TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. NOVEMBER 15, 1917. Notice. next year. One very important indus­ try is now located on the road, .hat Notice is hereby given, that on Sat­ of the ship building plant, and it will not be long before others follow as urday, the 8th day of December, 1917, soon as the south side of Tillamook at l o’clock in the afternoon, at the court house in Tillamook County, Bay has a road. Oregon, a public hearing will be had at which the taxpayers wi'! be heard Regarding Special Taxes. in favor or against any proposed tax levies as shown by the following es­ The new 1917 law regarding taxes timate of the County Court of Tilla­ under Section 3664, provides; that it mook County, Oregon. shall be the duty of every school dis­ Estimate of the amount of money trict, and each incorporate town or proposed to be raised by taxation for city, and of each public corporation the ensuing year for Tillamook Coun­ authorized to levy a tax, to notify, in ty, Oregon. THE TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT. writing, the county assessor and coun­ Figures assembled by th. County F. C. BAKER, Publisher. ty clerk of the county wherein the Court show that it will require the school district, town, city, or public sum of $343,163.75 to defray the ex­ corporation is situated of the tax levy penses of Tillamook County, Oregon made by it, that is to say, of the i for the year 1918, and for the object amount of money proposed to be rais­ and purpose of county improvements, ed by taxation. All such notices shall the maintenance of county buildings be filed with the County Assessor and reads, bridges and for the salaries of You don’t have to believe it, but the County Clerk not later than the county officers and employees, and Tillamook hogs get on a jag after first day of December of each year, for other purposes, as follows, to-wit: drinking whey that have fermented. and shall remain a part of the records District No. I. We hope the boozers who drink all of their respective offices; provided, Garibaldi to Bay City ......... I $7,000.00 kinds of rot won’t get in the habit of however, that the county assessor Garibaldi .0 Wheeler ........... 8,000.00 imbibing whey with the kick in it. 1 may, if a good and sufficient reason Mohler to beaches via Ne­ halem ...................................... 9,000.00 exists therefor, and if application be We arc getting awful tired receiv­ made to him is writing, make a reas- Wheeler to Mohler ............... 1,000.00 ing so much advice from Washington onable extension of the time for the Miami-Foley and Barber on how to win the war. It might help filing of the notice herein required by reads ........................................ 5,500.00 some if those fellows who arc holding any school district, town, city, or South Nehalem Roads abeve down easy jobs at Washington were other public corporation authorized Foley ...................................... 1,000.00 drafted into the army. Lommen Bri.'gc and Tr.st'e 6,000.00 I by law to levy a tax. ------ o------ roads to 1 Section 3665. Al) counties, cities, North Nehalem The lumberman who wanted state school districts, and other corpora- county line ........................... 7,000.00 road building stopped arc, we -.uppose ! tions which are vested with the power God’s Valley road ................. 1,000.00 the same old mosshack timbermen 1 of levying taxes, shall make their Machinery and repairs ......... 2,000.00 who have been bellyaching of late total levy in dollars and ccr.’s, ard Bridges and culverts ........... 2,000.00 years, endeavoring to stop the not otherwise, and shall so report the I Deficit and overdrawn 1917. 7,000.00 growth and progress of the State of levy to the county assessor and coun­ General maintenance and re­ Oregon. pairs ........................................ ty clerk at the time and in the man­ ner provided in Section 3664. The loth Company Coast Artillery, Total .................................. $63,000.00 is in need of 20 more men to bring District No. a. the local company up to full strength, Fairview Hall up Wilson Riv­ Girls And Soldiers. and 20 young men of Tillamook er to county line ............... $1,500.00 County should volunteer their servic­ Fairview Hall up Trask river 1,500.00 A letter from a high army official es and join the home company. Next 4,000.00 Netarts road ........................... month the government will make the at one of the big training camps says: Stanley bridge ....................... 3,500.00 “It is about time that people second draft and this time Tillamook 1 Morgan Bridge ....................... 2,700.00 County will be included, so why not (especially females) woke up to the Approach Hunt’s bridge . . . 