TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT DECEMBER 13. 1917. BIG CIRCUS COMING to TILLAMOOK, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18th. POLLY OF THE CIRCUS i In eight massive reels of film. You will see the entire circus, Clowns, Elephants, Animals, Ring Masters and all else that goes to make a circus. Shows the Circus Train coming into town, unloading of the <-‘Honnous cages, tents, etc., Circus Parade, the complete performance. We will have it all, except the ‘4 ink Lemonade and the Blaring Trumpets. Don't forget to let the children enjoy this. Older folks will enjo\ it too. Specially arranged Orchestra Music is sent with this picture to give it the Circus atmosphere NIGHT hirst show at 7.00. : I OUXTILY Second show at 9.00. cX"t Admission, Adults, 20c ELOPMENT BELiEF business men to do this. Anyway, it Jacob, Evelyn Frecbcrg, Wilbur Hop­ BECOMES STRONGER is a good idea to make everybody pay kins, Theodore Jacob. up the first of the year. There is al­ Dist. No. to—Kenneth Williams, ______ , W. A. Graham, of Dallas, Gathers ways more or less loss jn a credit Murdett Nicklaus, Florence Freeman, Evidence Discrediting Drowning business, so cut out this waste and Evert Glad, John Krake, Al Marjorie arjorie everybody start in doing a cash busi­ Krake, Harold Glad, Ernest Zuercher, Theory ness the first of the new year. Nadine \\ illiams, Burnell Freeman, ------ 0----- - Wi.h no thought of prosecuting the Pearl Glad, Mildred Glad, Nils Farn- recreant couple, but for the sake of strom, Anna Farnstrom, Linnea Has- the two little children of his home, ROLL OF HONOR IN TILLA- selberg, Marie Glad, Florence Zuer­ W. A. Graham, of Dallas, Or., whose cher, Beatrice Hartwell, Cecil Krake, MOOK COUNTY SCHOOLS Lester Krake, Edwin Glad, Frank ■wife disappeared with E. R. Viers, young orchard manager, on Septem­ Pupile Neither Absent nohr Tardy I ?r‘.fkson’ ''i,liaul Cummins, Deagle I Smith, Ellen Glad, Blanch Glad, ber 6, is piecing together evidence During the Month of November. Catherine Smith, Evelyn Dougherty, tending to show that the couple were Christina Olson, Evelyn Glad, Alil- riot drowned off Manzanita beach last September, as was reported. He be­ Dist. No. 1—Bessie Barber, Verne , dred Cummins, Dillow Smith. Dist. No. 12—Homer Blum, Harold lieves they eloped. Elfstrom, Robert Gilmore, Lloyd Bessie The confession of Hazel Spencer, Hughey, Helen Barber, Roy Elfstrom Proctor, Casper Robitsch, Il-year-old Nehalem girl that she Jack Neilson, Ina Anderson, Rosa Getchel, Viola Blum, Robert Phillips. Dist. 14—Clifford Benson, Dave wrote the note found on the beach in Mayer, Lily Schild, Douglas Leach, a small wooden box and attributed to Elmer Elfstrom, Flora Schild, Joseph Krumlauf, Caroline Strueby, Letali Mrs. Graham, being signed with her Maxwell, Lester Kerns, Billy John­ Barnett, Alary Strueby, Dollie Derby, name, add a valuable factor to the son, Mabie Anderson, Schuyler Flet­ Victor Webb, Mildren Pallin, James husband’s clews. The Spencer girl's cher, Ruby Anderson, l’earl Hughey, Pallen, Eva Krumlauf, Clara Krum- lauf, Waunita McFarland, Ernest confession has just been obtained in Lolita Johnson, Willie Lucas. writing. It follows: Dist. No.2—Helen Weber, Viola Pallen, Floyd Harmon, Audrey Blair, “Yes, I really did write that note. Johnson, Mary Weber, Orval John­ Charles Stevenson, Faye Langley, 1 w rote it on the back porch. I don’t son, Arthur Miller, Mike Miller, Mel­ John Webb, Ruth Dawson. Dist. No. 17—Henry Himes, Louis remember where I got the paper. 1 ba Rullel, Florence Stranahan, Cor- Himes, Kenneth Chance, Bernice just thought about it and wrote it. rine Stranahan. Dist. No. 8—Wilma Dingess, Lan­ Himes, Lucita Himes. The box it was in 1 found at the side Dist. No. 20.