TiLLÁMOCK- HEADLIGHT. DECEMBER 13, 1917. Road District No. a. Wm. Latimer .......................... Mrs. Aancy Wilson ................ Miscellaneous. Frank Heyd A Co..................... $ 8.65 v. Holden .................................. E. E. Koch ................................ 2.50 Oskar Huber ............................ W. L. Campbell railroad tare. 6.27 City iransfer Co....................... Chas Wells ................................ 500 Guy Vaugun ............................ Tillamook Headlight .............. 22.50 Standard oil Co......................... Pacific Tel and Tel Co............. 28.20 A. G. deals Lumber Co........... Ben W. Olcott ........................ 12.00 Columbia Digger Co................ Tillamook Water Co................ 6.00 Cando Darby ............................ Frank Dye ................................ Erwin Harrison, enforcement of prohibition law ................ 2S.OO Ray Hammond ........................ Ditto ............................................ 49.36 Feeney A Bremer Co............... Glass A Prudhomme .............. 32.86 r. C. Feldschau ........................ U. G. Jackson .......................... 6.00 A. Arstiil .................................... Fulton It) Bowerman ............ 253-35 A. G. Beals Lumber Co.......... R. N. Henkle ............................ 1560 King-Crenshaw Co.................... C. E. Trombley ...................... >6.50 K. Schlappt ............................ .. Floyd Wilson ............................ 2.00 W. B. Elliott ............................ P. W. Todd .............................. ¡0.00 Mrs. Phillips ............................ Bushong A Co............................ 39.29 A. Johnson ................................ P. W. Todd .............................. 1500 John Enster ............................ G. B. Lamb, expenses ............ 14-50 Ralph Ackley ............................ Harry Thomas .......................... ¡0.00 Tom Lyster .............................. W. B. Harris ............................ 9.00 Tillamook Iron Works .......... Mutual Telephone Co.............. 8.40 A. F. Coats Lbr. Co................. J. K. Gill Co............................... 3 12 Alex McNair A Co.................... Bushong A Co............................. 3-69 N. J. Dye .................................. P. W. Todd .............................. 391 -40 B. R. Rainey ............................ J. Neigle .................................... T. E. Epplett, board of pris­ oners ........................................ 12.60 L. D. Smith .............................. W. L. Campbell, expenses ... 7-27 Guy Allmon .............................. A. J. Nails ................................ Widows’ Pensions. Mary Burmerster .................... 25.00 Jack Robinson .......................... Irene Eadus .............................. 1750 C. White .................................... Johanna York .......................... 17.50 H. F. Mason .............................. Lizzie Armstrong .................... 25.00 W. Davis .................................... Florence M. Baker.................. 3250 A. A. Mason .............................. Ivel V. Gillam •.......................... 25.00 D. Billings ................................ Ruby C. Brooten ...................... 1750 J. H. Johnson ..;.................... Sarah E. Hatch ........................ •750 F. Oliver .............................. . ... Emma A. Crown ...................... 1750 A. Smith .................................... Lando Darby .......................... For County Poor. D. H. Miller .............................. Grant Mills .............................. H. Odell ...................................... A. F. Coats Lbr. Co................ Joe Blaser .................................. W. C. Hawk ............................ Willard Johnson ...................... L. S. Hushbeck D. B. Darby.............................. Allen Mitchell .. D. S. Boyakin .. Hull Johnson ............................ G. Betchart ................................ R. T. Boals ........ L. L. Hoy .......... Frank Reichmuth .................... H. E. Rinehart . G. C. Vaughn .......................... Ray Hammond ........................ Geo. W. Phelps ........ Joi Atkinson ............................ Tillamook Drug Store A. B. Freebcrg ........................ Mrs. F. P. Hobson .. B. E. Turner ............................ Mrs. Marie Kamm ... Fred Blum ................................ Geo. W. Phelps.......... A. H. Russell .............. Chas Desmond .......................... Crystal Laundry ........ Frank Mills ................................ C. O. A C. M. Dawson Emil Krebs ................................ Lamb Schrader Co. .. Clcl Pearson ........................ ... Tillamook Feed Co. .. Wesley Stornier ...................... Salaries. Alex Walker ............................ H. V. Alley.................. 96.00 C. E. Walker ............................ J. F. Jones .................... 6.63 John Proctor ............................ J. C. Bewley ................ 2.50 Krebs Bros ................................ N. W. Barker .......................... 50.00 G. G. Graves ............................ T. E. Epplett ............................ 70.00 Bud Fleck .................................. F. L. Owens .............................. 55-00 Roy Graves ................................ A. M. Hare ................................ 100.00 J. Brandes ............................ C. A. Johnson ............................ 100.00 H. Schlappi ................................ H. B. Millis .............................. 75-00 L. D. Harding .......................... Helene Epplett ........................ 10000 Joe Lenzsinger ...................... G. B. Lamb .............................. 83-33 Alvin Blum ................................ Marion Hare ............................ 5000 T. Haugen . I............................ B. L. Beals .............................. 83-33 L. Tagman ................................ Elmer L. Webb ........................ 75.00 C. Christensen .......................... C. B. Stanley .............................. 7500 C. Rumanian ............................ W. L. Campbell and expenses 138.89 E. Goodspeed ............................ Erwin Harrison........................ 133-33 C. S. Wells ................................ Vida Millis ................................ 7500 Ike Wells .................................. Ethel Curtis ............................ 52.00 IO. Noble .................................... Surveyor's Office. Road District No. 3. R. L. Shreve .......................... 127.50 Mallory A Jenck...................... W. S. Coates .......................... 103.12 J. M. Baker ................................ E. Parish ............................ 3- 52 Columbia Digger Co................ E. Dodson .......................... • •3 52 Albert Boon .............................. O. C. Thayer .................... 1.50 F. R. Beals ................................ Alex McNair Co................. MS Chas Lundquist ...................... Frank Hcyd & Co............. 4- 97 A. C. .Deuel ................................ Eugene Deitzgen .............. 4 29 G. M. Kostic ........................ . .. Justice Courts. W. D. Wood ............................ Elmer L. Webb ................ J. M. Weiss A Sons................ I' \\ . .Stanle> .................... Frank von Euw ...................... G. C. Marks ........................ C. S. Carter ................................ I-. W. Stanley ... Cloverdale Merc. Co................ Elmer I.. Webb .. Ditto ........................................ E. W. Stanley .... Ed. Mallory .............................. E. W. Stanley ... C. L. Layman .................... .. E. W. Stanley ... Wayne Jackson ........................ ............. J. A. Smith ! Me Eucny .................................. Oren Lucas .......... Ronald Saling .......................... A. F. Frederickson 1 \\ oods .................................. i B. Geo. Christensen . \ ale Fisher ................................ John Day .............. Bill Gould .................................. Archie Dickey .......................... Bert Smith .................................. Lloyd V. Blanchard .............. S. C. Woods ............................ '. Chester Stewart ...................... Art Measor .......... -..................... Road District No. 1. L. Speece .................................. 31.00 Chas Baker .............................. H. A. Bell .......... ..................... Wheeler Lumber Co................. 1909 Dewey Salinig .......................... Leo Batzncr .............................. 53-«5 Carl Curl .................................... Anderson Bros.......................... 28.47 Walter D. Woods.................... A. C. A IL Anderson .............. 100.14 Chas Grout .............................. 60.70 Deloss Wovet .......................... Bert Tilden ................................ 10.00 Wm. l’rovoost ........................ A. E. Rittenhouse .................... 7-50 John Welton ............................ W. D. Wood .............................. 1.50 Walter Ball .............................. Geo. W. Phelps ........................ J. A. Jensen .............................. 57-37 Frank Nelson ............................ Feeney A Bremer Co.............. 240.44 John betone ........................ 84.00 F. L. Owens .............................. W. F. Cain ................................ 46.44 J. T. Davis .......................... .. Brighton Mills Co.................... 41 58 J. E. Sperry .... D. S. Bayokin .......................... .............................. W. A. Church .......................... 56- 00 . I R. Price .............. F. E. Cross 15750 1 JBn Bodyfclt ... 11. M. Cross ........ * *7-5° j Mike Kellow ... 8550 , \ crn Kellow .... H. K. Thompson Frank Fourth ... 96-15 j Ross Chilcott ... 22.00 galph Chilcott .. Harry Wyld ........ 36.25 Claud Lane ........ Cleve Allen .......... 10.00 Ward Sappington Dick Bartrow .... 80.00 Lee Lyster ........ Geo. Cook .......... 3900 R. B. McClay ... Haybarker .... 300 Forrest Ayer ... Fred Witte ......... 43 50 — Troutman .... Geo. Knight ........ 40.00 Olive Woods ... Jack Lesley .......... 73-5° j Ted Lyster ........ S. S. Scovell ........ 300 John Dyke .......... J. A. Taylor ........ 57- 0° j ^t Measor ........ F. W. Kebbe ........ 1800 ¡Frank Nelson ... E. R- Myers .......... IO6.87 I a|U.r Ball ........ Brighton Mills Co. 24 o° ’ y. A. Porter .... 1.. Barber .............. 3-'° [ Mr. Fisher.......... Fred Lange .......... j ’25 - Earl Porter .......... C. Briggs .............. |6.5O ! I Chas U..L -- ........ Baker W. S. Linkhart .. . 32 50 I Chas Murphy .. . James Langley ... 12.00 Ross Chilcott A. Buckles ............ 67.50 Ralph Chilcott S. Tomlinson ... 300 I.. Lane .............. John Anderson 12.00 A. l.ane ............ Emil Ross ........ 60.00 Ruben Price . . . . C. J. Hanks . . . 39J5 g Juy Mattoon ... John Anderson BILLS ALLOWED BY COURT c. the Northwest quarter and the North Quarter of Southeast Quarter. Fritz Drebert ................ Notice of Sale half of the Southwest quarter of Sec­ Section Twenty-five. 22.50 C. F. Murphy ................ Northwest Quarter of Northwest half of the Southwest quarter of Sec­ In the District Court of the United 3.80 P. C. Meyer .................. . tion 10, and the Northwest quarter of Quarter. States for the District of Oregon. 12.50 Ernest N euenschwaader Third: South Half of Northwest the Southwest quarter of Section 11, I Detroit Trust Company. John Kock ...................... 437-35 w_____ a (Lot ___ _____ Quarter Two and Southeast all in Township 1 South, Range 8 Plaintiff 1-50 Gilbert Rock .................. Quarter of Northwest Quarter), and West W. M. vs. 3.06 Frank Fox ...................... Therefore, for the purpose of satis­ North Half of Southwest Quarter Carlos A Mann (Lot Three and Northeast Quarter fying said judgment, I will on Satur­ •65 John Fox ........................ Jcane B. Mann 204.80 L. J. VV hite.................... day, the 15th day of December, 1917, of Southwest Quarter). Clarence T. Brock All in Section Nineteen, Township at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m., on said Mary A. Brock 27-75 O. C. Gardner ................ Ten South, Range Five East of the date, at the front door of the Court Lewis Montgomery 5-25 John Weiss .................... Willamette Meridian, in Linn County, House in Tillamook City, Oregon, Ida Mae Montgomery 90.00 George Holter ................ sell at public auction to the highest State of Oregon. John C. Ainsworth 2.62 Gilbert Rock.................. Fourth: The following described bidder for cash in hand all right, title Alice H. Ainsworth 38325 John Rock ...................... real property situate in Tillamook and interest which the within named Joseph C. Mann 2520.17 Fritz Lutz ........................ County, State of Oregon, to-wit: defendant had in or to said real prop­ Matilda Mann 242.64 E. Neusenschwander ... Southeast Quarter of Section erty on or since the 20th day of De­ '’°>J. F. Hertzler 310.48 Carl Commons .............. Thirty-four in Township Two South, cember, 1915, the date of the docket­ 81 C. R. Hoevet Range Eight West of the Willamette ing of said judgment. Also all right, 1395 W. H. Christensen ........ 00 Toledo Lumber Company 1.00 Earl Porter .................... title and interest of all persons 87 Oregon Lumber and Construction Meridian. The undersigned is by said decree claiming under said defendant since 00 Company 2.25 J. H. Woods .................. 