Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 22, 1917, Image 5

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    T illamook
j W. Hester.............
£ B. Gresham ......... .
C E. English .............
Walter Walker.........
Gus Peterson .............
F. E. Cross ...............
Homer Cross .............
Wm. Atwood .............
Ren Chu ....................
joe Duncan ...............
B. H. Kirstner ...........
yfrs. Henry Staseck . .
Alex McDonald .......
Kenneth McDonald . .
Wm. Tohl ..................
August Sandberg ....
Wm. Anderson ...........
j. W. Thompson .......
I, W . Shortridge .......
Harold Ober ...............
W. S. Linkhart .........
H. W. Tohl ...............
W. W. Davis .............
A. C. Anderson .......
Emil K. Kardell .......
L. D. King .................
W. F. Cain ................
G. M. Knight .............
A. J. Effenherger ...
0. F. Knight .............
J, J. Spencer ...............
M. A. Scllon ...............
Mrs. Norris .................
Marina Larsen .........
A. D. Thompson .......
Hattie Smith .............
Ed Smith ....................
H. A. Bell ..................
W. A. Snyder ...........
John Münsinger .......
H. S. Brimhall ...........
W. N. Reddaway .......
H. V. Alley ................
Mrs. Tilden ....... . . . .
Mrs. H. V. Alley.......
Gertrude Lang ...........
Leo Batzner ..............
F. P. Humpke .............
Frank Berch ...............
W. H. Effenherger .. .
Geo. R. McKimens ...
Edith Snell .................
J. Bowman ................
W. S. Calvin .............
H. A. Franklin ...........
Rev. Gibson ...............
Webster Holmes .......
R. W. Kirk ................
Thad Robison ...........
L. V. Buckilvy...........
M. Coates ..................
Jnu Neilson ................
Victor Neilson ...........
B. D. Lamar ...............
Blanch McNair .........
Alex McNair .............
L. Laborwitch ...........
Ethel Gaylord ...........
Rollie Watson ...........
C. 1. Clough ..............
A. A. Pennington ....
A. H. Gaylord ...........
Theresa Gaylord .......
W’. L. Campbell.........
B. Stillwell .................
E. W. Stanley ...........
C. E. Trombley .........
Chas. Wyman .............
Geo. Lamb .................
Rialto ...........................
Allen Page ................
City Transfer Co.........
H. T. Botts .................
Ray & Co......................
Mrs. Boquist ...............
Dawsons ....................
O. R. Dale ..................
P. W. Todd ................
H. Brooks ..................
R. T. Boals ................
Thos McEnery...........
W. H. Edson .............
F. S. Armentrout .......
Louie Wooley .............
J. T. Davis ................
D. B. Swartz ..............
Emil Wooley .............
Mrs. F. S. Armentrout
Mrs. H. Nordstrom ..
Mrs. E. B. O’Neel ...
Ed Morehead .............
Ed Mallory ................
Mrs. B. M. Shoemaker
R. E. Wilson ...............
Chas. Farnsworth.......
F. J. Welsh ................
C. B. Measor ..............
E. E. McLaughlin .......
Jno Wilmot ................
Mrs. Frank Adams ...
W. W. Cason .............
Jas Woods ..................
Adam Schmelzer .......
Vai Fisher ..................
A. F. Smith ................
Arthur Measor ...........
J. F. Jackson ...............
Earl Ayer ...................
W. R. Gould ..............
lohn Saling ................
H. A. Ely ......................
\. G. Kirk ..................
Bert Stephens ..............
Robert Lyster .............
Fred Lyster ................
W'allacc Wallace .......
Clent King ..................
H. Curl .........................
Joe Hollctt ..................
Arthur Haag ................
Mrs. J. M. Wilmot ....
Jesse Woods ..............
E. M. Johnson .............
Leo Blaser ................... ■
A. F. Gardner .............
J. D. Jones ..................
Geo. Kostic ..................
A. W. Bunn ................
Mrs. A. W. Bunn .......
E. K. Gilbert ..............
Mrs. E. K. Gilbert ....
Mrs. Lena Gilbert.......
W. J. Gilbert ................
W. A. Bell ...................
C. O. Curl . ...................
Margaret Wilson.........
Jas Goldsworthy .........
Daisy Goldsworthy ....
F. J. Ayer ....................
C. H. Lehman ............
John Jcnck ...................
Peter Jenck ..................
Ollie Woods
O. F. Williams ............
Abe Bays .....................
Roy Woods ..................
W. A. Saling................
Mrs. W . A. Saling
W. N. Bavs .............
Mrs. W. N. Bays
U. S. Booth ............... * •
Mark Curl
Nellie B. Booth
Mrs. H. C. White.........
