TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT NOVEMBER 29. 1917. kaiser , proposes to interest me. However, I ABSORB SATAN or for property lost in the military or do I'll . SP°rt and 1,11 tel1 what Hl naval service, or upon powers of at­ o— • ill play you a game of pitch to Comes Back Scorning Abdication and see whether you abdicate or I throw torneys required for bankruptcy cases Claiming Hell's Throne By Right The act provides for the sale of tax you our. In enher event you are wcl- ------ o—■ stamps at postoffices. They may also TVn0 t Pecnianent home with me In reply to Lucifer H. Satan’s letter and 1 11 show you a hel( oi a time be obtained in Portland, at the office published in the Headlight of recent of Milton A. Miller, Collector of In­ date, in which the devil offered to 1 here s no use in old friends quarrel­ ternal Revenue. ing; is there Lucy? abdicate in favor of the kaiser, a re­ Fraternally yours, ply has been prepared attributed to Why Bootleggers Go Free. Kaiser Wilhelm. It follows: \\ ilhclru Imp. _____ ___________ His Mark. Hell, Nov. 1, ¡917 It may be recalled that the bone dry Imp. Lucifer Hotspur Satan: STAMP TAX INTO legislation of 1917 was greeted with My Dear Lucifer—or shall I call EFFECT SATURDAY , the announcement that Oregon now you Lucy for short? Your note of Revenue Producing Plan While War . had the lightest and nearest perfect recent date came to our imperial hand. probition law ever drafted. Lasts Covers Multitude of Prince Albert 10c. a Can. You offer to abdicate the throne of Yet it does not fully prohibit. The Documents. T exedo Hades in my favor would be interest­ 10c. > » acquittal in a bootlegging case Wed­ ----- -o------ ing were it wholly serious; but con­ Velvet - - - The stain tax on legal instruments, nesday is the seventeenth failure to 10c. > » ditions are implied that make it inad­ provided for in the recently enacted ' obtain jury conviction out of eighteen Union^I >eader - 10c. a Package. visable that 1 accept. 1 do not think trials since June I. In many of these war revenue measure, will go into ef­ Pedro, 16 oz. 65c. much of Gehenna anyway. It is a fect Saturday. On and after that date cases, says the trial court, the eviden­ second-class state at best and I would Dixie Queen, 14 oz. 60c. revenue stamps must be affixed to ce was clear and convincing against not care to live there permanently. Gold Shoe, 16 oz. - notes, drafts, deeds, certificates of ■ the defendants. * 65c. As a matter of fact I have made a stock, powers of attorney and other A reason lies somewhere for these Petterson Seal, 14 oz. 60c- splendid start toward a hell of my legal papers. Severe penalties are pro­ seventeen acquittals and disagree­ Union Leader, 16 oz. 60c. own—we call it Bottomless Prussia. vided for failure to comply. ments. Probably the underlying one It has all the modern improvements, Exemptions from this tax are pro­ is that the law is in advance of public such as running hot water, red fire, vided only for bonds, notes or other sentiment in Portland. The law, for cyanide gas, calcium lights, wide open instruments issued by the United example declares that possession of plumbing and vacuum cleaner. At the States, by foreign governments, or by a government liquor license shall be present time we are getting practical­ states and territories, sub-divisions, or prima facie evidence of guilt. That Star 10c. a Cut. 60c. pound. ly all the business and when it comes municipalities; and for stocks and was one of the hard knots tied around Horse Shoe - 10c. a Cut. 60c. * I to a matter of competition it is my bonds issued by co-operative building the bootleggers by the framers of the Climax - - 10c. a Cut. 60c. opinion that we would have you push­ and loan associations which are or­ law. But the average juror will not f • ed off the map. To be perfectly frank ganized and operated exclusively for convict on the presentation of the Spear Head - 10c. a Cut. 60c. >» with you we have considered the ad­ the benefit of their members and defendant’s Government license and Tigar 5c. a Package. visability of taking over your plant make loans only to their shareholders nothing in the shape of intoxicants. about the time it is ripe for bankrup­ or by mutual ditch or irregation com­ It is one thing to write into law that the jury will convict when such and tcy. You are not making expenses, panies. while we are turning them away. 1 he penalty for failing to affix the such evidence or testimony is present­ Everybody says that 1 am a much proper amount of stamps to designat­ ed and another thing to get the jury bigger devil than you ever dared to ed legal documents or papers is fix­ to do it. As the law now reads, a person may be and there’s not a day goes by ed at not more than $100 for each of­ without my picture being in the pa­ fense, while the penalty for fraudu­ retain in his possession lawfully pers. lent use or alteration is fixed at not liquors obtained lawfully before the Y ou may have once thought that more than $1,000, or by imprison­ bone-dry act was adopted. But he you were a hell of a fellow, but you ment five years, or