TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 29. 1917. 1 RUSSIAN SACRIFICES SAVED life sentence for high treason. He dis­ the stamina of the men of Russia and To the Taxpayers of the Port of Til­ mantled Warsaw under a pretex that the nation in that 1915 retreat is the lamook, Oregon. U. S. FROM GERMAN PERIL. Russia sacrificed 500,000 men defend­ brightest story in morale, courage o----- ------ o------ 3,500,000 Men Died While World ing it. You wonder why the Germans and tenacity in the history of the At a meeting of the Board of Com­ Made Ready for War. missioners of the Port of Tillamook, were able to take that great fortress world. of Grodno in such quick order. Suk­ "From May until December, 1915 I Oregon, held on the 24th day of No­ If Russia is out of the war Ameri­ omlinof had left the design with the lived in nothing but the atmosphere vember, 1917, the following estimate ca must supply the man power. We German engineer who built the fort­ of disaster. Retreats, burning villages and budget of the receipts and dis­ must put not 500,000, but 10,000,000 ress and that engineer was on Hind­ and roads congested with refugees bursements of said Port for the year men in Europe. Instead of sending enburg’s staff. became the daily round of my existen­ 1918, were ordered publiched as re­ 500,00 men to France we will bury “Whenever German trade extended, ce, yet after every disaster which took quired by law. 1,000,000 men there. Few realize *» you found the spy system. Factories place in those three years I have seen Receipts. here, but if Russia is out of the war ha 1 wireless apparatus on their roofs the Russians recuperate, make a stand Balance on hand January, not 20 per cent of our first army in and subterranean telephones in their and ultimately come back. There are 1918, after paying outstand­ France will ever come out of France! cellers. Sugomlinof saw to it that the now new political factors in the war ing liabilities .......................... $2,101.84 The government alone cannot win the Russian war plans never conflicted which make estimates more uncertain Proceeds of levy of two mills fight. This is not Wilson’s war, but with the German. But there was a slip The greatest factor, however, which on the dollar of the estimated yours. You buy the shells and your in this pro-German plan. The czar, has made the recuperation of the Rus­ assessed valuation of the sons die on the battlefields. It is not who was not pro-German, would not sian army possible during the first Port............................................ 2,331-40 some distant phenomenon like the name the general Sukomlinof wanted three years of chaos was the charac­ canals on Mars, to which you give and named the Grand Duke Nicholas, ter of the Russian soldiers themselves Total ................................ $4,433-24 perhaps 10 per cent of your thought. who accepted only when assured that and this has Disbursements: not fundamentally It must have 90 per cent of all our none but the czar would dictate to changed in the last six months. The Sum required for engineering thought. We must search the inner­ him. That started a clevage which military misfortunes of this summer department for maintenance most recesses of our mind and make continued throughout the war. have been largely due to weak links in of Channel .............................. $3,500.00 every man we send into the fight cer­ "When France was invaded, the the chain rather than in weakness of Repairs and maintenance of tain that the united and unanimous grand duke invaded east Prussia. The the lines as a whole. The losing of dredge ...................................... 500.00 backing of every individual in the kaiser appearing in Unter den Linden certain salient points held by troops Incidental expenses for man­ country is behind him.” to laud his victories in France and his whose morale had been destroyed by agement of Port .................... 433-24 In an clequcnt address on the Rus­ audience was made up of the refugees the vicious German prapaganda sian situation that brought an over­ from East Prussia. This created an brought about local disasters which Total.............................. $4,433-24 flow crowd in the hall of the Doges acute political situation. forced general retirement. The fact Please take notice, that a meeting to its feet frequently to cheer and ap­ “Ten days before the battle of the that German advances, up to this of the Taxpayers of said Port of Till­ plaud, Major Stanley Washburn of Marne the Germans transferred six writing, have during this period .been amook, Oregon, is hereby called to the United States army, touring the army corps from the west to the east finally checked by the Russians, is meet at the City Hall in Tillamook, country with the Russian mission, and Paris was saved. The Germans, sufficient evidence to indicate that Oregon, on the 12th day of Decem­ Saturday portrayed conditions as they utilizing to capacity their wonderful the bulk of the army remains in mor­ ber, 1917, at the hour of to a.m.. for exist in Russia today, and pointed out system of railroads, were able to ale and in character as before, which the purpose of discussing the said es­ the effect on the United States if any make a concentration of troops in the even political chaos and the destruc­ timate and budget. separate peace which would eliminate east, which almost annihilated the tion of desciplinc have not been able By order of the Board of Commis­ that country from the European Russian army in East Prussia. The to alter clcmentallly. sioners. struggle. Russians Come Back Strong. Russians accepted this disaster with C. W. Miller, Followed Russian Campaign. ‘After six months of continuous de­ extraordinary complacency on the (Seal) C. W. Miller For three years Major Washburn ground that it was their contribution feat I saw these Russians came back Sec. Fo.