—Theodore Huffman, of the road between Peterson’s house celot Swartz, Magnus Wooley, Sewall and Miller’s. 1 didn’t mean any harm Ayer, Willie AlcClay, Bessie Fisher, Wilbur Osborne. Dist. No. 23—Hazel Childers, Alice Myrtle AlcClay, Aleltha Dingess, Mil­ at all (signed) Hazel Spencer.” dred Shoemaker, Lynn Smith, Emma Hanenkrat, Helen Hoover, Thelma ExPert Detects Handwriting. Childers, Walter According to report, the suspicion Fisher, Allen Gilbert, Norman Kostic Hoover, Harold Earl, Guy French, Roy Hanenkrat, still lingers that the little Nehalem Luella AlcClay, Jack Shoemaker, Es­ Wendell Werner, Alfred Johnson. -girl may have been told to write the ther Smith, Jean Wilson. Dist. No. 24—Lucy Daniel, Lois Dist. No. 9—First grade—Alargaret note and what to do with it. It is said Daniel, Alice Daniel, Muriel Willford, Abraham, Ruth Beals, Mamie Dye, that -Mr. Graham, in the process of Mildred Willford, Wendell Lommcn, ferreting out the writer and obtaining Anney Golden, Janette Golden, Ruth Gladys Lommcn, Walter Easom, Roy the confession, obtained photographs Alahan, Wilma Alason, Katherine Daniel, Wesley Batterson, of the handwriting of a large number Schultz, Clara Vaver, Zelma Wagy, Dist. No. 2b—Margaret Armentrout, Sadie Wiskham, Ruby Woods, Dor- of residents of the section where the George /Armentrout, James Anderson, ene Heacock, Elmer Gilliam, Alerl note was found. These he gave to a Laurin Anderson, Vcldon Anderson, hand-writing expert, together with Loll, Floyd Rosenberg, Virgil Bucher. Second Grade—Arlinc Austin, Hen­ Lloyd Wilson. the note found on the beach, for com­ Dist. No. 27—Lillie Doering, Gertie parison. When the handwriting ex­ ry Beckey, Melvin Carr, Alason Han- Doering, Willie Doering,, Lurvclla enkratt, Alfred Sysvester, Harold pert reported that he had matched Hollett .Harold Mason Lucile Hollett Hazel Spencer’s signature with the Vantress, Jesse Thayer, Alargaret Jean Gould, Ruth Gould, Edna cason, handwriting on the note, Hazel was McKinley, Bessie Baker, Bertha Bak­ George McDonald, Ethel Troutman, er, Alaxine Baker, Robert Boals, Nor­ confronted and confessed. Thelma Dahl. Mr. Graham reports to the Oregon­ man Burdick, Donald Crenshaw, Oral Dist. No. 39—Hans Hcrchcnheim, ian that he has two other letters tend­ Duvall, Jesse Dye, Carolyn Haber- Julia Briggs, Irma Larson, Anna ing strongly to indicate that Mrs. lach, Fred Hcitsman, Irene Pangborn Herchenheim, Frances Crawford, Carrol Schultz, Graham and Viers were not drowned Robert Robison, W illie Crawford, Elmer Blazier, Chas Alvera True, Evangeline Smith; by the sinking of their rowboat off Blazier, Winnifred Hulse, Gladys Manzanita Beach, but were, after Wayne Wiley, Darrel King, Mildred Hulse, Owen Crawford, Leland September 6, seen in that vicinity and Berkey, Jesse Dow. Thompson, Helen Burmester, Charles Grade — Pearl Anderson, Ray Third were later in Astoria. Burmerster, Percy Eggleston, Vivian One of these letters is from the man Brooks, Julius Golden, Evelyn Han- Tohl, Victor Olson, Janeta Christen­ Inez Hopkins, Clayton Hoy, who rowed a couple answering accu­ enkratt, sen. rately to descriptions of the pair George Kelty, Claude Mahan, Earl Dist. No. 42—Orlie Sherwood, Ver- Naph- Maine, Katherine -McKinley, across Nehalem bay on September 10. Elvira no Goldsmith, Ulrich Schncitcr, Hel­ tali Schnal, Lee Stillwell, ------- The writer describes Airs. Graham en Schneiter, Ellen Fleck, Kenneth thoroughly and states that the man Woolfe, Tom Handley, La\ ant Hol­ Sherwood, Robert Schneiter. had a decided limp, and this effec­ den, Mark Hoy, Clara Leap, Donald Dist. No. 46—Vera Stoker, Myrtle Leverich, Frances Long, Alerrel Lester tively characterizes Mr. \ iers. Knighten, Wesley Tippin, Webb, Edna Wickham, Gaynelle Photograph is Identified. Best,. Woods, Maurice Woolfe, Another letter is from a jitney driv­ Brighton—Emery Dist. No. 48, Fourth Grade. —Marion Lamb, er who picked up a couple and took French, William E’rench, Wilford Sylvester, them to Seaside about September 10 Donald AlcGee, Julius Martinson, Wilbur Burdick, Claude Elizabeth Clements, Sadie Golden, or tl. He described the woman as Burdick, Ruth 1 Cornelius, Aimee Louise Handley, Rowena Hanson, clad in khaki and wearing diamonds. Bresney, Donald French, i,, Inez Johti- Liona Holden, Isabcll Woods, Clar ­ Both statements apply to Afrs. Gra­ son, Golda Adams, Orlando Magnu­ Hazel ham. In fact, this writer is said to ence Albert, Henry Crenshaw, Earl son, Kenneth Huddleston, Schwarz, Abraham Golden, Made have fully identified a photograph ot Jenkins, Lloyd Johnson, Gilbert I ye, Barker. Dist. No. 49—Rosie Abplanalp, Mrs. Graham. Elvon Smith, Ralph Vayer, Lewis _____ Werner Abplanalp, Another man has sent word to Mr. Agnes Zirr, _ Webb, Lavelle Baker, tna Baker, George Zirr, Ferdinand Becker, Alar­ Graham that he saw a couple, now be­ lieved to have been Mrs. Graham and Hazed Duvall, Emma Gillam, Muriel garet Becker, George Becker, Car) Wiley. Alma Heusser, Corrine Jen­ Leach, Bertha Zirr, Lizzie Abplanalp, Viers, walking between Manzanlta beach and Nckahnie. The husband kins, Lois Knight, Nevelle Smith, Afartha Becker. has also received from Astoria word lone Talcott, Almeda 1 rue. Dist. No. 56.