TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER 15, 1917 COURT ALLOWS BILLS F. R. Cardiff............................ 10x50 Tillamook Garage ..................... Road District No. 3. Louis Wcisenberger.......... j-. Road District No. 1. Hiner & Reed .. F. M. Cross ................ 286.65 The Swedish Blue Print Co ... $189.00 ' Columbia Digger Co. ” H. M. Cross ........................ 57-00 Erwin Harrison ......................... 130.00 1 reeney & Bremer .................. H. K. Thompson ................ 14.50 Chas I. Clough Co................ • 117.00 ' R. L. Shreve .... Sam OBrion ... .*.............. 60.63 Burroughs Add. Meh Co. ... 101 25 W. S. Cpates ........ ................. Frank Forth ................ 122.50 Fred Seeley ............................... 118.10 • Joe Mills ............ Harry Wyld ......................... C50 Fred Seeley ................................. 97.00 1 H- P. Kerr ............ ~ ’ Warren Easom ................ 1-50 B. L. Beals 103.00 '; E. J. Parrish .................. T. E. Epplett C. L. Doughney .................. 440 C. B. Stanley 3- 50 E. Dodson ................ Cleave Allen .. . 2.20 128.75 I B. C. Lamb. Jr. ... Coast ~ Co. Milo Sellon ............ 1-50 Clerks Power 40-50 IF- J. Ayer ..................... ’ Office ..................... Dick Bartrow .................... 2500 103.50 Edward T. Carter .......... Geo. Cook ...................... ’ 300 X. E. Epplett ..................... 72.50 C. S. Carter.................... Bushong & Co.................... Arthur Donaldson .............. 18.00 27.00 Geo. Willett ................ C. Hay barker ........................ 27.00 Tillamook Drug Store ... A. M. Hare ......................... 31-75 Mallory & Jenck .............. John Anderson .................. 2673-49 T. C. Percy ......................... 39-75 ' Mallory & Jenck ... Edd Braunersenther ............ 58.00 P. c. Myer ................... .■.■ ■■” 2862.79 Dist. Atty. Office ............. E. J. Bartrow .................. 43-31 Fred Seeiey ......................... 900 Dell Renter .................. 38.25 C. P. Briggs ........................ .. 48.00 John Fox .................... Harris-Ammer Fur. Co. . G. Knight .......................... 3300 Oran Maddux .................... 76.00 Frank Fox ........ .. . . . Harold Ober ...................... >9-50 52.00 L. J. White ........................ John Day ............................. Emil Ross ......................... 18.00 Chester Stewart ................ 4400 Cebra N orton ................... Elix Hill ........................... 10.50 J. F. Jones ......................... 1*50 Fred Weiss .............. Bly ............................................. 18.00 W. L. Campbell ........ 9-75 Rusk Tatro ............. . Fred Lang ............... 6- 75 Boys & Giris Aid Society 4400 Gilbert Rock ............................ ’ 17.08 Coast Power Co.................. P. E. Allen ..................... 9.00 John Rock ................ 17.08 Royal Restaurant ............ W. D. Steel ....................... 20.25 Fred Scherzinger .................... C. J. Hanks .............................. 7- 50 Mrs. F. P. Hobson.......... 66.00 J. Jensen .............. 2.81 Bushong & Co...................... Chas. Haybarker .... 64-75 Ernest Neuenschwa'nder C. E. Allen ... G. A. Jones Realty Co. .. 24.50 W m. Christensen .................... J. M. Howland ¡Dr. H. E. Rinehart.......... 300 I Harold Scherzinger ................ H. S. Brimhall 3- 19 L. F. Brodc ......................... 7-50 Jim Trent ................................ \ •56 Brighton Mills Co. ( Francis J. Welsh .............. 22.50 Fritz Lutz .......................... ' ■56 Geo. R. Shaeffer ................ Albert Easom . 66.00 John Dyke ................ . 38.00 Jas Taggart ........................ Ralph Easom .. 6.00 R- B. McClay .......................... 66.75 Mrs. F. V. Getchell........... Chas. Stevens . 4- 50 Forest Ayer ................ 4- 50 S. H. Dill ............................. F. H. Zaddach 4- 50 Ross Chilcott ............................ 6562 Ike Quick ............................. Fred Zaddach . 21.00 D. Swartz .......................... 47-25 Dr. R. T. Bo..ls .................. Fred Zaddach . 