-t of Tillamook. followed 15 different Russian armies to the war, and if they had saved and stop the most efficient army the and covered 80 different battles on Paris their losses were quite justified. world has ever seen. What does all Notice of Sheriff’s Sale. the eastern front as war correspond­ “Later in the fall, when the Ger­ this mean here in America?—that ent of the London Times. Later he mans were making their terrific drive 2,500,000 peasants died in Russia? In the Circuit Court of the State of was attached to the American mission on Calais, in their effort to strike Without that sacrifice America today in Russia, headed by John F. Stevens, more directly on England, the grand probably would be facing Germany Oregon for Tillamook County. and with the American diplomatic duke again launched a new and unex­ alone, with no British fleet and no Merchants National Bank, a corporation, Plaintiff mission headed by Elihu Root. In his pected campaign on Germany, this French line, and instead of meeting to vs. present party are A. J. Sack, director time advancing from his base on buy Liberty Bonds would be meeting of the Russian information bureau, Warsaw and striking at the enemy today to subscribe $20,000,000,000 in­ Walter A. Goss, and Rebecca C. Goss, his wife, and Albert New York, and Lieutenant Comman­ from the Polish frontier. Again the demnity to Germany. That this is not S. Goss, and Minnie H. Goss, der Baso Hwoshinsky of the Russian Germans were obliged to divert huge so we owe to the 3,000,000 moujiks his wife, Defendants navy, who saw three years service in bodies of troops to meet this menace who were the product of 1915. By virtue of an execution, judgment the infantry of the army to which he “German spies have spent $50,000,- order, decree, and order of sale, is­ of the Russian invasion. By Decem­ was transferred, Major Washburn ber 1 the Russians had been driven 000 in bribes in l’etragrad. Our ally is sued out of the above entitled court, told how Lieutenant Hwoshinsky on back to the Bzura line outside of not Petragrad, but the 150,000,000 in the above entitled cause, to me the Stockhod had gone into action Warsaw. It is true that they had suf­ people in Russia. Despite chaos in directed and dated the 23rd day of with 3500 men in the afternoon and at fered reverses, but it had taken 16 their rear and the Germans in front, November, 1917, upon a judgment 6 o’clock one officer and 135 men re­ German army corps to drive them and the knowledge of each Russian rendered and entered in said court on mained, but they had reached the last soldier that he could come and go as the 9th day of May, 1917, in favor of back and Calais was saved! German trench and had captured 50 he wished, 3,000,000 of them of their Merchants National Bank, a corpor­ Gave Great Britian Time. guns. Hwoshinsky was the one offi­ ‘Time is the essence of every enter­ own violation have remained in their ation, plaintiff, and against Walter A. cer. At the statement the crowd was prise and these events gave the Ang­ trenches on the east front and they Goss, and Rebecca C. Goss, his wife, on its feet cheering the brave office.r lo Saxon mind time to understand have kept 147 German divisions of Albert S. Goss, and Minnie H. Goss, We Must Realize Problems. the German point of view. It is as 2,500,000 men there. Otherwise, these his wife, defendants, for the sum of “Now that we are engaged actively German armies would have been at­ $4750 with interest at 8 per cent per in war it becomes a matter of para­ tangible as the law of graviation in tacking on the west front. That annum from the 10th day of August, physics.. It is absolutely fallacious— mount importance that each individ­ would have set the war back a year. 1915; and the sum of $250 with inter­ that materialism is the basis of na ­ ual realize and understand the factors Real Russia is For War. tional progress, bolstered up by a est at 6 per cent per annum from the that are operating if we are to carry “Petragrad is in the hands of trait­ 9th day of May, 1917, and the sum of philosophy that says might, be right, the struggle to a successful conclu­ ors,” he declared. "Russia is not out sion.” said Major Wasrburn. "There the end justifies the means and neces­ of the war. If you could hear her real >325.60 with interest at 8 per cent per is much uncertainty in Russia. The sity knows no law. It is demonstrated voice you would change your mind. annum from December 20, 1916, and elemental and essential requirements in the German artillery order direct­ These traitors will be shot. The true the further sum of $17.35 costs and of the conduct of the war are not en­ ing the commander to shoot down his Russian hates a separate peace. My disbursements and the costs of and tirely guns and material, but the ele­ own men if they came between his people felt that their country needed upon this writ commanding me to ments that make for morale, stamina guns and the enemy providing lie them at the beginning of the war and make sale of the following