I A TILLAMOOK, OREGON, DECEMBER Tillamook Jottings, 1 uesday and Wednesday Slacker at the Gem Theatre. “ I he | Tuesday Wednesday "Thq|THE HONOR GUARD GIRLS TO HAVE A VOTING BOOTH. J Slacker” at the Gem Theatre. For Sale—16 feet net skift, 5 tbs. of ■ 1’ ~ ~ H. C. «-»wnv Boone io is wiv thc nt new manager ■ oi “ snr-l» it i v 1 *-• vv muua^vi All Votes Deposited In their Special W. A. Wise, dentist. * cork Ih 'Ù ' n ‘"Vi ’tad anc* Standard Oil plant in this city, Box. Saturday, Dec. 8th To cork line. Will sell all for a ap $20.00. Ap- -- y-v.w. ­ Hoofror Remedy at C. I. Clough ply to L. \y oodford, Garibaldi. Wanted, a team of horses, weigh Count Double. Co. » about 1100, or will buy team, harnesi The Honor Guard Girls, one of the Liberty Bonds taken in pay*ment of and wagon. Apply.to Geo. W. Phelps,« organizations in the voting contest Thanksgiving, last Thursday was a coal, cement, lime and brick, also on Garibaldi, Oregon. *;! “ for the $50.00 Liberty Bond to be stormy wet day. current accounts.—Lamb Schrader Co. Phone 28W. « Commissioner Corey, of the Publicjj given away by the Haltorn store, Dec. Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon, 24th, will have a special voting booth Have cash buyer for farm in Tilla­ Service Commission, gave a hearing Cloverdale, Ore. * mook County. Write full description in the case of the Kodad crossing oh in the store next Saturday. All votes cast for them and deposited in the Monday night "The Neglected Wife to Ralph Acyley, 237% Washington, Wednesday evening. Attorneys Ben box in their booth on this day will Street, Portland. • Dey and Paul Sorrens and Superin-' at the Gem Theatre. count double. For instance if a dollar Standard Feed Co. will carry a tendent Burkhalter, of the Southern purchase is made instead of being Auto Hire—Call J. A. Smith, at t u Pacific, were present. A decision will full line of farm implements and ma­ Rialto, Both phones. • good for too votes it will represent chinery. Also gasoline wood saws. be rendered later. The county court 200 votes. Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver­ Get their extreme low prices. *3 considers it a dangerous crossing. Double votes Saturday are for the ware.— R. W. Bennett. ♦ Rev. C. C. Curtiss, former pastor of Commencing on Dec. 15th unless Honor Guard Girls only—none of the Get your flour and feed at the Kup- the Christian Church was appointed otherwise ordered, the questionnaires* penbender Warehouse. * city marshal by Mayor Boals, the city­ will be ntaled out to those registered other contestants will be allowed double votes at this time. in this county at the rate of 5 per cert Tuesday and Wednesday “The council confirming the same. The Honor Guard Girls deserve a Slacker” at the Gem Theatre. I he annual meeting to consider the of the registration per day, by the; lot of credit for the good work they various boards all over the county., Girl wanted for general housework, county budget will take place on Sat­ Any one having moved from their ad­ have done and should be fortunate enough to secure the Liberty Bond, urday next at the court house, the Apply to Mrs. R. B. Hays, City. dress at the time of registering their intention is to use it for the time is set for I, o’clock p.m. should at once communicate with the benefit of the Coast Artillery. Natur­ Garbage gathered free. See M. R. Forty Acre Ranch, some bottom Local Board with which they are reg­ ally all supporters of the Honor Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11. land, $3,000; half cash. Quick sale. istered that they may receive their Guard will be cut in full force on Wanted—to buy a root cutter phone Don’t write, come and see it. Taylor Questionnaires promptly. Registrants Saturday when their votes will count Joe Baumgartner, Mutual Phone 3* Real Estate Agency, Cloverdale. are held responsible for not receiving double. R. W. Bennett, expert watch re- Mrs. J. L. Henderson returned and reporting in time. pairing. S. P. Watch inspector. Tuesday from Portland, where she The Cheese Situation. Edith McClure vs. J. C. McClure is Lonesome Luke comedies at the had been called owing to an accident a divorce case filed in the circuit ------ o------ Gem Theatre every Monday night. to her daughter. Carl Haberlach and Fred Christen­ court. These parties were married at The Baptist Church at Cloverdale Vancouver, Wash., on August 19, 1913 sen returned last week from a Will pay you to see Everson tor a safe