TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT NOVEMBER 22, 1917. T Notice. Stock indemnity ..................... 5,000.00 I Farm demonstration ............ 1,500.00 Dairy Herd Inspector ........ t.»0.00 District Sealer of Weights ■ and Measures ....................... District Attorney’s office .. 1 Auditor ...................................... Elections ................................. Si’fSF'r ............... luaiussasse State taxes (estimated) .... 50,000.00 THE RIFLE BARREL Notice is hereby given, that on Sat­ Making It Perfectly Straight Is a Dal. urday, the 8th day of December, 1917, icate Operation. at I o'clock in die afternoon, at the Following tbe reaming operation kt court house ia Tillamook County, Oregon, a public hearing will be had Romance and Tragedy of These rifle manufacture. which leaves the al which the taxpayers wi'! -- be - heard - bore of the barrel smooth and polished Unsaited Iniand Seas. in favor or against any proposed tax comes one of the most delicate and ex' Ivies as shown by the following es­ acting operations in gun making, that Makes Clubbing Arrangement With timate of the County Court of Tilla­ of straightening the interior of the bar­ mook County, Oregon. Total ............ $34 J. 16375 A VAST MARINE GRAVEYARD. rel. In straightening a barrel every­ Estimate of the amount of money Probable receipts of the county thing depends on tbe skill and expert- proposed to be raised bv taxation for other than direct taxation. enee of the operator, for, although ma­ the ensuing year for Tillamook Coun­ Receipts from County Clerk’s No Equal Area of Ocean Waters Has chines have been devised to perform ty, Oregon. office (estimated) ............... $4,500.00 A Proved So Great a Glutton For Hu­ this difficult work, they still require Figures assembled by th. County Receipts from delinquent man Life and Ships and Rich Car­ skilled men to operate them, and they Court show that it will require tiie taxes (estimated) ............... 10,000.00 cannot turn out as much work as is goes— Mystsr.es of Missing Vessels. sunt of $343,163.75 to defray the ex­ Receipts from motor vehicle done by band by tbe old method that penses of Tillamook Count/, Oregon licenses, estimated ............ 850.00 MONG our large circle of readers Some day the great lakes are going has been practiced for years and which for die year 1918, and for the object there are a great many who sire in­ to contribute a glorious share to the can only be acquired by long experience. and purpose of county improvements, Total ............................... $15,350.00 terested directly or indirectly in the maintenance of county buildings literature of America L'ntil now they The following school districts have The straightening bli>ck has a heavy fruit growing, dairying and other roads, bridges and for the salaries of riled with the County Clerk and As­ have been uuhonored and unsung, ex base, on which are fixed two hardened county officers and employee.-, and sessor, the special levies: branches of farming. All of these cept in some isolated cases, where the bars of steel set a short distance apart for other purposes, as follows, to-wit: 1 School District No. 3 . . . .............. 0007 naturally wish to keep in clo a touch with ag­ poet or the romancer has sought his and at an angle with one another A District No. 1. 1 School District No. 13 . .............. oo;8 north window is necessary, where a ricultural activities throughout the state; Garibaldi to Bay City .. . ! $7.000.00 School District No. 18 . . .............. 00; audience in vain. All of the romance steady unobstructed light is had. and and to know about any fight which is being Garibaldi ,o Wheeler .......... 8,000.00 School District No. 31 . . . ..............002 of tlie sea is not contained in the At­ the upper half of this window usually waged for the measures Oregon farmers Mohler to beaches via Ne­ School District No. 32 .............. OOO7 lantic or the Pacific. Tbe great lakes has a large pane of tine ground glass. halem ...................................... want and against all sorts of schemes that School District No. 47 . . .............. 008 are rich in romance. History and Across this glass at about tbe middle Wheeler to Mohler ............... School District No. 36 .. ............... 0055 are detrimental to the people and agricultural | legend have joined hands to weave a is fixed a straightedge of wood. Thrf 1 Miami-Foley and Barber thrilling narrative around this enchant­ operator places a barrel on a rest and interests of this state. reads ........................................ 