both, in the discre­ may not sell, barter or give them Notice of Sheriff's Sale of Real away. Under a rigid construction it is have nothing on me. Your place is a tion of the court Property. unlawful for a person to receive even back number, and when the time Playing Cards Included. a drink from a neighbor’s lawful Notice is hereby given, that by vir- cC-’.es we will move in and take pos­ Included in the revenue measure and session—if we think it worth while. subject to stamp tax are playing cards stock. The man who has received a tue of a writ of execution issued out It is not usual for Prussians to give which must pay a tax of five cents a smuggled bottle is plainly a law vio­ of the County Court of Tillamook warning or apology. We usually do package; and on parcel post packages lator, as is the other who receives any county, Oregon, on the 7th day of November, 1917, and to me directed, things and then leave it to history to on which the postage amounts to 25 part of it from him. Yet it is a pretty safe guess that no jury could con- upon a judgment rendered on the Ibth explain, but 1 am telling you this be­ cents or more, bearing a I per cent viently be assembled that would not day of December, 1915, and docketed cause of your old-time friendship, and tax for every 25 cents postage or frac­ have among its members several of in and by said court on the 20th day also because 1 realize that you can do tion thereof. No package may be of December, 1915, in a certain action one or the other class. then in said court pending wherein nothing to forestall or prevent our transported until the tax is affixed. With such men the evidence of the Jones-Knudson Furniture Company action. Abdicate in my favor? Why, Following in summary, are the doc­ stool pigeon, the special agent, the you poor old stiff, you have nothing uments subject to stamp tax, and the provocateur, does not set well. It is was plaintiff and M. Illingworth was defendant, said judgment being in to abdicate. You couldn’t float a ljond amount of tax: reported that in one case the com­ favor of plaintiff and against the de­ issue on your plant in a million years. Bonds, debentures, or certificates of plaining witness had drunk six bottles fendant, and by which execution I In the commercial market it would be indebtedness issued on and after Dec. of beer before arresting the person am commanded to satisfy out of the called junk. You have a bunch of 1, 1917, by any person, corporation, from whom he obtained them. Nice property of said defendant the follow­ ancient floorwalkers like Judas, Nero, partnership, or association, on each evidence to present to a possibly ing judgment, to-wit: Ananias, Caligula, Richard Ill. and $100 of face valuation or fraction thirsty jury. .110.35, with interest from the 28th Capt. Kidd that are really driving thereof, of 5 cents. Every renewal of It was not difficult to obtain con- day of November, 1914, at the rate of business away from the place. Talk the foregoing shall be taxed as a new viction of bootleggers under the first 8 per cent per annum, and I have duly levied upon the following des­ about the Huns! Why 1 wouldn’t let issue. prohibition law. They then had no Indemnity and surety bonds, for the shadow of excuse for existence. Any cribed real property of said defendant Attila bring my shaving water. in Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit: If you had a few scouts like Von indemnifying of any person, corpora­ aduld could lawfully import a reason­ The South half of the Northwest Tirpitz, or Von Hindenburg you tion or partnership, or corporation able quantity for home consumption, quarter of the Southwest quarter of might talk on some basis of equality. who shall have been bound or engag­ The new law stopped importations the Northwest quarter of Section 12; They are the boys who bring home ed as surety, and all bonds for the and it seems to have been assumed the Southwest quarter of the North­ the bacon and they are filling our hell due enactment of any contract, obli­ that the fiat of that law would change east quarter, the North half of the with talent of their own creation and gation or requirement, of official lifetime habits and settled appetites Southeast quarter; the South half of development. But while they are fin­ bonds, and to account for money re­ or at least inspire men, no matter the Northwest quarter and the North ished performers, of course 1 am still ceived, 50 cents, Policies for reinsur­ what the agonies of their thirst, to half of the Southwest quarter of Sec­ half of the Southwest quarter of Sec­ the boss of the whole works. It is my ance are exempt from th« tax impos­ block any under ground channels tion 10, and the Northwest quarter of genius and inspiration that has made ed by this subdivision. through which their thirst might be the Southwest quarter of Section It, Capital Stock Taxed. our new hell possible. Hell without quenched. all in Township I South, Range 8 The tax on each original issue of me would be mearly a word. I have Our court system picks its jurors West W. M. capital stock, whether pn organiza ­ Therefore, for the