extdnt. That way is through co-operation with the Red Cross. There are more than 10,000,000 per­ sons in the United States who are not members of the Red Cross largely because of thoughtlessness. Aft you one of them? In this drive you may become a member for one dollar. Can you weigh a dollar against the war- created misery and suffering that ex­ ists and hesitate an instant. The Red Cross service flag, indicat­ ing the number in the household who are Red Cross members, is already to be seen in thousands of homes. Be­ fore Christmas these thousands will grow into millions. Do you wish your flagless home or office or store or factory to be flank­ ed by Red Cross service flags? If you cannot serve in the trenches you can serve at home. •i.$o PER YEAR. boys all became successful dairymen. Gottlieb W yss has a large farm on hundred and twenty acres of land in the Trask river, Peter owns three Eastern Oregon, and he- together with Fred Wyss, had the Fred Mauer place rented. John W yss owns a farm a few miles south of Tillamook: Ulrich lives with Gottlieb Wyss and Chris Wyss 1 bought the old home 4>lace on the Wilson river. Last Sunday Mrs. Rose Jacob gave a dinner in honor of the two boys going away. All of the family were presen; except Mrs. Susan Hauschel, whose husband is one of the foremen in the U. S. Navy Yard at Bremerton, Washington. The other members of the family are, namely: Mrs. Rose Jacob, Mrs. Margaret Becker, Gottlieb, Peter, Chris, John, Fred and Ulrich Wyss, all of Tilla­ mook, and Anna Wyss, of Cloverdale. Alfred Wyss met his untimely death because of a defective bridge in 1909. Tuesday evening most of the fam­ ily was again together at Gottlieb W yss’ home where a pleasant evening was spent and a very hearty supper eaten. Wednesday morning many friends and relatives bade the Wyss boys the last farewell, hopeing that all will be well with them and that a world peace will be established before long. For the information of the public we wish to say that the money collec­ RED CROSS RALLY ted in the Red Cross membership THE $50.00 LIBERTY BOND TO At the City Hall Next Sunday drive is divided between the local BE GIVEN AWAY Evening. auxiliaries and the parent organization This enables the local organizations By Haltom's Monday Evening, Dec. On Sunday Evening a Red Cross to obtain money to buy their supplies, 24—Red Cross Now in the Lead— rally is planned to take place at the or in other words, if you become a Who Will Get It? City Hall at eight o’clock, when Red member of the Red Cross, 50c. will go to the parent organization and 50c. to The Liberty Bond voting contest Cross work will be discussed by local the local branch. will close with a whirlwind finish. speakers. It will not only be a Red The result is very much in doubt at Cross meeting, but of a patriotic na­ B. J. Sperry representing the Par­ ture as well. Following is the pro­ amount and Archcraft Pictures cor­ this writing. The local Red Cross So­ gram. poration of Portland, was in the city ciety now leads with 325,310 votes Music .. McGhee’s Orchestra. Wednesday calling on Partridge and and they promise to roll up a vote by America. Monday exceeding 500,000. Morrison of the Gem Theatre. We The Honor Guard hold a strong Joy to the World. are told that they have signed con­ All Hail the power of Jesus Name. tracts for the exclusive rights to these second place with 214,731 votes and Scripture Reading .. Erwin Harrison thousands more to be cast on Mon ­ high quality pictures, which they wul Prayer ....................... Rev. Ira Brown use in their popular photoplay theatre day. The Rebekahs are in third place Violin Solo ................ C. A. McGhee With the addition of these features to with 106,813. On the face of their Song— Columbia their already strong program it is safe present standing it would look as Address, .......................... Dr. Robinson to say Tillamooker’s will be given the though they could not pass the other The Doctor’s Point oi View. contestants, but their leaders say I best pictures obtainable. "Watch us snow them under with Address ....:................. S. S. Johnson The Executive Board of the Tilla­ votes Saturday.” On that day the The Soldier’s Point of View. mook Red Cross met on Saturday and Rebekahs are given double votes for Song—Columbia the Gem of the Ocean. The program at the Gem Theatre Furnished and unfurnished house- made final arrangements for the all votes cast. They claim they will for the holidays can not be excelled, keping rooms and rooms with stoves Christmas Red Cross drive for mem­ have between 500,000 and 1,000,000 Address ................ Rev. Chas Gibson. bers, aad Rev. Gibson, past»»» the by the time they are counted Monday Song—“Star Spangled Banner.” go and see for yourself. at the Watch Tower building * M. E. Church, walTThfitW to meet evening. See Kuppenbender about building with the board, for he had signified Red Cross Proclamation. Santa surely left samples of his en­ W. A. Wise, dentist On Monday the day before Xmas, tire toy shop at Smithy’s. Bring the your Ford into a first class 1% ton his willingness to stump the county the Red Cross, the Honor Guard and Whereas the American Red Cross, Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Ames worm drive truck at a small for the Red Cross. The board planned Honorable * children in to see the hundreds of cost. the Rebekahs will be given double through its President, Co. * items. Smithy’s Variety Store. * several meetings in different parts of votes for all votes cast on that day. Woodrow Wilson, its chairman, Hon. R. T. Boals vs. W. H. Sales and the county at which Mr. Gibson was Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, Money to loan on farm lands, from The votes will be counted every William H. Taft, and the chairman of Cloverdale, Ore. ♦ $500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate wife is a suit filed in the circuit court to be the principal speaker, and for a hour next Monday and a large ther­ its war council, Honorable H. P. of interest. We want your business. to recover $139.00 on a promissory united meeting on Sunday evening at mometer will show the result. Every­ Davison, has called upon all loyal and Auto Hire—Call J. A. Smith, at See Everson. ♦ note. the city hall in this city. one is invited to be present to watch patriotic citizens of the United States Rialto, Both phones. * County Clerk Harrison returned Dr Wise will not be at his Clover­ After a week of stormy weather, the contest. The Bond will be given to affilliate with said organization by Dr. Wise will be at his Wheeler of­ from Portland on Saturday, where he dale office next Tuesday, Christmas taking membership therein, and which appeared to have blown itself away Monday evening, Dec., 24th. fice next Saturday and Sunday. 3* attended a conference of county day, but will be on the following Whereas the week of December out on Sunday, with indications of 17-24 has been designated by the Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ clerks. Tuesday. fine weather, a genuine southwester The $100,000,000 War Fund. aforesaid as the time for membership ware.—R. W. Bennett. * Have cash buyer for farm in Tilla­ Dr. and Mrs. Wise will leave soon made its debut on Monday with tor- affilliation, and Big Photoplays at the Gem Theatre mook County. Write full description for the South on a vacation trip. rental rain. The storm was a repeat­ What has been done? Whereas the State of Oregon has to Ralph Acyley, 237J4 Washington, Those who wish to see him about er of the blow last week only that it for Christmas week. Since the war fund became available Street, Portland. * dental work will please do so at blew a little harder and the rain fell the Red Cross has sent commissions been assigned the quota of *’40,000 Get your flour and feed at the Kup­ members, being 30 per cent of its es­ In conformity with the rule formed once. 3* Iwith more force, causing high water to France, Russia, Italy, Roumania timated population, and penbender Warehouse. * on all the bottom lands.. It was late and Salonica. elsewhere, all wood orders must be While doing your Xmas shopping Monday afternoon when some of the Whereas to fulfill its quota it is Wanted—to buy a root cutter phone accompanied by payment in advance. The French Commission has a staff Joe Baumgartner, Mutual Phone 3* —A. F. Coats Lumber Co. * it will pay you to inspect the stock of rivers were out of their banks and on of 864 persons, 517 serving without necessary for every man and woman Allen Page, everything in the furni­ j Tuesday morning every river in the in Oregon to join the American Red Car for sale—5 passenger Ford in 500 homeless waifs want a good ture line which make useful Xmas I county was on a rampage. On Wed­ pay. Cross, We are sending supplies to 3,423 good condition. Apply at this office.