TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, DECEMBER 6. 1917 immediately, without fail, notify his WINNING SUCCESS. STARS IN BASEBALL local board of his present address so Hoarding is to be Stopped At Once that he will receive the Questionnaire It Must Ba a Cantlnuoue Parformanc«, They Are Really Eeaential te the in Oregon. he is required to fill out under the With No Intermiaalona. ceea of a Club. new draft regulations. "The other day," says a writer In the It is absolutely necessary for eacb "Hoarding of sugar in Oregon must This applies to all registered men, and every major league club to hive American Magazine, "a famous author stop at once,” says W. K. Newell, as­ even those previously exempted or at least one unusually brilliant lear armed and month on lip according to age. At the Printing ...................................... 40.00 drugging the grasshopper along the equipped facing the music. age of 18 it costs $6.40; at 25, $6.60; Elections .................................. Miscellaneous ......................... 310.00 road was therefore proportionately at 30, $6.90; at 40, $8.10; at 50, $11.40 equal to that of a limn weighing 150 1 Buttons Mad* From Y.ast, and from there on up it increases rap­ 1 Total ........................... (Located across the street from Clough's new drug store) • • • $7.950.00 pounds pulling a load of four and one- Buttons are now made from the idly. Upon the death of a soldier that Sinking Fund ................... . . . $2,000.00 lialf tons or a horse of 1.200 pounds a spent yeast which collects in the vats carries $10.000.00 insurance, his bene­ load of thirt.v-six tons. Suits Cleaned and Pressed, Prices the Lowest. Try our Dry Road Fund. of breweries. It is dyed, grained and ficiary will receive .$57.50 per month Salary, one man ............. ... $1.080.00 pressed into any shape, and it has the ; for 240 consecutive months—making Cleaning and Dyeing. The Noblest Public Virtue. 900.00 | Salary, one man ............ ... a total in ail of $13,800.00. I great advantage over horn and bone Tluit patriotism which, catching its 1 Cross walks ..................... 200.00 that it grips as in a vise any metal k*V***VWW***W»VW%W*W»****W»W*WVW»**WW»»***V» ********** Inspirations from the immortal God and 200.00 part—a shauk, for instance—that is Several of the men of the cAmpany 1 Repairs 2nd Ave. East . . . . leaving at an immeasurable distance Interest on bonds .......... 1,000 00 pressed into it with dependents will receive the ben­ below all lesser, groveling, personal in­ 200,00 terests and feelings, animates and efit of the general allowance offered Engineer’s office ............ . . . Startling News About Cheese Making ping it to Portland. Which la Youra? by the government commencing with I l ights ................................. ... 2,640.00 prompts to deeds of self sacrifice, of in Tillamok County. JÖO OO valor, of devotion and of death itself— The remuneration received for cerv­ their pay for November. Corporal Street I omtiiissioner .. . . . . Seventh New County Agent. . Miscellaneous .................. . . SO.OO ices rendered has many names. The Jennings heads the list, having a wife that is public virtue; that is the noblest, taken The following paragraph Appointment of Henry E. Tweed as and three children, he is compelled to tile sublimest of all public virtues.— laborer calls it "pay." tbe skilled me­ from the Oregon Register, Eugene: chanic “wages." the .city clerk “sal­ Total ........................... • • $6.630.00 Henry Clay. allot one half of his salary or $18.00 "Tillamook creameries work day county agricultural agent of Baker ary," the banker "Income,” a lawyer toward their support. The govern­ Library Fund ................... . . $ 875.00 and night—Harry Kester, owner of a county is the seventh made under the "fees” and a burglar "swag.”-London ment adds $37.50 to this amount and He Knew Better. large dairy near Tillamook, was in emergency conditions produced by Answers. Total ........................... .. $17,455.00 sends his wife a check lor $55.50. In Gentleman—Why don't you get ont the city yesterday for the purpose of the war. The new counties that have like manner a couple of the men have Estimated Receipts. and hustle? Han) work never kills'll getting contracts with the local mer­ swung into line in accordance with The Untired Horse. a wife ami one child tinder 18 years Fines and Licenses .... .... $500.00 anybody. Rast us—You’re mistooken chants to supply them with Tillamook the provisions of the Federal food Mother—My dear, what is the matter of age allot half of their salary to And that the Common Council has dere. boss. I'se lost fouh wives dat with the horse? Isn't he walking lame? cheese. He reports the cheese mar­ (preparedness campaign are Benton, Bostou Transcript. Douglas, Marion, Washington, Clack­ which the government adds $2500. fixed \\ ednesday. Decent her 26, 1917, way Small Boy—I know «bats the matter, ket has doubled itself within the past For a wife with no children the gov­ at the hour of 8 o'clock p.in. at the 1 pop. One of his hind tire* has come few months and the demand is so amas, Wallowa and Baker. This ac­ She Knew. ernment adds an allowance of $1500 City Hall in Tillamook Citv, Oregon ¡ great that the Tillamook cheese fac­ tion is in harmony with the plans cf off.—Baltimore American. Mother—Oh, Mary, why do you wipe and the man must allot at least $15.00. as the time and place for hearing any tories are w orking day and night 4o the V. S. Department of Agriculture and the Federal Food Administration, fulfill their orders.” and all objections or remonstrances your mouth with the back of your Similarity. hand? Mary—'Cos it’s so much cleaner as the best known methoci of increas­ to such proposed budget. Important to Men Registered. 1 than the front.—London Punch. "You say Grafter makes you think of The facts are: Cheese making in ing crop production, of modern mar­ Dated this third day of December, : a corkscrew Why so?" Every man registered under’ the 1917. "Like a corkscrew, he has a pul), but Tillamook county have ceased, on ac­ keting. and of economical conserva­ A commonwealth ought to be immor­ A. H. Gaylord, draft law who has changed his resi­ •t ’ a on account of hla crookedneaa.”— count of the large amount in storage, tion. Twenty-two counties now main­ tal and forever renew its youth.— and the cheese factories are separat­ tain agents and others are completing dence or postoffice address should City Recorder. Exchange. Cicero. ing the cream from the milk and ship- arrangements to begin the policy. I Si WORTH OF SUGAR LIMIT. Men Serving the Colors TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK XMAS’ GOODS ! We have a Full and Complete Line of PYRALIN IVORY—The Gift of Gifts. Soldiers’ Kits, Razors and Bags. Perfume and Perfume Atomizers, Complete List. STATIONERY— A Distinctive Quality. CHRISTMAS CARDS— The Newest and Latest. • TILLAMOOK Dl^jq C01fA|W, Tillamook, Oregon STILL NO RAISE The Right Step to IN PRICE DRESS SUPREMACY GOLDEN Suits TAILOR LADIES and MEN I Made To Order Greatest Value; Ever Offered Golden’s “ I i: ¡: li 1