00 George W. Moore Lumber Company of foreclosure authorized to sell said said date. Said sale will be made sub­ 1.50 Ray Woods .................... 75 Oregon Surety A Casualty Company property to make the amounts due ject to redemption as provided by 2.60 Jesse Woods .................. the plaintiff on said mortgages, ad- law. oo J. B. Miller Logging Company 6.45 C. Altenburger ................ vanees and expenses, as in said Dated this loth day of November, _ Washington Securities Company 12.50 E. J. McLaughlin .......... decree more specifically set out, I9I7- 5 R. N. (Sada) Warnock 5-io Chester Jensen .............. after crediting upon said decree 00 Alice Nye W. L. Campbell, 10.80 Hans Jensen the sum of Eight Thousand One Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. 5° Ivan E. Kyniston / Hundred ($8100.00) Dollars paid 1 71S.il Leslie Jensen 25 Leland Kyniston thereon November 13. 1917, which 25 Herbert F. Kyniston 23-75 E. F. Borba Notice of Sheriffs Sale. said amounts are approximately as 00 Eva Pollock 130.50 E. R. Ayer .......................... .. ... Six follows: Seventy-three Thousand | Nellie Palmer Miscellaneous Roads. 115-50 In the Circuit Court of the State 06 Hundred Forty-four Dollars and 72.75 Ida Kyniston 112.50 Southern Pacific ...................... to- Oregon for Tillamook County. Forty-eight Cents ($73,644.48), W. A. Knyiston 30.00 Star Garage .............................. 55-90 =____ with ___ _ interest ______ thereon at the Merchants National Bank, a gether R. L. Sabin Trustee 84.00 Hodson-Feenaughty Co.......... IO6’53 J. B. Miller corporation. Plaintiff rate of ten per cent per annum from 66.75 L. Hiner & Son ...................... *2797, W.*P.*McKenna vs. the 26th day of September, 1917; 22.50 Two Thousand and Fourteen Dollars Walter A. Goss, and Rebecca W. C. Corbett 82.50 — ($2014.00) with interest thereon at the C. Goss, his wife, and Albert — __ — Spain E. Pearce BURLESON TO ASK rate of six per cent per annum from 25.60 ~ CHANGE IN SYSTEM S. Goss, and Minnie H. Goss, the 26th day of September, 1917; Two 10.50 William U. Franey his wife, Defendants ------ o------ I James T. Salvage Thousand One Hundred Fifty-three 2550 Present Method of Conducting Rural By virtue of an execution, judgment Dollars and Seventv Cents ($2153.70), Fred H. Taylor 12.00 Free Delivery Service Held and the sum of Twenty-nine Dollars order, decree, and order of sale, is­ I A. T. Peterson 7-50 Expensive ($29.00), and the sum of Thirteen sued out of the above entitled court, ' E. G. Ralston (E. G. Thompson) 21.00 8.—Maintaining Carlos A. Mann and Lewis Mont­ Dollars and Thirty-five Cents ($13-35) in the above entitled cause, to me Washington, Dec. 18.00 that the present method of operating ; gomery, co-partners doing business with interest on each of said sums directed and dated the 23rd day of 78.75 the rural free delivery service is ex­ 1 as Mann A Montgomery at the rate of ten per cent per annum November, 1917, upon a judgment 18.00 Andrew Nye as Administrator of the from the 26th day of September, rendered and entered in said court on travagant and wasteful; that carriers 42.00 deceased. 1917; and the further sum of Three the 9th day of May, 1917, in favor of are paid 33 per cent more than the | Estate of Julia Kyniston, Hundred Fifty-six Dollars and Defendants. 43-50 Merchants National Bank, a corpor­ service is worth and estimating that Under and by virtue of decree of Eighty-five Cents ($356.85), and Fif­ 18.00 and Eighty Cents ation, plaintiff, and against Walter A. 19.50 he can save not less than $20,000,000 foreclosure and sale entered by the teen Dollars Goss, and Rebecca C. Goss, his wife, 6.00 a year, the Postmaster-General in his District Court of the United States ($15.80), with interest thereon at the Albert S. Goss, and Minnie H. Goss, rate of ten per cent per annum from annual report urges that the rural ser- for the District of Oregon on the 26th 12.00 ¡day of September, 1917, in the above the 26th day of September, 1917; and his wife, defendants, for the sum of 12.00 vice be placed on the contract basis. entitled cause, the undersigned, as the further sum of Four Thousand $4750 with interest at 8 per cent per Mr. Burleson finds that the cost of 3631 Master in Chancery in and for said Eight Hundred Seventy-five Dollars annum from the loth day of August, 9.00 travel by star route contractors is Court, will offer for sale and sell at ($4875.00), with interest thereon at 1915; and the sum of $250 with inter­ $.1024 per mile; the cost of rural ser ­ 9.00 public auction to the highest bidder the rate of six per cent per