18.00 F. L. Braden .......................... 6487 Erwin Harrison ................ Sam Tomlinson 16.50 Carl Curl ................................ 81.00 Glass & Prudl.omme .... E. Worthington 300 Ralph Chilcott ..........................' 65.62 W. B. Harris ...................... F. W. Kebbe .. 27.00 J. F. Davis .................................. 26.62 Glass & Prudhomme ........ Steve Scovell . 1300 J. E. Sperry................................ 39-75 C. E. Trombley ................ W. S. Linkhart Fred Lyster ...................... 43- 50 30.00 Tillamook Headlight .... Frank Crane . 6.00 Lee Lyster ............................// 18.00 R. N. Henkle " ‘ ’ L. H. Kiney ........ 9.00 D. Swartz .................................. 16.00 S. W. Elliott Bill Sales .............. 9.00 Ray Blanchard .......................... 12.00 Grant Mills . A. Buckles .......... 12.00 Ollie Woods .............................. H. V. Alley Bill Thompson .. 9.00 Thos McEneny ........................ F. L. Owens ................. A. Johnson .......... 300 Grant Irish ................................ Mrs. Marie Kamm . . . Oral Barnes ........ 45-00 1 i W. H. Kandle ........................ G. B. Lamb ............ James Langley ... 45-00 ¡ IL. Yach .................................... G. B. Lamb .............. C. W. Ross .......... 10.50 John Weiss ................................ Crystal Laundry Co. Sam Tomlinson .. 69.00 H. Beckwith ...................... W. C. Hawk............ J. B. Langley .... 48.00 Alva Ball ..................................... Erwin Harrison .. . H. Benson ............ 3900 Clem Hurliman ........................ W. W. Barker ........ Tom Purvin ........ 3900 j Antone Hurliman .................... Assessors Office .. . Fred Paquet ........ 34- 00 M. J. Thompson ...................... P. W. Barrett.......... Wm. D. Shafer .. 6.00 U. S. Edwards .......................... J. C. Bewley ............ Mack Johnson ... 19-50 Leroy Edwards ........................ H. T. Botts ............... E. Krumlaugh ... 24.00 Ernest Petite ............................ R. W. Watson ........ Milo Beamon .... 21.00 Jas Imlah .................................. Nelson & Co.............. A. Zurcher ............ 50.00 Henry Petite ............................ R. N. Henkle .......... Brighton Mills Co. 80.02 Guy Mattoon ............................ R. T. Boals .............. The Holt Mfg. Co. 2304 John Wilson ............................ W. Maddux ............ W. S. Coates ........ 4.10 Jay Davis .................................... C. W. Miller............ B. Batzner ............ 15-90 Fritz Drebert ............................ R. W. Watson........ Tilden & Madden 100.00 Jas. Patite .................................. A. G. Johnson ........ D. S. Boyakin .... Dewey Copeland ...................... 31-55 Henry Diehl ............ Bill Sales .............. 5- 55 A. Tom ...................................... C. F. Stone ............... R .L. Shreve ........ 3-70 Geo. F. Baker .......................... M. V. Ackley .......... Anderson Bros.............. 35- 20 Wm. Peacock ............................ G. E. Leach ............. Anderson Bros .......... 126.79 Guy Mattoon ............................ S. A. Brodhead .... Anderson Bros.............. Wilson ............................ 0.85 John , P. B. C. Lucas ........ M. Barde & Cons. Inc. 9.00 Wm. Savage .............................. Frank Buell ............ Ward L. Mayer ........ Jessie Woods ............................ 24.50 . J. H. Rosenberg .... W. F. Cain ................................ 96.00 Ray Woods .............................. E. W. Stanley ........ J. W. Hill .................................. Attenburgcr ...................... 5-50 Joe . T. H. Goyne ............ Tohl & Anderson .................... J. H. Woods .............................. T. H. Goyne ............ 86-55 . Feeney & Bremer .................... 44- 50 E. J. McLaughlin .................... E. W. Stanley.......... E. E. Rowland .......................... R. L. Shreve .............................. 21.88 E. W. Stanley ........ W. S. Coates ............................ 11.88 E. F. Borba .............................. E. w. Stanley ........ Leslie Tenscn ............................ Road District No. 2. E. w. Stanley ........ Southern Pacific Co.................. $341.84 E. R. Ayer ................................ H. Mason & Co......... 20.62 E. R. Ayer ................................ R. L. Shreve .............................. E. W. Stanley ........ W. S. Coates ............................ 91-87 H. S. Jensen .............................. Mary Bnrmester ... Joe Mills ..................................... Irene F.adus ............ ES« Leo. Blazer ................................ Johanna York ........ H. P. Kerr ................................. 1.50 Ralph Welsh .............................. Lizzie Armstrong E. J. Parish .............................. 4.40 Warren Johnson ...................... 2.20 Mr. Benfield .............................. Florence M. Baker . E. Dodson ................................. Ivel V. Gillam .. B. C. Lamb, Jr............................ 150 A. E. Meyer .............................. 4 2500 Earl Porter ................................ Ruby C. Brooten F. J. Ayer ................................... 23.65 arold Scherzinger .................... Sarah E. Hatch . Star Garage ............................... Emma A. Crown Alex McNair ............................ 43-3° John Rock .................................. R. L. Shreve .... Boss Turner ............................... 85.92 Gilbert Rock ............................ W. S. Coates .... 29.25 Russ Tatro ................................ I. . D. Hardin . . .......................... 37 50 Joe Mills ............ 24.00 Earl Commons ........................ Chas. Desmond ........................ 24.00 6.00 Ola Redberg .............................. Frank Reynolds ....................... 42.00 28.87 Fred Scherzinger .................... Alvin Stornier ........................... Notice of Road District Meeting. 3900 i 8-75 Earl Porter .............................. Fred Blum ................................... 10.50 Ralph Snttcn ............................. Alex Walker ............................... 300 Notice is hereby given, that in pur­ 12.00 7.87 Ernest Neuenschunder .......... Weslie Stormer ........................ suance of a petition of three free­ 15.00 C. Bauer ...................................... 18.37 Fred Blum .............................. • holders of Road District No. t of 15.00 Tillamook County, Oregon, on Nov, 21.00 Sam Bauer .................................. C. S. Wells ............................ 27.00 Will Ward ................................ 300 Jess Sawyer ............................... 9th, 1917, and an order made by the 4.50 County Court in pursuance thereof on 21.00 Alfred Bauer ............................ Nels Neilson ............................ 69.00 Chas. Hart ................................ Veder Erikson ........................... 13-5° said date, there will be held in said 66.00 27.00 Victor I.ane .............................. Road District No. I of Tillamook Hugh Graf ................................. 80.25 J. Lewallen ................................ 27.00 County, Oregon, at the Woodmen of Ann- Blum ................................. 78.00 G. L. Lane ................................ 24.00 Ike Wells ................................... 78.00 the World Hall in Upper Nehalem, 6.00 Claude Lane .............................. in said county, a district Road meet­ Albert Darby ............................ 24.00 Mcrvin Butts ............................ 9.00 ing of the legal voters of said district P. J. Sharp ................................. 22.50 6.00 Vernnie Kellow ........................ Wm. Bristoe ............................ 46.68 No. 1, for the purpose of voting an 13-50 A. S. Lane .................................. additional tax of five mills on the Joe F.nzler ................................. 37-50 dollar on all taxable property of said 12.00 Reuben Price ............................ Geo. McDonald ........................ 10.50 16.50 Oran Kellow ............................ road district, to be extended upon the Wm. Bankic ............................. 1-50 tax roll of Tillamook County, Oregon 300 A. S. Lane ................................ F. M. Oliver ............................... 