TILLAMOOK MARCHIND TROOPS Length of a Day’s Tramp De­ pends on the Methods Used. A HARD WAY AND AN EASY WAY If the Load the Soldier Carries Io Prop­ erly Adjusted It Leeeene the Amount of Energy He Hee to Expend and In- creasee Hie Staying Powere. £, EÄDLIGHT. NOVEMBER 29, 1917. A PLAGUE OF FEAR BIRTHPLACE OF BASEBALL And the Diamond aa First Laid Osit by Abner Doubleday. In the new Delaware sad Hudson station at Cooperstown, N. Y, hangs an oil painting with an Inscription that runs thus: MAJOR GEN. ABNER DOUBLEDAY 1S19-1893 Graduated from West Point, 1842; com­ manded 76th N. Y Civil War Volunteers from Cooperstown. He originated our Nationul Game of Baseball, and It was here tu 1833 that ho laid out the first bale­ ball diamond. So reported the special Baseball Commission in 1907. The decision that Abner Doubleday was the father of baseball and that Cooperstown was its birthplace fol­ lowed a thorough investigation of many clews. The commission, which num­ bered among its members two United States senators and several high offi­ cials of the National and American leagues, spent a long time in complet­ ing the research. At the time of the investigation Ab­ ner Graves, one of tlie original players, was a mining engineer at Denver, Colo. He proved to be the only survivor among those young Cooperstown boys who played so long ago in a village field, conveniently near Greene's se­ lect school. He reported that he saw Doubleday mark off the lines and place the bases and players virtually as they aie Ln baseball today. The game had previously been noth­ ing more than the English rounders, to which buHeball, as now known, bears as little resemblance as drafts to chess. Abner Doubleday, who was then twen­ ty, received his inspiration one day while he was playing rounders, and he lost no time in marking out a dia­ mond with a crooked stick. Later lie blocked out his new scheme on paper, but it is interesting to remember that he tried ft first on Mother Earth. The diamond he drew was thirty yards square. Players, amateur and professional, have come and gone; rule after rule has been modified; under- hund throws aud curved deliveries have arrived; a change has come in the size and weight of the ball, which originally was two and one half ounces of rubber covered with yarn and leather, weigh­ ing six and one-half ounces and meas­ uring ten and one-half inches in cir­ cumference; In the wake of the ball have followed padded gloves, catchers’ mitts, breast pads and masks, but the diamond of today still measures ninety feet along each side.—Youth's Com­ panion. Hit TILLAM08K MUM Offers Unusual Opportunity to Its Readers THE STORAGE BATTERY. It la a Willing Sarvant, but la Dalicata and Require« Cara. Vague Terrors Bar Lots of Folks From Living on the Land. Makes Clubbing Arrangement With The Oregon Farmer I DREAD SNAKES AND INSECTS. Thsy See Dangers and Perils In Coun­ try Life That Do Not Exiat, and So Prefer Crowded Citi««—The Truth About Animal Bitea and Poison«. If you place a tine, twenty-one jewel watch in a tin case you will not expect it to receive very respectful treatment at the hands of any one who dues not know the value of the movement that the case contains. Probably the psychological effect of the rough appearing storage battery box is somewhat the same upon the average motorist. Could be realize the delicacy I of the parts inside and the care and time required in their manufacture and assembly be would be more inclined to treat bis storage battery as be would bis full jeweled watch inclosed in its eighteen carat gold ease. When we consider that this box, oc­ cupying scarcely more than a half of a cubic foot of space, furnishes the cur­ rent that takes the place of back break­ ing crank turning, that lights the head­ lights, ignites the spark and operates the horn, we will be impressed with the fact that it is indeed the very esseuce of concentrated power. But this power cannot be delivered unless it is properly stored. In other words, the storage battery is not a power producer, but rather a power reservoir. This reservoir is filled at a certain moderate rate by means of the generator, which should operate when­ ever the engine of the car is in motion. If we look upon the generator as sup­ plying a small, steady stream of cur­ rent to the reservoir and consider that the starter represents a drain on this reservoir comparable to that prevailing when the stopper is removed from the waste pipe of a wash bowl we will un­ derstand the