—Mabel Anderson, Fifth Grade—Leonard Bales, Ella Marshall Beatty, Isham Bradley. to the effect that a woman fitting his Blalock, Ruth Erskine, Merle Fnsbie, Dist. No. 57—Dennis Tone, Donald •wife’s description visited a shoe « or< Mabel Harrison, Leon Illingworth, Gicnger, Mabel there and also attempted to pawn Sheldon Johnson, Irene Lyster, Eine Tone, Lenhart Klinchan, Ernest Gienger, Nelson diamonds in Astoria, about Septem Maddux. Aldah Mills, Kenneth Paul, John Gienger, Pauline Gienger, Stout, Clifford Ullman, Roletta Wat­ Gladys Klinehan, Marie Gienger. Some of these facts were know1 be­ son. Florence Willett, Ann Morgan Dist. No. 51—Gusse Holgate. fore to Mr. Graham, and others have Sixth Grade—Hugh Gale, Ora Gil Dist. No. 61—Nathan Quick, Nena been revealed since he as lock, Chester Hopkins. Edna Riggs, Quick, Bertha Brandes, Frieda Grav­ placed advertisements in a n Jimmie Watson, l.ucu Ml ey, Ray es, Helen Krebs, Arthur Krebs, Fred­ of newspapers along the coas . mond Woods, Dorns Woolfe, Wil die Krebs, Erna Krebs, Oscar Krebs, have tended to convince im • ham McK.nley, Illa Davidson Ernest _ beyond a doubt that the Pa’z , . Dodge. Leslie Gray, Ramona Haltom. Florence Krebs, not victims of a boating accu e , Rennie Howell, Nathan Kesselman. Astounding R«port for Tillamook. eloped. He insists that c *1 K«?hryn Kirk, Mary Lamar Pauline ------ 0------ know the truth merely .or Lamar Carl Leach. Hazel Morgan, The wife of a merchant had stomach his little children, a boy a"d *,rl: h .^O.son, Marion Rob.son l^ trouble so bad she could eat nothing to end definitely the mystery ot the Schwarz, Gordon Shartei, but toast, fruit and hot water. Every­ disappearance.—Oregonian havf Drs. Hoy, Smith and korad Ki£entT Grade—Ethel Andean. thing else would sour or ferment. been appointed the exam, ™ .«^„ok Bernice Clark. Madge DeFord, Helen One spoonful buckthorn bark, glycer­ u I < Warren Foland, Gkn Hast ine, etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka ben­ for the next draft E: Ru'h ehsman, Gertrude Heus- efited her instantly. Because Adler-i- C°Hooverize in giving aud askin« for Hvin Johnson, Cordelia Oat­ ka flushes the entire elementary tract credit. This is a to field jesse Shortridge, Nina \ et*ch. | it relieves any case constipation, sour business men in Tillam« < (hf stomach or gas and prevents appen­ adopt a cash system a dicitis. It has quickest action of any­ credit system Start m the first of^ thing we ever sold. J. S. Lamar, drug­ year to Hoovcnze a ong (ycrvbo<1y gist With plenty of work > - ( there is no better time than no CAN SAVE YOUR LOOSE CHANGE. War Saving Certificates and Thrift Stamps Can Now Be Had. and girls to begin a savings account, and at the same time show their pat­ riotism by helping "win the war.” Those w ho were unable to buy l ib­ erty Bonds may now buy what amounts to the same thing for as lit­ tle as $4.12. Do it now, and get the benefit of all the interest and let Uncle Sam have the use of your money. United States war saving certifi­ cates and thrift stamps are now on sale at the postoffice. The certificates bear 4 per cent interest and sell dur­ ing December and January for $2.12 Nothing Doing. and mature in five years, paying the purchaser $5.00. It is not absolutely necessary, however, for these to run Has Tillamook County produced a five years, as they can be cashed at space grafter? We hope not. any time with the accrued interest. To the newspaper fraternity the After January there will be added 1 space grafter is esteemed “nill” Most cent per month to the cost