What to the War? careful research work, and that some ‘ I tions of the world what we then de­ Thev 'V, l bc ra«tcrpieces. County School Superintentendent G. Ihey are doing this often because manded for ourselves. In this day of G. Lamb has sent the following let­ they are interested in the subject, and ■ the revelation of our duly, not only to 1 defend our own rights as a nation but ters to the teachers of Tillamook He, \ "¡Vk°Ut reference to the prize County: element. \\ here essays have not been to defend also the rights of a free Following is a copy of a letter wnlten at th.s date, much use might 1 man throughout the world, there has which 1 received from Mr. Arthur M. be made of just what individual homes bevn vouchsafed us in full and inspir- Churchill, State Chairman of the U. H m ,', l"?-? .,,|1 I'11}’*1’/ *ntO practice the ’ , tng measure the resolution and spirit ; ' of united action. We have been 5_ Food Conservation. Home Card of Instruction ! brought to one mind and purpose. qhis letter will explain itself. I rood Administration. know nothing as to the details of this The ’ ' contest in Impres­ | “A new vigor of common action has 1 he value of ' thi, plan, until last Friday on receipt of sing 1 'lie he gospel of food saving and been revealed in us. We should es­ the letter. You will note that the let­ substitution c“'.".'ot Q overestimated. pecially thank God that in such cir­ JUb- >U'.llGn ca.,„ ter of October JJ he mentions v.. s I wish you could read the few essays cumstances in the midst of the great­ not mailed to the county superinten- which have strayed into my office est enterprise the spirits of men have been entered upon, we have, if we dent. lroni miscellaneous sources, but observe a reasonable and practi­ This would be a very valuable piece which in turn I am returning ’ to and be cable economy, abundance with which of work for your pupils, and 1 regret forwarded through proper channels. Prince Albert 10c. a Can. that the time will be so limited 1 am 1 licse essays should a inspiration to supply the needs of those associat­ -------- be - an ed with us as well as our own. A new Texedo writing Mr. Churchil’ that in this to a multitude of c' the grown-ups of the ,UE 10c. » county we desire until December 1st. State. I fully believe ?hat the 'children light sh ines about us. The great duties Velvet ... 10c. of a day awaken a new and greater atu performing a colossal service in Union^ Leader - November, 15, 1917. bringing this great country solidly 1 national spirit in us. W e shall never 10c. a I’ackage. again be divided or wonder what stuff Dear Sir:—If you have already tak­ bchin‘1 the President and the war. Pedro, 16 oz. 05c. » f en steps to set in motion everywhere 1 rusting you will mimeograph such ; we are made of. Dixie Queen, 14 oz. “And while we render thanks for 00c. in the schools of your county the es­ P:iris of this letter as you feel de­ f f say contest on “What Can We Do To sirable to forward to your teacher, I these things let us pray Almighty Gold Shoe, 16 oz. - 65c. ♦ » God that in all humbleness of spirit Help Win the War," you need pay am, Petterson Seal, 14 oz. we may look always to Him for .V. 60c. » « little, if any, attention to this letter. Very respectfully yours, I guidance; that we may be kept con- However, 1 wish you would read it Union Leader, 16 oz. 60c. ARTHUR M. CHURCHILL, ! stant in the spirit and purpose of ser­ » * over very carefully in any case. vice; that by His grace our mind may 1 am very much disturbed by two or I be directed and our hands strengthen­ three letters which have lately come AGRICULTURAL NOTES ed and that in His good time liberty to my attention. Children in at least two counties in the state, seeing a By R. C. Jones, County Agriculturist. land security and peace, and the com- I radship of a common justice, may be Star notice of this essay contest in the 10c. a Cut. 60c. pound. nations of the Tillamook Cows Doing Their Best I vouchsafed all the Portland newspapers, have written in Horse Shoe - earth. 