reason for the statement of the battery manufacturer to the ef­ fect that the current demanded for one minute’s operation of the starter re­ quires at least twenty minutes’ normal running of the car for full replacement. This fact will also possibly serve to ex­ plain why adjustments of the carbu­ retor and spark plug making for easy starting of the engine add to the life of a battery through the elimination of undue strain caused by the starter. The storage battery is a willing serv­ ant and will deliver as much or as little current as is required. It will give up its last ounce of strength in a vain ef­ fort to crank and start a stiff and balky engine until there is scarcely power enough remaining to furnish the tiny current necessary for the formation of the spark of ignition.—H. W. Slauson in Leslie’s. MONG our large circle of readers Fears of injury and even death from There are two things, and two things there are a great many who are in­ snake bite, terror occasioned by dangers only, which determine the length of a terested directly or indirectly in imaginary and unseen, keep many nerv­ day's march for a soldier. The first is fruit growing, dairying and other ous people from living on the land, and the umount of actual labor or mechan­ these senseless fears play a larger part branches of farming. All of these ical work done while marching, the than most people imagine in keeping naturally wish to keep in close touch with ag­ second is the degree of even distribu­ people huddled in apartment houses, tion of this labor among the chief mus­ ricultural activities throughout the state; crowded into towns and cities. And cles used in performing labor. Now, and to know about any fight which is being the cost of living soars and soars. labor, or work, is simply the product of waged for the measures Oregon farmers Snake and insect poisoning terrorizes the force overcome and tlie distance want and against all sorts of schemes that millions of well meaning meu and wom­ through which it is overcome. The are detrimental to the people and agricultural en, when, as a matter of fact, dan­ forces to be overcome are by no means interests of this state. ger from falling while running the confined to the weight of the man and lawn mower is much more real. Fear his pack. Many other forces are called We have, therefore, made a special clubbing seems to become a obsession, and the into play in the course of a day’s arrangement with THE OREGON FAR­ word "deadly" creeps into conversation xunreb. MER whereby any farmer or fruitgrower, at every verse end. The rattlesnake is To illustrate, suppose the marcher who is one of our regular subscribers and who "deadly.” The copperhead and moc­ bus to carry a five pound weight on the casin are "deadly.” So is the wholly is not now a subscriber to THE OREGON end of a five foot stick. Suppose be mythical puff udder. In hardly less FARMER, will be entitled to receive THE places tliis stick across his shoulder degree is the tarantula "deadly,” while OREGON FARMER in combination with with four feet behind him and one foot varying lethal capacities are ascribed this paper at the same rate as for this paper in front. By the simple exercise of bad to the centipede, the scorpion, the kiss­ alone. Judgment be multiplies the weight of ing bug and sundry other forms of in­ his load by four; he has to pull down sect life. Pseudo science to the con­ This offer applies to all those who renew or continually with a force of twenty trary notwithstanding, there is no liv­ extend their subscriptions as well as to all pounds, and the shoulder must contin­ ing thing within the boundaries of the new subscribers. If you are interested di­ ually push up with a force of twenty- United States of America whose bite or rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, live pounds, all on account of that five- sting is sure death or I with one possi­ pound load which is carried on the end do not miss this unusual opportunity, but ble exception) even probable death. of the stick. send your order in now. There are five varieties of venomous Another way in which energy may serpents in the country, three of them THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm be wasted is somewhat more subtle Crotalids and two belonging to the paper which is devoting itself exclusively and perhaps a bit harder to understand, elaps family. The elaps are rare. The but of equal or greater importance. to the farming activities and interests of