investment in city property or commences a series of meetings next and have been residing at Bay City. trip to Seattle and Portland, where farm lands. * Sunday morning, Rev. G. R. Eads, of No children were born to the union. they had gone to look into the cheese situation. Considerable cheese was See Kuppenbender about the Grant Fox, Ore, will conduct the meetings. Plaintiff claims cruel and inhuman found in Seattle, mostly Washington treatment that made her life burden ­ Six automobile, the snappiest car on The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay the road. * ioc for all 10 pound lard pails and 5c. some as the reason for the dissolution and Coos Bay stock. They reported of the marriage contract. The defend­ that practically all the cheese factor­ The County Court is in session this for 5 pound pails. They must be : free ant without cause had a very jealous ies in Washington had had to close from rust. Bring them in at once and week, it being the regular monthly • disposition toward the plaintiff and down because the condensers were get your money. meeting: paying $2.90 for milk, while the cheese At the special election in road dis- objected to her associating with other Men’s and Ladies Suits pressed, trict No. I, on Friday, to vote a spec­ women. He has been irritable, peev­ was being sold from 20j4c. to 21 %c. Seattle. Just as so6n as the small sur­ prices thc lowest at Golden’s Wom­ ish and nagging to the plaintiff. plus would be worked off, cheese en's Shop. * ial tax of five mills, the proposition was hopelessly defeated, 40 voting Mrs. S. W- Kipischka vs. Tillamook should move more-freely again.. Con­ Why not be insured in the best fire “No” and only 6 "Yes.” Hotel Company, appallant from Till­ siderable activity was noticed in Se­ insurance company, it costs no more. Demand that your contractor use amook; suit to recover for service attle, especially in ship building. Seat­ See Everson. * Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni- rendered; opinion by Justice Bean; tle reported having contracts to build Attorney Winslow returned from ; form and has exceptional fast setting Circuit Judge Belt affirmed. This is a two hundred millia*dollars worth of Salem on Monday, leaving Mrs. Win­ qualities which is preferred. For sale case growing out of the receivership ships and have sWenteen thousand slow and child there. at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. * of the Tillamook Hotel, the company men employed in the ship building in­ Rain or shine you will always see Rudolph Zweifel and J. W. Short­ refusing to pay a number of bills for dustry. They went through one of the A. thc best in photoplays at the Gem ridge and Ella Hempie is a suit filed labor, supplies etc., while the hotel ship yards. Monday the Tillamook wRunty Theatre. in the circuit court to recover from de­ was in the hands of the receiver. The decision of the supreme court sus­ Creamery Ass’n had their monthly Now is the time to have your winter fendants and each of them the sums tains Judge Belt, and the hotel com­ directors meeting, at which was pres­ $600.00, $275.00 and $175.00. wood sawed.—Call Ernest Knight pany will have to pay Mrs. Kapischka Mutual phone. * | Owing to the large quantity of the sum of $28.50 for services render­ ent the entire board. After noon the meeting adjourned to the City Hall Lamb-Schrader Co., will pay the cheese on hand, a new departure was ed during the receivership. where Mr. Haberlach reported the made on Saturday when the cheese highest cash price for cascara bark results of the trip. The directors from Erwin Harrison, County Clerk, has factories put their separators to work and empty sacks. * been authorized by the Bureau of the factories around Tillamook were Any one furnishing definite infor­ and shipped the cream to Portland. Mines to issue licenses in connection also present. After thorough discuss­ mation concerning this case will be Reliable merchandise, decidedly with the law regarding explosives. ion of the matter of continuing mak­ lower prices than those charged else­ Any one buying or selling or having ing cheese, skimming the milk and rewarded. where. A beautiful line in Ladies and shipping cream, shipping whole milk Don’t forget to get that wood saw Misses Coats and Suits and separate in their possession any explosives to Hillsboro or encourage a conden- must report same and get license to at the Standard Feed Co. Four were I Skirts, now