of the 'newspapers receive from ten to fifteen certificate. For instance, if you buy a le ter« from space grafters, or would certificate in February it will cost be space gr..fters, but the editor of $4.13, in March, $4.14, etc. the Courier recently saw a real live Thrift stamps sell for only 25 cents one. It had leg« and arms same as any and bear no interest. A card is given other human being, at which we were the purchaser, and when 10 thrift more or less surprised. He accosted stamps are placed thereon, may be us in a sort of patronizing way much exchanged for a war saving certifi- like this: “You look sort of lean, 1 cate by payment of from 12 to 23 guess I'll give you this,” and he hand­ cents. ed us a piece of copy which we im­ These certificates and ."tamps will agined would turn out to be a itili be carried by all rural delivery car­ page ad. but when we unfolded the riers and city carriers as well as paper we found a twenty-six line handled by the postofficc and all will item marked “the ad” Now, the Cour­ be glad to explain anything in regard ier is strong on ads, its the essential to them. part of success in publishing a count­ This will be a rare chance for boys ry paper and we give an advertiser the glad hand and feel like telling him he’s the only guy that has a key Ito the situation of success—but the I space grafter looks to us like the last nail of a coffin. We may look lean, gaunt and hung­ ry, but let us advise all space grafters that had we fell for their game our bcllv and backbone would have col­ lided long ago.—Cloverdale Courier. “Every Tank to do its Damnedest. General Byng’s crisp admonition “we expect every tank to do I its damnedest” seems to have been I thoroughly understood. The tanks made a handsome response. I.or«l Nelson’s familiar appeal before Tra­ falgar was hardly more inspiring. "Fighting Bob" Evans' bon mot at Santiago, “Give them hell, Boys!” had no more bristling energy. As a maker of military maxims General Byng lives up to his reputation for brillian- <' . _________________ Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. This is not only one of the best and most efficient medicine for coughs, colds and croup, but it is also pleasant and safe to take, which is important when medicine must be given to chil­ dren. Many mothers have given their unqualified endorsement, sale by Lamar’s Drug Store. 0 V As a F amily C hristmas G ift This Wonderful Instrument OW much is spent in your family for Christmas presents given to one another ? Amounts to a substantial sum in the aggregate, doesn't it? And, after all, many of the gifts aren't perhapu exactly appropriate. So often they reflect the donor’s tastes rather than the recipient's. Nowadays many families are eliminating the numerous small presents. They achieve the little personal touch through a card or leaflet And tlfey pool their Christmas funds for the purchase of one really worthw hile gift one which will pay for bigger dividends in real solid enjoyment to each member of the family. H “ The Photograph with a Soul" makes an idenl group gift. It ndds some­ thing real and vital to the life of each member of the family. You can't mean­ lire what it mean to dollars and cents. It Htandn for countleM happy hours ; de­ lightful evenings spent in absorbing the world's great music ; listening to the world's greatest artists. ! The New Edison is comparable to no other phonograph, It actually re-creates the artist’s voice or the music from his instrument. By re-creates we mean that no human ear can detect the difference between the living artist'* rendition and that of the record. Thin in not a mere claim; it in u demonstrated fact. The fainotiH tone tent* in which thirty great mtiniciann nang or played in direct com­ parison with the New Edinon’n Re-Crea­ tion of their respective inter-pretatiou» proved the truth of our anuertion. Out of more than 11 million lintenern, not one could tell when the voice left off ami the record la-gan. Come into our ntore and hear the wonderful instrument. The proof of the New Edison in in the hearing. And think over our nuggentiou of itn purchase an a family gift. LAMAR’S DRUG STORE TILLAMOOK, ORE.