* home with some nice little girl, Get gifts. Therefore, I, R. T. Boals, Mayor of nesday morning the storm had ceas­ French military hospitals. Tillamook do hereby proclainS to all R. W. Bennett, expert watch re­ your dolls at Smithy's Variety Store. Attorney J. L. Henderson and wife, ed. We serve 30,000 soldiers daily at citizens of the city of Tillamook that * who bought the Andrew Christensen pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. * Drop in and look around. Bay City Logging Company vs. E. our canteens in France. I it is a patriotic duty incumbent upon Will pay you to see Everson tor a Grant Mills expects to leave for property, have let a contract amount­ ■ B. Wickham is a suit filed in circuit We are caring for thousands of ■afe investment in city property or Mexico in the near future, and there ing to $1,200 to Eggie and Matthews I court to recover $259.28. Complaint French and Belgian children and ref­ each and all of them to affiliate with the American Red Cross during the farm lands. are several others who contemplate to improve the property. alleges that on Dec. II, 1917, plaintiff ugees. aforesaid week of December 17-24, to Lost—A gold ring, with agate. Re­ going there and buying land. We have established warehouses in the end that the City of Tillamook Owing to the rain and wind storm ' was indebted to defendant for ser- ward offered. Finder leave same at Lost—Chain and Lavalliere, some-! the meeting that was planned for at ! vices rendered in the logging camp France with a capacity of 100,000 and the State of Oregon may sustain Headlight office. where in Tillamook City. Suitable re- Bay Bav City Citv was abandoned, and like- 1 in the sum of $28.86 and no more, and ' tons. our beloved nation and the American We have a complete line of rockers ward. Return same to Moulton't Bar­ wise the meetings for Nehalem and that by mistake the amount so due I We have established a sanitorum , Red Cross to the full extent required. I defendant was computed to be $228.68 with 1,000 beds for tuberculosis pa- ■ Every man and woman in 1 illamook Wheeler on Tuesday. which make a useful Xmas gift.—Al­ ber Shop. and acting upon said mistaken com­ ' tients. 1 must become a member of the Ameri­ len Page. of the home Married on the 18th at L. Betterman vs. Carl E. Emery and We arc carrying on extensive relief can Red Cross during the week nam­ putation plaintiff paid to the defend­ R. See Kuppenbender about the Grant wife is a suit filed in the circuit Alexander Anderson, by the Rev. ant that amount of money intending | work in Belgium. ed to fulfill this patriotic obligation. Six automobile, the snappiest car on court to recover money on promis­ G. Sumerlin, pastor of the U. B. ' at the time to only pay the amount We operate an ambulance service This proclamation by me issued on church, John Leslie and Hattie Louise sory notes to the amount of $i,55O- the road. [ actually ow ing the defendant. The which transports 1,000 refugees a day. December 12, 1917. Anderson. We are carrying on repair work in You should see Allen Page for use­ I plaintiff discovering the mistake de ­ Forty Acre Ranch, some bottom R. T. Boals, Mayor, Complaints have reached this office manded from defendant the amount devastated towns. ful Xmas presents in the furniture land, $3,000; half cash. Quick sale. Attest: A. H. Gaylord. We have sent 3.000.000 pounds of Don’t write, come and see it. Taylor of persons driving cattle through the over paid, who refused to do so, and line. Real Estate Agency, Cloverdale. milk for Russian babies. city getting onto the lawns and dam­ this suit is to recover that amount. Notice to Registrants for Selective Men’s and Ladies Suits pressed, We have given $1,000,000 to the The Standard Feed Co. will carry a aging them. This should be put a stop Draft. prices the lowest at Golden’s Wom­ French To Stop Car Shortage. families of sick and wounded to, for it is exceedingly annoying. full line of farm implements and ma- 0------ en’s Shop. ------ o — i chincry. Also gasoline wood saws. soldiers. Notice is hereby given that the fol­ Very few of the questionnaires There is no shortage of nuts and Get their extreme low prices. the to *3 We have given $1,000,000 Agent Grate, of the Southern Pa- lowing attorneys are members of the have been returned to the registration pop corn. Buy them for Christmas.-^- British Red Cross. Legal Advisory Board for Tillamook Dr. Turner, eye specialist, of board. These must be returned within 1 cific, say»: C. O. & C. M. Dawson. And we have only just begun. ¿qy Portland, will be in Tillamook seven days from the date of mailing. I I am in receipt of information that County, and that under ordinary con­ Why not be insured in the best fire again Friday and Saturday, Dec. 21 All the attorneys are helping the reg­ the Government is requiring railroad ditions, each of them will be at his insurance company, it costs no more^ and 22, at Jenkins’ Jewelry Store. * istered men fill out the questionnaires ' companies to make a special report Two More Tillamook Boys Report to address below given between the to them of the names of all receivers See