TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT NOVEMBER. 15, 1917. Million Letters In the Mails Today Keynote of the Splendid Work the Y.M.C.A, Does Among Our Men In U i orm Is Keeping Them In Tejen V ¡: i the Folks at Home. Multifarious Ways in Whiflh the Association Appeals to Your Boy, Your Neighbor s Boy, or Some Boy You Know and Love— Creates a Heipful Environment in Cantonment, on Way Overseas, in Front Line Trench and Beyond—First to Aid ns He Comes Tottenng Back—Give Your Share of the $35,000,000 Required to Accomplish Inis “Last Evidence That Somebody Cares.’’ evening on the broad Hempstead Pla n, Long Island, where the Fiainouw division was spending its ,aat night before embark­ ing for France It l ad been raining hard in the a'tern - n—a cold, steady autumn downpour and there was nothing to suggest the rainbow in tl,e outward aspect of t. e ea:np. Lines and lines of sodden e nvas housed 27,000 men, gathered from 27 different states. The groun 1 was dotted with Pools and quagmires. Under the wet canvas it was damp and cold, with a penetrating chill. Lit by flickering candles, tbe tents were far from cheer­ ful shelter for a man’s last nigbt in his native land. But there wer» seven hig term where electric lights, numbers and friendliness made tne night pleasant 3 T wm least is on its way to you. Each one of cur 16 cantonme its. w:i6re ths new national army is being trained, is using mors than a m ’lion sh .ets of this paper every m. nth. In the draft army alone that means 13.000.000 fila­ ments of love every month reaching out from the great enear.:. sen. where th men are b. Ing train ‘J into the greatest army thia nation has ever dreamed ai.J blnd'ng mem to the hearts at h me Multiply that by thinking of all the other places where Uncle Sam has men with the flag—In navy yards, on the high seas, in arso­ ns, s and offi irs’ training camps and “Over There” In France. In all these places men are writing home. Thoe« unassuming little eh ets of notepaper g'adden millions of hearts a day. They transfer ui.ra love from one I forego coveted possession« or even ne- ceesltlee. The work muet go on. be­ cause there la no one thing that con­ tribute« so much to the eplxit and ef­ ficiency of tbe troupe. The Y. M. C. A. is working night and day to help the government win this war. And every penny that Is given to aid tbe work ts a direct assistance to the health, happiness and strength of your boy and mine. Bnapshota of Kaleidoscopic Work. In all the big cities in France where our men pass through In large num­ bers, the Y. M. c. A. la operating hostels, where they can get beds and meals at a minimum coot. In London the American Y. M. C. A. nas erected a large building for our soldiers and a clubhouse for American officers. There are Y. M C. A. dugouts right behind the front line trenches, where the soldiers can get hot drinks, crack­ ers and other comforts at all hours. Over 2,000 mon who had been reject­ ed on account of physical disability have been able to get Into the British army by reason of the physical work of the British Y. M. C. A. A fleet of motor cars leaves the big Y M. C. A. headquarters In London at midnight every night to pick up sol­ diers who are wandering about the streets without any wholesome lodging in which to spend the night. These cars aia operated by Englishwomen of position and refinement, who report that they never meet any discourtesy at the hands of the soldiers. The im­ portance of this service can be esti­ mated by the fact that at least 50.000 soldiers are on leave In London every week. Over half of these sleep in Y. M. C. A. beds every night. Entertainment on Vast Scale. The Y. M. C. A. has ereoted a big auditorium, s-ating 3,000, lu each of the big draft cam,«, and huge Chautau­ qua tents, seating 2 500 in the otner encampments. The association Is run­ ning a 22 week entertainment circuit among the oamps and is paying 16 ccmranies of entertainers, who are traveling to 30 camps performing be­ fore the men. In each of the draft camps the Y. L C. A. has ten secretaries engaged in educational work. The association ’r seeing to it that every man who cannot speik English is .aught to do so. In many of tne camps the asso- elation has a singlng director, who is teaching the men to sing the popular and martial airs that do so much to keep up their spirits. Of 64 Y. M. C. A. men at Camp Dix only three are being paid full aal- Why Pay More for your Smoking and Chewing Tobacco or Cigars. Good Havana Cigars—5c. Each. SMOKING TOBACCO: ♦ ♦ I » CHEWING TOBACCO: Star 10c. a Cut. Horse Shoe - 10c, a Cut. Climax - - 10c. a Cut. Spear Head 10c. a Cut. 1 igar 5c. a Package. (50c pound. 