TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 22, 1917. • L I to hold their own.—Spokesman Re- and the rest of the net income was made by somebody. set aside as a reserve. The Nippon Let us not be rude to our esteemed view. Steamship Corporation has decided Secretary of the Navy; but if he has to increase its capital to 100,000,000 The Universal Thought. been correctly quoted, is it certain yen ($50,000,000). Its present capital­ Shoes which the government fur­ that lie knows just what the sailors It was a coincidence—but it was ization is 44,000,000.000 ven. with a nishes the soldiers at a cost of $4.65 a want? It is no mere go-Mp, that pair, costs the civilian $9 to $10 a pair. when the first American destroyers nothing more—that on the day Mr. I reserve fun of 58,620.000 yen. The There’s a reason, and it should inter­ ' were sent across the Atlantic by the Lloyd George declared in Albert hall Osaka Shipbuilding Company, its ri­ est the government.—News Reporter. eminent naval chief, the men were but that there would be no lasting peace val, is capitalized for 50,000,000,000 poorly equipped with warm clothing, for the civilized world until a false yen. The Nippon Company has trans­ Washington says that the price of an ------ O—— dertake to raise Oregon’s quota of all necessary for our success. Before or 'steady'. The boat is zig zagged In the great lakes region from Du­ the various special war funds by tax­ .America came in we could understand while being steered into a ship and luth to Buffalo over 600 German spies ation we should still be a long way way r why you (the allies) did not break the charge exploded automatically. I “The device is a very old one. A and sympathizers have been arrested from reaching all the people who ■ faith with Holland and so have a com­ paratively easy passage to the Rhine, boat similarly controlled was used in . and placed in federal prisons. Some ought to give. T H. M. S. Vernon, a torpedo experi- 1 treacherous, vicious and fiendish But there is real merit in Senator ' Now that America has come in on whelps are ■-hot on the spot. It re­ Garland’s proposal insofar as it con­ I your side and you have nothing to mental ship, as far back as 1885. The , quires 90 patrol boats and an army of cerns necessary aid for the families of fear, we cannot understand why you only new features in the German boat | are the petrol engines and wireless U. S. sailors and soldiers, detectives soldiers at the front. Thus far it is the ¡don’t, >» and watchmen, to guard the channels, I purpose of the selective draft to take German psychology lias long been signals, neither of which existed locks and docks along the great lakes. a- tew essential bread winners as pos­ a puzzle, but here is a clue to the then.” The boats carrying iron ore to the sible, but Oregon is patriotically ' state of mind that has ranged the Home Market the Best. »melters, mills and foundaries, have proud of the fact that it is only slight­ whole of civilization against kaiser- • to be closely guarded, ¡is time and ly concerned with the draft. Nearly doin. If the Prussian cannot under- The (ifficial Bulletin (edited by again attempts have been made to all its sons have gone to the nation's 1 stand why the entente have not tram­ sink them, l’he fiendish work at- service are volunteers, and the Ore­ pled Holland under food to get to the George Creel, and published at the tempted by some of the enemy sym­ gon volunteer has not always counted Rhine, as Germany trampled upon expense of the Federal treasury) as- pathizers and spies is absolutely fool­ the cost of enlistment in terms of dol­ 1 Belgium, how is Germany ever to un- cends the tripod and utters prophecy ish and stupid.—Banks Herald. lars and cents to himself and his fam­ j derstand why the United States took in these words. “After the war we ily. I here will undoubtedly be many ! up arms against her? The rest of the must maintain our foreign markets if Fire on the New York water front, cases of need before tile war is over, | world has been astounded by Ger­ our working people are to be employ­ in a factory working on large govern­ and it ought to he a point of honor many's course, but here is proof that ed.” Our foreign markets, be it remcm- ment orders, caused a loss Sunday of with us to see to it that not a single Germany has been mystified and ut­ nearly $-’,000,000. The patrolman who deserving cause of this kind fails to terly unable to understand the rest of bered, are now calling on tis for war discovered the lire found three separ­ receive prompt aid. This can be best the world. Germany has made many material almost exclusively— a de- ate blazes in the factory, convincing accomplished by a special levy in each blunders, but her greatest has been maud which cannot possible be main­ proof of the incendiary character of county. the assumption that the rest of civil­ tained when the war is over, and the loss. The destroyed factory em­ As to the raising of special war ization is as depraved and criminally w hich can be replaced