JlmìHiflbt TILLAMOOK, OREGON. DECEMBER 13, 1917 »1.50 PER YEAR. Standard Feed w. Co. .ji, will carry carry a a tions with other women. It was dur- CHEESE TO BE A WAR FOO VOTING CONTEST FOR »50.00 screen is another of the thrilling inci­ , The --- -—- - -vv. lull line of farm implements and ma­ ing the fore part of June 1917, when | dents of this remarkable picture. LIBERTY BOND DRAWING ----- o----- chinery. Also gasoline wood saws. ------ o- - residing in Hillsboro, that the defcniK Oregon Administrator Suggests Meat TO A CLOSE. Get their extreme low prices. *3 ant finally left plaintiff and went to W. A. Wise, dentist. • POMONA GRANGE WANTS BIG­ Substitute. County Judge A. M. Hare and Spokane, Wash., stating in a letter Local Red Cross To Get Double GER AND BETTER FAIR. Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough Commissioners Alley and Owens are that she would not return there. One Votes Saturday, December aa. •---- o----- Co. e in Portland attending a convention of child w'as born to the union, now in Oregon cheese is coming to the for meat and is the care of the defendant, and the front as a substitute Anyone desiring further particulars county courts. Recommends R. Y. Blalock for Man­ ___ ____ ........... The voting contest for the free better ..... known fea- to become _ a .. much may call at any time. A. G. Beals vs. Leonard McCor­ plaintiff is willing that defendant ture ager of Fair—Wants »15,000 Ex- in the homes of the state, accord- '$50.00 Liberty Bond is drawing to a Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon mack is a suit filed in the circuit have charge of the child, provided he ing to plans made public Monday close. The Bond is to be given away pended on Little Nestucca Road Cloverdale, Ore. • ’ court to recover »208.93 for goods and could visit it. 24th -• at — 10 by W. B. Ayer, Federal food admin- *" by " Haltom's Monday, Dec. -•♦«• merchandise sold to defendant. istrator. Likewise it is to be cheaper. I P. M. Tillamook County Pomona Grange A“t0 nH.lreTCa11 J- A’ Smith, at I THE CHEESE SITUATION nywncre nun vicgvu| The , „ „ . of three , leading ,, standing con­ met at Oretown on Thursday of last Forty Acre Ranch, some bottom Rialto, Both phones. « i Mr. Ayer declares there is no better testants at the close of business Sat- land, »3,000; half cash. Quick sale. week when there was a good attend­ See the clowns at the Gem Theatre article of food anywhere than Oregon Don’t write, come and see it. Taylor Haberlach Sells a Large Quantity cheese and says l.. that it ____ should be used “r.da> - ,?cc 8tJ> was as fo,Iows: ance and the usual amout of interest Tuesday night. _ _ Li ‘ ____ i ’ Real Estate Agency, Cloverdale. Honor Guard .............. 211,183 taken in the discussion. and Dairymen will be Paid much more than it is throughout the ( * Girls Wanted- I—To ~ rent a furnished house. I Santa surely left samples of his en­ Rebekah Lodge ................... 106,629 Before Christmas. state. He has accordingly arranged to ' .• tire toy shop at Smithy’s. Bring the Apply at the Headlight office. Cross ............................ 104,384 After the usual form of opening the give it a place in the homes of the Red Next Saturday the Red Cross will meeting, the grangers went to work Big Circus at the Gem Theatre next children in to see the hundreds of Carl Haberlach returned from a commonwealth, if a plan worked out have a booth in the store and will be 111 earnest. Tuesday night December 18. I items. Smithy’s Variety Store. * trip to Portland Wednesday, where at headquarters will put it there. Reports from subordinate granges represented by a number of members, John and Peter Weiss left on Wed­ Miss Edna Groves, in charge of all votes cast at their special booth were taken up and proved very satis­ Rev. S. E. Eells will preach at the he had gone on cheese business. He nesday morning to join the navy. Presbyterian Church next Sunday reported having sold quite a little the domestic science department of on that day will count double for factory, especially the report from morning and at Cloverdale in the cheese, enough so that farmers could the Portland schools, and all of these them. All indications point to the fact Nestucca, which showed a gain of 23 Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ probably be paid before Christmas departments throughout the state will that all supporters of the Red Cross I members the last quarter. ware.