J. M. Baker ..................
Carl Erdt ...................
John Dyke ....................
j J. Ebbcsen
E. G. Anderson ............
M. Abplanalp
Gus Goeres ....................
Dave Curtis ..................
Geo. Tinnerstet .........
Goeres ............
on»**1 Donaldson ....
F- D. Bester ....................
Jas Hunt ............
B. A. Folks ...........
Ed Weston ................'
\ erner Holden ... ’. " ’ ’’
Jos Durrer ...
Mrs. F. H. Bush . ’
Hugh Barber ....................
C. E. Donaldson .........
M. C. 1 rowbridge ..............
I Nellie Hughey ............. ’
Pius Jacob .................. ’’ ’
j Joe Donaldson .............
j Fred Shaw ............ . . . . . . .
I Dolph Tinnerstet ...........
Norman Christensen ......
! J. J. Rupp .......................
P. W. Jacob .......................
J. A. Nielson .....................
Nick Melchior ....................
Cyrus Randal .......... ’ ..
A. W. Phelps .....................
Geo. Olson .......................
John Morgan .........
O. K. Tittle..................
. C. W. Prime .....................
A. M. Bozorth ...................
Geo. W ood .....................
C. A. Brown .......................
J. O. Bozorth .....................
A. E. Nichols ...................
Chas Sandburg...................
K. Niberg .......
J- C. McClure ......... 77.7.7.
M. B. Shafer ............
W. M. Alley
Geo. Manthas ...............
T. C. Bair .........................
Allred Berg .......................
Bert^ Wallner ............... 77
A. N. Culbertson ..............
Rupert Wallner ..................
Chas McCajin .....................
R. L. Maboy..................
H. T. Deady ..................... .
J. V. Springer .....................
R. Roman ............................
F. . A. Harris .......................
Harry Warren ....................
J. B. Mather .......................
C. Z. Cole .......................
P. J. Byrne ..........................
Ray Warren .........................
G. L. Kerr ...........................
C. A. Brandtberg................
T. J. Pcvehouse ..................
W ni. Cole............................
N. Anderson .......................
Lem Parker .........................
W. Cavanes .........................
Geo. A. Johnson ..................
S. S. Provoost .....................
G. \\. Stubblefield ..............
Joe Rice ..............................
C. H. Jones .........................
H. C. W itt ............................
A. Beebehiser .......................
August Dhooghe ................
Lon Bair ..............................
R. Schwerdtmann ................
Silver Spruce Co...................
Stella G. Goyne ...................
Roy C. Jones .......................
C. A. Johnson .....................
W. A. Church ....-..............
A. H. Harris .......................
Paul E. Fitzpatrick .............
D. E. Robinson ....................
C. E. Lovejoy .....................
Geo. Williams .....................
B. Kuppenbendcr ................
Cliff Hiner ...........................
W. R. Letson .......................
C. T. Wilson .........................
Thane Honey .......................
Harold T. Langille ..............
Webster Holmes ................
L. Loll ..................................
C. C. Curtis ...........................
A. L. Thomas .......................
Arthur Tippin .....................
5. S. Johnson .......................
Johnnie Stewart ..................
L. C. Wilks .........................
Kasper Zweifel .....................
W. F. Baker .........................
A. G. Beals ...........................
F. R. Beals ...........................
D. L. Shrodc .........................
O. W. Haugen ......................
Frank Freeman .......... ........
Mr. &• Mrs. Geo. Hoskins ..
Mrs. Lucy Poland ................
Chas W. Goeres ..................
L. Atterbury .........................
Ed Woodward .....................
Ben Eggc .............................
B. L. Beals Jr.........................
Mr. Dellgard .........................
Mr. Golden ...........................
Dr. W ise ..............................
Dr. Smith................................
Dr. Donohoe .........................
Henn. Solaro ......................
A. P. Cole ...........................
A. T. Dolan .........................
E Klinefelter ......................
M. B. Anderson ....................
L. E. Partridge ....................
Leo Morrison ......................
E. L. Stewart .......................
Henry Plasker ....................
Joseph Edwards ..................
O. E. Gulstrom ....................
John Aschim ........................
L. Hiner ..............................
I O. A. Schultz ....................
C. H. Schultz ....................
Jess: Pangborn ..............
F. W. Talbot ....................
Fred Poorman ..................
Henry Hcisel ....................
M. F. Leach ......................
G. W. Parrish ..................
Carl Linhoft ......................
Ike Shortlidge ......... - ••
Wm. Fletcher ...........H...
P. A. Finne ......................
L. A. Burroughs ..............
C. H. Woolfe ..................
J. F. Powers ......................
E. W. Knight ..................
Cap. Groat .........................