purpose of satis­ made it a torrid reality. Y ou may as at random. It draws not only from well understand first as last that you tion or reorganization, on each $100 abstainers through principle, but from fying said judgment, I will on Satur­ cannot run a hell without some of our or face value or fraction thereof, abstainers through necessity, and it day, the 15th day of December, 1917, Prussian efficiency. In a competitive shall be 5 cents a share, if the actual also acquires jurors from among at the hour of IO o’clock a.m., on said date, at the front door of the Court race with us you would bring up at a value is in excess of $100 a share, the those who fudge on the law when House in Tillamook City, Oregon, tax shall be 5 cents on each $100 of they get the chance. Bootlegging second rate cold-storage plant. sell at public auction to the highest By reason of our former friendship, actual value or fraction thereof. flourishes in Portland because boot­ bidder for cash in hand all right, title Capital stock, sales or transfers, on leggers are willing to take a chance and interest which the within named however, I am willing to reorganize your moth-eaten throne as one with each $100 of face value or fraction for profit and because there is a large defendant had in or to said real prop­ which diplomatic relations may be thereof, shall pay 2 cents, and where element that will buy liquor on the erty on or since the 20th day of De­ maintained. 1 am sending Count von such shares are without par value the sly, law or" no law. The bootlegger cember, 1915, the date of the docket­ Bernstorf! as my ambassador, with tax shall be 2 cents on the transfer or has changed from an unnecessary to ing of said judgment. Also all right, title and interest of all persons authority to make treaties compatible scratch sales, and products or mer­ the only possible source of supply. Four out of seven persons in Port­ claiming under said defendant since with our mutual interests. Under cer­ chandise at any exchange, or board of said date. Said sale will be made sub­ tain circumstances it might be possi­ trade, or other similar place, for fu­ land opposed this change, as shown ject to redemption as provided by ture delivery, for each $100 in value by the vote on the issue. That ratio ble to negotiate a union between our law. crown prince and your Messalina. of the merchandise covered by such embraced the women’s vote, while the Dated this 10th day of November, They might make a good team. He sale or agreement, 2 cents, and for jury panel docs not include women. 1917. W. L. Campbell, may also take on Lucretia Borgia and each additional $¡00 or fractional part The law of averages runs strongly against selection of a dry jury. Law Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. make it a double header. How would thereof in excess of $100, 2 cents. Drafts and checks payable other­ enforcement is not dependent solely it do for me to hook up with one of Notice to Creditors. you. Catherines—this Medici person, wise than by sight or on demand, on police, prosecutors and judges, but for instance? Of course, this would promissory notes, except bank notes upon public sentiment which finds its Notice is hereby given that the un­ only be for the campaign and subject issued for circulation, and for each re­ clearest reflection in jury verdicts.— dersigned has been by the County newal of the same, for a sum not ex­ Oregonian. Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, to cancellation at my will. Count von appointed as executor of the last will Bernstorff is permitted to talk of ceeding $100, 2 cents; for each addi­ The Missing Deacon. tional $100 or fractional part, 2 cents. and testament of James Hughey, de­ these, as well as other matters, and Conveyances, deeds, instruments, or ceased, and lie has qualified as such. has himself hinted to me the advisa­ One of the prominent Deacons in an All persons having claims against the writings, whereby any realty shall be bility of an exchange of transfers. conveyed or assigned, when the con­ Ohio church was seriously ill. As he estate are required to present them This however, would be with the idea sideration or value of any lien or en­ was very popular among the congre­ to the undersigned, together with of the gradual absorption of your hell TILLAMOOK, ORE. cumbrance remaining thereon at the gation, a bulletin board was placed in proper vouchers as required by law, by my own. You must realize my dear at the office of H. T. Botts, Attorney time of sale, exceeds $100 and does front of the church to inform his at Law, Tillamook City, Oregon, Lucifer, that you are getting old. not exceed $500, tax of 50 cents, and condition. It read. within six months from the date of You are not up to our modern meth­ "One o’clock. Deacon Jones very this notice. for each additional $500 or fraction ods and when you wonder around ill.” thereof, 50 cents. Dated November 8th, 1917. with your spiked tail, people on > “Two o’clock. Deacon Jones is Ticket Tax Listed. Wesley Rush, smile in a good natured way and Executor of the last Will and Entry of any goods or merchandise