10c. a Cut. 60c. » ♦ Records kept for the production of each case to the County Superintend­ “\\ herefore. I, W oodrow W ilson, Climax ~ ent of schools of their county asking 683 cows in the county by the Tilla­ - 10c. a Cut. 60c. » I president of the United States of hint about how they should proceed mook Cow Testing Association, show Spear Head • 10c. a Cut. 60c. 9 ’ to enter this contest, and he replied, an average production for the month ‘“America, appoint the 29th day of No­ 1 igar 5c. a Package. as late as November 5 in each case, of October of 542 pounds milk and vember, 1917, as a day of thanksgiving and prayer, and invite the. people that this was not in his hands and he 26.29 pounds butter fat. The average- knew nothing about it. Being very cost of feed, including nasture, was throughout the land to cease upon that day from their ordinary occupa­ fearful that this may apply to a num­ I$3-73- Forty-nine cows, A about_____ seven ber of counties. 1 am anxious that . percent of the total number, appear in tions, and in their several homes and this may be straightened out so that the honor roll as producing over places of worship to render thanks to the children in these counties shall be forty pounds of fat during the month. i God, the great ruler of nations. 1 he high herd average is held by C. I “In witness whereof, 1 have set my put on a parity with the rest of the hand and caused the seal of the Unit­ A. Swenson whose twenty eight cows ed children of the state. States to be affixed. To this end I am repeating in this ¡averaged 36.73 pounds fat. The bulls “Done in the District of .Columbia, letter the vital parts of my letter of Maple Park Chief, owned by Win. this seventh day of November, in the Hallie’s Butterboy year of our Lord one thousand nine October 22 to the county chairmen Williams and of the pledge card campaign, simpli­ owned by Carl Possetti are entitled hundred and seventeen, and of the in­ MARSHALL IS ROASTED fying ami modifying this letter so far to appear on the honor roll also bv i dependence of the United States the as change of date and circumstances having daughters in the list. The i one hundred and forty-second. Montana Democrats Object To Pay- 1 honor list follows require. W oodrow Wilson, ing 50 Cents. Milk Test Fat 1. Date for Closing Contest. Orig­ Owner “By the president: lbs. tbs. inally county contests were to be “Robert Lansing, Butte, Mont., Nov. 14.—Local Dcm- closed November 17. Feeling that Jos. Dürrer, .... 1068 .. 5.6 .. 59-81 , “Secretary of State. ocrats are in a ferment over the cont- county superintendents' offices had Amos \ aughn .. 1'53 • ■ 4.8 .. 55-34 ing to Butte, November 22, of \ » ice- m - 1230 been so far swamped with the pledge Jos. Durrcr 4-5 ■ 5335 President Thomas R. Marshall, to de­ Sparks Electric. 8^6 .. 6.0 .. 51-36 card campaign itself that in some Amos \ aughn .. liver a patriotic lecture to which an cases they had been unable to give ¡Jos. Dürrer ........ 816 .. 6.0 .. 48.96 812 .. 5.9 .. 47-9» ' A glareless screen for portable elec­ admission will be charged Butte Ro­ this attention, I last week extended Carl Hunt.......... tary and the Butte Ad Clubs will rc- this date to November 24. Yesterday | C. A. Swenson .. 1209 . 3-9 ■ ■ 47.15 trie lamps has been devised. T he barber's hair clippers are now- ceive the vce-President, but the ah- and today we have sent out newspa­ ¡Carl Hunt .......... 1324 • 3.5 .. 46.34 scncc of any participation by thc 890 . 5.2 . 46.28 operated by a small electric motor. per publicity noting this change of 1 \\ m. \\ illiams .. In the past year a large number of Butte Chamber of Commerce or ur­ 698 .. 6.6 .. 46.07 date. 1 fear, however, that in a few 1 Amos Vaughn . . counties this may have been so entire­ | J. T. Woodward . 837.. 5-5 • • 46.04 new electric washing machines have ganized effort on the jfcirt of tile prominent Democrats to entertain Mr 620 ,. 7-3 •• 45.26 been designed. ly neglected, and many parts of the \\ m. \\ illiams .. Storage battery electric locomotives Marshall is noted. counties so remote that it is unfair to C. A. Swenson .. II19 .. 