TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 22. 1917 the cheese situation .gh Prices Encourage Production, Decrease Consumption and Curtail Exports. prices they would reach phenomenal OUR LIBERTY BELL figures. Relief m the matter of sup­ plies from the Antipodes depends en­ tirely upon available freight space to A Victim of Old Ag» Disease and It» Triple Melting». England ports which at the moment, 'Very limited. I ntil an increase in Metals, just like people, are subject this direction materializes scanty sup­ to the wearing effects of time. And plies must be expected. As fast as any they also have diseases that destroy >u ters are released by the govern­ their vitality. A combination of both ment they are quickly absorbed at is responsible for the great crack in government maximum prices, with the famous Liberty bell, which recent­ quality almost a secondary considera- ly has shown a tendency to spread. , eesc~prac,ic"1'>' ,he The bell was made in England by coi ditions prevail regard»)? this ar­ ticle as in the case of butter. Govern­ one Thomas A. Lester auil shipped to ment releases continue short of de­ Philadelphia in 1732. When tested mand which absorbs them at full gov- with a hammer it cracked at the first eminent maximum prices. stroke. The metal was recast and 10 I per cent of copper added. This addi­ ------ o------ Boston, Mass., Nov. 10— Cheese— tion did not have good effects, seeming while the market can be called some­ to spoil the bell's tone. So it was re­ what steadier, more in sympathy with melted a second time and tin put in Aew Yorks firming up a bit, than with the copper to restore the sound. irom any increase of business on the Although details are somewhat hazy, •'pot. Dealers generally have quite a mt of defensive stock, most of it cost­ it is certain that facilities in the colo­ ing them prices that in some cases nies for handling such a quantity of show slight losses, but they appear to metal were not very good. The bell i>e willing to do this in preference to weighs shout 2.000 pouuds, and it is adding to their accumulations. The of­ estimated that twenty to twenty-five ficial quotations for white Twins is of the largest crucibles in America IS 23'Y at 24 and buyers find no diffi­ were required tor the purpose. culty in supplying their wants at these 1 At all events, the bell was finally cast prices much easier than one could sell a third time and accepted. But it did a ,, hni* at the price. — outside -—F . .w. F. O. B. not cool evenly and was immediately °”ers v ”Sstcrn points this week subject to shrinkage strain. These were, limiteli in quantity, . . especially for America . ■ Y oung ........... ~_s’ which appear to strains had about the same effect as if be in light supply at the «noinent. The a piece of doth were gripped in a per­ offerings were around about 23 at son's two hands and torn down tlie 23 ;c. for current make of White middle. This pressure ultimately I u ms, and 24 at 24' jC.r for Young caused the big crack which is such a Americas. 1 can hear of no business familiar characteristic of the bell and being pulled off on White Twins, and which now promises to become even but ,» few sales of Young Americas larger. were made at 24 at 24%c. The market Another point against the bell was closes decidedly quiet. Receipts of cheese for the week ending today are the triple meltings. Metal loses some­ 3,878 boxes and for corresponding thing of its vitality every time that it week last year were 3,024 boxes. Our goes through the crucible. Nothing that cold storage stocks of cheese this undergoes the "making over” process morning were 72,122 boxes, and for is quite as good as before, and the corresponding week last year were Liberty tell Lad be<*h made and re­ 69,470 boxes, showing an increase for made three times before it pealed forth this year of 2,646 boxes. the message of freedom.—Isis Angeles Times. ! Waste and Extravagance in Church Work, Says Dr. Boyd. DIET FOR NEPHRITIS. OBERT IL McGRATH COUNSELLOR-AT LAW Government reports issued October ith, IQ,7. show total holdings of ,038.837 pounds of cheese in cold orages reporting, as against totals r same date last year of 44,308,627 ;r cent, a gain of 37.33o.-iio pounds, otals at this time 111ust.be just about ,e same. There has been very little cheese [ported of the 1917 make, most of 1» cheese shown as being exported ging year ending June 30th having tfr. of the 1916 make, and for the ill wing reasons: The English Gov- inient has placed a nyixinnun price 21 '4c. Montreal on finest Canadian .