24.00 3’-5° Mervin Butts ............................ Wm. Ellingsworth .................. 27.00 for the year 1917. Said meeting will be 18.00 Orley Church ............................ Herbert Berg ............................. 1.50 held on Friday, the 30th day of No­ 36.00 Vernnie Kellow ...................... vember, 1917, at the hour of 9 o’clock Mapes ..................................... 47.67 13-5° Claude Lewallen ...................... 120 00 a.m. Said meeting is called and held B. Freeberg ........................ Walter D. Wood ...................... J- Dye ................................... 15450 C. D. Grout ................................ I260O under the provisions of Chapter 299 R. Rainey ............................. 141.00 Dclosse Wood .......................... OOOO of the General Laws of Oregon for the year 1917. Neigle ..................................... I54-5O W. J. Ball .................................. 46.OO 42.00 Dated this November 9th, 1917. Neilson ................................. 35.OO lohn Whclon ............................ 46.50 A. M. Hare. Wyss ..................................... 28.OO 12.00 Frank Nelson ............................ W. Davies ................................. 15.00 County Judge of Tillamook County, W. L. Provoost ........................ 90.12 Oregon. H. L. Mason ............................. •75 70.50 Joe Duecham .............................. F. L. Owens Guy Allmon ............................... 11.25 Frank Bonni .............................. 3.00 H. V. Alley, A. J. Nails ................................. 1995 W. D. Wood ............................ County Commissioners of Tillamook 56.00 N. Wagner ................................. 7-50 County Oregon. Feene<- & Bramcr Co ............... 4500 T. Haugen ................................... 36.00 J. M. Weiss & Sons ................ 724-13 J. Bcebeheiser ........................... 1-1$ 9.00 Joe Price ...................... . ............ A. Finlayson ............................. 9.70 Notice of Guardian's Sale of Real John Darling ............ ............... Property. J. Tagman ................................... 1930 Fred Lewallen ........ •.............. ------ o------ 6.00 A. Johnson ................................. Bob Lafoon .............................. Notice is hereby given, that by 16.00 C. Christensen .......................... Joe Charland ............................ 2.40 virtue of an order made and entered Ray Edgar ................................. Fred Briody .............................. 4.00 in the County Court for Tillamook Henry Landolt ......................... Jay Baker .................................. 2.60 County, Oregon, on the 10th day of D. H. Miller ............................. J. C. Foster .............................. 24.00 October, 1917 authorizing and em­ Lando Darby ............................. R. E. Wilson ............................ 18.90 powering the undersigned guardian A. L. Darby ............................... R. E. Wilson Co........................ 405 of the estate of Rebcrta Campbell D. B. Darby ............................... W. R. Robedee.......................... 25.00 and William Campbell, Minors, to Craig Edgar ............................... A. C. Dcncl ................................ sell at private sale for cash to the G. C. Vaughn ............................. Gilbert Bclleque et al ............ 122.25 highest bidder the real property here­ 720 W m. Olson ................................. D. Swartz .................................. 4-50 inafter described, the said guardian, Wesley L. Rush ....................... Scott ............................................ on and after the 15th day of Novem­ 12.38 Tillamook Water Co................ Ulysses Edwards ....................... ber, 1917, in Tillamook, Oregon, will 10.10 F. K. Blackadar ....................... Mutual Telephone Co.............. offer for sale and sell for cash to the 52-50 i Frank Dye ................................. Tillamook Hose Co.................. bidder, for cash, all the right, title 4O.4O A. Arstill ................................... Albert Boon .............................. and interest of the said minors, Re- 92 OO I City Transfer Co...................... J. M. Baker ................................ 