5,500.00 Dated this 13th day of November, ed louutry. Indian tradition clusters looks through it at the straightedge on South Nehalem Roads above 1917. We have, therefore, made a special dubbing thick about it. Three nations strug­ the window, observing the shadow east Foley ...................................... 1,000.00 Erwin Harrison, Clerk. arrangement with THE OREGON FAR­ glid for dominion over tlie lake coun­ by the edge ou the polished interior of Loinmen Bri 'gc and Tr.stL. 6,000.00 MER whereby any fanner or fruitgrower, try—England. France utid the L'nited the bore. North Nehaktn roads to States. Innumerable shipwrecks have county line ........................... 7,000.00 Notice of Budget Meeting of Bay who is one of our regular subscribe; s and w ho This shadow extends about halfway City, Oregon. God’s Valley road ................. i ,000.00 contributed their black pages to tlie down tbe bore, and if the latter is per- is not now a subscriber to THE OREGON Machinery and repairs ........ 2,000 00 The thrill of story of the inland seas, FARMER, will be entitled to receive THE fectly straight tile shadow shows two Notice is hereby given, that the Bridges and culverts ........... 2,000.00 storm at sea. of struggle with the ele- straight dark Hues, one on either side OREGON FARMER in combination with Deficit and overdrawn 1917. 7,000.00 Common Council of Bay City, Ore­ blackuess of a Lake 811 meats in the of the bore and slightly below its cen­ gon, upon the report of the auditing this paper at the same rate as for this paper General maintenance and re­ pesior night, of glorious vieiory or ter if. however, there is a crook in alone. pairs ........................................ 6,500.00 committee of said council, has pre­ brave defeat. remains to he recorded the bore tbe lines of the shadow di- pared the following estimate of the fittingly. This offer applies to all those who renew or verge from a straight line and zigzag Total ......................... .... $0 J,009.00 proposed tax budget as follows: What chronicle contains a more fas hi various directions as the operator re­ Expenditures. District No. 2. extend their subscriptions as well < s to all I clnating record than the narrative of Marshal's salary ....................... $360.00 Fairview Hall up Wilson Riv- volves the barrel by hand. This indi­ new subscribers, If you are interested di- the voyage of exploration made by cates that there are crooks in the bar- er to county line ........... $1,500.00 Recorder’s Salary ..................... 360.00 k rectly or indirectly in Oregon agriculture, Rene Cavalier de la Salle in his good rel. Ti, correctly observe these delicate Fairview Hall up I rask river i,soo.oo City Attorney’s salary and At­ do not miss this unusual opportunity, bat torney's fees ........................... ship the Griffin, tbe first sailing vessel iiidieatioim requires unusually perfect Netarts road ................. ........ 4,000.00 send your order in now. Stanley bridge ....................... 3,500.00 Street Lighting ......................... to venture forth on the great lakes? sight, and to locate the point and na­ Morgan Bridge ............. ......... 2,700.00 Rent of Fire House ............... In 1679 this ship, captained by the in ture of the erook is a matter of long THE OREGON FARMER is the one farm Approach Hunt’s bridgea ... 1,200.00 General Supplies ....................... trepid French soldier of fortune and experience and judgment. paper which is devoting itsc’f •.■';< Insivtdy Road and bridge plank .... 3,000.00 Printing ........................................ manned by 11 merry ciew of voyagers, When the ol>erator lias located a Machinery and repairs ......... 6,000.00 Interest on Warrants ............. to the fanning activities and interests of with several Jesuit zealots, sailed the crook he lays tbe barrel across the bars dock bonds General maintenance . . .... 9,600.00 Interest on Oregon. It has a big organize i ton ga th­ length of Lake Erie. Lake St. Clair and of his straightening block with the high $5500.00 at 6 per cent ........ 330.00 Road lied for hard surf. ;ce.. 30,000.00 Lake Huron on a voyage of adventure point of tbe curve uppermost and ering the news of importance io iT.rmers, Interest on General Fund and discovery. The Griffin was lost on strikesit with 11 heavy hammer wade of dairymen. fruitgrowers, slockr. i- rs and Bonds for Street Improve­ Total ......................... . . . $(>3,000.00 1 its return voyage. La Salle, who had copjier or babbit metal, and great judg­ ment ($40,000 at 6 per cent. 2400.00 poultrymen; and it has the bi.ckt ju « to at­ Road District No 3. remained in tlie north country, never ment is necessary to know just how District line to Slab Creek. $7,000.00 Miscellaneous Street Repairs. 