selling at reduced prices. —’— use and keep such explosives. They sor to come to Tillamook or the far­ sold last week. i At Golden’s Women's Shop, Tilla- * must also keep accurate account of mers here building and operating a The Civic Improvement Club will mook. how the explosive is disposed of. Ap­ condensor, it was decided to continue The hearing in the matter of the plicants are required by the law to separating milk for the present. It was meet Wednesday, Dec. 12 at the Red application of the Tillamook County appear in person before the licensing reported that a large Eastern concern Cross rooms at 2:30. au- I Mutual Telephone Company for : Lloyd Edwards was in from New­ thority to increase its rates has been officer. A fee of 25 cents is required would build a condensor in Tillamook for each license issued. Clerk Har­ if encouraged to come here, but it was berg to spend Thanksgiving with his I indefinitely postponed and notice will rison reports that he has received but thought that with the reputation Till­ parents and best girl. be given later as to future time and 25 blank licenses but that he has tele­ amook has for its cheese that it would You always save money by getting place of hearing. be best to continue making cheese af­ graphed for more. your flour and feed at the Kuppen- ter the present temporary glut of the ! County Clerk Haritson, teports What is life insurance worth? Stop benuvr Warehouse. John M. Williams acting Adjutant and consider the difference in safety cheese market was over. Hillsboro reported its willingness Special price—Crystal White soap, General, writing that it is desired to of attending a theatre where all care 5c. o bar; $4.65 for 100 bars, Regular afford registrants the opportunity to to accept the shipments from the as­ has been given for fire protection, price $600. Ray & Co. 1 enlist in both the Army and Navy be­ where warmth and comfort have sociation and Mr. Kinzer, general Get your suit pressed or cleaned by tween now and Dec. 15th. All reg­ been well taken into consideration superintendent of the Carnation Milk Products Co., of Seattle, and Mr. thc only Master Dyers and Cleaners, istrants kindly take notice. and where the ventilation is good. Darling, their field superintendent for at Golden’s Women's Shop. 1 Attorneys S. S. Johnson, T. B. After thinking this over, go to the Washington County, came in on Let your wagon be a Mitchell—the Handley and H. T. Botts is a com- Gem theatre where you are assured of Wednesday to confer about probable wagon that has built a monument of , mittcc of attorneys appointed to or- all these attentions. We invite your milk shipments. A certain amount of I Ifame. — — C — If • « ♦-> zs * V See Kuppenbender. ; the Qthcr attorneys of thc inspection of our comfortable and milk can be handled without further ■ Sec our window of Heinzs’ quality county to assist the drafted men to popular photoplay house, also the in­ alterations, but it was thought best if [products. The fullest line in 1 illa- answer the questionnaires they will spection of our projection depart­ the association should decide to make ment, in fact, come and make your [inook. C. O. & C. M. Dawson. be called upor. to fill out. considerable shipments, that some no­ self at home. Since writing the above I Friday night at the Gem 1 heatre, John A. Nelson, guardian of the we have been visited by the Fire tice be given so more facilities could k harley Chaplin comedy “Behind the person and estate of John Larsen vs. be added to the Hillsboro plant. It Warden and a complete inspection of ■Screen”. A regular Gloom chaser. Frank Holmes and wife and Webster the .premises were made. His com­ was felt that any action taken would be only temporary. The factories are I We have a 75 to 100 light dinamo Holmes and wife and T. B. Handley ment on it was "It is fine.” receiving 54c. for the cream now be­ ■or sale. Better s‘ee us before we send I is a suit filed in the circuit court to W. G. Wagy, of the Crystal Laund­ ing shipped to Portland. ■t to Portland.