—R. W. Bennett. » evening. for the October milk. While there is practical demonstrations of the I will be out in full force Saturday. 1 he first matter to cause a lively Mrs. Geo. P. Winslow and child re­ W .B. Alderman and wife have re­ still considerable cheese on the Port­ give many ways to use this product and to discussion and some amount of en” turned from Salem on Monday. turned to the city from Southern Ore­ land market and considerable “out­ make it palatable. thusiasin was a communication from Notice to Persons Registered Get your flour and feed at the Kup- gon, where Mr. Aiderman went for side” Oregon cheese to be had, deal­ the Nehalem Grange, which recom­ “It is in many ways an excellent the benefit of his health. penbender Warehouse. ers are showing a decided preference thing to do,” said Mr. Ayer. “Not mended the postponement of the On Saturday Sheriff Campbell will Owing to the rain storm the train Candy contains sugar, which should for the Tillamook article. It is time only will the use of Oregon cheese as­ county fair for 1918. After consider­ did not leave Tillamook this morning. be conserved. Use more nuts for like the present, when cheese markets sist materially in conserving of meat, commence sending out the Question­ able discussion, which was decidedly naires to men who have registered, one sided, as those who attend the are dull, that quality counts. but it will provide a means of en­ Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Emil Krebs Christmas. Buy them from C. O. and When in Portland he met Mr. Giles, couraging the dairy industry—a very and about five per cent will be sent Pamona Grange were unanimously C. M. Dawson. Friday, Dec. 7th, a daughter. out daily hereafter. of the Coos-Curry Association. They Tillamook Meat Co. will pay report but little cheese on hand, but vital necessity just now. There is no The men are given only seven days opposed to postponing the fair, the Garbage gathered free. See M R. 1 toe The better product than the cheese made from the time the Questionnaires ad’pT'd8 reSolu,ion was unanimously for all 10 pound lard pails and 5c. Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11. for 5 pound pails. They must be free have not yet paid for September milk, in this state and it should be sold at are mailed to answer the same and having a little cheese in storage. “Whereas, standing still brings 1 he amount Tillamook County will from rust. Bring them in at once and retail cheaply, as it is delivered to the them to the local board. stagnation, decay and death, and * From reports received, they have had jobber at 23 cents per pound and by return have to pay for State tax is $46,267.70. get your money. As there are a large number of considerable trouble because the gov­ retreating is going back and means Wanted—to buy a root cutter phone I You won’t need to carry water to ernment had sent them a man that the jobber turned in to the retailer at questions, and these have to be ans­ defeat and failure; and as we believe the elephant at the Gem Theatre next 24%. ” wered correctly, drafted men can ob­ m going forward, and being no slack­ Joe Baumgartner, Mutual Phone 3» got most of the cheese makers to Tuesday night. But you can see a tain the assistance of any attorney, as ers in building up our county; Car for sale—5 passenger Ford in complete circus. Adults 20 cents, make cheese without using circles. Red Cross Christmas Cheer. all the attorneys kindly consented to This has certainly caused a lot of “Resolved, that we as a Pomona good condition. Apply at this office * Children 10 cents. do so free of charge. trouble. This may be all right back Grange go on record as favoring a R. W. Bennett, expert watch re­ Your money will go further when East, but conditions are different out The people of the United States are bigger and better Tillamook County pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. ♦ doing your Xmas shopping if your West. Too many people are prone to approaching the Christmas holidays A Pretty Wedding. Fair