60c » » (50c * » (50c. > • Buy your Tobacco from us and save Money Notice of School Meeting. Notice is hereby given to the legal voters of School District No. q, of Tillamook County, State of Oregon, that a school meeting of said district will be held at the high school audi­ torium on the 30th day of November, 1917 at 2 o'clock in the afternoon to vote on the proposition of levying a special district tax. The total amount of money needed by the district during the fiscal year beginning June 18th, 1917 and ending June 30, 1918, is estimated in the fol­ lowing budget and includes the amounts to be received from the county school fund, state school fund, special district tax, and all other mon­ eys of the district: Budget. Estimated Expenditures Teachers’ Salaries ............ $15,000.00 200.00 Furniture ................................ Apparatus and supplies, such as maps, chalk, erasers, 64O.OO stoves, curtains, etc............. I 5O.OO I Library books ........................ 25.OO Flags .......................................... Repairs of school house, out buildings or fences............ Improving grounds .............. Playground equipment .... Transportation of pupils .. . Janitor’s wages ...................... Janitor's Supplies .................. Fuel ........................................... Light........................................... I Water ...................................... Clerk’s Salary ........................ Postage and stationery........ For the payment of bonded debt and interest thereon, issued under Section 117, 144 to 148 and 422 of the school laws of Oregon, 1917........ Interest on warrants............ Paving &■ Sewer assessments 4000.00 Outstanding warrants ........ it.too.oo Insurance ................................ 475-00 artea. In all the camps the majority of the Y. M. C. A men have left lucra­ tive positions to do this work simply because Its appeal is lrreslotible to any red blooded man. Harry Dauder, the famous Scotch singer and come­ dian. now on his farewell concert tour in the United States, is giving all his spare time to the service of the asso­ ciation and is singing to the soldiers at all the camps he can reach. In one of the draft camps the T. M C. A. is supervising athletics on 120 playing fields, providing full athletic equipment. The winners of the inter- regimental games will play the cham­ Music, Games, Good Reading and Correspondence Faclllt.es In Y. M. C. A. pions of the other camps. Building. One of the greatest service« render­ by the association is the making I ed — — -1—te : - ______________ In each of these a soldier was strum­ part of the world to nncther than sta­ ming on a piano; others were reading tistics can express. Statistic» are l»oks and magazines; hundreds were pretty poor anyway when 1 comes to writing letters home. Behind the reckoning in terms of loro end human Let’s put It this way: raised counter at one end three or four tendernees young men were busy passing out That the Y M. C. A. Is the biggest ex­ notepaper and envelopes, selling press com*any the world his ever ■tamps and weighing parcels, which seen, and the parcels It Is handling the men were sending home. One of are the loves and devotions of human Total estimated amount of the soldiers said to me as 1 stood in beings. money to be expended for the tent used chiefly by men from World’s Best Loved Trademark. all purposes during year. $38,047.00 Iowa: "We came ali the way here This war ?.aa made us think hard Estimated Receipts. from Des Moines, and we were mighty and fast. Your boy ar your neigh­ From county school fund lonely. Then we found tnls Y. M. C. bor's buy or some boy you know and during the coming year . $7,600.00 A. on the job, and It’s been a home From state school fund dur­ love has been called to do his share sind more than a home to us. It gave in the big Job of policing the world for 70000 ing the coming year ........ oe what we wanted when we needed democracy and human liberty, is It Cash now in the hands of the district clerk approxi­ it most We'll never forget It. The any comfort to you to know that wher­ mately .................................. 1,700.00 boys' best friend Is the Y. M. C. A ” ever bis duty may call him your boy Cash now in hands of the Pine, Cleen-Cut, Upstanding Fellows. will nave a friend that will servo him county treasurer, belonging How close those beuebes were pack- in body, mod and soul? Are you to the district ...................... 