—Coast Power Co. * recover $400.00 on a promissory note ry Company, has just returned from I given by Frank Holmes and wife. For Sale—New modern residence, an extensive trip to Northern Califor­ Those making pledges in the re­ nia looking over land held by the Grand Ronde Road to be Improved. ocated in best residence district. For ¡ale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. cent Y. M. C. A. drive may pay same California Colonization Company and The Yamhill County Court will in­ Furnished ard unfurnished house- to Erwin Harrison, treasurer, and will reports very favorable of the many clude in the budget for next year an receive official receipt from him. Any opportunities before the farmer in teping rooms and rooms with stoves one who desires to give to this good that vicinity. He has purchased forty­ appropriation of $10,000 for the im­ It the Watch Tower building cause and has not had the opportun­ eight acres and will seed and start provement of seven miles of the Till­ A son was born on Dec. 3rd, at Till- ity may pay to the treasurer. farming this fall expecting to move amok road through the Grand Ronde mook, to Mr. and Mrs Arthur N. down in the spring. P. E. Walker, of reservation. Class lessons for beginners in music The State Highway Commissioy lichards, formerly of Cloverdale. the Ramsey Hotel, accompanied Mr. will commence at St. Alphorsus has promised that if Yamhill county See Kuppenbender about building Academy, Nov. 17.- Special classes for Wagy and has opened up an agency will appropriate this amount of mon­ 'our Ford into a first class lji ton children from five to ten years of for the company, and will be in a lints worm drive truck at a small age. No home practice required. No­ position to give any information in ey the state and federal government tation, finger work, time study taught regard to the land in general. He has will give $15,000 each, making a total ost. of $40,000 which, it is estimated, will in pleasing and original ways, terms Light wagon and set double har- and further information on applica­ photos and literature of the differ­ be sufficient to put the road in good ent projects. Any one desiring to less, good as new, for sale cheap. In­ make a change can make necessary condition. quire or write Moroney, Manhatten tion. Born, to the wife of Edward Han- arrangements for trips by calling on Reach, Oregon. A matter of considerable import­ A wonderful line up of regular enkratt, on Saturday, twin sons; to Mr. Walker at the Ramsey Hotel. ance to Tillamook county is the news the wife of Robert Stillwell, on Satur ­ |, rograms at the Gem Theatre every Erwin Harrison says: "The item in item that the Yamhill County Court I reek. Don’t overlook the advertising day, a son; to the wife of E. C. Light­ last week’s Headlight stating that no­ and the State Highway Commission foot, on Tuesday, a girl; to the wife intends improving the Grand Ronde n these. of Leo Blaser, on Tuesday, at Beaver, tice had been served on C. C. Curtis, pastor of the Christian Church, by road. This is the stretch of road in E. T. Haltorn ,has purchased Clyde a son. , the congregation that his services Yamhill county that have given Tilla­ I lements property on 2nd Avenue Amongst those who came in from would not be required after three mook county a black eye, for with the I ast, where the cigar stand is now Fort Columbia last week to spend months, was incorrectly reported. No exception of a few months in the sum­ | icated. Thanksgiving were: A. W icklund, such action was taken by the church mer, was impassable. When the Grand Money to loan on farm lands, from John Imlah, Lloyd Woods, Hoyt or its officers. Mr. Curtis resigned Ronde road is improved people can 500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate Snider, Verne Larson, Tony Borba. after learning that some of the mem­ auto to Portland any time of the year. I interest. We want your business, Ace Haugen, William Thomas. Fritz bers of the congregation were not ee Everson. Bermcrster, Jim Fitzpatrick and Wm. satisfied with his work, he feeling that Wheeler Vote Unanimous. neither he nor the church could do ------ o - ■ Portland, will be in I illamook Dougherty. their best under such circumstances.” Wheeler, Or., Dec. 4—Frank A. Dr. Turner, eye specialist, of There will be services a' the Pres­ A surprise party was given Friday Rowe was re-elected Mayor today by ain Friday and Saturday, Dec. 21 byterian church next Sunday morn­ evening to J. S. Lamar, it being his id 22, at Jenkins’ Jewelry Store. ing. when it is expected that Rev. birthday, when a most pleasant even­ a unanimous vote, with Fred Seeley, Recorder; Elli« C, Madden, treasurer, Don’t forget those busted castings, Levi Johnson will occupy the pulpit. ing was spent. The party consisted and Alexander Anderson, Jr., Ward Immediately after the morning ser ­ mostly of the Lamar families