for 1918." Will pay you to see Everson tor a purchases are made at Smithy’s take advice from strangers. under conditions this country never ----- o— — The matter of a county fair manag­ safe investment in city property or Variety Store. Drop in and look While in Portland Mr. Haberlach has seen before; and, moreover, it is At the home of C. A. Smith last er was then discussed, and on this tarm lands. « around. * also saw the Government food admin­ probable that this year we shall not Sunday afternoon Mr. Frank Nelson point the Pomona Grange was of one experience our most sorrow ful Christ­ and Miss Hattie Smith were united in See Kuppenbender about the Grant Hundreds of useful and inexpensive istration. mind, and unanimously recommended Six automobile, the snappiest car on For the present, milk will be skim ­ mas while the world war rages. marriage by Elder R. Y. Blalock. R. Y. Blalock to the Fair Board to the road. « items suitable for Xmas. They are med and cream sent to Portland. If With the thought of the nation Both parties reside at Cloverdale and manage the 1918 fair. well displayed, which will help you Men s and Ladies Suits pressed, solve the gift problem. Plenty of the present slides at Mohler arc not dwelling largely on the infinite suf­ are popular and well known in Tilla­ Erwin Harrison had signified his prices the lowest at Golden’s Wom­ good help to wait on you—Smithy’s.* removed at once, the factories will fering abroad, on the certainty that mook County, having been born and make cheese until such time as train our own flesh and blood will soon be raised in this county. There were a intention to resign from the Fair en s Shop. « Miller, domestic science teach­ service is resumed, when milk will be enduring its full share of that suffer- few near relatives and friends at the Board, and to fill that vacancy Mrs. Tillamook’s Circus Day will be en­ er Miss at the school, returned from skimmed again. Nothing definite has ' ing, and on the absence from home of wedding. The home was nicely dec­ Frank Worthington was recommend­ joyed by all, at the Gem Theatre next Amity this high week. She was spending been done yet about shipping milk to hundreds of thousands of dear ones. orated with evergreens and flowers. ed to fill a position on the board. Tuesday night, 8 reels of circus. Thankspivine there and had an at- condensors, but it is believed that the Christmas, 1917, will be a war Christ­ The happy couple have many friends As Mr. Thompson would not serve Thanksgiving Daniel o£ I illamook county had a rain storm tack of tonsolitis. cheese market will be in good con­ mas. who wish them a long and happy on the board again, Mrs. C. to repre- Mohler was recommended on Wednesday and the rain was still Into this somber outlook the Red voyage together. Tillamook county is doing its best dition within a few months. sent the North part of the county on pouring down today. Cross is seeking to bring something to win the war, for the Brighton mill the board. Get the Habit. of cheer. In a campaign lasting from Why not be insured in the best fire is credited with furnishing out of all Senior Class to Give Vaudeville A motion was made that Tillamook insurance company, it costs no more. the saw mills on the Pacific Coast, 28 The time has come for Oregon citi­ December 16 till Christmas Eve it zens to show more practical apprecia­ will ask for 10,000,000 to become “Red See Everson. • per cent of spruce for arco planes. A high class vaudeville show will County Pomona Grange buy »50.00 Cross Christmas” recruits, that they be given by the Senior class of the worth of U. S. War Saving Certifi­ tion of a famous Oregon product. S. R. Dale who was manager of the Demand that your contractor use cates. 