crotalids (rattlesnake, moccasin and It lies in the principle that work has to Oregon. It has a big organization gath­ copperhead) are common and of the lie done whenever u mass of any kind ering the news of importance to farmers, widest geographical distribution. Yet. is changed in its motion. It takes more dairymen, fruitgrowers, stockraisers and on the basis of actual evidence, the energy to start a street car, for in­ amazing fact stands out that only poultrymen; and it has the backbone to at­ stance. than to run it at uniform speed, about eighty persons, so far as is ascer­ tack wrongful methods and combinations and it takes more energy to make its speed tainable, have ever died from snake bad legislation, and support honest leaders a little faster than to maintain it at the bites in the United States. and beneficial measures. We are confident last speed—that is, whenever a body Be it remembered that death follow­ that our readers will congratulate us on our is given an acceleration a new force ing snake bite is not necessarily the being able to make this splendid and at­ bus to lie used. Now, every time u sol­ same thing as death from snake bite. dier bobs up and down when walking tractive clubbing offer. Error in treatment plays no small part be has to start the weight of his body in vitiating the statistics. For “error" and pack and gun upward and let them TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, 1 yr $1 50 read "whisky.” Whoever is primarily down again. To do this uses up more responsible for the hoary superstition energy than simply to keep them mov- OREGON FARMER, 3 years - $3.00 tiiat liquor in huge doses is useful in Man Eating Sharka. A CITY OF MANY SIEGES. big up or down. In the one case only snake poisoning has many a life to an­ All of the trained and experienced ob­ • lie pull of gravity has to be overcome, swer for. A whole bottle of raw w’his- servers witli me agreed in saying that $4.50 In the other the inertia of the soldier’s Vardun Has Figured In Wars Since ky forced down the throat of a man un­ near our coast line there was but little th« Tima of Caesar. head and body. And the faster this is accustomed to alcohol is pretty likely danger from sharks for a man swim­ Byi Our Clubbing arrangement, The first appearance of Verdun In the done the more energy is used up per to kill him and is absolutely certain to ming. Accidents do occur, but they are step. Hence it is that a slow walk can pages of history was in the time of cause grave poisoning. wholly exceptional—unlike what is true both for........................ * . $1.50 be maintained, not merely for a longer Julius Caesar, who established at Vero- Fully as much terror attaches, in the in the Indian ocean and around Austra­ time than a fast one, but for a longer dunum, as it was then called, a maga- country districts, to the puff adder or lia. The white shark is undoubtedly a «lne for bls legions. distance on a stretch. sand viper as to the rattlesnake or cop­ man eater, and Coles, who Is probably The Germans first attacked Verdun . Under the principle outlined above perhead. This is a suggestive bit of more competent to pass judgment on would come the loss of energy due to in the sixth century, when the Franks superstition, since there's no such thing the question than any other man in the all swinging articles, such as bayonet from the northwestern part of Ger­ as au adder or viper on the western United States, believes that the four scabbards, tin cups, tassels, etc. These many took possession of the town. By ' Governor’s Thanksgiving Proclama- the bounties and blessings and liber­ hemisphere and never has been one, bathers killed and partly eaten off the tion. have to be put ill motion, then Jerked the famous treaty of Verdun, made on i ties which have been bestowed upon unless it came carefully pickled in a New Jersey coast in the summer of back and stopped by bodily contact, this date in the year 843, Verdun form­ us and upon our commonwealth. jar. What passes for the supposedly 1910 were all victims of one rather Proclaiming Thursday, November then put in motion aguln. All this con­ ed purt of the dominions of Lothaire. In testimony whereof, I have here­ deadly reptile is the common hog nosed small straggler of this formidable spe­ sumes energy, and work has to be done. It was taken and annexed to the Ger­ - 29, as Thanksgiving day in Oregon, unto set my hand and caused the great or bull snake. It is about as dangerous cies. When this