•ise, and 2114c. on American. Our n stic economic situation has i uch that cheese, prices have rul- . insiderable higher than English ,.s num prices, hence there has en no export. Until late this spring tri was no maximum price and no sfrictions. Today no one can ship ivi e to England and sell it with the iception of the English cheese coni- is- m .This commission absolutely ie> the prices of cheese passing E li different hands, w liolcvdcr., and retail r». Anj jn. ing to ship cheese to England luld have the cheese confiscated. This is one of the most :rly this month the New York slate irket dropped to 20‘.c., but ship- sensible street and motor­ >g is scarce and no business resuit- ing coats produced, this sea­ lt is but natural that they take the son. One of New York’s nadian cheese first, but when the most exclusive Fifth Ave. i lian cheese is all shipped and if shops are' featuring this lipping is available for shipment c.icese from New Zealand, we may stylish model cet a resumption of full creatn Price........... .$12.90 ,-c shipments. Most business thus '■as been in skim cheese. Reduced Prices on Suits and Gouts Made to Order;: 'ur latest trade paper,, how large tilings of last season's butter and Suits Cleaned and Pressed. Prices the Lowest >ese in New Zealand, 121,797 crates vssssvvsMsssssvvssssvsssss vsvsvmvmsmmssssssMvssssvssvVS,« f, e and 233,87p boxes of butter. >w acute the shipping situation is ty iw gathered from a recent article tm Oregonian, where it stated that Australian Government was go- ; to guarantee the farmers 75c. the E l lor the coming wheat crop. 1 difference between tile 75c. price Dr. John H. Boyd, pastor of the 1st Proper Food For Those Afflicted With I. the price in this country is repre- i. d mostly in freight differential. 1 resliyterian C liurch of Portland in Inflamed Kidneys. Eastern trade papers and reports an address to Methodist Episcopal In nephritis or inflammation of the niir.g from Camilla show that the ministers and in his sermon on Sun­ lories there have been receiving day, pointed out the waste and extra­ kidneys diet is a very important part nn 2i!4c. to 21 %e. for their cheese, vagance in church work in small of the treatment. The diet is planned : brokers and handlers being con- towns. Ibis is a fact, well known to i to reduce the tax on the kidney to the II, d with J4 to J.-c. for freight and most observant persons, but it is not lowest terms. Beverages and fluid foods nunission. The American ciiecse otten that ministers call attention to are limited, no salt is added to food, tiers arc just as keen and can do this w’asle of effort in the towns that certain vegetables which contain much sines* on just as small margin, blit are church poor. Tillamook City is in salt are avoided and meat Is cut out : difference is that they have been that class, as our church goers must entirely. t aide to interest the buyers in Amcr- admit when they sec the empty pews i Dr. Arthur F. Chace, professor of n cheese up to this time. The only on Sunday in most all the churches. | medicine, and Dr. Anton R. Rose, as­ This is what Dr. Boyd said. I in the clouds is the proposition and Explaining that lie was not at all sociate in pathological chemistry in the it the lower price of cheese has couraged production in New York. sensitive, neither did lie care what i New York Post Graduate Medical Watertown where production this people think of his utterances, Dr. School and hospital, give in the Jour­ ¡son has been over 13,000,000 tbs. Bovd said, that iie made his talk to nal of the American Medical associa­ :esi, they have quit making cheese the Methodist preachers last Monday tion a study of diet for nephritic suf­ the season, as market milk men "behind closed doors, telling them ferers. i r< offered them $1.00 more per 100 that he would give them the privilege The general plan of the dietary is of looking into his heart.” ands for milk. as follows: “A warm cooked cereal, gen­ ”1 hat talk” said Dr. Boyd, “seemed erally farina served with milk, is giveu ,'n'nss the situation opens tip on the Oregon. To all Southern Pacific Stations in ¡st soon, we expect to separate our to interest the public; at’least the for breakfast. This is sometimes re­ Oregon, Sale dates Nov. 28 and 29. Ik and send the sweet cream to newspaper men thought it did and placed by oatmeal or a baked banana, rtland. This would bring us 53c. they said some things about it. In t and toast and a citrus fruit are occa­ Return limit December 3, 1918. order to make myself more clearly lay, gross price, I it must be remembered that these and fully understood, I purpose to re­ sionally added. "The noon meal consists of a plain : war times and that prices are peat some of the things there stated.” To