worse and sinking rapidly.” murmur; “Who the devil is her or at any custom-house, either for con­ Testament of James Hughey, “Three o’clock. Deacon Jones is “1 wonder what mischief Satan is up sumption or warehousing, not exceed­ dead.” deceased. • H. T. Botts, A traveling man passing by that to now?” ing $100 in value, a tax of 25 cents;1 Attorney for Executor. You are all right for running a exceeding $100 and not exceeding $500 evening, read the bulletin, and seeing kindergarten, but as the boss ot a in value, 50 cents; exceeding $500 in no one in sight, added at the bottom.” Ata boy I real blood-red, rip-snorting, concert value $1. Entry for the withdrawal of "Seven o’clock. Great excitement in pitch hell, you are mostly rabbit. Y ou any goods or merchandise from cus­ Heaven. Deacon Jones has not yet The kaiser aims the world to own, are altogether too easy. YYhy, un toms bonded warehouse, 50 cents. arrived. The worst is feared.”—Ladies He’d like to boss it all alone, And rule the waves from zone to zone derstand you even shy at cooking Passage tickets, one way or round Home Journal But can the kaiser? children in their own grease. You trip, for each passenger, sold or issu­ ought to have seen the way 1 cleaned ed in the United States for passage He’d like to stamp democracy Notice of Completed Contract them up in Belgium. Women first. by any vessel to a port or place not in Forevermore from land and sea, Well 1 guess yes. Any old way. M e the United States, Canada or Mexico, Notice is hereby given that the And make earth’s motto "Gott und | turned it into a patch of bottomless if costing not exceeding $30, a tax of County Surveyor of Tillamook Coun­ me, Prussia overnight. 1 hat ancient party $1; more than $30 and not exceeding ty has filed in this office his certifi­ But can the kaiser? who ran wicks through Christians $60, tax of $3; costing more than $60 cate for the completion of all work Not much! Your Uncle Sam's the man and used them to light up his grounds a tax of $3. Passage tickets of $10 or under the contract of F. C. Feldschau To knock the tar from such a plan, with Tillamook County for the con- ‘ was a poor fish at thinking up t ,in8S1 less shall be exempt from taxation. struction of the Tillamook Bay City And so, in plain Ameri-can We could show him a few things that It’s CAN the Kaiser! Proxies for voting at any election hardsurface improvement from Sta o would make him green with envy. He for officers, or meeting for the trans­ plus 90 to Sta. 6 plus 71.0 and the | never poisoned a whole regiment 1 action of business, of any incorporat­ Tillamook-Fairview hardsurface im­ Notice of Directors Meeting. gas bombs and he never sank and _ ed company or association, other than provement from Sta. 66 plus 01.58 to cations, and any person, firm or cor- Notice is hereby given that a regu­ Notice of Completed Contract blew up a shipload of women and religious, charitable, fraternal, or lit­ Sta. 87 plus 10.58, according to the poration having objections to lie to quarterly meeting of the directors 1 children with a torpedo from a sub erary socitics or public cemeteries, a plans and specifications. Any person, lar Notice is hereby given that the tl.e final payment on said contract, firm or corporation having objections of • Tillamook Hotel Company will be to file to the final payment on said held at the parlors of the hotel on county surveyor of T’lbmook County may do so within two weeks from the mYouemcan well Lucifer, but you are tax of 10 cents. Power of attorney is taxed at 25 contract, may do so within two weeks Tuesday, the 4th day of December, has filed in this office his certificate dal- of the first publication of thia cents, providing that no stamps shall from the date of the first publication 1917, at seven o'clock in the afternoon for the completion of a’.l work under notice. a slow perform» r. 1 ake a we> . Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. and come over to a real bell, be required upon any papers neces­ of this notice. the contract of Mallory & Jcnck for ' of that day. Tillamook Hotel Company the construction of Blaine bridge show you the time of your life and sary to be used for the collection of ___ First No. publication Nov. 15. I9*7- Erwin Harrison, County Clerk. By P. J. Worrell, President. 6, according to the plans . and specifi-1 Last publication, Nov. 29, 1917. claims from the United States or any First publication Nov. 15, 19:7. you can see what you are up Robert H. McGrath, Sec. YX can discover why your proposi­ state for pensions, back pay, bounty, Last publication, Nov. 29, 19*7. tion to abdicate in my iavor doesn t Why Pay More for your Smoking and Chewing Tobacco or Cigars. Good Havana Cigars—5c. Each. SMOKING TOBACCO: CHEWING TOBACCO Buy your Tobacco from us and save Money. FISHING RODS FISHING TACKLE Spoons, Baskets, Reels, Snells, Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc. Our flies are known to the Sportsmen and are reorginized the finest and best made flies in America. C. I. CLOUGH CO. flbEX. MeNfllR & CO. GENERAL HHRDCUARE Kitehen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. J