described could get two of the enemy for each real property, to-wit: and capacity for sacrifice. this feeling has never changed. This of his own men; in the reduction of The East half of the Southwest “In all wars there must be the ebb war means life or death to my country and .flow of victory and defeat. We the bodies of their fallen dead into No group of traitors can ever change quarter and the West half of the Southeast quarter of Section seven­ must steel ourselves for this ebb and animal fats! “That it is a fallacy is shown in the this feeling. This is our hour of trial, teen (17) in Township Six (6) South keep our minds on an even keel and but Russia will never stop fighting not allow the vicissitudes to shake our fact that no country was ever built on until there is a long and lasting range ten (to) west of the Willamette Meridian, in Tillamook County, Ore­ such a basis. Great Britian and France faith. The greatest attribute for the peace.” gon. successful prosecution of the war is are world powers, but not on a basis Now Therefore, by virtue of said faith—in the cause and in our allies. of materialism, but on those tenets AMERICAN MOLESKINS SU­ I saw the character of these same without which no nation can endure— PERIOR TO EUROPEAN PELTS execution, judgment order, decree and order of sale and in compliance with Russians in Manchuria and it is not a morals, ethics, equity and justice. It is matter of coincidence or speculation immaterial what started this war. Mole-Trapping Industry Should be the commands of said writ I will on Saturday the 29th day of December, that 1 saw the same character in the This war is a test on a world wide Developed say Biologists of 1917, at the hour of 10 o’clock a.m. at Russian armies on the eastern front scale to determine which is the true United States. the front door of the County Court spirit of progress—the material or in this war. House in Tillamook, Tillamook Coun­ “The war there has been a prolong­ those simple, abstract things without American moleskins, particularly ty, Oregon, sell at public auction which we cannot live. ed tragedy—a succession of victory, “Germany is striking at the spiritual those from the Pacific Northwest, are (subject to redemption), to the high­ defeat, revival, political disturbances, and intellectual lives of generations superior to the moleskins of Europe est bidder for cash in hand, all the chaos, revival and defeat again for which largely make up the world sup­ three long years. Having gone yet unborn. The Germans never have ply for industrial uses, according to right, title and interest which the within named defendants had on the had one chance to win — not in one through all these things, my abiding biologists of the United States De­ 10th day of Dec< tidier, 1914, the date faith in the Russian character is such year or 25 years. “In the early part of 1915 Germany partment of Agriculture. It should be of the mortgage hflein foreclosed, or that rumors that Russia is out of the profitable’, therefore, the boilogists war has no more effect on my mind found that Russia was not being de­ declare, to trap these animals for since that date had in and to the above described property or any part livered as bought — that it was a per ­ than a pebble cast into the ocean. petual thorn in the flesh and drew a their pelts and so establish a new thereof to satisfy said execution, Asks Sympathy for Russia. American fur industry. This is true “My mission in this country at this surplus of troops that meant the dif­ particularly in the Northwest, where judgment order and decree, interest time is, first, to enlist your sympathy ference between an offense and de­ the animals are large and plentiful, costs and accruing costs. and support for Russia, based on fense. Germany then struck to break and where it is often desirable to keep Dated this 23rd day of November, 1917. what Russia has done in the war and down Russia. • W. L. Campbell, “Austria-Hungary is the keystone of their numbers down to prevent in­ to demonstrate beyond a peradven- jury to fields and lawns. Such a new turc of a doubt what it means to all German strategy. With Austria- industry should be especially desira­ Sheriff of Tillamook County, Oregon. America if Russia is forced out of the Hungary eliminated Germany is cut ble for farmers’ boys as a side issue, First publication, Nov. 29, 1917. Last publication, Dec. 27, 1917. war through the lack of moral, ma­ off from a large part of her supplies. it is pointed out. If Austria is threatened Germany terial and sympathetic support. The habits of American moles are “The expression of national genius must drop everything else and go to described and methods of capturing TESTED AND PROVEN her aid. The present drive into Italy is always through its government. them and treating and marketing Russia with its 180,000,000 people and shows how serious the Italian ad­ their skins are outlined in a farmers' There is a Heap of Solace in Being Able to Depend Upon a Well- vast resources, has never thought the vance against Austria had become. Bulletin, "Trapping Moles and Util­ Earned Reputation. old regime been able to express itself Without Austria Germany would not izing Their Skins,” recently issued by For months Tillamook readers have in terms of military efficiency. Before last six months. "By June of 1916, when the Ger­ the United States Department of Ag­ seen the constant expression of praise the war every public office of