4.0 .. 44.76 657 . 6.6 . . 44.46 in coal mines help to relieve labor Democrats prominent on party the children in these counties to close ; Amos Vaughn .. councils , w ho will not permit use of this even as early as November 24. | N. G. Boquist ... 9^8 . . 4.9 .. 4407 shortage and increase output. An electric letter opener is now used their names decry that the Vice-Pres­ 812 . 5«4 • • 43.86 Therefore, if in your county this con­ N. G. Boquist .. . 4.6.. 43-79 in large business houses. Two cutting ident should use patriotism as a test has not been brought to the at­ 1 Wm. Williams .. 952 wheels, driven by a tiny electric mo ­ means of enhancing his pocketbook. tention of schools early enough to 1 N. G. Boquist . . . 893 ■ ■ 4.9 .. 43-75 Despite the fact that he is coming make possible their general partici­ 1. T. Woodward . . 682 . 6.4 .. 43-6.5 tor does the trick. 669 .. 6.5.. 4349 1 A new hydro-electric plant of 200,- under the auspices of the lyccum bu­ pation by November 24, you are au­ 1 C. A. Swenson .. 000 h.p, is being planned for Shasta 966 .. reau, the Butte Minor, leading Dem­ 4-5 •• 43-47 thorized ro extend this time, for your C. A. Swenson .. 43-42 County California. ocratic newspaper of Montana, said county only, to December I. Please B. A. Folks ........ 804 .. 5-4 Time switches are now used on TILLAMOOK, ORE. 5.6 .. 43.1» editorially: do not change the date in your coun­ los. Dürrer ........ 771 •• 5.6 .. 43.18 electric ovens making baking prac­ ty from November 24 to December I los. Dürrer ........ 771 “ For anyone in these war days to 5-3 •• 43-09 tically automatic. Any desired tem­ lecture on patriotism and demand pay unless you fell that this is absolutely los. Dürrer ........ 8t.) perature can be had for any length essential because of your own inabil­ Carl Hunt .......... 598 ■ • 7.2 .. 4306 of time. for so doing presents about the most ity to get word to schools sooner, and Cary & O’Brien .. 723 •• 6.0 .. 42.43 flagrant case of profiteering that can More than $52,000,000 worth of 4.4 •• 42.37 1 9<>3 in that case explain to them that this C. A. Swenson .. be imagined, and for a Vice-President electric goods were exported during 42.24 862 .. 4.9 .. extension applies to your county only Amos Vaughn .. the year ending June 30, the largest of the United States even to lay him­ and for these reasons. Counties where [os. Dürrer ........ 960 .. 4.4 .. 42.24 amount in the history of the industry. self open to a charge of this kind can­ 42.07 5.2 .. 809 .. not help being huinilating to a very campaign is well under way will pay N. G. Boquist ... 775 • • 5.4 .. 41.85 1 The Commonwealth Edison Com-■ large class of loyal-minded citizens. no attention to this second permitted N. G. Boquist .. . pany of Chicago, effected a saving in 41.82 7.1 .. 589 . “If th<' Vice-Pri sident were willing extention, but will note the rest of J. T. Woodward . C. A. Swenson . . I^30 • • 3-4 •• 41.82 1 coal of 2,472,000 tons or around 58,- to do a song and dance turn every this letter. 000 carloads during the last year. This 6.6 .. 41-74 632 .. 2. Shot hold Ponies as Prizes. Mr. Cary & O’Brien . was due largely to utilizing steam- Monday this amusement bureau could 750 • 5-5 • • 41.25 turbin, generating units and the shut­ not b«' blamed for hiring him for that Russel Hawkins, of Tillamook, has C. A. Swenson .. 41.22 4.6 .. . 896 . offered three of his best imported, Warren Vaughn . ting down of its small uneconomical purpose. The man who stands next to the president of this Nation would 791 ■ ■ 5.2 .. 41.11 stations. pure blooded, Shetland ponies to the Carv & O’Brien. 41.08 5-3 ■ ■ draw a record crowd and pay ex- three winners in state wide essay con­ Frank Hunter ... 775 ■ • The Southern Power Company has 868 .. 4.7 •• 40.80 pe uses. test in the schools on the subject N. G. Boquist . .. 5.4 .. 40.66 awarded contracts for the immediate “The Vice-President of the United above noted. Mr. W. B. Ayer will pay­ los Dürrer .......... 753 construction of a hydro-electric plant railroad charges to the station al or Geo. < »Ison ........ 