straggler was cap­ Again, any weight on the breast of a man empire in 939 by Otho I. and plac­ . Governor Withycombe issued the fol- seal of the State of Oregon to be af­ as an infuriated rabbit. But it puts up tured it was found that there were hu­ soldier or a tight coat or shirt, lias to ed under tlie temporal authority of the 1 lowing proclamation: fixed this, 22nd day of November, one of the best "bluffs" known to nat­ man bones and flesh in it. and with its b«» overcome every time he breathes. bishops. The year 1917 has visited a great 1917. ural history. capture all attacks on swimmers ceas­ Verdun surrendered to France in And the deeper ills chest expansion the 1 cloud upon us, but so many rays of James Withycombe Diseased imagination could invent no ed.—Theodore Roosevelt in Scribner's. more work he has to do with his breast 1553, but was not formally ceded to > sunshine arc cast across the dark val­ ________________ Governor. creature more horrific of appearance every time lie takes a breath. This France until nearly a century later. ley through which we are now pass­ than the tarantula. Its bristling and The Flag at Trenton. amounts to un enormous total during a I hiring the French revolution. In 1792. ing, and so many blessings promise to hostile aspect, the swift ferocity of its The flag "that Washington had with day's march. A loose coat and under­ the citizens of Verdun opened tlieir ' come from the ultimate victory, which Ornamental Fire Places Built rush, its great size and its enthusiastic him when he crossed the Delaware to clothes will cause him to travel with gates to the Prussians ufter a bombard­ must be ours, that we should join of Brick and Stone. All Fire preference for combat as against flight attack Trenton" was not the Stars less expenditure of energy. It must be ment of a few hours. The French com­ more unitedly and more reverently Places absolutely guaranteed are sufficient to account for the fear and Stripes. Washington crossed the not to smoke or money re­ remembered that this is actual energy mandant committed suicide and the ' than ever before as we again render and respect in which it is generally Delaware in December, 177G, and the funded. used up. taken from the store of en­ revolutionary government executed a thanksgiving unto him who guides held. But, though several species of Stars and Stripes did not have an ex­ Brick work of all kinds done ergy available to inarch with. number of others who shared the re- the destinies of continents and na­ the huge spider are native in the United istence until the June of 1777. when it on short notice. sponsibility for the ignominious sur ­ Besides the up and down motion of a tions, states and individuals. States and others frequently drop out was voted into being by the congress. We make a specialty of re­ soldier while marching, he sways from render. including fourteen girls who ' We should not only express our of banana bunches from South and The flag that waved over General pairing smoking Fire Places. side to side. Every article he is carry­ had offered flowers to the Prussian deepest gratitude to divine providence Central America, to the discomfiture of Washington on bls way to and from ing aud his own body are thus started monarch. The Prussians were driven for a bountiful harvest of the fruits of the unsuspecting grocer, no authentic Trenton consisted of thirteen stripes, and stopped in this swaying direction out after having held the town forty­ the soil, and the blessings which come instance of death from tarantula poi­ alternate red and white, as at present, also. Thus energy is used up. Now, three days. from the industrial activity, but wc son in this country is obtainable. with a blue canton emblazoned with The Teutonic hosts again swooped should also be extremely thankful to the upper part of Ills laxly sways fur­ In some sections of the country the the crosses of St. George and St. An­ ther than does the lower part, so if the down upon Verdun in 1870. Unable to our divine father for the true spirit of TILLAMOOK ORE spider hysteria prevails. People shiver drew. as in the British flag. The first pack there must be, the heavier part take the town by direct assault, they patriotism which characterizes our every time they see a spider. Yet in time the present Stars and Stripes were Invested and bombarded it, and the of it should be placed Just as low down all the United States there is known but flung to the breeze was on the day of citizenship in this terrible hour the trunk as is convenient or comforta­ French, after a brave defense, surren­ of national peril. one poisonous spider. Strangely enough, the battle of Oriskany at Fort Stan- May we, there­ ble. The heavier articles should also dered the fortress with 4,000 men and fore, mingle with our thankfulness the one dangerous spider on the ■ wlx. Aug. 0. 