/ Beginning at 10 A.M. THURSDAY, December 6th. Only 16 Shopping Days before Christmas. GIFT GIFT Now for the BIG ’ Xmas Sale • SUGGESTIONS SUGGESTIONS I am going to start the wonderful Big Christmas Sale at the HALTOM STORE ON THURSDAY, December 6th, and the sale will con­ tinue until 10 P.M. on ’Xmas Eve. Reports from all over the county show that, on account of the war, people are buying useful ’Xmas gifts this year ; in other words, they are going to make it a sensible ’Xmas. I haven’t the space to tell you about everything, but I can say to you that you will get some splendid bargains, that now is the time to buy. Watch the windows —see the different Booths as they are erected from time to time—come to this store to do your buying, as we can save you money on first class mer­ chandise. M for_____ Women & Girls. COATS, SKIRTS, SUITS, DRESSES, WAISTS, PETTICOATS, SILKS, DRESS GOODS, NECKWEAR, HOSIERY, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS, CORSETS, RIBBONS, LINENS, TOWELS, BATH MATS AND RUGS, BLANKETS, SHEETS, PILLOW CASES, SWEATERS, UNDERWEAR, SHOES, SLIPPERS, AND MANY OTHER USEFUL ARTICLES. Bringthe “Kiddies”to See the Wonderful Doll Booth. Watch their Faces—Listen to their Expressions—It will well be worth a visit to the Store. THIS IS TO 1 FREE YARD WITH EVERY YARD YOU BUY. for Men and Boys. HATS, CAPS, COLLARS, SHIRTS, NECKTIES, HOSIERY, HANDKERCHIEFS, GARTERS, ARMBANDS, SUSPENDERS, UNDERWEAR, PAJAMAS, SUITS, OVERCOATS, MACKINAWS, SMOKING JACKETS, BATH ROBES, SHOES, SLIPPERS AND MANY OTHER USEFUL ARTICLES. E THE MOST REMARKABLE SALE 2 YARDS FOR 1. 1 FREE YARD WITH EVERY YARD YOU BUY. Many people thought the free piece goods sale last Saturday was a wonder, but it was nothing com­ pared with the one I am going to give you THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY—THE GREAT­ EST THREE DAY SALE KNOWN—Thousands of yards of Silks, Cotton and Wool Dress Goods, Cretonnes, Ribbons, Table Damask and other fabrics. You must not miss this wonderful sale. EXTRAORDINARY 3 Day SPECIAL SALE. MEN’S NECKTIES. of Neckties that are positively sold in many stores at$l.OO. Special for the three days at 59c. each. 3 for $1.65. Limit three to a customer. EXTRAORDINARY 3-Day Special Sale of Women’s Coats,Suits • Skirts and Dresses. ’ 47 NEW COATS Arrived Last Week. Coats worth to $20.00 only........... . $11.85 Coats worth to $25.00 only................... $15.68 Coats worth to $32.50 only.................. $21.35 Dresses worth to $20.00...................... $12.85 Skirts worth to $8.50 only.................... $4.95 Suits worth to $25.00 only .................... $18.75 Suits worth to $35.00 only.................... $26.75 EXTRAORDINARY Special ’Xmas Sale of Ladies’ Fine HANDKERCHIEFS. Brand New Handkerchiefs and Wonderful Values. On sale at the Handkerchief Booth. SALE PRICES, 10c. 15c. 25c. $50.00 Liberty Bond VOTING CONTEST. I The $50.(X) Liberty Bond will be given away MONDAY, DEC. 24, at 10 P.M. Who will get it ? Votes cast up to and including Saturday, Dec- 1st, are : Rebekahs 103,798, Red Cross 98,745, Honor Guard Girls 89,922, Presbyterian Guild 16,773, Catholic Altar Society, 12,955, Miram Chapter No. 20 5,749, Ladies’ Aid Christian Church 4,368, Fairview Grange 3,657, Ladies’ Aid M E. church 1,497, Eastern Star 944. SPECIAL NOTICE—Next Saturday, Dec.8tli, the Honor Guard Girls wilt have representatives in the store, and all votes secured by them on that day will be counted double. Ask for Sales Slips. A Watch Our Show Windows. That’s All. ( J. S. Langhorne, Sales Manager. Every Day Till ’ ’Xmas a Special Sales Day. That’s All. >< I loi rc