only in part by the demand for reconstruction mater­ ployed 1000 workers and had on its funds, such as the Red Cross and the ruthless as herself. ial for the rebuilding of short shatter­ payroll 25 Germans and 200 Austrians. Y. M. C. A., by tax levy, many con­ Every man knows that you can’t get more ed Europe, because it will be the aim Technically we are not at war with t siderations are involved. One is that titan a quart of nulk out of a quart measure, Don ’ t Forget that Germany Has of European peoples to provide their Austria, but the neutrality of that of patriotism and war sacrifices. The then why try to get 150 or 200 cents worth of own reconstruction as far as possible. Troubles. country is sheer fiction, and no satis­ payment of local taxes is accompan- Our negligible trade in other com- value out of t a dollar ' “ ------ o------ when it only holds a factory answer has yet been found to icd by few thrills, whereas those who the often asked question, why has our have contributed voluntarily to the It is unwise in war to magnify your modies can be expanded, after peace hundred—“it can’t be done.” comes, only through the fiercest of government failed to declare war war funds are better and more own troubles and lose sight of the Remember that when von're out to buy against the \ ienna government and staunchly loyal citizens for the fact cm uiy’s distresses. Russia's collapse competition with a trade seeking new fall clothes—‘‘it can’t be done.” to take the steps winch prudence de­ that they have made voluntary sacri­ |and Italy's invasion are spectacular world. "If our working people are to 420 cloths at 41o and 425 cloths at 420 may mands of dealing with Austro-Hun­ fices in the national cause.—Oregon I German advantages, but Germany has 'be imploved” after the war is over, garians as enemy subjects'1 T hese in­ Register. ■ its deep and persistant weakness and it will be chiefly through securing to look mighty good in print—but oh my! what cendiary Clinics are increasing and losses, says the Spokesman Review. j them the benefits of our own market a difference when you get to see them. at home. That market is the richest will continue to increase until a I 1 it has had to change chancellors Fighting on Hallowed Ground. wholesome example has been set in f Of course your money is tit yotir command— ■ twice this autumn—proof of wide­ in the world; ar.d it is now, despite ------ o------ the war, being overrun by foreign the hanging of a score or more of the I you tnav direct wherever you wish- but ..... ........... ........ w ........ 1 lie outstanding dramatic feature spread and deep-seated popular dis- competitors who have been given criminals. Germany and Xustria-Hun- of the dogged British advance when the buying of a new fall suitor overcoat ................... over ’ content. access to it by the reduction in tariff gary are finding this sort of warfare the ridges cast of \ Ypres pres lies in the 1 It has had to give up much conquer- i duties brought about by Democratic conies into your mind try and get your altogether too easy, and it t is high tact that this is the same ground over I ed territory in France and Flanders, money's worth anil buy our time that the secret service 1 were fer- which the tirst British army, the “Old >and suffered meanwhile enormous legislation. _____________ reting out the scoundrels.— -Spokes- ( ontemptibh s,” fought in the first losses in men, munitions ¡mil guns. man Review. Certain Cure for Croup. battle ot \ pres, when the Germans, Lieutenant General von Ardenne, mil­ Mrs. Rose Middleton, of Greenville, alter their repulse from the line cf the itary critic of the Tageblatt of Berlin, As the facts gradually heroine Marne, tried to atone for that defeat admits that no wav has been found HI., has had experience in the treat­ know there is every indication that by pushing along through northern lor the tiermans to check the slow ment of this disease. She says, “When the Italian military disaster was the France to Boulogne. To the English and steady ally gains on the western my children were small my son had result of the same German tactics this has been hallowed ground from battle front. He reports the German croup frequently. Chamberlain's which have wrecked the Russian mili­ the very start of the war, for along losses as very heavy when an attempt Cough Remedy always broke up these tary machine. German military suc­ the iihclu velt-1 ‘asschcndele ridge on is imide to hold the front line trenches attacks immediately, and I was never —that are every bit 0/ vour money’s worth cesses during the war have been October 13, 1914, the British army of in force, while a thin line adds to the without it in the house. I have taken against weak nations against whom 1 50.000 bv desperate effort, held back speed of the British advance. And this it myself for coughs and colds with overwhelming forces have been thing, DOO,(XX) Germans, even though for a further admission is significant: good results.” For Sale by Lamar’s as was the case with Belgium, Serbia