1,200.00 I fact that officers arc down here for join the home company. the very serious purpose of learning Road and bridge plank .... 3,000.00 Machinery and repairs ......... 6,000.00 No one has claimed the 30 quart I how to whip Germany, not for the General maintenance ........... 9,600.00 bottles of whiskey which prosecuting I purpose of adorning parlors at pink Road bed for hard surface.. 30,000.00 Attorney T. H. Goyne found in the | teas, or maintaining foolish corres­ out houses of the Allen House a few pondence with sentimental members Total ................................ $63,000.00 weeks ago. The sheriff’s office is of the feminine gender. A great many Road District No 3. good men failed to get commissions guarding and taking as much care of District line to Slab Creek, f $7,000.00 at Fort Blank because their superiors the tangle foot as though it was gold I 2,000.00 Sandlake road ....................... dust, having it locked up in the vault, noticed that they were paying more Blaine, East Creek and attention to girls than they were to and not even a newspaper man can Jones road.............................. 2,000.00 get a smell of a cork. It is suggested army matters. The young lieutenants Cloverdale to Sandlakc north should not be encouraged to bother that the county official may be keep­ 5OO.OO side of river.......................... about girls at this stage of the game. ing it for Christmas. From Junction to Pacific They have much more important ------ o------ 750.00 City ........................................ All pro-Germans who arc holding work on hand. Machinery and repairs on "Perhaps the greatest scandal in public office should be politely told to machinery ............................ 5,250.00 number of resign, and all pro-Germans who have this connection is the New Bridges and repairs on small girls still in their 'teens who borrowed money from cither the fed­ bridges .................................... 10,500.00 eral or state governments should be arc allowed to come here and visit, To match the State and Fed­ compelled to refund the money forth­ even at the hotels, with voung offi­ eral appropriation on cither with. There arc persons in this coun­ I cers, without so much as a pretense of the Three Rivers or Lit­ try who have availed themselves of of chaperoning. tle Ncstucca roads as the "The best service the woman folks many privileges offered by the gov­ State may spend their ernment and the state, but when it can do for their country is to keep money on .............................. 15,000.00 comes to assisting the government in their silly daughters at home, and For preparing road bed for buying a Liberty Bond they refuse to leave these men, officers and privates hard surface if needed, alone as they may keep their minds do so. otherwise for general main­ on the serious work of learning how ------ o—— tenance .................................. 20,000.00 This is one reason why people be­ to lick the kaiser.” young The letter also scores the come prejudice against attorneys. A Total........ '......................... $63,000.00 wives. Eugene attorney took a case involv­ married officers and their School Fund “ many of whom have set up social I ing $5504 in a life insurance policy, and County school fund ............. 42,500.00 establishments close by and are act ­ he entered into an agreement that if High school fund ................. 8,500.00 he won the case he was to receive ing as though the whole thing is a splendid lark, with social prestige two-thirds of all money received. Total ................................ $51,000.00 Having won the case he now wants the chief achievement.” Circuit Court. This is a serious business. What $3308 and is suing to obtain it. No one Jurrors, witnesses, bailiffs r»-irl or young wife in her right mind wants to deprive attorneys of a fair and expenses ..................... $2,500.00 amount of compensation for their ser­ wants to hamper a man in his work, Justice Court. hold him back from his promotion? vices, but there are too many “get- Justice and constable fees, Yet that is exactly what they do. The rich-quick" schemes in the legal pro­ jurors, witnesses and sup- ’ place for the girls of the country is fession, and this one of them. plies ........................................ $ 600.00 away from th; army camps. Let them ------ o County Court. show their patriotism and affection There is no denying the fact that by making supplies at the Red Cross County Judge, salary ........... $1,200.00 Brighton is entitled to a better road. I —supplies of ■■•hich the loved ones Commissioners’ salary, expen­ ses, supplies, etc ................. 