1 his was unanimously carried Standard oil plant, has been transfer­ Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni­ The Oregon household knows Tilla­ may enable the Red Cross to lighten Tillamook High School Friday night. and the secretary was ordered to pur­ mook cheese, only too often by repu ­ the burden our Army and Navy and It is billed as the “ Senior Vodevil, ” red to Sheridan. form and has exceptional fast setting chase the same, which he has done. qualities which is preferred. For sale tation alone. It knows Oregon cheese those of our allies are called upon to and will consist of eight acts, all of District Attorney T. H. Goyne is in at To show their interest in a bigger is a high-grade product because it has bear. the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * talent. Portland attending a convention of and better county fair the Pomona heard encomimus sung from the dis­ cooperation with the Red The committee consisting of Lowell This The ladies of the German Cangre- tance, or it has gained a casual per­ district attorneys. Cross is real service which we may Edwards, Max Beals and Charles (■range voted to give $25.00 for pre­ gational church will hold a Christmas You always save money by getting Sale on Dec. 15th in the building for­ sonal acquaintance from the small all be proud. And that this service, Lamb, chairman, have been at work miums to those who made exhibits. After an interesting discussion on your flour and feed at the Kuppen­ merly occupied by Hilma Johnson, piece that sometimes decorates a cut when rendered by one, may be known for some time on this affair and bender Warehouse. * opposite Mason’s store. Everybody of apple pie. to his neighbor, the Red Cross will promise the people an unusual* enter­ co-operation, it was decided to hold a There are countless ways in which u.ge each old and each new member tainment. night session. At eight o’clock the Special price—Crystal White soap, welcome. to prepare cheese with or without to display at his home a Red Cross Among the eight acts on the bill are Oretown Grange lecturer had charge Sc. a bar; $4.65 for 100 bars, Regular Harris Amer Furniture Co. vs. Joe other foods in combination and make service flag on which each Red Cross two farce comedies “Its Great to be of the open meeting. She rendered a price $600. Ray & Co. ♦ Blaser and Margaret Blaser, is a suit a patatable and principal dish. Every stands for a member. Crazy”, and “His Lordship the Bur­ good program which was enjoyed by Don’t forget to see Mae Marsh in filed in the circuit court to recover family ought to learn them. glar,” the Yannigan Quartet in all. At the close of the program an in- The hundreds of thousands of these “Polly of the Circuis” at the Gem $145.85, this being a balance owing Cheese is an acceptable substitute flags already being shown by old serious and comic song, vocal selec­ [cresting discussion was participated Theatre, Tuesday, December 18. the plaintiffs for furniture etc., fur­ for meat; there is a present abundant members will swell into millions be­ tions by a high school girl of unusual in by many on the transmission of supply in Oregon, and its transporta­ fore Christmas, each flag and each talent, "Hawaiian Melodics,” and the ■ tuberculosis from the cow to the hu- County Clark Harrison left on nished the defendants. Monday, to attend the County Clark’s Reliable merchandise, decidedly tion to other markets is hampered by little cross bearing testimony that “Hot Dawg Minstrels” in original 1 man race. The county budget was then taken Convention in Portland. lower prices than those charged else­ shortage of facilities; it is more eco­ someone’s Christmas has been made comedy. nomical than meat, of which there is happier for himself or herself, happier The high school orchestra will fur­ up and a few items discussed. A mo­ WIIGIV. A a X beautiful x2«w--------------- line in Ladies and Erwin Harrison, owing to his time where. tion was made that the Pomona Coats and Suits and separate a shortage; it is a staple home prod- for our own boys and happier for the nish music for the occasion. being fully occupied as county clerk Misses S kh >9, * ~ J-—-* be Grange go on record recommending Skirts, now __ selling at reduced prices. duct and its ready sale supports a , soldiers of our allies. The price of admission will has resigned from the Fair Board. At Golden's Women's Women’s Shop, Tilla- * great and growing industry; its use is Let us all help to make this a Red twenty-five cents for any seat in the that the county court expend $15,000 encouraged by the Food Administra­ Cross Get your suit pressed or cleaned by mook. on the Little Nestucca road, which Christmas—which is another house. the only Master Dyers and Cleaners, was carried. Don’t forget the Kiddies Xmas. tion for all these reasons. 