3,100.00 ad with men, bending over the long glad to know that this friend will place Estimated amount to be raised from all other sources dur­ tables absorbed In in their writing! books and magazines at his disposal, ing the coming school year 9,900.00 What an appeal to the sympathies organise classes to teach him what­ those great groups of soldiers make! ever he wants to learn, give him a Total estimated receipts, not pocket testament and invite him to Fine, clean-cut, upstanding fellows, join religious meetings of the faith including the money to be received from the tax which some of them mere boys, one thinks that he was brought up inf Did you it is proposed to vote . . . $23,000.00 immediately of the sacrifice they have realize that the association provides Recapitulation. made for the rest of us and bow pre­ •tbietl« equip ment for his favorite Total estimated expenses for cious they are to soma one back home. game«, teaches him games if be know« the year .............................. $38,047.00 Somewhere. In far off farm or village none and holds concerts, lectures, Total estimateti receipts not A Red I riangle Dugout In the including the tax to be Trenohea. or city street, there are parent« or movies. Bible classes, dramatic enter­ voted ................................... 23,000.00 brothers or wlvea who would give all tainments and every kind of whole­ out of money orders by which the men they possess for one glimpse of those some amusement to keep him interest­ can send their pay horns to their fam­ Balance, amount to be rais­ ed" Are you glad to know that this sunburned faces as you and I see friend will go with him overseas, help ilies. In some of the big camps the ed by district tax ............ $15,047.00 them on their last night before going to shield him from a score of difficult Y M C. A. is providing banking facu­ Dated this 7th day of November, 1917. Attest : ' Ira C. Smith, - - - Clerk acroae. And it was with a throb of and dangerous temptations end follow lties for the men as welL H. T. Botts, Chairman Board the heart that I watched them, bent him right up to th« front line trench Do Your Bit With • Tenner. of Directors. over thoir letter paper, in one after and beyond It? The lait oontect the This month (November) the Y. M. this life he love« so eoldler has with another of those seven big tents. C. A. must raise $35,009,006 to carry Notice of Final Settlement. Thess were tbe tents of the Y M C. well is a eup of tu given him by th« on its work among oar soldiers and ------ o------ A. On that last night in America the Y M. C. A free Just before be goee their allies until next July. Of this Notice is hereby given, that the un­ association was serving the so.diers "over the top" to a hand to hand strug­ 135,006,000 about $24.000.000 will be dersigned administrator of the par­ in the best of all ways—giving them gle with the enemy. And as he comes ipent on the work with our own troops tnership estate of Henry Tohl, de­ an opportunity to write home On tottering back from No l,an’s L4 later he said: ru’ "u.. "Business is rotten. pile you read this. Perhaps one at I'm broke.' He was.—Ex. i 10c. a Can. 10c. » ♦ 10c. » » 10c. a Package. (55c. 00c. 05c. 60c- 00c. » » Prince Albert Texedo Velvet - UniongLeader - Pedro, 1(5 oz. Dixie Queen, 14 oz. Gold Shoe, 16 oz. - Petterson Seal, 14 oz. Union Leader, 16 oz. FISHING RODS, FISHING TACKLE Spoons, Baskets, Reels, Snells, Lines, Floats, Flies, Etc., Etc. Our flies are known to the Sportsmen and are reorginized the finest and best made flies in America. C. I. CLOUGH CO. TILLAMOOK, ORE. I & CO ALtEX. GENERAL HARDWARE Kitchen Ranges and Heating Stoves. THE BEST STOCK OF HARDWARE IN THE COUNTY. See Us for Prices Before Ordering Elsewhere. 1 Splendid Lubricating Qualities PAIGE M< Kinnry-CordMotorCo.,Phornii “w— cannot speak too highly of the splendid lubricating quail* ties of Zerolene.” WINTON The Winton Co., San Franchc* “We use Zeroleneextensively. It is giving entire »atisfaction.” CHEVROLET FORD J W. Lraviff Loa Angelet “Zerolene it our choice for Chevrolet cars.” F.hy Atterbury Sale. Co., Loe An,.lc- -“settled on Zero- kne after extensive tests.” ZEROLENE The Standard Oil for Motor Cars Endorsed by leading Car Distributors — bectute the record» of their service department» »how that Zerolene, correctly refined from California aaphalt - biaae crude, give» perfect lubrication -lew wear, mom power, least carbon deposit.“ Dra'rn and at our arrvire «fanoni. STANDARD OIL COMPANY STAR GARAGE. TILLA MOOK GA R A GE