3,000.00 The Brighton Mills Co. is paying may soon be in dire need. Let them $20,000 a month in wages, and is en­ write cheerful, chatty letters, with­ $4,200.00 Total.............................. titled to a good deal of consideration out any slush to upset the emotions. Clerk’s Office. when it comes down to road improve­ I And let them stay away from the Clerk's salary .......................... $1,600.00 ment, for it is industries that help to soldiers. 900.00 Deputy build up Tillamook County. The pro­ 780.00 Deputy posed special tax of 5 mills in road Americans as Bombers. 1,000.00 Supplies etc. ... district No. 1, will help to give ------ o- Brighton a better road, and as most Whcn it comes to bomb throwing— Total ................................ $4,280.00 of the road money in the county have a very different thing from bomb Sheriff’s Office, been used on roads for the benefit of dropping—the Englishman beats the $1,600.00 Sheriff’s salary ................... farming, no one should raise any oli­ German every time. 900.00 Deputy jection if more of the road funds are The man who has been well accus­ 900.00 used to benefit the industries of the tomed to shy a cricked ball straight Deputy 250.00 Auto .. . county. and true to the wicket-keeper from Postage and envelopes ......... 410.00 the outfield makes no difficulty about Supplies .................................... 350.00 It will he noticed that the County throwing so as to drop it nicely on its Extra help collecting taxes. 250.00 Court has failed to make any provis- objective—there arc thereabouts. In Miscellaneous ......................... 250.00 ion for the completion of the Bay- fact the discipline of the cricket field ocean road in this year’s budget, not has exercise»! a wonderful influence Total .................................... $4.910.00 one cent being set aside for that road. on the adaptability of our men. They School Superintendent’s Office That being the case, the County Court have been accustomed to accept th<) Salary ..................... $1,000.00 should immediately reduce the taxes ruling of the umpires without demur. Deputy ..................... 600.00 of Bayocean one-half. The property and they do so in the artny. 200.00 Traveling expenses owners there are assessed altogether But as a bomb thrower the Ameri- Office Supplies . . . 450.00 a way out too high without a road or can baseball player—and there will be Desk and files .. 250.00 and it is an injustice to Bayccean thousands of them presently in France property owners to have to pay so —is likely to outshine the British ally Total .................................. $2,500.00 high taxation without receiving any The thrownig in baseball is an eye- Assessor's Office. benefits. Bayoccan appears to be pe­ opener even to seasoned cricketers, Salary ........................................ $1,200.00 culiarly unfortunitc. The l’otter Real­ not only for its extreme sureness of Deputy ...................................... 900.00 ty Co., failed to live up to its promis­ direction, but for its amazing 400.00 _ swift swift- ­ Supplies and bond premium es and contracts with those who in­ ness of flight and wonderful length. Special help extending taxes vested in property, and the company 200.00 and making index............... to a very large extent is responsible 300.00 Field Deputy ............................ Who Made the Kaiser. pens Xjunoa luasajd aip joj ADVERTISING RATES. Legal Advertisement*. First Insertion per line ............. Each subsequent insertion, line. Business and Professional cards one month....................................... Locals per line each insertion... Display advertisements, an inch and Lodge Notices, per line . All Resolutions of Condolence one month...................................... Editorial Snap Shots. situation, for it ba* failed to live up to its agreement to start building the road on the Bayoccan property that is to connect with the county road, and pay its taxes, which it should have done in good faith. This is prob­ ably why the county court have delay­ ed the completion of the road, but it is hardly right to punish the Individ­ ual property owners for the sins and short comings of the Potter Realty Co. Added to this was the repeated delay in building the road to Bav- ocean. There is just two things for the county to do. Complete the road as soon as possible or reduce the taxes in Bayoccan one-half.. We are quite aware that the County Court had to divert as much money as pos­ sible in road district No. 1 to meet the county's part of the expense of the five miles of hard surface road being built bv the St te Highway Com­ mission. owing to the technic slity in the county road bond petition, and that it took a whole lot of figuring and cul.ing down work in other part of the district, to meet this ex,ra *x" pense. But the court should give some assurance, if the bond-in«Mure is re-submitted and is carried, that the road will be completed to Bayoccan o ■ n Some people were made to be soldiers But the Irish were made to be cops. Sauerkraut was made for the Ger­ mans. And spaghetti was made for the wops Fish were made to drink water, And bums were made to drink booze. Banks were made for money. And money was made for the Jews. Everything was made for something. Most everything but a miser— God made Wilson for president. But who in hell made the Kaiser? < Total .................................. $3,000.00 Treasurer’s Office. Salary ........................................ $1.000.00 Supplies ........................... 200.00 Total .................................. $1.200.00 Surveyor’» Office Salary ....................................... $1.200.00 Deputy ...................................... 700.00 Supplies, etc.............................. 600.00 Total .................................. $2,500.00 Court House and Jail. $ 840.00 Janitor's Salary 450.00 Wood ................... 450.00 Light and Water Another Useless Organ. 500.00 Telephones ........ 260.00 A lady in Chicago had given I her County Jail, etc butcher her daily order over the Total .................................. $2,500.00 phone and a few minutes later 1 de- 150.00 elded to change it. On calling up the Corner fees and inquests .. 25.00 Insane ........................................ butcher again she said: t.500.00 "You remember that I gave you an Printing .................................... j. 500.00 County poor ........................... order for a pound of liver?" 25.00 Truant officer .......................... "Yes,” he replied. 200.00 “Now I find that I wilt not need it. Health officer ......................... 100.00 Rebate on taxes ..................... and you need not send it. Reforc she put up the receiver, she Mother’s Pensions ........... . 2,50000 County Fair.............................. i. 300.00 heard the Dutcher say. 400.00 "Take out Mrs. Blank’s liver. She Fire SX’ardcn ........................... 500.00 Bounty on Moles................... says she can get along without it.” Stock indemnity ..................... 5,000.00 1,500.00 Farm demonstration ............ i .000.00 Dairy Herd Inspector ........ District Sealer of Weights I 2T>.00 * and Measures....................... District Attorney's office .. 1,000.00 aco.no Auditor ...................................... Elections .................................. 3,500.00 SZ'CSF’r ............... tuatussassB »UIAEJ State taxes (estimated) .... 50,00000 Total .............................. $343.'63 75 Probable receipts of the county other than direct taxation. Receipts from County Clerk’s office (estimated) ............... $4,500.00 Receipts from delinquent taxes (estimated) ............... 10,000.00 Receipts from motor vehicle licenses, estiihated ............. 850.00 Total ................................ $15,350.00 The following school districts have filed with the County Clerk and As­ sessor, the special -levies: School District No. 3..................... 0007 School District No. 13.................... 0058 School District No. 18 .................. 005 School District No. 31 .................... 002 School District No. 32 .................. 0007 School District No. 47 .................. 008 School District No. 36 .................. 0055 Dated 1917- this Ijth day of November, Erwin Harrison, Clerk. THE BUTTER AND CHEESE SITUATION. ------ o—— The above lines art quoted front the Black and White record and were us­ ed as headline to tne following arti­ cle. To The Editor: “The total holdings of butter in 332 storage houses reporting show an in­ crease for October I over September > of 3,354,098 pounds, according to a compilation made by the United Stat­ es Food Administration. However, these houses show a loss of 3,064,697 pounds, as compared with the same date in 1916, or about three per cent. “The exports for butter for July and August this year decreased 2,437,555 pounds as compared with the same I month in 1916. The exports of cheese, however increased 3,224,694 pounds in these months. “The average wholesale price of butter for September in the United States was 43.48 cents per pound, while the average retail price was 50 cents. The regulated wholesale price in England was 53.76 cents per pound. “The average wholesale price of cheese in the United States during September was 25.78 cents per pound, and the average retail price 36.1 cents. In England the regulated wholesale price was 38 cents per pound.” In the above article there is much food for thought, this is especially so to the dairymen who are depending on their income solely from the cheese industry. You will note that while the butter shipments