1 way of saying: Let us make it the at Golden’s Women’s Shop. * They are children but once, Smithy ) To eat cheese promotes economy in A motion was made and carried that , happiest Christmas possible with the MAE MARSH STAR IN the county court appoint a competent Let your wagon be a Mitchell—the has the .... largest and most complete three directions; It saves the purse, • war clouds hanging low. “POLLY OF THE CIRCUS” veterinarian as soon as possible. wagon that has built a monument of line of Dolls and Toys in the county. it conserves meat products that are fame. See Kuppenbender. * Prices always right. Smithy's Variety needed for maintenance of the armies Another motion was made and car­ At Gem Theatre Tuesday, December Budget Meeting Uninteresting ried that the county court allow a * and it encourages dairying. It is a For Sale—New modern residence, Store. Eighteen. good habit. Get it.—Oregonian. bounty on the gopher as well as the located in best residence district. For We have received a letter from From all appearance less interest is “Polly of the Circus,” a tremendous mole if it could legally do so. ■ale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * Senator C. L. McNary in regard to (From The Journal) The next meeting of the Pamona Furnished and unfurnished bouse- the application for a new motor boat Carl Haberlach, known far and wide taken in budget meetings than in for­ Goldwyn picture made from Margaret Grange will be at Nehalem next mer years, for the meeting on Satur­ Mayo's great play, with famous little kepiug rooms and rooms with stove» at the Garibaldi Life Saving Station, as the representative of the best day was unusually tame and uninter ­ March. at the Watch Tower building * and it contained a similar letter cheese center in the country—Tilla­ esting. There were very few in at­ Mae Marsh as its star, will be shown 18 at the See Kuppenbender about building from the department as was sent to mook—was in the city during the day tendance at the court house at one next Tuesday, December Vote of Condolence. Theatre. and made some liberal sales. your Ford into a first class 1)4 ton Congressman Hawley. o’clock, the time the meeting was ad­ Gem The picture is the first release of Ames worm drive truck at a small Mac Marsh, star of “Polly of the “The market for cheese is consider­ vertised, but by 1130 there was a At a meeting of the Pomona Grange cost. * Circus” at the Gem Theatre, Tuesday ably stronger,” says Mr. Haberlach, fairly good sized gathering, but the Goldwyn Pictures Corporation form­ last week the following vote of con­ Money to loan «... on ___ farm lands, from December 18. Miss March is the star "and quite a liberal supply has been attendance was far below that of last ed by Samuel Goldfish in association dolence was agreed to: inuuvj - iv» ■>------- KI- rate Decemt 1 “Birth of a Nation" “Intol- sold recently. In fact we have made with Edgar Selwyn, Margaret Mayo, »SOO up, Good terms. Reasonable "Whereas, it has pleased our heav- year. Archibald Selwyn and a brilliant of interest. We want your business, lady in ■” and a number of big feature 1 such good trades we --- are ’ ’ lately that — enly Father to call from the Tilla- County Judge Hare called the meet ­ See Everson. • ' erence” 1. Sec display ad elsewhere I now out of all danger of a weakening ing to order and read the notice group of authors and play-wrights. mook Pomona Grange to the great The story of "Polly,” which has The market is firmer all market. »••«. _ _____ W. J. Stephens vs. 1. Leopold Blaser productions. »i.; c icctir grange above, our beloved brother, which called the meeting and the dif ­ in this issue. given a tremendous production in its j .around, and there is no fear for the is a suit filed in the circuit court to Fred Zaddach; Class lessons for beginners in music ___ , ferent items in the budget. picturized form, is that of a mother ­ recover $70.00 growing out of the will commence Resolved, that we extend our heart :e at St. Alphonsus future. future.” ' C. W. Miller asked that about half less girl of the circus, and of the part felt sympathy to the bereaved family I7r r Special — classes for * | At this time Tillamook is separating Academy, Nov. . I7 ____ ' - sale of cattle. . .. t fu]]y gg per cent of jts miifc arl give the Portland creameries a chance 1917, as follows: lit is interrupted by the gossip of the to really make good butter. Th« skim e voumy wui, .a _____ “ That the County Court is author ­ 500 homeless waifs want a good get one of these sprinklers when they — — •—*- • to — «in quested to use that^art of “ the ­ The Tillamook Rifle Club had a home with some nice little girl. Get were given away Dec. 1st, now is milk is being fed to hogs at Tilla­ ized and req_____ comes . . . , . • : circus. But the circus com*« back your dolls at Smithy’s Variety Store. your time. Will give away too in the mook, and thus aiding that industry. the road funds of Tillamook County, another year and roily and the minis- shoot at their range last Sunday. Two Vregon, to be raised by taxation in I anvii,,--- ------- □ i> u . G ii B w , —------------ strings of ten shots each were made, Drop in and look around. * morning, 100 in the afternoon and 50 * - v ■ threads rtf ter pick —— up of their their ro- ro- and the following scores: Gen. Haig is Unconventional. the year 1918, and specified in the , ; SVI r the in the evening. No purchase is neces ­ Dr. Turner, eye specialist, of ----- o - ■ budget as for road bed for hard sur­ ¡mance in a dramatic climax. 10 shots, possible 50 points—Eber­ sary. They are free. Remember tfc/ is filled with realistic harde, 37; Henkle, 36; C. Stanley, Portland, will be in Tillamook date, Saturday, Dec. 15th, at Smithy’s in matter iiiAuvi of x». dress —---- etiquette w Sir face and to match State and Federal I The picture ............ In of circus life, the most thrill- again Friday and Saturday, Dec. 21 Variety Store appropriations, work. [scenes 1 Haig. commander * — of the »ppiov —, for ._. other ----- road 36; Shreve, 32: Alva Williams, 32; * Douglas Haig, • arrangeu » .V. 1--------- u;»i, L I _ Q is a fire in the big --- tent ...... .. rhich ......................... and 22, at Jenkins’ Jewelry Store. * British forces in France, is the most if •11 a bond • issue — is arranged for which o , f w Eliott Henderson, 29; E. Stanley, 27; -- ----- la " “ * - --; j I * ® ide 3UIIIS.IVH» sufficient funds for said i and |he ,Umped< . of thr audi<.nce. It Sam Weil vs. Sadie Weil is a di­ unconventional of field marshals and Will prOVlUC ------- an.« -___ E. Epplett, 26. Don’t forget those busted castings. purposes to io meet the ...2 r requirements — I requ i red a - f-tly fully •nninoed equipped circus to vorce suit filed in the circuit court the despair of strict disciplinarians. 10 shots, possible 50 points—Eber­ Can be welded for half. Goods sent The parties were married in San Resides discarding the shoulder strap for I«..- — ______ 1 are per ­ iv. obtaining -—... L.„ Stau “L‘: and^^Fedegal .... -- , rcallsnlt ..— a!d . produ<.e thi and j — you . hardt, 40; Shreve, 37; Alva Williams, by parcel post and express promptly Francisco the 12th of August 1904. of his Sam Browne belt Sir Douglas on roads south of Tillamook City. mitted to — sec complete cir circus per­ 36; F Stanley, 35; Clarence Stanley, ” 1' — '*** •- <• » a romnlete formance on the screen; the arrival returned. Hine» ft Tillamook, The comphint alleges that defendant refuses to wear the ivory-hilted curv­ Then R W. Watson moved that of a circus in the town «t daybreak. 33: Epplett, 30; Henkle, 26; Eliott Oregon. • had a violent temper, who left pl.-.in- ed sword prescribed for officers of his the budget be approved as read, Henderson, 20. I the great street parade, the departure These scores were made at aoo For sale, cheap for cash. 24 foot tiff and refused to return for consid­ rank, and prefers the cavalry saber. which was carried by using hunt- .b. w,.. » ,5. "«bb T ‘ . yards off-hand, 8-ineh bulls-eye. fish boat with 7 horse power four­ erable periods of time, and that de­ He also defies custom instead of the ¡horse race scene ever but on the cycle engine; also nets and lines. Ad­ fendant falsly and cruelly charged the ing bit for his horse meeting. dress D. C. Burton, Tillamook, Ore., plaintiff with having improper rela- heavy service pattern. Tillamook Jottings. Box 547.