the bu­ riculture. The publication also offers for Doan's Kidney pills, and read reaucracy was at the pleasure of the mans were assembling troops for suggestions for the tanning of the about the good work they have done some other strategic aim, Brusilloff emperor or his ministers and they pelts so that they may be made local­ in this locality. What other remedy preyed on the nation's revenues for launched his offensive on the south­ ly into women's neckpieces, muffs, ever produced such convincing proof western front, which continued with ­ of merit? years and depreciated the advent of and coats. Copies of the bulletin may Wm. Tupper, 1009 Furr St., Hills­ an educated peasantry and the democ­ out intermission for 70 days. The cap­ be had free so long as the supply boro, Ore., says: "I have tried several ture during the summer and early fall racy which would end it all. lasts on application to the United medicines, but I have found "Russia was the natural outlet for of 456,000 prisoners and nearly 500 States Department of Agriculture, kidney that there is nothing equal to Doan's German trade. The Germans gained guns so demoralized the Austrians Washington D. C. Kidney Pills. 1 am more or less sub­ an entrance through the superiority of that whatever plan the Germans may ject to kidney trouble and lame back. have had for that summer had to be their efficiency in direct competition At times, sharp twinges catch me in Certain Cure for Croup. and they held it by intrigue, political abandoned and supports hurried to my back and when I get down. I can Mrs. Rose Middleton, of Greenville, hardly straighten up. After I have influence, corruption and graft. \ odka Galicia and Volynia to save again the 111., has had experience in the treat­ taken a box or two of Doan's Kidney would have been abolished five years dual monarchy front collapse. ment of this disease. She says, “When Pills, my kidneys act all right and Lack of Shells Handicap. before the war, but for Germany, "In Galicia the Russian guns were my children were small my son had my back feels as strong as ever.” which did not want a sober peasantry croup frequently. Chamberlain's Price 60c. at all dealers. Don’t in Russia. The Russian bureaucracy allowed just 12 shells a day each. Cough Remedy always broke up these simply ask for a kidney remedy—get That is the answer in Galicia. Ger ­ and the German trade worked to­ attacks immediately, and I was never Doan's Kidney Pills—the same that gether to keep down the peasants. many finally suspended operations without it in the house. I have taken Mr. Tupper had. Foster-Milburn Co., because it developed into a matter of it myself for coughs and colds with Props., Buffalow, N. Y. This sapping, mining and molding was going on in Petrograd long be­ trading German lives for territory good results.” For Sale by Lamar's that belonged to Austria. Drug Store. Pomona Grange Meeting fore the war. "There never was such a tragedy o---- - War Minister Was Traitor. The Tillamook County Pomona For a Weak Stomach. "Early in the war the Germans re and pathos as on the Warsaw front As a general rule all you need 10 do Grange will meet with Orctown placed a destroyed Steel bridge in ib those 21 days when the l.tsosooo Rus­ Grange. Dec. 6th. We hope there will hours because Sukomlinof, then min­ sians were trying to hold off 3.000,1x10 is to adopt a diet suited to your age be a large representation of all the and occupation and to keep your Germans. The Russians were out ­ ister of war for Russia, had awarded bowels regular. When you f-.el that Granges of the county. At this meet­ the original contract to a German and numbered about three to one in men you have eaten too much and when ing the county road budget and other and 20 to one in material. Germans had the bridge ready to the constipated, take one of Chamber­ matters of interest will probably be "If the test of true character is lain's Tablets. For Sale by Lamar’s discussed. last rivit before the original was des­ R. Y. Blalock, Secretary. troyed. Sukomlinof is now serving a shown in defeat and not in victory, Drug Store. Chester White Swine 4 I have some nice PIGS for SALE, Both Male and Female. A few facts why you should own a Chester White sow or male in your herd. FIRST—They are the largest framed hog at six to eight months. SECOND—They are matured at the age of eighteen months. THIRD—A Chester White makes a nice smooth white Hog after it is dressed. FOURTH—You are doing your nation a great service. I have the largest herd of pure breed hogs in the countv to select from. Registration papers furnished with each and every Hog JOE DONALDSON, R. F. D. no . t. 1ILCAMOOK, ORE. THE LOUVRE Is now in New Quarters next to Clough’s Drug Store It is fixed up as a First Class Restaurant Chas. Vogler will make a specialty of serving the best meals in the city “A Most Satisfactory Motor Oil’ SAXON Buhrov Motor Co., San Franriwo “From our own, and the experiences of Saxon owners, we know Zerolene to be a most satisfactory motor oil.” sire PACKARD Cuyler Lee, San Francisco “It has proven entirely satisfactory.* CHEVROLET I W Leavitt Ae y-Duty it etpecialb Ttcommcruiei STAR GARAGE. TILLAMOOK GARAGE. DR. ELMER ALLEN, DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON. Dentists. National Building. Tillamook, Oregon. Th ditio: ed in manj direc with burdi are time conci of th claim becau right! for w the h other The j be di as a r pie m truck: ter of to op ent. If t still a