decreased; the export of cheese increased, this of course can no doubt be attributed to the meat supply greatly diminishing in Europe and cheese being substitut­ ed—“note that in England the regu­ lated wholesale price was 38 cents per pound” while in the United States the wholesale price was 25.78 for Septem­ ber, and the retail price 36.1 cents per pound. Why should there be such a wide difference in wholesale and retail price of cheese as compared to but­ ter? Then again, why should a profit of 10.23 cents per pound be charged for the price of cheese between the wholesaler and consumer? Mr. Kuppcnbender's article in a recent issue of the Headlight has touched the right chord, which should meet with an immediate and ready re­ sponse from the cheese producers— the dairymen and factory directors of every dairy and factory in Tillamook County—by getting action on this business direct from the factory to consumer, thus saving the middle­ men’s profits as well as increasing the earning thereby to those that pro­ duce the article, this, it scctns to. me could be accomplished by a judicious advertising campaign for Tillamook cheese. Get your pencil to work and see wha. this would mean to . I illa- tnook County in a very short time. Rollic W. Watson. Announcement. ------ o------ Mrs. Harley J. Curl has started a vocal class at the home of Mrs. E. Bales. Mrs. Curl is a graduate of Professor Carson, of Portland. Anv one desiring further particulars may call at the home of Mrs. Emmett Bales on Saturdays. I Chester White Szvine I have some nice PIGS for SALE. Both Male and Female. A few facts why you should own a Chester White sow or male in your herd. FIRST—They are the largest framed hog at six to eight months. SECOND— They are matured at the age of eighteen months. THIRD—A Chester White makes a nice smooth white Hog after it is dressed. FOURTH—You are doing your nation a great service. I*have the largest herd of pure breed hogs in the county to select from. Registration papers furnished with each and every Hog JOE DONALDSON, R. F. D. NO. 1. TILLAMOOK. ORE. THE LOUVRE Is now in New Quarters next to Clough’s Drug Store First Class Restaurant Chas. Vogler will make a specialty of serving the best meals in the city Watch out!—oh, watch out for the bargain prices Every man knows that you can’t get more than a quart of milk out of a quart measure, then why try to get 150 or 200 cents worth of value out of a dollar when it only holds a hundred—‘"'it can’t be done.” Remember that when you’re out to buy new fall clothes—‘‘it can’t be done.” 120 elotto* at 115 and $25 cloths at $20 may look mighty good in print—but oh my! what a difference when you get to see them. Of course your money is at your command— you may direct wherever you wish but when the buying of a new fall suit or overcoat comes into your mind try and get your money's worth and buy our New Fall Clothcraft, all wool Suits and Overcoats Certain Cure for Croup. Mrs. Rose Middleton, of Greenville, 111., has had experience in the treat­ ment of this disease. She says, “When my children were small my son had croup frequently. Chamberlain s Cough Remedy always broke up these —that aure every bit of your money's worth— attacks immediately, and I was never without it in the house. I have taken it myself for coughs and colds with good results." results.' For Sale by Lamar s Drug Store. £12.50 to $30.00 A SAFE TEST. For those _____ who ___ are — in need of a remedy for kidney troubles and back­ ache, it is a good plan to try Doan’s Kidney Pills. They are strongly re­ commended by McMinnville people. Arthur Branson, 339 B Street., No. McMinnville. Ore., says: "About six or eight years ago, I had rheumatic pains in my back and legs so bad that I wasn't able to do my work. At times, it was all I could do to get around. Sharp, shooting pains caught me in the small of my back and for a minute I could hardly move. When I got down to do anything it was al! I could do to straighten up as my back felt so weak and stiff. After I had taken six or eight boxes of Doan’s Kidney Pills I was cured. Since then 1 haven’t had any rheumatic pains and my kidneys have been as strong as ever.” Price 60c. at all dealers. Don’t simply ask for a kidney remedy—get Doan’s Kidney Pills—the same that Mr. Branson had. Foster-Milburn Co. Props., Buffalo. N. Y. University All Wool Mackinaws at Foot SCHULZS SHOES, $4 to $7.50 $9.00 —for the hunter, sportsman, automoblist and all out­ doors- here exclusively. Beat Ever Guaranteed BOY’S SUITS, $5.00 to $10.00 MORRIS SCHNAL. Popular Price Clothier, The Clothcraft Store, Tillamook. DR. ELMER ALLEN, DR. GEORGE J. PETERSON Dentists. National Building. Oregon. Tillamook, the < mucl will advai find as y< siona will i Table tablet strenj They of the Drug