TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 22 1917. ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisement*. First Insertion per line ............. Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and Professional cards one month....................................... Locals per line each insertion... Display advertisements, an inch and Lodge Notices, per line . All Resolutions of Condolence one month...................................... THE Y.M.C.A.DRIVEIN TILLAMOOK COUNTY. one church. So here is a chance to cut out waste in church work. s .10 •OS Stanfield to Run for U. S. Senator. A telegram was received this morn­ 1.00 ing stating that R. N. Stanfield, of 05 Eastern Oregon, had decided to run tor United States Senator. .05 Why is This Thus? I Large Number Citizens Contribute $3,000.00 to tbe Fund. F. A. Armstrong ................. A. Vlahos ............................. A. K. Case ........................... Geo. Hanseltnair ................. M. P. Vanderpool ............ H. Sanders ........................... Kittic Mills ........................... A. Soderberg ................... C. \ an Patten ................. Robt. H McGrath ........ .. C. V ogler ............................... F. W. Christensen............... W. G. Harris ....................... H. Mason ............................... Henry Leach ......................... Gottlieb Hanenkrat .......... Gottlieb Weiss ..................... Clarence Tilden .................. C. \V. Nelson ....................... Otto Krebs ............................. ... Herman Hopkins ................. Frank Hanenkrat ................. Emil G. Krebs ..................... Joe Baumgartner................. . . A. Mettler ........... ... . . Wm. W illiams ..................... . . James Murphy....................... S. J .Hoover ........................... Cyrus Buell ......................... . . F. L. Buell........................... Mrs. Doty ............................... . . . John Steinbach .......... .......... A. F. Frederickson .............. ... Howard Harris ..................... J. W. Edwall ......................... 1. S. Lamar ............................. . . . G. C. Vaughn ......................... Lando Darby ......................... ... Mrs. Stranahan ..................... ... George Escm ......................... Alfred Possicw ..................... K. Schlappi ............................. W. H. Goync ......................... W. Johnson ........................... Russ Johnson ......................... . . . Mrs. W. Johnson ................... D. B. Darby ......................... R. C. Nielson ......................... Ben Darbv ............................. Editor Headlight—Wc notice there is a call out to levy a special tax for road purposes in district No. I Now THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. district No. 1 is 25 or 30 miles long, extending from the north line of the F. C. BAKER, Publisher. county to the Wilson river. The meet­ ing to levy the tax is to be held near In the great campaign which has the northern line, at nine o'clock in 1 just been waged during the past week the morning of the last day in which i by the Y. M. C. A., for $35,000,000, the proceedings can he filed with the • for the care of the soldiers of the County Clerk to make them effective. United States and her allies, Tilla- Vice-President Marshal is getting Naturally the proceedings will have ' mook won credit to herself. what he deserves. Some wholesome to be expediated to get the returns in We have exceeded our quota of newspaper criticism, for receiving pay on time, that is, the same day. What $2,000 by almost half, every district in for delivering patriotic addresses. chance will that give any voter, ex­ the County exceeding their apportion­ cept the few who live close to the Anyone can see that it is going to voting place, to have any say in the ment, and some about doubling. The be many years before a hard surfaced matter. It looks like a cut and dried banner district in the county was road is completed from one end of the affair. Furthermore, we understand Cloverdale, with an apportionment of county to the other if the county is from one of the petitioners that when $200, more than doubled, this district having raised $462.50. not bonded for $400,000. the petition was filed that the other We believe we should be as free districts of the county would likewise with our words of praise when a It is now only a few weeks to the file petitions for a special levy, and new year, so make your plans to grow thereby save the calling of a special worthy task has been accomplished, more garden truck next year, The election to bond the county, but there as we are with our w’ords of admoni­ best way to conserve food is to grow is no call for a special election except tion when it is about to be undertaken more of it. Everybody in Tillamook in district No. 1, but a continued and to say that we