annum est at 6 per cent per annum from the 6.00 vice averages $.1510, a difference of for cash, at the hour of 11:00 in the from the 26th day of September, 1917; nearly 5 cents. Rural carriers cover forenoon on the 29th day of Decem­ together with plaintiff’s costs and 9th day of May, 1917, and the sum of 7250 $325.60 with interest at 8 per cent per 1,112,580 miles daily, and if rural ser­ 37.50 vice could be operated at the present ber, 1917, at the main entrance of the disbursements taxed in said cause, annum from December 20, 1916, and Court House in Linn County, State and the costs and expenses of this 12.00 average cost of star route service the of Oregon, in the City of Albany, sale. For particulars relative to each the further sum of $17-35 costs and 20.25 Government could save $54,071 per County of Linn, State of Oregon, all of said sums reference is made y said j disbursements and the costs of and 1750 day, or nearly, he says, $20,000,000 a the following described property, to­ decree. upon this writ commanding me to 1500 Upon the sale each and every pur­ make sale of the following described gether with all appurtenances therc- year. 1500 chaser, other than the plaintiff, shall , unto attached and belonging, includ­ Big Saving Held Possible. real property, to-wit: 1500 ing all standing and down timber forthwith deposit with the Master in The East half of the Southwest The actual saving on this item alone Chancery a sum equal to ten per cent 1500 thereon, and described by said decree of the purchase price bid for said quarter and the West half of the 30.00 would be practically $17,000,000, to of foreclosure and sale, to-wit: which he adds another $2,000,000 that First: All those certain pieces or property, and in case any purchaser Southeast quarter of Section seven­ 12.00 would result from curtailing the al­ parcels of land situate in the County shall fail to comply with the terms of teen (17) in Township Six (6) South 12.00 lowance for substitutes. of Linn, State of Oregon, in Town­ his bid or any order of the Court re­ range ten (to) west of the Willamette 21.00 The Postmaster-General says fur­ ship Ten South of Range Four East lative to consummation of the pur­ Meridian, in Tillamook County, Ore- 300 ther that star route service, as a rule, of the Willamette Meridian in Ore­ chase, then the said sum or sums paid gon. 18.00.. gon, and more particularly described in by said purchaser shall be forfeited Now Therefore, by virtue of said 24.00 is performed over rough and moun­ as follows: as penalty for non-compliance, and in execution, judgment order, decree and tainous country, while rural service is 24.00 the event that the sale to any pur ­ 1 Section a. maintained over good roads. He says West Half of Northwest Quarter; chaser is not confirmed by the Court order of sale and in compliance with 9.00 rural service on a contract basis could Section 10. such deposit shall be returned to the the commands of said writ I will on •75 be performed for even less than star Saturday the 29th day of December, Quarter, bidder. South Half of Northeast 36.75 route service. Under and by virtue of the terms of 1917, at the hour of to o’clock a.m. at Northwest Quarter of Northeast 39-00 i There can be no resignation or de- Quarter, West Half of Southeast said decree, the plaintiff may become the front door of the County Court 41-52 | clination to perform service, as so fre- Quarter, East Half of Southwest a purchaser at said sale, and in lieu House in Tillamook, Tillamook Coun­ 39 00 ' j quently occurs in the rural delivery Quarter. of said sums from the plaintiff the ty, Oregon, sell at public auction 7.50 I service. I Also all those certain pieces or par­ Master in Chancery will accept from (subject to redemption), to the high­ 7-00 "The records of the department in­ cels of land situate and being in the the plaintiff the receipt for any por­ est bidder for cash in hand, all the 6.00 dicate that service is as well perform- County of Lincoln, State of Oregon, tion of said bid which may become right, title and interest which the 5.25 1 cd by contractors as by postal cmploy- in Township Ten south, Ranges Ten tion of its bid which may become within named defendants had on the and Eleven West of Willamette properly payable to the plaintiff un­ es,” adds Mr. Burleson. 