all Southern Pacific Stations in Co-operation of the churches, Dr. soup made from milk, flour and butter, gely made by war demands. That Boyd explained, was one of the things California, Sale dates Nov. 24, 25, given mainly to supply an agreeable the reason condensed milk prices out of sight. Exports of condens- which he was trying to bring about hot dish, though it is also utilized as 26 and 27. Return limit December and he told the Methodist preachers a medium for introducing variety by miik have been many times great-, than before the war. Butter prices so. He wanted the Methodists to join adding celery, asparagus or spinach: 15, 1917. re been very high in Europe, the with the Presbyterians, the Cotigrega- a main dish consisting of baked pota­ tionalists and others in the elimina ­ ximum prices having been taken to, now and then replaced by a baked Danish and Holland butter. W ere tion of competition in the smaller half ripe banana and steamed rice; a Ask any Agent for information. communities, to do away with waste to enter into the export business liberal portion of green vegetable and a J ohn M. S cott , ier present prices, it would mean and unecessary expense and duplica­ lettuce salad with oil dressing, flavored >ut 19c. Tillamook, provided always tion of work. He also told them that General Passenger Agent, with lemon or vinegar. the big trouble of the church today is y would take our cheese at all. Bc- "The evening meal is composed of Portland, Oregon. e reducing the market that far, it its lack of finality; that it posses no uld b<- much better to skim our real, clear-cut definition of its beliefs such articles as ripe bananas, rice pud­ and “ that the present form of religion ding, cornstarch blancmange, steamed k .it present prices for sweet cream, I rice with linked bannnas and stewed I limning would result in curtailing must be mended or ended.” "1 was in a small town of 1200 peo ­ fruit. Milk and cocoa in limited quan­ production about three fourths Ing the winter months. We have ple lecently,” said Dr. Boyd, "and tities are served as beverage.” bab’y 12 per cent of the season's found seven churches there. The Pres­ From this general outline it is not duction unsold. W e are surely bet- byterians were supporting their pas­ difficult to construct twenty different tor at an expense of $300 a year them ­ off than in New Zealand and Aus- menus that will contain great variety. i:. where practically last season’s selves and with $600 of missionery money. I asked how many members disintegrate when the ipL have any suggestions to help gance; nothing like that inefficiency intellectual facilities ami physical WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Iters, they can meet with the in the known world today and it is a vigor are on the wane. Observations iniery association directors at any shame that the church of Christ is op­ of this kind are possible, for there Is e. This will lie better than writing erated on such a basis. I doubt if the no outward sign for each separate Icics in the papers. business men, who are always so care- • nerve degeneration. 'The user of drugs Carl Habcrlach. ful of what they call their “overhead” 1 and stimulants can be easily discov­ ------ o------ and who are always scanning their ered. for each one of these positions Eitertoavn, N. ¥., Nov. 3—The sale ledgers, realize what a shameful waste Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. West, Tillamook. Or. cheese reported on the Produce there is in the operation of the pres­ lias its particular quiver or irregular­ ity.—Industrial Management. change today were 2,000 boxes at ent day church. c. “John Ruskin said lie threw ortho­ Phonograph» on War Plan»». dox religion overboard when he went tica, N. Y., Nov. 12—The i. st to a small church in Turin and heard In certain conditions of flight it Is tting of the dairy boafd was held a pigheaded preacher, talking to 17 often hard for an aviator to use a pen­ ly. There were sales of 000 boxes old women, tell them that they had cil and paper. To obviate this difficulty ci-.resc at 2IC. Butter sales were at the only religion ami that there was the military aeroplane now frequently . Following is a summary of the no chance for outsiders to go to heav- ' carries a phonograph, with a «peaking iness of the season: Total number en. Have we that kind of a riligion.' tube running to the mouth of the ob­ koxes for season, 84.000; number of server. so that by talking Into the ma­ inds 3,780.000; average curb price Last year a world in which the chine at any time during the flight he pound, 22.73c; value of season’s esc $859,194; average price in 1916 most productive nations are engaged can record his observations and still 15c; number of boxes in 1916, 5,- in war was able, nevertheless, to send have his hands free for Ids field glass .000; value of cheese in 1916 $871.