à SENSATIONAL Surprise Bargain Windows A TALK ABOUT BARGAINS: I have conducted my surprise bargain window sales all over the country and each II time they prove a sensation. In these times of high prices it takes nerve for a merchant to do it. He simply has to forego any profit and forget the cost mark. Mr. Haltom has given me permission to go through the stock and fill these windows with mer­ chandise at my own price. Come prepared to see the most sensational slashing of good merchandise you ever saw before. I- it 4 i< TWO DAYS ONLY, Friday and Saturday "I m . I 1 A TWO DAY FEAST OF AMAZING AND ALLURING BARGAINS NOT EVEN SEEN IN THE PANIC DAYS OF 1907.----- Don’t Take My Word for It----- Come and See for Yourself. H 12 SURPRISE BARGAIN WINDOWS I I Will show the Merchandise that goes into the 30 Minute Window Sales. Only the articles shown in the windows on sale at the price shown on the price cards. There will be no more at the same price. BUT—at the end of each 30 minute WINDOW SALE—another special will be thrown out in some part of the store for 30 minutes. Read this entire ad. carefully. FRIDAY, at 10 A.M., WINDOW No. 1 will be taken out and go on sale for 30 minutes—At 2 P.M., WIN­ DOW No. 2—At 3 P.M., WINDOW No. 3—At 4 P.M., WINDOW No. 4. ON SATURDAY, beginning at 10 A.M., WINDOWS Nos. 6 and 7 will go on sale—At 11 AM., WINDOW No. 5—At 2 P.M., WINDOW No. 8—At 3 P.M., WINDOWS Nos. 9 and 10—At 4 P.M., WINDOWS Nos. 11 and 12. Every 30 Minute Window Sale will be followed by one or more SURPRISE SPECIAL SALES FOR 30 MINUTES. BE HERE AND BE ON TIME, BECAUSE THESE SENSATIONAL SALES WILL OCCUR AS SCHEDULED. A Few of the Sensational Prices. 1 « I There are Many More I I 1- ) 11 ■8 y s. A $10.00 Silk Dress Pattern for $5.00_____ $0