10th day of December, 1914, the date Meridian in Oregon, and more par­ der said decree 896.51 I Contract Basis Sought. ticularly described as follows: Said various parcels of real proper­ of the mortgage herein foreclosed, or 88.00 If Congress will not place the rural In Township Ten South, Range ty will be sold by the Master at said since that date had in and to the 55-50 service on a contract basis i the Post- Eleven West of Willamette Meridian sale in the order heretofore set out, above described property or any part 1930 master-General urges that it and the Master will sell only such of thereof to satisfy said execution, i be plac- in Oregon: Section Fourteen. 15.06 cd upon a per diem basis. Now said parcels as may be necessary to judgment order and decree, interest . rural i South Half of South Half. pay and discharge the sums mention­ 7-50 carriers are paid by tbe year. By In Township Ten South, Range ed in said decree. Upon the confirma­ costs and accruing costs. 25.00 changing it to a per diem basis he Dated this 23rd day of November, 3910 thinks a great saving can be brought Ten West of Willamette Meridian in tion of said sale and payment in full of the purchase price, and upon com­ 1917- 10.00 about. No carrier who performs only Oregon: Section Seventeen. W. L. Campbell, pliance with all the terms of the sale, 112.49 from two to five hours of service a Southwest Quarter of Southeast or upon making such provisions for Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. 11.50 day should be given annual pay with­ Quarter, South Half of Southwest the payment of the purchase price as First publication, Nov. 29, 1917. 737-54 out leave, he says. “Contractors do Quarter, Northwest of the Court may approve, the Master Last publication, Dec. 27, 1917. Quarter 37-52 not get leave of absence with pay. If Southwest Quarter. will make, execute and deliver to the Section Eighteen. 10.25 this leave were abolished it would purchaser, his successors or assigns, Notice to Creditors. East Half of Southeast Quarter, in form to be approved by the Court 750 produce an economy of operation of 1.50 approximately $1,000,000 per annum, I East Half of Southwest Quarter, or a Judge thereof, a proper instru­ Notice is hereby given that the un­ of Northwest ment of conveyance, transfer and as­ 7-50 "The rural service has suffered ma- Southeast Quarter dersigned has been by the County Quarter. signment of the property sold, and 7-50 terially because carriers havc resign- Section Nineteen. upon the delivery of such instrument Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, I 7-50 cd to enter the military service, or to East Half of Southeast Quarter, the grantee named therein will be let appointed as executor of the last will O.oo seek better employment in munitions Northwest Quarter of Southeast into the possession of the property and testament of James Hughey, de­ 0.38 factories and in other war industries Quarter, South Half of Northeast and all the appurtenances thereunto ceased, and he has qualified as such. All persons having claims against the 7.00 and it is difficult to find new carriers” Quarter, and Lot Three. belonging. Section Twenty. 5-25 continues Mr. Burleson. For further particulars with refer­ estate are required to present them Southwest Quarter of Northwest ence to the property to be sold and to the undersigned, together with 8.00 says: Continuing, Mr. Burleson 6.00 ’The salaries of carriers should be Quarter, North Half of Southwest with reference to the terms and con­ proper vouchers as required by law, at the office of H. T. Botts, Attorney 3.00 based on the amount of work per­ Quarter, Southwest Quarter of South­ ditions of sale, reference is made to at Law, Tillamook City, Oregon, the said decree, a copy of which may | 300 formed by them, and the determining east Quarter. Section Twenty-Nine. be found on inquiry at the office of within six months from the date of 1.88 factors in fixing the compensation Northwest Quarter of Northeast the clerk of the United States Dis­ this notice. 300 should be the length of the route Quarter, Northeast Dated November 8th, 1917. Quarter of trict Court for the District of Oregon, 105.00 served, number of pieces and the Southwest Quarter. Wesley Rush, at Portland, Oregon, or on applica- Executor of the last Will and 105.00 weight of the mail delivered and col­ Section Thirty-two. tiin to the undersigned Master in Testament of James Hughey, 75.00 lected, and the hours of service ren­ Northeast Quarter of Northwest Chancery. deceased. 90.00 dered in each day. It is recommended Quarter. Dated at Portland, Oregon, this H. T. Botts, Second: All those certain pieces or 27th day of November, 1917. 50.25 also that legislation be enacted to Attorney for Executor. Robert F. Maguire, 60.00 provide that when, because of unusual parcels of land situate and being in the Master in Chancery. 