Men’s Men’s Men’s Mens $6.00 $1.50 $15.00 916.50 SHOES SHOES Dress SHIRTS SUITS OVERCOATS ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY ONLY $3.48 ONLY Crepe de chine and Novelty Silks. $2.00 $3.00 63c. $9.85 $9.85 $1.00 Ladies’ *5.00 SILK $6.00 Waist Patterns FOR SILK Dress Patterns FOR $5.00 Positively worth $10.00 $6.00 WOOL Dress Patterns FOR $300 Positively worth $6.00 $5.00 WOOL Skirt Patterns FOR $3.98 These are beautiful and positively worth $6.00 SIX Yards Of 25<*. Curtain Scrims Positive Bargains 20tf. Pillow Cases FOR 10c. Your last chance to buy them at this price To 25< Ribbons Per Yard Plain and Fancies 9 SHOPPING DAYS UNTIL XMAS. During this Big 9 Day SALE Buy for Future Needs, as Prices will be Much Higher on all this Merchandise. IMPORTED AT NEW LINENS FROM IRELAND and GREAT BRITIAN LINEN NAPKINS Per Dozen $3.50 to $5.50 LINEN LUNCHEON CLOTHS 45x45—only ........................... $2.75 63x63—only ........................... $5.45 LINEN TABLE CLOTHS 70x70—only ........................... $4.75 70x90—only ........................... $5.00 72x72—only ........................... $5.45 DAMASK LUNCHEON CLOTHS 54x54—only............................ $1.75 72x72—only............................ $2.98 NAPKINS TO MATCH $3.48 SPECIAL. $1.25 Lace Trimmed TABLE CENTERS All persons paying their accounts between now and December 24 may use their slips or receipts as votes for the $50 Liberty Bond. The Store will be Open Evenings until Xmas, Beginning Thursday,Dec 20 36 ami 40 inch wide new Plaid and Check Dress Goods, all wool Serges, Whip-Cords, Crepe Chuddahs and Satin Cloths, etc., in very desirable shade for Autumn wear. Actual values to $1.00 95<. All Art Linens at Wonderful Bargain Prices._________________________ SALE OF RIBBONS Ribbons Worth ioc. to 75c. TO BE SACRIFICED AT 5£., 10^., 155?. and 25