with in be welded for half. Goods sent vice there will be a congregational Mr. and Mrs. S A. Brodhead and Mr. L. Mayer, D. B. Groves, L. L. Lupro, parcel post and express promptly J. A. Jensen and T. R. Blackerby, meeting. In the evening Mr. John»on and Mrs. Thad Robison. turn Hiner & Reed, Tillamook, councilmen. will preach at Clove 1*Q- egon. z »1.50 PER YEAR. "THE SLACKER bers is soon to be started and it is ex- A NATIVE AMERICAN peeled that every businKj man wilt ____ o____ . feel it his loyal duty to "boBg^,” Give Coming to the Gem Theatre Tuesday your dollar which 1 covers initiation I fees and one month’s dues—and give and Wednesday Dec. 11 and 13. , it with a smile. ------ o----- — Emely Stevens, star of Metro's Celebrates Silver Wedding. special production de lux, "The Slack­ er”, written and directed by William . . Christy Cabanne, is mounting steadilv I ^r*day evening Mr. and Mrs. Ira higher in the artistic firmament. G- Lance celebrated the 25th anniver- There is not on thc American stage a saD °* their wedding at the Christian young w oman of more brilliant achie- . G-’lnirch in this city, to which 200 per- vements, or greater promise for the sons lla>' been invited. 1 he wedding future. And "The Slacker” places her ■ ®erelJiony wa* repeated, the Rev C. C. at the zenith of her powers. | ,rV? °H*c'ating. H** bride was at- It is fitting that Miss Stevens should *’re<^ 1,1 w’hite, and carried a bouquet of be chosen to play thc leading role in j flowers, looking only a few years old- this superb photodrama of patriotism, I cr t'lan when the first nuptual knot for she conies of fine old American | was tied. Mr. and Mrs.. 1. A. Porter, stock.. Emily Stevens is a niece of of Oretown, acted as best man and Mrs. FiSke, thc celebrated actress, bridesmaid. After the ceremony the wedding and daughter of Robert E. Stevens and Emma Madden, also priminent party followed the happy couple to players. She made her debaut on the the church parlors, where covers were speaking stage with Mrs. Fisk, play­ laid for 200 persons, the wedding feast ing the part of a maid in "Becky being prepared by the Ladies' Aid of Sharp,” and she remained in her the Christian Church. At the close, aunt’s company several years, playing Erwin Harrison acted as toastmaster, and addresses were made by Attorney and studying stage technique. After winning praise in "Leah H. T. Botts, Smith Elliott, Chester Kieschina,” she was given the leading McGhee, Wm. Foster and M. J. feminine role in “The Devil,” with Smith, all of whom congratulated the George Arliss. Later she appeared in happy couple upon reaching the 25th William’s Locke's "Septimus.” She mile stone of their married life. The Starred in the "Unchristian Women” groom made a few remarks. The “newly-weds" were the receip- in 1915 and 1916, and the early part of 1917, then appearing on Broadway ients of a large number of pretty and in John Galsworthy’s magnificent useful presents. Mr. Lance is a dark in the Tilla­ drama, “The Fugitive.” This star, however has come to the mook Postoffice. We extend our congratulations to full realization of her powers in her motion picture work. She ha« never the young couple with the hope that appeared for any other company than they may continue to enjoy their Metro Pictures Corporation, and for matrimonial bliss and reach their that progressive firm has starred in golden anniversary. “ The Wager,” “The Wheel of the Tillamook Red Cross Committees. Law.” “Destiny, or The Soul of a — “ Woman,” "Cora,” andi'The House of Following are the names of those Tears.” who have been placed on committees Tenth Wedding Anniversary. of the Tillamook Red Cross. Sewing committee—Chairman, Mrs. On Friday evening, ..ovember 30, Fred Beals, Captains, Mrs. David Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hanson celebrat­ Robinson, Mrs. R. W. Kirk and Mrs. ed their tenth wedding anniversary 1. M. Smith. at their hame with the following in­ Finance committee—Chairman, Mrs. vited guests, Mr. and Mrs. Knowles, John Groat, Mrs. Alex McNair, and Mr. and Mrs. Overman, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. S. S. Johnson. Dawson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hoskins, Purchasing committee—Chairman, Mr. and Mrs. Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. T. Botts, Mrs, R. T. Boats, Boquist, Mr. and Mrs. Goeres, Mr. and Mrs. Nelson. and Mrs. Kirk, Mr. and Mrs. Fendall, Membership committee—Chairman, Mrs. Burge, Miss Pruehs and Miss iMrs. J. McGhee, Mrs. Doty, Mrs. Rowena Hanson. Langelle and Mrs. Thad Robison, After a pleasant evening of games Civilian Relief committee—Chair- and dainty refreshments the guests man, Thos. Coats, C. J. Edwards and united in wishing the host and hostess Chester McGhee. many more happy anniversaries. Publicity committee— Chairman, Mrs. Harford. Business Men Hold Meeting. At a meeting of the executive com­ One of the most enthusiastic and mittee of the Tillamook Red Cross profitable meetings ever recorded in on Tuesday, it was asked to name a the annuals of the Tillamook Com­ person to take charge of the drive mercial Club was held on Monday for new members, which is scheduled evening at the club roms, when about for next week, The committee jo. of Tillamook’s representative citi­ thought that it would be best to zens came together to discuss matters handle the drive itself, 'and this was of vital importance to the city and decided upon, with Fred C. Baker to county. have charge of ionic parts of the Attention was called to the Bay­ work. ocean road, special emphasis being ----- o----- laid on the necessity and urgent need '1 he Red Cross is now under work­ for the proper construction of the ing orders from the national society highway to the shipyard. 1 It was through the Portland chapter. 1 .1st brought out in the discussion I that it Wednesday, although it was the day is the duty of every patriotic : citizen before thanksgiving a large number to give his moral support to further of ladies were in attendance. Samples this project, and one of the crying for all garments for hospital service needs of the national government is have been received and were exhibit­ for the speedy construction of boats ed. These garments cannot be taken and the elimination of anything that to the homes but must be made in the would hinder this work. A committee rooms. Knitting can be done in the consisting of H. H. Rosenberg, D. L. homes if desired, rite pieced blocks Sh rode and C. J. EM wards was ap­ that the ladies have been making will pointed to interview the County Court go through the British War Relief to in regard to the road, and it is hoped the French women who will put them that there will be no delay in the together for the poor Belgian chil­ completion of plans which the com­ dren. Those having pieces that can­ mittee intends to lay before that not make the blocks can sen <1 to the body. Red Cross to lie cut and made. Any The recent bond issue and its fail- one having old muslin can help by ure to be reconsidered as legal was a sending it to the roms or leaving it subject of some discussion. The sen­ at Mr. Pennington's store. Commit­ timent expressed was to the effect tees will soon be at work in particu­ that the matter should be taken up lar lines, Auxiliaries have been form­ as quickly as possible to prevent los­ ed at Beaver, Cloverdale with a nu­ ing out entirely. cleus towards one in other settle­ A matter to touch the heart of the ments over the county. These points "tirnbermcn" a re-cruise of Tillamook will receive work and return it finish­ County’s timber was earnestly dis­ ed to the society. Wc noticed that cussed by a number of the members. the work sent in by Tillamook made Why so much timber is under cruised a part of the car load of supplies to and other timber fully cruised is a Washington, I). C. a few days since. mathmatical problem which would Each woman is asked to sign a card doubtless have puzzled Archimedes. stating the day and time she will give A committee consisting of Ben Kup­ to this work. penbender, Claud Dawson, and A. C. Everson was appointed to discuss a recruise with the Tillamook County Obituary of Louis Fleck. Court. Louis Fleck was born in Alsace Just before the meeting closed Ben Kuppenbender called the attention of Lorainne, in the year 1841. His young the club to the fact that if Tillamook manhood was spent in the land of his he served in the cheese is to remain on the pedestal nativity where upon which it has been placed French army. Shortly after he came through years of struggle and labor, to America, and in 1870 settled in an advertising campaign must be Tillamook county, being one of the started and a "cheese day” must be pioneers. W hile here he was married to Miss inaugurated. The club heartily endors­ Elsie Simmons in the year 1876, to the ed his suggestion. The secretary was instructed to union eight children were born, seven sen