60.00 conditions, it is impossible to obtain County of Linn, State of Oregon, in Title A Trust Building, Stomach Trouble and Consctipation. 3.00 a rural carrier at the maximum rate Township Ten South of Range Four East of the Willamette Meridian, in ------o----- Portland, Oregon. 3.00 of pay, advertisements be issued call­ Oregon, and more particularly de­ Those who are afflicted with stom­ 4.87 ing for proposals for the performance scribed as follows: ach trouble and constipation should 2.25 of the service, or that the department Notice ?f Sheriffs Sale of Real read the following: "I have never Section Nine. 2.25 be authorized to employ such other Property. East Half of Southeast Quarter. found anything so good for stomach Section Ten o----- 150 means as may be necessary for the Notice is hereby given, that by vir- trouble and constipation as Chamber­ West Half of Southwest Quarter. 1.81 purpose of extending the service or tue of a writ of execution ________ _____ _ out lain’s Tablets. I have used them off Section Eleven. issued 4-50 continuing service already establish­ and on for the past two years. They of the County Court of Tillamook West Half of Northwest Quarter, 450 ed.” ________________ Northeast Quarter of Northwest county, Oregon, on the 7th day of not only regulate the action of the 4.50 Quarter. November, 1917, and to me directed, bowels but stimulate the liver and Our Even-Handed Justice. 450 Section Twelve. upon a judgment rendered on the 16th keep one’s body in a healthy condi­ ■ —o------ 2.25 ' Southwest Quarter of Southwest day of December, 1915, and docketed tion.” writes Mrs. Benjamin Hooper, ‘'Immediately on cross-examination Quarter. 4537 in and by said court on the 20th day Auburn, N. Y. For sale by Lamars 10.12 the district attorney attacked the wit­ Section Thirteen. of December, 1915, in a certain action 11.25 ness with ail the fury of a tornado.”— i _ Northwest Quarter of Northwest then in said court pending wherein Drug store. From a dispatch about the DeSaulles Quarter, II.25 Jones-Knudson Furniture Company Chamberlain’s Tablets. Section Fourteen.. was plaintiff and M. Illingworth was 7.12 trial. North Half of Northeast Quarter. And just that sort of thing is an defendant, said judgment being in 72.75 Chamberlain's Tablets are intended Section Fifteen. favor of plaintiff and against the de­ 9.00 added weight in the scale of prejudice Northwest Quarter. especially for stomach troubles, bil­ fendant, and by which execution I 6 00 against lawyers. Why should the dis­ Section Twenty-four. am commanded to satisfy out of the iousness and constipation, and have 450 trict attorney or any other attorney, South Half of Southeast Quarter, property of said defendant the follow­ met with much success in the treat­ 1 SO attack a witness “with all the fury of Northwest Quarter of Southeast ing judgment, to-wit: ment of these diseases. People who i a tornado?" remarks an exchange. 300 $110.35, with interest from the 28th have suffered for years with stomach I Quarter. JOO [ The function of a district attorney I Section Twenty-five. day of November, 1914, at the rate of trouble and have been unable to ob­ 4 50 nearly always degenerates into an ef­ i Northeast Quarter. Southeast Quar­ 8 per cent per annum, and I have tain any permanent relief, have been 1 57 fort to secure a conviction rather ter, Southwest Quarter, South Half duly levied upon the following des­ completely cured by the use of these Northeast cribed real property of said defendant 400 ‘ than an effort to sec that justice is of Northwest Quarter, in Tillamook County. Oregon, to-wit: tablets. Chamberlain's Tablets are al­ 94.12 done. Theoretically, it is as much his Quarter of Northwest Quarter. Section Thirty-five. The South half of the Northwest so of great value for biliousness. business to protect the prisoner from 3« 75 I Southeast Quarter. quarter of the Southwest quarter of Chronic constipation may be perman­ an unjust conviction as it is any one s. 64.12 Section Thirteen. the Northwest quarter of Section 12; ently cured by taking Chamberlain s 24.00 Actually, QQ per cent of all criminal Southeast Quarter. the Southwest quarter of the North­ Tablets and observing the plain print­ 18.00 trials degenerate into a contest be­ Section Twenty-four. east quarter, the North half of the ed directions with each bottle. F r 54-80 tween lawyer».-!’mpqua Valley News. Northeast Quarter, Northeast Southeast quarter; the South half of sale by Lamar's Drug Store.