1777.—Exchange. Ko as close to the back as possible, so large stores of ammunition. Verdun for the material blessings bestowed American continent is small, obscure I as not to Increase the leverage on the was the last place abandoned by the by our heavenly father our most and practically unknown. Latrodectus I The Origin of “Usher." Germaus, the troops retiring in Septetn straps holding the pack to the body. mactans is its scientific name. It is Speaking of ushers, I learned an in­ earnest prayers for divine guidance as To sum up then: The gun should be her, 1873.—New York World. about the size of a large pea, black, teresting thing from an English man­ patriotic Americans toward a success­ carried with its center of gravity just with a red spot on the back—a useful ager. He told me that in the old days ful solution of a world’s democracy, a wee bit behind the shoulder, so as Difficulties of Mining. danger signal—and spins a small web the theater men used to sit around ta­ and the ultimate establishment of a Michigan Lady Suffered Such Paint to balance the weight of the hand and Every time a ton of anthracite coal bi outhouses or around woodpiles. But bles and drink during a performance, forearm which keeps it steady (this is and rock Js hoisted from a mine an permanent peace between nations and few specimens have ever been identi­ and if they became boisterous or annoy­ of good will among men. In Back and Head, But Say» the usual practice, lie it said); the pack average of eleven tons of water must fied in this country. ing the manager sent waiters down to Each American is today privileged should l>e as compact as possible, close t>e pumped from the mine. The only insect which really kills is hush them bp. These men were offi­ Cardui Stopped These as never before in all history, to serve fitting to the back, th«* heavy articles It takes about the same amount of the mosquito, yet less fear is expressed cially kuown as bustiers, but as a cock­ tightly packed in the lowest available power to pump fresh air into a mine as and to assist in preserving, not only about its activities than about any oth­ ney cannot say his h’s—where they be­ Bad Spells. his own country, but he has for the space; no swinging articles should lie It does to hoist the coal out of it. er poison carrying insect or snake. long—they became known as ’ushers!— first time a chance also to serve the allowed, not even tassels; the coat In some mines witli long drifts the Compared with the mosquito as a real Rob Wagner in Saturday Evening Post. across the breast should be loose fitting, car hauls may be as much as fifteen world and humanity at large in the Palmyra, Mich.—Mrs. Chas. T. Ful­ menace, all the combined brood of as should also the underclothes; a slow miles per round trip.—National Engl- preservation and extension of justice Camouflage Not Now. ler, of this place, writes: “In 1911 I snakes, scorpions, centipedes, tarantu­ and liberty, rich gifts which have long gait should be used; ns small a rise and neerlng. las and other pet bugaboos of our child­ The art of camouflage is nothing new got run-down, and I suffered great been ours to enjoy. fall as possible of the body should be ish romauticism are utterly negligible to the American Indian, as the Chris­ As Oregonians we should feel es­ pain... with both dull and sharp —are as figments to reality, as shadow indulged in and ns short a sway as pos­ Preserving the Pumpkin. tian Science Monitor points out. Ages sible To the above may l>e added that In colonial days pumpkins were par­ pecially proud and thankful that this shooting pains...also back and head. to substance. ago, comparatively speaking, before he I was weak and could only drag state has stood so nobly at the fore ­ the shoes should not have stiff soles, ed. cut in thin strips of convenient size A clear understanding of these popu­ and should have been in bed, lar fears and superstitions would aid j had hoi rd anything about firearms, he for every time the sole of a shoe is bent and dried for future use In “punkin" front of the Nation in all patriotic around, was accustomed to steal