are proud of our county should raise a big whooping agitation of the bonding of the coun­ County in the way her people have re­ sponded to this call, is using no ex­ garden next year. ty, either by a rehearing on the old travagance of words. •o----------- bond or an election for a new one, in That our people are interested in With all food stuffs at outrageous which, if district No. I makes a spec­ the welfare of our boys at the front prices, brough about by speculators, ial levy, they would get no part. and in the army camps can not be we do not see any _ good reason tor Personally the writer would perhaps prohibiting people from hunting and be benefitted by the proposed levy, questioned, and it will give courage fishermen, and fishermen without be­ but the principal is wrong. We pay and hope to our boys w’ho have gone ing restricted. The people need the taxes into the general road fund and into service, when they see the re­ food, and fish and game make good should have our roads built therefrom. sponse of their home citizens in this work of helpfulness. i eating. VotC her down. | I While it is impossible to speak per­ ------ o------ sonally of all who have made sacri- Albert Schlappi ..................... After weeks of anxious waiting th Mrs. E. Atkinson ................. Red Cross was finally organized this > Our correspondent makes one mis­ 1 fices and demonstrated real enthuiasm Mrs. Ray Hammond .......... week in this city. Better late than take in his letter which is misleading, for the success of this campaign, A. J. Wilks ............................. there arc a few of the leaders of the never, but it was no fault of the ladies T. J. Lassen ........................... consequently we think it is right that that.it was delayed. The ladies are we should make a correction. Should various branches, whom wc believe to H. B. lohnson ....................... be worthy of mention. now going to do their bit and we I taxpayers vote again to bond the I Mr. C. J. Edwards, who, under Frank Blaser........................... hope it will be a permanent organiza­ the county, the north part of the county heavy pressure, by those who named E. M. Brown ......................... tion after the war, for there is much Ted McFall ............................. to be done to stamp out tuberculosis would obtain a share of the money, so him for the place, accepted the county Floyd Wilson ......................... in this country. We wish the new or­ our correspondent is not stating facts chairmanship, adding its heavy bur­ Jim Wilson ............................. when he states “they would get no dens to the already trying demands of ganization success. part." The north part of the county his business, at a time when the de­ Andy Nails ............................. B. Hansen ............................... could expend one third of the bond If tin present beautiful line weather money to good advantage in becom­ mands of that business were most ex­ A. E. McDonald ................... continues, the fanners will have hay I ing part of the great highway that is acting, deserves large credit and a to dispose of to those who are hold­ now being built through the county, full measure of appreciation L j all D. D. West ............................. ing hay. The mild weather this fall | and tn the construction of a hard sur­ who glory in the success achieved. Alex Watt ............................... have given a whole lot of green feed, faced road from one end of the county With the greatest of patience lie gave C. J. Edwards ......................... i both of his time and strength most and very little hay has been used thus B. C. Lamb ............................. unstintingly. lar, which is a great contrast to last to the other.—Ed. 1 Mr. Roy Jones, county campaign Mrs. E. F. Mclchlcthaler ... year. Thousands of dollars arc being Edwin Boquist ....................... saved every week and Old Sol have WATER RIGHT IS DISPUTED . manager; Prof. R. W. Kirk, chairman of Speaker’s Committee; Attorney H. done something to Hoovcrize cow T. Botts, county secretary worked tto W. S. Hare ............................... feed in Tillamook county. Town of Nehalem Asserts H.School- less diligently and in various capaci­ meyerHas Forfeited Priority. ties, both by day anil by night, that Mrs. Scott Boatman ............ Declaring that when the farmers no department of the work may be Scott Boatman ......................... ------ o------ can’t hire men to dig potatoes and Salem, Orc. Nov. 19.