Mrs. W. H Hoskins .......
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Wiley
Erick Wilson ....................
A. Grab .............................
Nels Glad .........................
Alfred Boquist ..................
Alfred Smith ....................
Dick Price ........................
Claude Ackley ..................
Ed Hcisel .........................
M. R. Hanenkrat .............
Adolph Erickson .............
Peter Hasselhcrg .............
John Zurcher ....................
Werner Weiss ................
Floyd Culberson ..............
Mrs. Hcisel ......................
J-mes Williams ................
Sollie Smith ......................
Louie Larson
Paul Erickson ..................
W. L. Bryan ......................
C A. Swenson ..................
Andrew Anderson ...........
F. C. Baker........................
O. 1. Knoles ......................
headlight , noyember
I.oo Thos Coates ..
2.00 P. J. Brown ...
1.50 Cash ................
•50 Ray Grate .......
2.50 Cash ................
•50 B. L. Beals .......
2.00 F. B. McKinley
1.00 T. H. Govne ....
1.00 C. A McGhee ..
2.00 T. E. Epplett .. .
1.00 E. L.
1.00 C. B. Webb
____ , ...
1.50 Frank Dye .............................
2.00 P. W. Barrett ........................
SOO Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Morgan
Fred Minich
1.00 Mrs.
1.00 E. O. Holley .......
1.00 Kesselman ...........
1.00 C. I. Myers .........
1.00 A. C. Everson ...
1.00 L. L. Hoy ...........
1.00 Carl Habcrlach .. .
1.00 E. E. Koch .........
5.00 E. E. Jenkins ....
1.00 M. Schnal .............
2.00 Ira C. Smith .......
300 W. E. Noyes .......
5.00 W. J. Riechers . . .
2.00 J. C. Holden .........
1.00 E. D. Allen ......... .
5.00 Frank Fitzpatrick
2.00 J. M. Selby ...........
2.50 R. A. Sysvestcr .. .
300 A. W. Plank .........
1.75 L. V. Everhardt ...
2.00 J. I.. Henderson ..
1-75 H. B. Millis .........
1.88 Tillamook Hotel ..
1.62 R. A. Leonard ....
1.75 G. W. Burge ......... 5
i-7S Carry Galwith ....
1-75 Goran Munson ....
1.75 Ed. Munson .........
1.88 M. E. Gruber .......
1.75 Ulrich Wyss .........
1.75 E. J. Gienger.........
1.75 E. T. Haliom .......
1.88 W. L. Veatcli ....
«JS A. D. Davine .......
2.75 Frank Tone...........
2.00 Jos. Emmeneggcr .
1.75 Carl Hunt .............
2.50 Joe
Rosich .............
1.75 Gordon Burge ....
1.50 Preston Williams .
Peter Bctchart ...
1.75 O. Noble ...............
5.00 L. McCormack ...
5.00 T. H. McCormack
1.60 N. M. Nielson ....
1.88 Jn . Plasker .........
j . 00 J. T Fitzpatrick . .
1.75 David von Allmon
1.75 J. L. Jones .........
3.00 C. G. Goeres.......
1.88 Henry Schild ....
1.75 Helen Epplett ...
1.75 Winnie Epplett ..
1.75 Erwin Harrison .,
5.00 Everett Hall .......
8597 John Collins .......
2.50 Frank Hunter ...
25.00 W. A. Rowe .....
10.00 Earle Curtis .
12.00 W. B. Wait ..
5.00 E. P. Watt . .
1.00 Thcs. B. Wat
5.00 Homer Craig .........
25.00 Tony Werner.........
10.00 Fred Chalkcr .........
500 Paul Eveleth ...........
5.00 A. J. Randolph .......
5.00 A. Stani ..................
1.00 Harry Rcntle .........
2.50 Earl Pickering.......
500 W. H. Livingston ..
5.00 A. Magnuson .........
500 Lee Chalker ...........
2.50 Fred Forslund .......
25.00 Stratton ..................
5.00 Tom Kellow ...........
5.00 C. H. Miller.............
1.00 G. L. Finch .............
5.00 A. Lindblom ...........
1.00 C. A. Peterson .......
5.00 Oscar Magnuson .. .
25.00 Einer ........................
50.00 Frank Brcsnay ....
25.00 O. Lawhead ...........
2.00 John Maki ..............
5.00 Ray Logue .............
2.00 Chas Moore ...........
5.00 Morse Lewis ...........
2.50 Goc. Boyles ...........
1.00 I Lamb ......................
1.00 Lawson ....................
1.00 John Boss ...............
1.00 Willis Chalkcr ....
.50 A. B. Flemming ....