unobserved on for I really wasn't able to be up. At «energy is used up. bread and “ptinkin" pie. This custom matters arising out of the world war. times I would have spells that would greatly in giving assurance of safety ' a herd of buffaloes by the simple device To decrease the rise and fall of the is one that we should Imitate. Squashes Though our hearts may be sad as we be so bad I'd have to go to bed, and to the man or woman who would till of decking himself out with a buffalo the soil, who would work in the open skiu and horns. If that wasn’t a resort body in walking the old "Indian walk" and sweet potatoes, when they show say goodby to Oregon’s splendid sons suffered Intensely... us«>d by some surveyors Is useful. It signs of s|x>tting, may be preeerv«Ml by who are offering their very blood to I decided to try Cardui, and saw a fields, who would live tn the country.— to camouflage, what was it? consists In slightly crooking the for­ tlie same metlnxl.—Good Housekeeping their country’s cause, we should be great Improvement in less than a Los Angeles Times. consoled and gratified that each of us month’s time. I used 7 or 8 bottles ward knee as the body is shoved for­ Spartan Training. in sonic way, however indirect and in­ and was stronger...! got so mnch ward on to the front foot.—Philadel­ A Lost Friend. He Was Posted. “Why is it that ail the old lawyers better that my strength returned and phia Press. “I’m up against it. I like Brown are prosperous?" "How old are you?” asked a little boy cidental, is called upon to exert an my work was easy for me. Cardui did influence on the side of democracy in me a world of good. It built me up in very much, but I see no way now to of his mother's caller. “Weil, a lawyer has to learn to live Lithium a Soft Metal. •‘Willie." said ills mother sharply, the struggle against military auto- health and strength. I haven't had one avoid losing his friendship." on nothing for the first three or four "What’s the matter?" of those bad spells since. I haven’t Lithium is a sliver white, very soft “you must not ask a lady a question cracy. years. Naturally, when the money does "He has asked me to lend him I begin to come in. it is all profit.”— Now, therefore, I Jamcs Withy- had to take any more medicine since metal, which forms the oxide or some like that; ft Isn't polite.” or have any doctors either and have money. If ’ refuse he’ll hate me; if I 1 Louisville Courier-Journal. other salt on exjiosure to the air and “Why, mamma,” returned the young­ combe, Governor of the State of Ore­ which decompose.« water, forming the ster. "she isn't supposed to tell the gon, by virtue of the authority in me been able to do my work right along lend it to him 1 shall hate him.”—De­ ...I recommend It to other women troit Free Press. hydroxide of lithium For the** ren- truth.”- Boston Transcript. vested, and following the time hon­ highly as the best medicine I know A Practical Ona. •ons metallic lithium doca not occur In ored custom of the Governors of the of for women who suffer from female "Have you any theories as to s*lf uature. Compounds are called lithium several states in joining with the trouble.” All He Could Stand. Real Norve. ’ help?” carbonate. lithium phosphate, lithium If you suffer from female troubles, Wife—Tom. 1 want J20 for pin mon­ "Matt sure has got nerve, hasn't he?" President of the United States, do “Certainly. Mine is to help yourself •llicate. etc. The chemical products de "I guess yes. The other day he asked hereby proclaim Thursday, November follow this advice. Get a bottle of ey. Hub—Great Scott! Here it is. but to anything In sight you can.”—Balti­ Cardui today and give ft a thorough rived from lithium minerals have found an automobile salesman for a sample." 29. 1917, as Thanksgiving day; and I I’m darned glad you don’t want to buy more American. trial. It should help you. as It has application in military affairs. ’ — Isi n>l>. call upon the people of Oregon to helped thousands of other women In spikes.—Boston Transcript pause from their labors in a spirit of the paat 40 ytara. At all druggists. Beware of bad beginnings. He who Pessimism Is productive of paratyata prayerfulness, and to give thanks to Ilcaven take« care that no man KB-14 ' Friend« beeotne foes aud foes are does not take the first wrong step will rec>'. I -Latin. aud stagnation. cures happiness by crime.—Altieri. k Almighty God whom we worship for Beier take the second. A RALPH E. WARREN, DULL AND SHARP SHOOTING PAINS