1128 .. 3.6 .. 40.61 at Wateree, S. C., to cost approxi­ States is paid a salary of $12,000 a 40.61 , Amos Vaughn .. 923 ■■ 4.4 near which the winners reside. mately $b,ooo,ooo. The plant is to be year by this Government. If that is 3. Who To ______ Enter: Every school I. ,G. Seifer ........ 1095 .. 3-7 •• 40.52 completed by November 1918, and not enough money properly to main­ 49 ■ 40.43 tain the position, for God’s sake let 825 student in Oregon. We are especially C. A. Swenson .. will develop 100,000 horse power. It anxious that participation be very Frank Blaser . . .. 961 .. 4.2 .. 4036 will connect with six other plants op­ Congress increase .he amount, in or­ general throughout the state, and that Carl Hunt .......... 1550 •• 2.6 . . 40 30 erated by this concern and will be der that na holder of that position every child should evidence a mastery M \\. Harrison . 7Q0 .. 5.1 .. 40.29 one of the largest plants of its kind may ever again feel it necessary to go forth in an effort to coin patriotism 7°> = % ■ 40,°° 1 in the south. of the food conservation Home Card Ebinger&Son of Instruction at least, and, especially Pie Club Boy Makes Good Record. , The advantage of the large gener­ into dollars/'______________ Curtis Garner, of Hemlock, made a ator over the small units, it is point­ in the case of older students, of other YOU CAN EARN $200. conservation and war material if pos­ showing in raising a pin in the school ed out by one authority, are both in club work this year that should open " sible. first cost and operating economy. 4. Contestants Classified Accord­ the eves of some of the older farmers Turbins of 300,000 kw, and over, cost each month selling “Wear-Ever” ing to age. One pony, will be given of the county. Manv of the older far­ from $8.00 to $9.00 per kw, as com­ specialties in Tillamook county. C. Lewis county, as a prize for the best ‘essay w ritten mers have frequently made the re­ pared with $20.00 to $25 00 in sizes of Irvine Armstrong, $275 1275 per by a high school student or parochial mark that “pie raising does not pay. j 500 kw. The steam consumption in Washington, averaged ­ month in July and August. A recent or private school student of same Pork is high but feeds are consider units of coal burned is but one pound pay to rank; another for the best essay by­ able higher and it does not old lad of coal per kw.-hr. for the large units month's commissions of T. J. Pellow, grade school student to years or raise pigs. This eleven year as against 2 to 25 pounds kw-hr for Astoria, Oregon, were $364. Do not apply unless you are exempt from over; a third to grade school student disproves their theories. kw units. Starting with a sow pig at weaning 500 Approximately 1,500,000 persons army draft, can furnish references 10 years of age or under. 5. Method of Conducting Contest. time, he kept her until she was six ride on the New York City subway and have funds to pay expenses for Conduct contests separately for each months old. making her gam a pound system every day. One-half this num­ one month. Successful applicant will age classification. (See paragraph 4 and a third a day at a feed cost of four ber is carried during rush hours, be­ be selected in few weeks after per­ above). Each teacher should conduct and a half cents per pound gam tween 7 to 9 a.tn. and 5 to 7 p.m. Un­ sonal interview with our sales super­ pig had a grass pasture to run til the new extensions now under con­ visor. For particulars write to The the contest or contests for her own in This and all the whey she would drink, struction are in operation, every rush Aluminum Cooking Utensil Company, room. Winners should contest for the honor of representing the school dis­ with oats and barley shorts fed ac­ hour train is being operated that Portland, Oregon. cording to her weight. Whev wa> fig- tracks and stations will permit. At trict or city in county contest, (where STI II ' B A K f R The Sf idrluker Corp., Anerlr»— there are several rooms in one build­ tired at seven cents a can