2.00 Geo. Steinberg ..
10.00 Wm. Johnson ..
1.00 Roy Trout .........
5.00 Chas H. Johnson
1.00 Chas F. Johnson
10.00 Gus I.jungland
500 \ erbon Goodrich
1.00 John Larson ....
5.00 Georfge Gagnon
2.00 C. Thompson ...
2.00 John Olson .......
1.00 A. Larson .........
2.50 Wm. Busch .......
j.00 Chas Adams ...
5.00 John Anderson
9-°°| B. M. Arlington
100 Stanton ...........
5.00 G. Nilon .......
3.00 Ed. Winters .
5.00 Ray Adams .
.50 G. W. Hooten
5.00 Jim Karris .
2.00 John E. Clark
20.00 Joe Bauer ...
1 00 B. Corneilous
2.00 j*
Hope Moore ....
3*5° \(. A. Collin
I rvì W-X
» I • . •
D. r E. ’ V Burdick
1.50 N. J. Huddleston
1.00 George Watt ...
1.00 Jas. Paterson .. .
1.00 H. A. Helton ...
2.50 J. A. Cummings .
10. 00 A. J. Landers ...
500 R. J. Smiley ....
500 C. W Miller
1.00 Up to the time of going to press the
2.50 list from Wheeler had not been re
1 00 ceived.
For a Weak Stomach.
As a general rule all you need io do
2.00 is to adopt a diet suited to your :.g<
2 OO and occupation and to keep your
bowels regular. When you feel that
2 00 you have eaten too much and when
2.00 constipated, take one of ( hamber-
JOO lain’s Tablets. For Sale by Lamars
2.«O Drug Score._______ ______
2. CO
The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay
»5 toe for all to pound lard pails and jc.
1000 for 5 pound pails. They must be free
5 00 from rust. Bring them in at once and
5.00 get your money.
22, 1917.
The Bazaar will be held in the Store Building
of the Masonic Building.
The Sacred Heart Parish of Tillamook will hold its
Annual Bazaar November 26th, 27th and 28th. The door
will be open to the public at 5 o'clock of the 26th.
A 35c. Chicken Dinner will be served every night
from 5 to 8 o’clock. On Tuesday and Wednesday the
doors will open at 10 a.m.
Rev. Fathers Ambros and Victor, both members of the
musical staff of Mt. Angel College, will delight the audi­
ences during the three days. The Sacred Heart male
choir will also be heard.
Christmas is drawing near and a chance is given you
to secure your Christmas gifts early and at reasonable
A handsome door prize will be given every night at
10 o’clock to the one in the audience who holds the luck
In food conservation it is de­
sirable to have canned goods in
small sizes that the entire con­
tents mav be used at one or
two smals and none wasted.
The number 2 cans of fancy
solid pack. Tomatoes on sale
at this Store will help.
A medicine which has
given satisfaction to its
users for over 40 years,
as Cardui has, must be a
good medicine. If yod
suffer from
troubles, and need a reli­
able, strengthening tonic,
of real medicinal value,
as proven by the experi­
ence of thousands ol
women users,
The Woman’s Tonic
Groceries, Flour and Feed.
2nd Ave E and 4th, Tillamook
Mr». C. S. Budd, of
Covina, Calif., in writing
of her experience with
Cardui, savs: *'l took a
bottle at 13 yearsokl.and
it cured my headache».
I have taken it since mar­
riage, and received much
help from it. Cardui is
the best medicine I aver
took ... It was the only
medicine .. . that helped
my baca..." Try Cardui.
All Druggist»
the Premier as to the methods cm
ployed by th'- British navy to capture
the submarines, but means for curb-
nflt the U-boat menace have been
made more effective of late is record­
ed by the ever-decreasing toll from
U-boat depredations.
Last week the admirably announc­
Mr». J. C. Holden announces that
ed that the submarine losses were the she will open her Piano Studio, Sept.
lowest since Germany announced its 1, for private and class instruction.
campaign of ruthlessness, totaling
Mrs. Holden is a graduate c.f the
but one British merchantman above Dunning Improved System of Music
1600 tons, and five craft below the 1 Study and will establish classes in
tonnagr Submarine losses of France . this method.
and Italy also showed a big decrease
Anyone desiring further particulars
over past weeks.
I may call at any time.
British Premier Tells Commons of
Big Victory
London, Nov. is—Fiv< G< Milan
submarines were destroy'd on Satur­
day. Premier Lloyd George announc­
ed today to the House of Commons.
The Premier told the house arrang­
ements had been made to supply in­
formation in regard to naval matters
to the war council
The Premier said he had no further
fear of submarines.
No information was vouchsafed by