1411-25 tack wrongful methods and couii.ii. Jia.is and heard of it again. Tlie first mystery of hard to strike to remove the crook. This Sand lake road ............... .... 2,000.00 I bad legislation, and support honest le iders Total $6,301.87 I tlie great lakes bad been recorded. process of observation and straighten­ Blaine, East Creek and ar.J beneficial measures. We ar? confident I Countless others were to follow it. For ing is repeated- until the two shadow Jones road ............................. 2,000.00 that our readers will coiigraiuTHe us '•<» our .... $ 15.00 , tlie great lakes hold their grim record luies are perfectly true for one-half of Cloverdale to Sandlake north of- being ab’e to make this splendid and at­ side of river ......................... I of tragedies. the length of the barrel and then Is re­ 3 I fice .............................................. 25.00 From Junction to Pacific tractive dubbing offer. It is interesting to note that no sim­ peated for the other half, observations 750.00 G ’ oast Power Co. Light City ........................................ ilar area of any ocean, if suddenly strip­ being taken from the opposite end. I franchise .................................... 90.00 Machinery and repairs on ped of Its volume of water, would ex­ TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, 1 yr $1 50 Another method of straightening machinery ........................... 5. 250.00 5 »till tax levy- on assessed pose to human gaze a larger number of sometimes practiced is by placing in I valuation of $414,125 for New Bridges and repairs on sunken ships or more valuable curgoes the muzzle of the gun a lens covered OREGON FARMER, 3 years - $3.00 that part of budget and esti­ bridges .................................... 10,500.00 I than lie ut the bottom of these inland with cement, in which a circle is mate, designated as General J o match the State and Fed­ waters. A record kept between the scratched. Ou looking through tbe bar­ Fund .......................................... , 4,070.62 eral appropriation on either $4 50 years 1878 and 1898 reveals the start­ rel with a suitable light a series of to mill tax levy on assessed of the 'Three Rivers or Lit­ ling faet that in that period 5.999 ships rings apj>ears in the bore, and the valuation of $414,125 for that tle Nestucca roads as the By Our Clubbing arrangement, wore wrecked on the great lakes, ami slightest lack of concentricity of these part of budget and estimat­ State may spend their ed as Road Fund ................. 4,141.25 1.993 of these were total losses. Tlie rings indicates a defect. This is said money on .............................. 15,000.00 « both for ............................... • $1.50 loss of cargo during the score of years to l>e an extremely delicate test.—Sci­ For preparing road bed for Total .................................... $6,301.87 was nearly $8.000.000. hard surface if needed, entific American. And that the City Council has fixed otherwise for general main­ Some of these vessels disappeared al­ I most as mysteriously as did the Griffin tenance .................................. 20,000.00 Monday, the 3rd day of December, Won by His Cool Head. I 1917. at the hour of 8 o’clock p.111. at in tbe brave old days of exploration. “One day." says a writer tn Munsey's Total .................................... $63,000.00 ' th® City Hall in Bay City, Oregon, as No wreckage floated to the shore. The Magazine, "when H. P. Davidson of School Fund | the time and place for hearing any great lakes hid well their secrets. Nav­ the firm of J. P. Morgan & Co., was a Notice of Sheriff’s Sale of Real Notice to Creditors. bounty school fund ............. 42,100.00 and all objections, remonstrances and igators of tile northern lakes Insist that teller in the Astor Place bank, a crank Property. High school fund ................. 8,500.00 . discussions to such proposed budget. Dated this 13th day of Nov., 1917. Notice is hereby given that the un- there are portions of Lake Superior presented a draft for $1.000 and young whore It Is Impossible to find the bot­ Davidson looked up to see a pistol J. C. McClure, Total ................................ $51,000.00 Notice is hereby given, that by vir- d-rsigned has been by the County ___________ City Recorder. tuc of a writ of execution issued out Court of Tillamook County, Oregon, tom. The superstition Is that some pointed at him. He antlled and com­ Circuit Court. Jurrors, witnesses, bailiffs of the County Court of Tillamook I appointed as executor of the last will ships that have gone down at sea are menced to read the face of the draft: Notice. and expenses ..................... $2,500.00 county, Oregon, on the 7th day of and testament of James Hughey, de­ held forever In this unfathomable Pit “ ‘Astor Place bank—Pay to the order Justice Court. November, 1917, and to me directed, ceased, and he has qualified as such. beneath the waters. of Almighty God the sum of $1.900 Like the sailors of the salt seas, the i when presented by Charles Freeman.' Justice and constable fees, To the taxpayers of the Port of Bay upon a judgment rendered on the 16th All persons having claims against the jurors, witnesses and sup­ City, Oregon. day of December, 1915, and docketed : estate arc required to present them tneu who navigate the inland waters “Do you want it in dimes?" asked plii * ........................................ $ (100.00 At a meeting of the Board of Com­ ' in and by said court on the 20th day to the undersigned, together with are a superstitious lot. Almost every Davidson in a very loud voice and be­ County Court. missioners of the Port of Bay City, of December, 1915, in a certain action proper vouchers as required by law, wreck that marks the history of the gan to count tlie money. Then the office of H. T. Botts, Attorney lakes is the Inspiration of some weird, County Judge, salary ........... $1,200.00 Oregon, held on the 12th day of No­ then in said court pending wherein wherein , at bank's policeman, whose attention had Commissioner*' salary, expen­ vember, 1917, the following estimate Jones-Knudson Furniture Company I at Law, Tillamook City, Oregon, fantastic story that by frequent repeti­ ses, supplies, etc ................. 3,000.00 or budget of the receipts and dis­ , was plaintiff and M. Illingworth was within six months from the date of tion assumes the dignity of truth in been called to the situation by tbe tel­ ler's loud utterance, seized tbe half bursements of the said port for the defendant, said judgment being in this notice. the sailor’s ready mind. One such su­ crazy man from behind. The teller's Total .................................... $4,200.00 year 1918 was ordered published as favor of plaintiff and against the de­ i Dated November Sth, 1917. perstition that is firmly rooted ip ‘ he Wesley Rush, level headedness and nerve saved bis Clerk's Office. fendant, and by which execution I required by law. Executor of the last Will and minds of all great lakes navigators 1 H^doubttes»? Clerk's salary ......................... $1,600.00 ant commanded to satisfy out of the Receipts. PniiPornu rno mPotni'imia v»rv./xz»D nf , concerns the mysterious wreck of the Testament of James Hughey, Deputy ...................................... 900.00 Balance on hand Jan. 1st 1918 property of said'defendant the follow­ Bannockburn. deceased. Deputy ...................................... 780.00 ing judgment, to-wit: after paying the interest How Parchment Got Its Name. She was a big, powerful freighter, H. T. Botts, Supplies etc................................ 1.000.00 $1 10.35, with interest from the 28th I coupons • then due on the The Greeks of Pergamus are said to Attorney for Executor. carrying a crew of twenty-two meu. bonds of the Port............... $ 784.51 day of November, 1914, at the rate of She cleared Duluth on a day in the have first prepared parchment from Total ................................. $4,280.00 Proceeds of levy of J'.j mills 8 per cent. per annum, and I have late fall. What happened to her will the skins of the goat or sheep. They Sheriff's Office. duly levied upon the following des­ on the dollar of the estimat­ Notice of Road District Meeting. $ 1 ,000.00 never be known. She went out In the were curried, deprived of al) fat. thin- Sheriff’s salary ..................... cribed real property of said defendant ed assessed valuation of QOO.OO Deputy ...................................... morning and was last sighted the next ued uniformly by the knife dyed or the Port, $7,311,250 ........ 25.5f9.37 in Tillamook County, Oregon, to-wit: i Notice is hereby given, that in pur- QOO.OO Deputy ...................................... * The South half of the Northwest ’su.mcc of a petition of three free­ evening. That was the end. Not one whitened and finally rubbed down with J5O OO Auto ................. I........................ Total.................... $26,373.88 quarter of the Southwest quarter of holders of Road District No. 1 of of her crew was ever found. For more pumice stone to a smooth and even sur­ 4IO.OO I .»stage ami envelopes .... the Northwest quarter of Section 12; Tillamook County, Oregon, filed in than a year the chill waters of Lake face. Cal'ed pergamenum from the Disbursements. 35O.OO interest on the $407,000 bond city of its origin, the new nisterial l>e- Supp. i s .................................... the Southwest quarter of the North­ the County Court of Tillamook Superior guarded well their secret. 25O.OO Ixtra help collecting taxes. east quarter, the North half of the County, Oregon, on November 9th, Then one day an oar was found float­ eame parehemiu in archaic French and issue of the Port, at 6 per 25O.OO Miscellaneous ......................... Southeast quarter; the South half of [917, and cent per annum, payable an order made by the ing among the driftwood of the bleak parchment In the English tongue. the Northwest quarter and the North County Court in pursuance thereof on north shore. A piece of tarpaulin was otic half July 1st, 1918. and ’ Total .................................... $4,910.00 one half January tst, 1910 24,420.00 half of the Southwest quarter of Sec­ said »late, there will be held in said wrapped securely around it. and when Mind Reading. School Superintendent's Office half of the Southwest quarter of Sec­ Road District No. I of Tillamook this was removed it was found that Balance to cover legal and "What subjects are best adapted for . . $ 1,000 00 Salary ..................... tion 10, and the Northwest quarter of other expenses, and inciden- County, < iregon, at the Woodmen of the word “Bannockhum” was scraped beginners' practice In mind reading?" ... (XXI . 00 Deputy ................... tials ........................................ 1,935.88 the Southwest quarter of Section it, the World Hall in Upper Nehalem, into the wood. The oar is all that re­ asks the inquisitive subscriber of Whar­ 200.00 Traveling expenses all in Township 1 South, Range 8 in said county, a district Road meet­ mains today to tell the story of the ton. That sort of tbiug is Sanskrit to ... 450.00 Office Supplies . . Total .............. '.................... $26,373.88 West W. M. ing of the legal voters of said district us. but if you hear a girl ask her beau 250.00 Desk and files .... 'Therefore, for the purpose of satis­ No. 1, for the purpose of voting an missing freighter. Please take notice that a meeting of According to the queer twist given why be doesn't save his money by in­ the taxpayers of the said Port of Bay fying said'judgment, 1 will on Satur­ ’additional tax of five mills on the the story by the sailors of the inland vesting it in a bungalow you might se® Total .................................. $2,500.00 City, is hereby called to meet at the day, the 15th day of December, 1917. dollar on all taxable property of said Assessor's Office. City Hall in Bay City, Oregon, on the nt the hour of to o’clock a.m., on said road district, to be extend»»! upon the seas, the Bannockburn Is xu|>posed to if you can make out what she is think­ Salary ......... ........................... $1.200.00 4th day of December, 1017, at the »late, at the front door of the Court tax roll of Tillamook County, Oregon, he the Flying Dutchman of the great ing of.—Houston Post QOO.OO hour of 10 o’clock a.m. for the pur­ House in Tillamook City, Oregon, Deputy .... ............................ lakes. Sometimes at night, when the 400.00 pose of discussing the said budget or sell at public auction to the highest for the year 1917. Said meeting will be chill north wind sweeps across the Supplies and bond premium Optimistic. held on Friday, the 30th day of No­ Special help extending taxes bidder for cash in hand all right, title vember, 1917, at the hour of 9 o’clock swollen bosom of Lake Superior and estimate. "Would you consider Jasserby an op­ 2OO.(X> and making index ............... and interest which the within named a.m. Said meeting is called and held the stinging “ice devils" All the air. timist?" By order of tbe board. Theodore Jacoby, defendant had in or to said real prop­ under the provisions of Chapter 299 the lookout on some lonely |>oint calls “I’m sure he's one.” Secretary of the Tort of Bay City. erty on or since the 20th day of De­ of the General Laws of Oregon for loudly to his companion and points to "Quite positive, eb?" ................ $3,000.00 Total . . cember. 1915. the date of the docket- the year 1917. where he imagines the Bannockburn, "Y’es. I've seen him follow a golf Treasurer's Office. | ing of said judgment. Also all right, Dated this November 9th, 1917. ail white with ice and ghostly tn the crank to the links, hoping he would get Notice of Completed Contract Salary ......... ......................... $1,000.00 I title end interest of all persons A. M Hare. ------ o— darkness, is slipping through the black a chance to talk business with him."— mco Supplies ... claiming under said defendant since County Judge of Tillamook County, by given that the said date. Said sale will be made sub­ mystery of the lake. Notice is hereby Birmingham Age-Herald. Oregon. c. Tillamook Ci oun- ject to redemption as provided by The history of the great lakes is Total ... ............................ $1.200.00 County Surveyor of F. L. Owens ty has filed in this office his certifi­ law. punctuated with thrilling narratives Surveyor's Office Teamwork. H. V. Alley, Salary ........................................ $1,200.00 cate for the completion of all work Dated this 10th day of November, County Commissioners of Tillamook such as this. There are brighter chap­ Willkins—Jones stammering doesn t Deputy ...................................... 700.00 under the contract of F. C. Feldschau IQI7- ters that tell of heroic rescues made by bother him when talking to bis wife. County Oregon. Supplies, etc............................. 600.00 with Tillamook County for the con­ dint of dauntless conrage »nd super- Billkins - HoW so? Willkins - WelL W. L. Campbell, struction of the Tillamook Bay City Sin-rill of Tillamook County, Oregon. nuntan effort — George W. Stark I d when she stops for breath he says ■ » Total ................................ $2,500.00 hardsurfacc improvement front Sta o Outlook. An Old Man's Stomach. word, and by the time she's out of plus 00 to Sta. 6 plus 71.0 and the Court House and Jail. breath again he's ready to say another Tillamook-Fairview hardsurfacc im ­ Notice of Completed Contract Janitor’s Salary ....................... $ 84000 Deeorated With Plates. word.—New York Globe. As we grow older and less active, \\ <>od ...................................... 450.00 provement from Sta. 66 plus ot.58 to One of the important apartments at Sta 87 plus 10.58, according to the Notice is hereby given that the , less and less food is required to meet 1 ight and \\ ater ............... 450.00 I the palace of Fontainebleau, in France, Mean. Telephones .............................. 50000 plans anti specifications. Any person, county surveyor of T;1l imook County 1 the demands of our bodies. If too is called the Galerie det» Assiettes, for 'He has brain fever." County Jail, etc........................ 26000 firm or corporation having objections has filed 'n this office his certificate much is habitually taken,, thes.omach the reason that its decoration consists to file to the final payment on said for the completion of a.l work unilcr will rebel!. When a man reach«* the I “That so? Just proves again th® $2,50000 contract, may do so within two weeks the contract of Mallory & Jenck for advanced age of 85 or 90. You will of vertical rows of plates set in the statement of scientists that dises«® Total .. ■ - from the ---- final ------ payment ......... on said contract. _ . | Tablets to correct the disorder. These plates were placed there by tbe order 35.OO I as: publication, Nov. 29. 1917. I ruant officer "What is a skepticî” I may do so within two weeks fr-»m the tablets do not contain pepsin, but 21X100 of Louis Philip,>e. Health officer “A man who always puts paste 00 100.00 rhe Tillamook Meat Co. will pay . . dntr of the first publication of this I strengthen the stomach and l iable it F bate on taxes the back of a postage stamp."—Poet. • to perform its functions naturally. 2. 5OO OO toe for all 10 pound lard pails and 5c. notice. The way to choose between action. ' other’s Pension» F.rwin Harrison, County Clerk. They . also cause a „ gentle .._? movement Is to choose between sima.—Youth'a 1.300.00 for 5 pound pails. They must be free t unty Fair Who keeps one end tn view makes ail of the bowels. For sale by Lamar’s Companion. 400.00 from rust. Bring them in at once and First publication Nov. 15, 1017. I re Warden ........ , Drug Store. 500.00 get your money. thing, aura.—Browning. * Lact publication. Nov. 29, 1917. Bounty on Moles The TIUHM HEADLIGHT A I I