- into the American market the largest or his sketching pencil.—London Tlt- • The total number of boxes of amount of products that has ever Rlts. tse sold at Little Falls during the come upon our chores; and the cus­ Medium boiling ion was about 44,900. Prices there tom houses collected less revenue up­ Life of th» W»«p. points—the mid­ 'e about the same as those at Utica on it than a smaller volume of im­ There isn't a male wasp In existence dle links of the Ithe Utica average price, therefore. ports ever produced. 1 hat market, when winter ends. Late the preceding continuous chain total value of the cheese sold was the home market, is the market which fall the wasps mate. The coming cold “we must maintain” if our working —give quick and '.533- people arc to be employed. But first weather kills every worker and male, »mooth accelera­ while Mrs. Wasp hies herself to a con ­ 'hiladclphia, Pa., Nov. 12—Cheese of all, we shall have to regain th,s venient place and hibernates, ready to tion. splendid home market which has ’. New York full creams at 22 Standard Oil Co. been given away through Democratic come forth in the spring and lay eggs (California) «'4e. legislation. That can be done by res­ to replenish the ra<-e. ------- 0---- toration of Republican legislation. rockville. Can., Nov. 8—At today « | Queer. esc board meettug. the offerings' ‘led i.371 boxes, of which L’56 'There ia »ometblng queer about that e white and IM5 colored. 1 he sale- man.” Ornamental Fire Place* Built e 981 boxes at 21 *4e. On the 'tree "Why 7" of Brick and Stone All Fire ut 4.000 boxes chang< d hand« at "He waa hurt In an automobile acci­ Places absolutely guaranteed same ruling. The board defeated .1 GARAGE TILLAMOOK GARAGE money re- dent. and he senially admitted that It STAR not to »moke or dution to adjourn for two weeks. 1 was bis own fault.”—Detroit Free funded. ..... . Brick work of all kinds done Pre»». °ston, Mass.. Nov. to, tot”—lat- on short notice. advices to George A. Cochrane, We make a specialty of re­ Not Encouraging. ftostnn. Mass., from the principal pairing smoking Fire Place». "She eeem, to look upon my i>ro)>o»»l Itets of Great Britian gives butter in « sort of flapjack." sets arc practically unchangc ' "How so?” 1 principal feature to note is the “Says »he'll turn it over *n her mind. iinued absence of supplies, with | — Kane»» City Journal Pie having to do without th' tie the bulk of the time. Undouht- TILLAMOOK ORF. but for government control of ODDFELLOWS’ BUILDING TILLAMOOK. OREGON P orti ani » O ffick : 1110 W ilcox ’.B li ». 0K. J. G. TURNER. EYE SPECIALIST. COATS PORTLAND WATCH PAPER PIANO INSTRUCTION. Diploma from Chicago Musical College.—Beginners receive the same careful training as the most advanced. Terms:—$4.00 per months Instruc­ tion. All lessons given at Studio. County Representative for Wiley B. Allen Co.s’ line of high grade pianos, player-pianos, Victrolos etc. Golden’s AVID ROBINSON, M. D , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON NATIONAL BUILDING, Women’s Shop TILLAMOOK California S outhern P acific L ines OREGON. T. HOI iti I—1 A A YTTORNEY-AT LAW. Complete Set of Abstract, Bov ks i < Iftice. Taxes Paid for Non Residents. T illamook B lock , Tillamook .... Oregon Both Phones. , LELAND JOHN J HENDERSON ATTORNEY AND COI NSELLOR-AT-LAW T illamook B lock , Tillamook - Oregon. ROOM NO. OREGON CALIFORNIA FOR OATES. ELAND K ERWIN SKIRTS To All Stations In OREGON Regular Monthly Visits to Tillamook and Cloverdale And Separate THANKSGIVING FARES — C. HAWK, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Oregon Bay City J E. REEDY, I). V >L, VETERINARY. Both Phone«. Tillamook * - Oregon. QARL HABKRLACIi, ATTORNEY-AT LAW. T illamook B rock Tillamook 'y* H. Oregon GO Y NE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office: Oiu-osiTK C ourt H ouse , Tillamook Oregon. T. BO ALS, M.D., LAMB-SCHRADER GO. CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. RALPH E. WARREN, First Class Job Printing at the Headlight Office QR. L. L. HOY, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON T illamook B lock , Tillamook, < iregon Have Your House Wiring Done by Coast power Co DONE RIGHT at RIGHT PRICES. IL T. Bott«, at-Law. Pres, Attorney John Leland Ilendernon, Sec­ retary Trea»., Attorney-at- Law and Notrary Public. Tillamook Title and Abstract Co. Abstracts Reni Estate. Insurance. Both Phones. T ILLA HOOK - OREGON. f '4 IN J t ■