Everson. hours of 9:00 a m., and 5:00 p.m., to- Their Country's Call. Get the habit! Don't ask for credit of carload shipments of freight who The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay wit: You always save money by getting Sidney S. Johnson, 108 I. O. O. F. your flour and feed at the Kuppen- toe for all to pound lard pails and 5c. in futupre in Tillamook stores. It is a do not release the cars within free John and Peter Wyss, two of Tilla­ for 5 pound pails. They must bt. free good new year s resolution to take time allow ed. It is not know n just bendcr Warehouse. from rust. Bring them in at once and and should be lived up to by the peo­ , what action that the Government is mook’s most highly respected young Bldg., T. B. Handley, 108, I. O. O. F. men arc willing to do their bit for Don’t miss the special programs at get your money. ple as well as by the merchants. Pay going to take when >uch names are the land of their adoption. They un­ Bldg. the Gem Theatre all of Christmas Your money will go further when cash is a good slogan. Carl Haberlach, Tillamook, Bldg. , received, but in view of the severe grudgingly left their farms, friends week. doing your Xmas shopping if your Geo. P. Winslow, Tllamook Bldg. Reliable merchandise, decidddly car shortage, it is felt that action will and relatives for the Navy and for Special price—Crystal White soap. purchases are made at Smithy’s lower prices than those charged else­ be taken to place freight cars only for H. T. Botts, Tillamook Bldg. for 5c. a bar; $4.65 for too bars, Regular Variety Store, Drop in and look where. A beautiful line in Ladies and those who load and unload them whatever destiny has in store Robert H. McGrath, 1. O. O. F. them. price $600. Ray & Co. Misses Coats and Suits ar.d sepaiate promptly. In this connection, it is the around. These two brothers were born near Bldg. Skirts, now selling at reduced prices. patriotic duty of every shipper to.re­ Gnndewald, Switzerland, and came C. W. Talmage, National Bldg. Use Heinz Fig or Plum ^ding useful and inexpensive Grindewaid, Hundreds of - •" ’ "• , Tilla- T. H. Goyne, Corner 1st Street and lor your Christmas dinner. C. O. & U. items suitable I for Xmas. They are At Golden's Women's Shop, • lease each car the day that it is re­ to America with their father and his mook. ceived. both on incoming and outgo­ family in 1897 ihe father died the 3rd Avenue. well displayed, which will help you M. Dawson. Don't forget the Kiddies Xmas. ing shipments, not delaying loading year following and the mother in 1905 .John Leland Henderson, Tillamook Get vour suit pressed or cleaned by solve the gift problem. Plenty of They .fte children but once. Smithy until last day of free time. The gov­ leaving the eleven children to make County Bank Building. good help to wait on you — Smithy ’ s.* the only Master Dyers and Cleaners, Webster Holmes, Commercial has the largest and most complete ernment is being delayed in the pros­ their own ways in this world as best at Golden’s Women’s Shop. Demand that your contractor use line of Dolls and Toys in the county. ecution of the war on account of • thev could. Through the constant and Building. Let your wagon be a Mitchell—the Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni­ Prices always right. Smithy's Variety- , shortage of freight cars. .faithful efforts of a sister, now Mrs. wagon that has built a monument of form and has exceptional fast setting Ben lacob, the children did not scat­ Notice. ! qualities which is preferred^ For sale Store. fame. See Kuppenbender. ter much but remained in the same Co-operate With Red Cross. at ‘»he Kuppenbender Warehouse. Don't forget those busted castings. For Sale—New modern residence, I will not stand good nor pay any vicinity. ------ o Marriage licenses were ,o Can be welded for half. Goods sent located in best residence % Upon his arrival in this country Mr. ; bills contracted by my wife Mrs. In the greatest campaign of its Eilgene C. Tucker and Nellie Kings­ by parcel post and express promptly •ale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. rican Wyss bought an eighty acre farm on j Mabie C. McDonald. She left my bed bury both of Bay City: John !Leslie returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, kind ever undertaken the Am Rev W l ee Grav will preach at the . Red Cross is asking for 10,000.000 the Wilson river. Through their own 1 and board. and Hattie Louis Anderson, both of Oregon. Jas. A. McDonald. I new members, and expects to enroll earnest and industrious efforts his | Presbyterian church Sunday mornmg Nehalem. I and at Cloverdale in the evening. ÎOSS N OW! Tillamook Jottings.