and the le d rush hours local trains are made up “one of the best motor oils.’’ charged at actual cost. The rent of the with six cars and express trains with Boots and Shoes in Japan. ing, the principal will conduct the OLDSMOB1! E ' The Oldsmobile Co. of California, San Contests between rooms for the pur­ pasture was also charged to the pig. , ten cars run under one minute and When a mere lad can raise pork at forty-eight seconds headway. During Frr “liivr been lifting Zerolenr in our Oldsmo­ Japan is branching out in the boot, pose of representing the building in four and a half cents a £ the past ten sears it is said that the shoe and leather business. An article bile cars for div past two years a most satufacto«*« the city-wide contest.) Essays of win­ lubricant.” ners in city or school district contests it at fifteen it is time that «mne o' *'£ New York subway system has carried in the Japan Magazine for October, “doubting Thomases pull off 'one and one-half the world’s popula- 1917, tells of the rapid progress made CADILLACS M S Brigham MotorCar Co., Seattle— will be sent to the county superin­ i tion, and that during this period only in this branch of domestic industry. tendent of schools by the date set for eons and get into the game. “have no hesitancy in recommending Zerokne.* More boys will be in the pig raising ' one person has been killed in a train The Japs themselves, do not, closing contest. Each county will en­ game FORD Fahv-A’ etbury Saks Co., Lai Angeles L» : I this year. Watch their results. shoes, general thing, wear any ter its winning essay in each age clas­ 1 accident. _______ . “ha\ t >: -id Z< rolene to be the one oil that has given — they have learned how to make sification in the state-wide contest by­ us perfect lubrication.” Another Free-Trader in Power. by machinery imported from sending these to me at this office. Thanksgiving Proclamation Issued by United States, and with wages Judges of state-wide rermtation will The President. be asked to determine the ultimate It is announced that Col. House, more than one-tenth the wages winners. County superintendents wi t 1 exas, to American workers they arc pro­ T1,c IQI; .XrWiF Democratic politician from certify to us that the winners in each ¡will make a study of foreign trade ducing large ' quantities for export. fnllo_.s. of the three contests fulfill the quali­ mation was ¡condition» as they are likely to be The Underwood free trade tariff ad­ The -i J. Vnli<4 presented after the war. He is one mits boots and shoes made of leather fications as to age, etc., laid down to ¡more free trailer added to the already free of duty. At the present rate of the‘best of their information and be­ Endorsed by Leading Car Distributors lief. Teachers and principals will sim­ “h has long been the honored ci - long list of administration agencies expansion Japan will soon be able to ilarly certify to their own contestants. tOm of our P^‘“¿r" prahe ™nd trying to tell American business men invade the American market with - because the record* of their service department* show what to expect when the protective boots and shoes made by 10-crnt la­ 6. Standardsand Methods of lugg­ that Zernien«*, correctly refined from California a*phalt- ful autumn of the for influence of the war has been remov­ bor. ing: No particular length is assign" thanksgiving to Almighty ha»e crude, give* perfect lubrication lew wear, more for this essay, and judges or loci His many ble*.ings and merci' . a us ed Our free trade admini tration is power, least carbon deposit. MERCHANT'S WIFE ADVISES up a coin and, saying. school authorities will use their own as a nation. That custom we can fob throwing the .“Heads I win tails you lose. TILLAMOOK WOMEN. discretion as to the proportion ot STANDARD OIL and credit to be given for subject matter, COMPANY i,'‘ of style, etc. The Food Administration f ^-^di?Ve:;liie^ idst "I had stomach trouble to bad I (California) Mrs. P. 0. Stuchell Tells How She ___ , even could eat nothing but toast, fruit, and primarily interested in subject mat