TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 29, 1917. 1 < ì SATURDAY, DEC. 1st. To be the Most Wonderful Sales Day Ever Before Known in the History of the BIG STORE. II Never Such a Sale. BEGINNING 10 A.M. SATURDAY. Never Before—Never Again—Have you ever seen, nor will you ever see such a Sale. Women told me that the Sale on Nov. 17 was a regular circus—if that was true, this will be the Worlds Biggest Three Ring Mammo.th Show in Exis­ tence. Don’t Miss It. I will conduct in the Haltom Store the most Colossal, As­ tounding. and Sensational Sale ever before known in the good old town of Tillamook—one that you will remember for years to come. Be here and be on time. Respectfully yours, J. S. LANGHORNE, Manager. Positively for One Day Only. s 'n o Ö $ 4) ■Q 0) q q <0 o b 4) 4) <1 co q o ■C O •i, tJ e 3 v> > S’ 4> * 4J •iu * & o 4) S’ "5 01 4) 4) •q -w o 0 Cl u O -Ki co V o 5 6 i EXPLANATION. These tickets will be be given you as a valued patron of this store. They will be issued to you alone and are not trans­ ferable. They) entitle y)ou to admittance to the Balcony and theSections underneath the Balcony and the privilege of pur­ chasing the bargains shown. jo , UNDERNEATH THE BALCONY. MEN’S SECTION. ADMIT ONE. 3 S- 3 fe c Cb a> 3 £ S GQ td Not of Rummage Goods, but of Merchandise worth while. H > W tì 3 o g YOU WILL SEE lc. tickets on 5c. articles. 2c. tickets on 10c. articles. 3c. tickets on 15c. articles. 4c- tickets on 20c. articles. 5c. tickets on 25c. articles. 7c., 8c., 10c., 15c., 25c., 50c. tickets on articles actually worth 25c. to $2.00 SEE THE WINDOW ! READ THE SALE HOURS ! READ the PRICE TICKETS SEE RUMMAGE SALE WINDOW. Sold on the Balcony to Ticket Holders Only. SENSATIONAL BARGAIN SALES BEGINNING AT 10 AM. AND AT 2 P.M. HERE ARE SOME OF THE ARTICLES THERE WILL BE MANY MORE. 7 yards of fine Dress Ginghams for $1.00_____ 7 yards of splendid white Outing Flannel for *1.00_____ 6 yards of 25c. Curtain Scrims for $1.00. $2.00 Blan­ kets for $1.00_____ yards 81 inch Sheeting, worth 11.50, for $1.00 *6.00 Wool Dress Patterns for $3 00_____ $10.00 Silk Dress Patterns for $5.00_ 3 Pairs of 25c. Hose for 50c._____ $1.00 and $2.00 Waists 50c.______25c. Bath Towels for 10c._____ 25c. to 50c. Lengths of Ribbons 10c.______ 2 yards of 85c. Table Damask for $1.00 Half dozen Napkins for 25c._____ 2} yards of Toweling for 25c ______ Men’s *15JX) Suits $10.00 Men’s *15.00 Overcoats $10.00 Men's Pants 75c. Men’s 16.00 Shoes *3.00 Ladies' $5.00 Shoes $2.00 Men's $1 50 Overalls *1.00 Men’s Work Shirts 35c. Men's 20c. Hose 10c. Men’s Work Sox 5c._____ Boys’ Underwear 25c______ Men's $1.25 and $1.50 Dress Shirts 50c.______ Ladies’ Satin Pumps 45c. Dri-Foot 5c. Men’s Canvass Leggings 35c. Children's Hats 15c Bovs’ Overcoats$2.00 Men’s Leather Work Gloves 35c. SEE THE WINDOWS-They Tell the Story, E J< P» G, •a fai i Su the WCI me 1 pri< en's V insu See A Sale slow Rs the Thea No wood Mutu La: highe and e An matio rewar Dor at the sold la The meet ' Cross Lloy berg t< parents You your fl beniivr Speci 5C- a ba price $6 Get yi the only at Gold« Let y< wagon t fame. Se See ou products, mook. C. Friday Charley Screen”. We hat for sale. J t to Port For Sal located in tale at a 1 Furnish teping roi it the W< A son w imook, to Richards, See Kup our Ford 'm _s won ost. Light wa ess, good ¿“ire or w leach, Ore A won«)« rograms a 'eek. Don' n these. E. T. Hal lements pi •‘st, where Kated. Money to 500 up, Go I interest, re Everson fain Friday d 22, at Je Don’t forgi 'n be weld< ' parcel po: turned. Hie