tew Imurs on that dav it seemed im­ "’['he German artillery is so num­ and Roumania, or against a nation di­ possible to prevent the enemy from erically inferior to the British that it Drug Store. vided and honey combed by treason breaking through. is seldom relieved, and as it cannot DON’T WAIT. implanted by German propaganda, as Foot SCHULZE SHOES, dig ift. owing to the muddy terrain, it University All Wool Not a great deal is known by the was the case with Russia. Now there world gencralls about this first Ypres must tire without cover.” Mackinaws at are more hints that division caused by battle, i he second battle, in which Other bearing facts to be remem­ Take Advantage of an Astoria Citi­ German 1 V'tting explains the reverse zen's Experience. the ( anadians stemmed the tide, was bered are that the .submarine cam­ to Hie It a.* in at me aftCI it had 01 ' < - made >0 much more spectacular by paign has been cut down 50 per cent; tic.illy beaten Austria to a standstill. the surprise ot poison gas that Ypres that German man power has passed When the back begins to ache, But again it is clear that tin Germans Don't wAiit until backache becomes to most people means the wonderful | its maximum and is now declining; Best Ever Guaranteed tor the hunter, sportsman, have blundered, just as they blunder­ I anadian dctcusi But this took place that tile economic difficulties of Ger- chronic; ed in their estimates of the strength west of the present fighting. ’Till kidney troubles develop; i many, Austria-Hungary, l'urkey and automoblist and till out­ BOY’S SUITS, of their propogomla in the l nitrii 'Till urinary troubles destroy night's As today. Sir Douglas Haig, then a 1 Bulgaria are constantly vrowim?mori doors here exclusively. States, Mexico and Japan, for the corps commander, was the central 'complex; and that widespread dis­ rest. statement is now made without reser­ figure east of \ pres in the fall of IQI4. tress has shaken the morale of the Profit by an Astroia residents ex­ vation that the military disaster has I o k< < p his flank from being turned 1 Teutonic peoples ami their allies and perience. swept aside all political differences in Mrs. Mary E. Morrison, 595 Grand (icnral French, then in chief com- , intensified their weariness of war and Italy and a united nation must here­ passionate longing for peace. Ave., Astoria, Oregon., says; "At : 1 ' 1 1 L spei tte decision to after be counted on, while the forma­ send Haig’s tirst . <>vps to the support times my back was so weak and sore tion of the new allied war council in­ of tin seventh dixision, which could that I could hardly get around. When Japanese Prosperity. sures the co-operation that lias prov­ not have' held much longer. This left I bent over to do anything or sat in en so effective on the western front. the' rest of his thin line' unsupported, X glimpse at the volume of Japanese one position very long, it was all I —Independent. but Haig, striking toward Poclcappeb prosperity resulting from war is giv­ could do to straight~n up. My kid­ le and P.isschcndaelc, * * , held the' line en in industrial items provided by neys were also more or less out of from Ghchivclt through Zonnebeke !■ ist and West News Burt aus, New order during this trouble with my The Knitteis. back. After I had taken two boxfs of and beyond, and broke the final at- X ork. Here .ire specimen-. tack of the Prussian guard north of The lay.inics steamship ctftnpanics Doan's Kidney Fills, my back felt W hat i< this strange yarn about the the Menin road. are earning enormous profits. Owing strong in every way and I was able to knitters and the protest of Secretary get about as well as ever.” Now the tide is flowing the __ other ____ Daniels and Secretary Hiker against way. and there must be grim satisfac­ to the prosperous condition- of trade Price 80c. at all dealers. Don’t the flood of sweaters and other wool­ tion for Haig and tin- remnants of the between the United State- ami Japan simple ask for a kidney remedy—get en wearables for the soldiers and old army in forcing the Germans the Oriental Steamship company has Doan's Kidney Pills—the same .that realized profits of $3.750.000 since the sailors pouring in upon the govern­ steadily backward over ground where first of the year to September 30. A Mrs. Morrison had. Foster-Milburn ment? A mistake, surely, has been once the British struggled heroically dividend ot 36 per cent, was declared Co., Props., Buffalo, N. Y. What the Editors Say. Chester White Swine JOE DONALDSON, THE LOUVRE Is now in New Quarters next to Clough’s Drug Store. It is fixed up as a First Class Restaurant Chas. Vogler will make a specialty of serving the best meals in the city. Watch out!—oh, watch out for the bargain prices. New Fall Clothcraft, all wool Suits and Overcoats #12.50 to 530.00 39.00 34 to 37.50 35.00 to 310.00 MORRIS SCHNAL, Popular Price Clothier, The Clothcraft Store, Tillamook. DR. ELMER ALLEN. DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON Dentists. National Building. Tillamook, Oregon. 4