—Rcprcsenta-1 found wanting ,, at the day of reckon- C. F. Murphy ........................... dozens of able-bodied “loafers” sit I Guy Mattoon ........................... and play cards all day, it is time some tives of the tow’n of Nehalem today ing at the close of the campaign, 'Mrs. Fred Briody ................... action was taken, Sheriff A. S. Rob­ .appeared before ,thc Division Super-I The captains who worked uniiring- !j. M. Traxler ........................... ertson has ordered all card tables re­ (intendent Chinnock, of water division I ly in the leading of their district 1 Grover Witt ............................. moved from saloons, clubs and pool No. 1, with a demand that H. School- teams to success, though chosen from Chas. Ray ................................. halls in Livingston, Mont. He said meycr forfeited his prior right to the ’among the business men of the coun- j W. A. High ............................... he did it as a war measure. It might j water of Bobbs Creek on the ground, ty, are the following: Al Boon ...................................... be a good idea for Oregon Sheriffs to that the application was not made in | Tillamook and vicinity, apportion- J. J. McGinnis ......................... $1000.00, raised *■ $1,356.00, captain- ’---- -- do the same thing, even if it is hard 'good faith and that he ha® not prose- jed * J. T. Moen. ............................. I ed by D. L. Shrode. cuted development. on "loafing. $200.00, F. L. Owens ........................... Schoolmeycr secured the right to I Cloverdale, apportioned J. C. Foster ............................... It is evident that there is a boot­ the water to develop power for do­ raised $462.50, captained by M. Kran- Myrtle F. Gist ......................... legging going on in this county and mestic purposes, as well as to supply er. Beaver, apportioned $100.00, raised Alice F. CoOfey ....................... the violators of the prohibition law water to a school on his land and for H. M. Farmer ......................... $192.50, captained by A. W. Bunn. should be rounded up and made to other similar purposes. Bay City apportioned $100.00, rais­ G. W. BodySelt ....................... The Supreme Court gave School­ pay for their unlawful acts. It was Oscar Bodyfelt ....................... bootlegging that brought the local meycr his prior right. The town con­ ed $192.94. This work was very large­ Mrs. J. W. Bod.yfclt............... option law into disrepute and it seems tends that its secondary right is in­ ly led by county chairman Edwards, Ward Sappingtoni ................... that the bootleggers arc now endeav­ sufficient to furnish it an aJequate but special mention should be made Orley Kellow ....................... of the liberal response by the Milling oring to bring the prohibition law in­ water supply. Company and its men, also the bank P. 1>. Ott .................................. to disrepute. That considerable boot­ Henry White ........................... and its force. legging is going on all over Oregon Announcement. Wheeler, apportionment $250.00, A. E. Myers ............................. is proven by the large number of ------ o------ N. N. Kirby............................... prosecutions. When men can make a Mrs. Harley J. Curl has started a raised $300.00, Captained by Frank Chas McKillip ......................... profit of $5.00 or more out of a bottle vocal class at the home of Mrs. E. Rowe. Nehalem, apportioned $150.00, rais­ Fred C. Rensscr ..................... of whiskey it is safe to say that there Bales. Ed Earl ..................................... ed $202.00, led by Henry Toh|. are men who will take the risk in­ Mrs. Curl is a graduate of Professor Brighton, apportioned $200.00, rais­ Effie Jensen ............................. stead of earning a living in some lig- Carson, of Portland. Chas Lundquist ....................... ed $209.25, led by Tom Watt. itiinate manner. Any one desiring further particulars ------ o------ On behalf of those in charge of the Joseph Wilson ... -................. may call at the home of Mrs. Ennnett campaign, we want to thank all the I. . M. Krancr ... ............. . The speaker at the city hall last Hales on Saturdays. committeemen who co-operated with Jeff Fleck ................................... week look a fling at those who attend­ us in this most worthy enterprise, the O. L. Smith ............................... ed the movies that evening. He said news-papers of the county who gave Deuel \ Cornett ..................... Notice. that place of amusement should be us space without reserve and all ot Mr. nnd Mrs. M. I. Bavs .... closed when patriotic meetings were Cheese maker wanted, to furnish all I the good citizens who responded so C. Hall ........................................ being held. We want to say this, C. F. Shortridge ...................... which, probaldy, never entered the supplies, and make cheese on percent­ liberally to this common call. A. A. Imlab ............................... C. C. Curtis, speaker’s mind. Those who attend the age, at Miami Valley Creamery Co.'s Chairman Publicity Com. A. Arstill .................................... UlOvics are helping to pay the cost of factory. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Messner Bids will be opened at factory on the war and whenever the Stars and Wm. Messner ........................... $ Stripes appear on the screen or the Monday, Dec. 3, 1917. P. Becker ..................... Mrs. Lena Cochran ............... orchestra plays “The Star Spangled Right reserved to reject any or all Ira Tomlinson ........... Frank Taylor ........................... Banner,” which is trow often done, bids. T. A. Hinote ............... H. H. Miller & H. C. Porter there is a spontaneous outburst of pa­ Dated this 7th day of Nov., 1017. G. A. Edmunds......... Mr. ami Mrs. John Fleck . . . triotism. And another thing, when C. V. Stoker, I’rcs. John & Paul Ebinger D. T. \\ 1 rschkul ................... money was needed lor the company King-Crenshaw Co. . J. L. Lawrence ....................... Kind and the Honor Guard needed Tillamook Bakery ... Wm. Glick ................................ money, it was the management and Frank Heyd ............... M. N. Bays ............................... those who attend the movies who J. L. Lawson............... Mary Jetick & sons ................ DR. WISE helped out. It is safe to say that the H. H. Rosenberg ... D. T. Edmunds ....................... gentleman who was sent here in be­ L. Stuivenga ............... Mrs. Cordelia Edmunds .... half of the Y. M. C. A. drive had all ; Cun be Found on Joe Reust ................... .Arthur Edmunds and sisters his expenses paid anil w.is drawing a 1 R. R. Stillwell ........... D. C. Collier .......... nice salary out of the Y. M. C. A. ' W. A. Lewis ............. MONDAY AT TILLAMOOK H. B. Lockwood . . Funds. And still another point we H. P. Kerr ................. J. J. Hudson ........... TUESDAY AT CLOVERDALE wish to refer to, Messrs Partridge anil l’cte Stnede W. A. Gage ............. Morrison have registered and are lia­ Gust lansen J. L. Gay ................... WEDNESDAY at TILLAMOOK ble to be drafted when the next call Riggs Bert Ambros Babcock . . is made to defend their country. John Benson L. A. Northup ........ THURSDAY AT TILLAMOOK ------ o------ Hoover Wm. L. S. Crawford .... Dr. Boyd, of Portland, is wanting F. Maurer ............... ERI DAY AT TILLAMOOK W. R. Robedee ........ churches in small towns to Hoovcrize Dan Krake ............. R. Allen ..................... It is a wise suggestion, but suppose SATURDAY AT WHEELER G. H. Ward............. Richard O. Allen ... the different Protestant denomina­ Axel Anderson ... G. D. Kenias ............ tions did get together anil all worsh­ R. F. Zachmann C. C. Murphy ......... Both Phones. ip under one roof, there is no assur­ i Carl Possetti........... Fred Metzke............. ance that in a few years other new F.. Blanchard ..... Arthur Coffey ......... (angled churches will not spring up Geo. Leap ............. J. R. Bidgood ........... and there will be as many different Nettie Smith ........... Howard Owens .... religious denominations. People who J. Walker ............... Raymond Lowrance hold strong religious prejudices arc Ole Wonier ............. Wade Arstill ........... hard to Hoovcrize, especially, those Leslie Reed ............. C. A. Smith ............... who claim that their church is the Jonas Olson ........... J. B. Gillam ............... only way by which one can reach Price & Robertson G. H. Ethel ............... heaven Take Tillamook C'tv for an fohn Enibum ......... C. H Larison ......... illustration, the building of so many F. E. Pangborn ... F. S. Foster ............. churches it is true have furnished an E. B. Rock ............. J. C. Dunn ................. abundance of seating accommodation C. A. Elliott ........... Wilma Grace Dann for those who attend places of wor­ F. L. Berkey ........ Roy C. Dunn .......... ship, but the sparer congregations A. A. Yager .......... T. A. Porter ............ .mil the empty pews is the cause of A. N. Wood Ernest Neuenseh wander <■ vi< discouragement, ... ...... r.-____ . onlv to much Mrs. L. J. Winter . Christ Otzcn ........... those who have labored hard to build Robert Watt ........ Jens Jensen ............... up a large congregation, but to those S. Siskey ................. Ole B. Redburg .... who attend church and are not mem­ F. J. Pye ................. Roy Stone ................. bers as well Without attempting to It s loose f it and $ood Jeff Wallace Ray Ward ................. Hoovcrize all the Protestant churches I. J. Thrapp .......... Mina Folic..tt ........ feel put you at ease on of this citv at one lick, why not start H. A. Kinnaman . H. G. Kinman ........ on one at a time’ There was never Alva Williams D. M. Pcntcr............. anv job that turns up. any real need of building the V. B Cash ......................... Craven & Craven church in this city, and to start in to lames Kodad SATISFACTION Mrs. Chas. Fox .... do .1 little Hooverizing, wc would W J. Stephens . Henry Gould............. GUARANTEED suggest that the members of that » M. D. Redding . .... Mrs. M. Kandle .... * J TOW re CO BOSTOX church affiliate with the M. F church C. M. Vidito ........... Mrs. Lydia Irish .. That will save the expense of running F. N. Elliott ............. Mae A. Schaeffer .50 Editorial Snap Shots. TOWER’S FISH BRAND REFLEX SLICKER I.00 EOO LOO LOO LOO 2.50 ÇOO LOO LOO 5 00 2.50 3.50 5.00 5.00 1.00 LOO LOO 1.00 2.00 -’.50 LOO 500 .P O LOG t OO x.OO I OO 2¿O SOO 5.OO 5.OO 1.00 LOO LOO 5.OO 2.5O 2.50 LOO 2.5O 2.50 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 1.00 LOO 2.5O 1.00 LOO 1.00 1 LOO 1 1.00 1.00 2.00 ¡•SO Ç.OO 2. SO LOO 1 1.00 I . . . . . . . . . . LOO 1.00 2.5O S.00 3. so 2.00 S.00 5O.OO .S.00 S.00 SOO .so 2.50 2. SO LOO Men Serving the Colors TE offer free our Safe Deposit service to men jn the training camps or at the front. Before leaving home, every man should bring his valuables or important papers, keepsakes, cor­ respondence and other precious possessions to this Bank and we will arrange the space for keeping them safe during the owner’s absence without charge. There is always danger of loss, when valuables are kept at home. DEPOSITS OF MONEY ARE ACCEPTED BY MAIL: AND MEN IN THE SERVICE ARE INVITED TO SEND DEPOSITS BY MONEY ORDER. TILLAMOOK COUNTY BANK UNEXCELLED ON WEST COAST OF STATE. Tillamookt Ore. SUPREME A TTR A CTIONS 1 T THE Gem Theatre FRIDAY. NOV. 23 “THOUSAND DOLLAR HUSBAND”—5 reel Paramount Pic­ ture featuring Blanch Sweet. Under ordinary circumstances $1000.00 is a small price for a husband, but to be the husband of Blanch Sweet, even a photoplay, well it is too cheap. Bet­ ter see this one. Don’t forget to save your coupon tickets, for the big Turkey raffle Wednesday evening, November 28, at the close of the first show. The number drawn to win the turkey must be held by someone in the house at the time of drawing. SATURDAY. NOV. 24 "SOMEWHERE IN AMERICA”—6 reel Metro Wonderplay with Mary Mills Minter in the staller role. At the present time and under existing circumstances this picture should ap­ peal to the people just as much as the term “Somewhere in France” Miss Minter will need no endorsement, as she is well known, and popular with the show’ goers. SUNDAY, NOV. 25. "LAND OF LONG SHADOWS”—5 reel Essanay photoplay of the Canadian Northwest, featuring Jack Gardner. Mr. Gardner is very capable and pleasing artist of the screen. He takes the part of a trapper in the wilds of the Northwest, in most convincing way. Don’t fail to see this exceptional offer­ ing. MONDAY, NOV. 26. "NEGLECTED WIFE” No 7. Two reels. "LONESOME LUKE COMEDY.” “HEARST PATHE NEWS.” TUESDAY, NW. 27. This program will be announced on the screen, watch for it. WEDNESDAY, NOV 28. "A KENTUCKY CINDERELLA”—5 reel Bluebird Photoplay with love and romance centering about two characters, with the California and Kentucky atmospheres and sun-shine. Note—At the closing of the big show we will have the drawing for the big Turkey, to be given Free to the one in the house, who holds the lucky number. Coupon tickets given with each adult admission, for one week before starting Thursday night November 22nd. Save your coupons. THURSDAY, NOV. 29. "BETRAYED”—5 reel William Fox Feature picture, secured especially for Thanksgiving night, a picture which is sure to please. Come and see it. Don’t go to bed too early after your big dinner. Miss Miram Cooper is the star of the play, and will entertain you in her usual and pleasing manner. If punch is wanted, this Fox release is a good place to find it. Meet at the First National o I R out of town depositors and patrons are i vited to make use of our comfortable quarters as a place of meeting and transacting business as well 'as complete facilities for conducting their banking. ou should have either a Savings or Checking (Account at The First National Bank. 4 iv n «, DIRECTORS: /. "-Ba™-Farmer. p. Heisel, Farmer. C. J Eduards. Mgr. C. Power Co. J. C. Holden, Vice Pres. n C. Lamb. Building Materials. John Morgan. Farmer. W. J. Riechers. Cashier.*} w [heFirst National Bank It Mrs. L. E. Whitman Lester Ray .......... Gilbert Rock ........ W H. Christensen E. J. McHugh ... James Taggart .. . Kathryn Edmunds J. E. Shearer .... \ . A. Spalding . . . Ben Joy ................. Helen Beals ........ Richard Miles ... Al Learned .......... E. E. Antrim .... L. J. Rcdhcrg ... J. L. Burke .......... Albert Wade .... Emma Fogg ........ Margaret Curry . . . M. Schuler.............. Mrs. W C. Stewart O. M. Putnam . . . Chas Blunt ............ D. Bailey ................ T. D. Lucas .......... Frank Von Euw .. Joe Betchard Alert Everest J. L. George Ray Hushbeck ... Mrs. Ray Hushbcc Andrew Anderson W. A. Pen ter .... C. Follett ............... Oscar Hcllenbrand D. C. Miles ........... E. J. Hunter......... E. W. Gilmore ... R. B. Miles ........... A. F. Ball ............ Wert Sappington W ill Gage ............. F. Carver .............. James Sutton .... John Wilson ......... Wilson Taylor .. . F. E. Myers ........ N. P. Honsen ... W alter Churchill 5.OO C. C. V. C. VOICSTOCI Colcstock .. 5.00 Leola Dunham 5.00 A. W. Hess