OF THOUSANDS OF PAIRS OF I SHOES FOR bi PRICES ■ For Men, Women and Children AT REDUCED PRICES THE ENTIRE I have given you some great sales during the past few weeks, but this is to be a greater one— this is to be an astounding sale of fine merchandise at reduced prices—the best merchandise in the store at cut prices. You cannot afford to miss it. Every man, woman and child should buy shoes now for at least a year. Remember the Days, Friday and Saturday, Nov. 23 and 24. Every time a Pair of Shoes is Sold the Bell will Ring--Listen! SÄLE FOR TWO DAYS AT I PRICES 1 DAYS ¡WOMEN’S SHOES WOMEN'S SHOES I Button and Lace, Gun Metal, ■ Kid and Patent Leathers. All ■ sizes and widths ■ | ;it $2.95 ¡WOMEN'S SHOES ■ Black English, Leather and 1 Neolin Soles, Kid, Button, 1 Cloth and Mat Tops, Cuban I Heels at $4.85 Women’s Siesta Slippers Slippers l ’ateilt, in colon ial and strap ef­ fect, Louis 1 leel $3'45 Cut on Eveiy . Children’s and Misses Siesta Slippers at 95c. Red Cross Shoes, Patent and Black Kid Vamps, White Kid Tops, Louis Heels, Lace, and Black Kid and Patent Button and Lace Louis Heels at Balcony for 2 MEN’S SHOES Men’s Dress Shoes English and Medium toes, Neolin and Leather Soles Men’s High-cut Shoes 10 in. top with pocket or outside counter, Peg sole at at $3.85 $6.15 WOMEN’S SHOES MEN’S SHOES MEN’S SHOES Women’s Grey Shoes, But­ ton and Lace, and Brown Vamp with Chamois top to match at Men’s Florsheim Shoes in Black and Tan English and raised Toes and Men's Dark Brown Vamps with colored tops at Men's Calked Logger Shoes, $7.95 $6.85 $8.35 Boy’s Shoes High-Cut Shoes lOand 12 in. top, Tan. Sizes 2i to 5 J Boy’s Shoes Boy's Dress Shoes, Button and Bli-cher. Sizes 2i to 5i Dress and school Shoes in Gun Metal and pa­ tent. Sizes 8j to 2. at High-Cut Shoes 10 in. top Tan. Sizes 9 to 2 at Dress Shoes, Button and Blu­ cher. Sizes 9 to 2 at Men's Sporting Gum Boots $2.35 $3.45 $2.65 $4.35 To be Sold at Cut-Prices. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. At 81 • 78 • Novelty Stripe Plaid and Cheek Taffetas and Messn lines in all the newest colors and combinations. All 3t> in. wide. Values to $2.50. At Qft Lovely colorings and designs in novelty stripe and * * Plaid Taffetas and Messalines. All 30 in. wide. \ aluea to $2.75. -4G in. wide Crepes