2280 55 I berta Campbell and William Camp­ A. G. Beals Lbr. Co.................. Lamb Schrader Co bell, in and to the following described General Fund. Wm. Hiner ................................. 10 30 real property, situated in Tillamook A. Mapes ..................................... D S. Boyakin ••:•••.......... 208 County, Oregon, to-wit: Western Inion Tel. co............ A. Johnson ............................... The Northwest quarter of Section 5-55 Tillamook Feed Co.................. Emil Benscheidt ....................... i TO 31, Township 2 South of Range 9, Lamb Schrader Co ................ T. Leverich ................................ 960 West of the Willamette Meridian. C. 0. Ik C. M Dawson.......... Joe Mapes ................................... Dated at Tillamook, Oregon, this 2002 A. T. Dolan ............................... A. M Hare ............ 760 10th day of October, 1917. Tillamook Transfer ................. Geo W. Phelps .. Catharine A. Long, 25 00 I S Hushbeck .. OR Womer ............................... Guardian of the persons 39 46 Pac. Tel A Tel Co. A. F. Coats Lbr. Co. and estate of Roberta and St. Helens Creosoting Co... p. W. Todd .......... William Campbell, minors. P. W. Todd ........ Columbia Digger Co.................. W. T. Oathout Golden’s Women’s Shop Low prices are our only means of success We have moved to the best store in the city. Six months ago THE GOLDEN CO., started business here. It had no cus­ tomers; it’s birth place was in a $20.00 rented store on First St., with only an occasional announcement in this paper. NOW IT OCCUPIES the best store on the main business street. GOLDEN CO’S. POLICY’ of all value GARMENTS minus inflated prices, has enabled it to span a six months business gulf which few accomplish in ten. WHY? There must be a REASON. Our success is the reward of reliable merchandise, Decidedly Lower Prices than those charged elsewhere Every woman who admires Stylish Well-Fitting Clothes will be interested in the New Fall and Winter C oats S uits and S kirts AT Golden’s » Women’s Shop Showing the most wonderful values in the season’s latest and most approved styles in Women’s and Misses High Class Suits, Coats, Dresses and Skirts Made to your measure to fit you perfectly in any style and material of your own selection, Or of Your Own Material. Also a complete line of Ready-to-Wear Suits, Coats, Skirts, Dresses, etc. So great an assortment of beautiful styles and fine materials can be found only in the large cities. Every garment is perfect in fit and faultless in work­ manship. Come and enjoy the pleasure of looking through this wonderful line whether yon wish to buy or not. Golden’s Womens Shop Tillamook Prompt Serviee, Perfect Fit and Satisfaction Guaranteed and Prices Always the Lowest- This is one of the most sensible street and motor­ ing coats produced this sea­ son. One of New York’s most exclusive Fifth Ave. shops are featuring this stylish model Price.......................... $12.90 We do all kinds of remodeling, dyeing and dry eleaning. Suits pressed for Men and Ladies. Prices the lowest. School Apportionment. ------ o - - Apportionment of County and State and High School funds made by the County School Superintendent, November 12th, I917- County State Dist. Fund Fund I $153500 . $ 175-75 2 ... 630.00 . 64.75 16.65 3 ... 240.00 . 25.70 5 ... 31500 . 6 ... 540.00 . 53-65 20.35 7 ... 270.00 . 8 ... 450.00 . 103.60 943-50 9 ... 333500 10 ... 1340.00 . . 15170 11 ... 755.00 . 79-55 12 ... 525.00 . 51 80 13 ... 540.00 . . 11470 14 ... 1280.00 . . 14430 15 .. 135.00 . . 18.50 16 570.00 . 57-35 17 ... 210.00 . 12.95 18 . . . 24O.OO . 16.65 88.80 19 ... 825.00 . 20 ... 31500 . 25.90 21 ... 755.00 79-55 22 ... 1100.00 . . 118.40 ... 555.00 . 55-50 23 24 ... 425.00 . - 38.85 25 ... 210.00 . 12.95 20 ... 345.00 . 29.60 27 ... 615.00 .. . 62.90 28 ... 525.00 . - 51-87 29 ... 165.00 .. 7 40 ... 1865.00 . . 214.60 31 280.00 . 22.20 32 46.25 33 ... 480.00 .. 270.00 . 2035 34 36 ... 255.00 18.50 ... 405.00 .. 3700 37 38 ... 810.00 .. 80.95 39 ... 1415.00 .. . 160.95 42 ... 580.00 .. 5920 29.60 45 ... 345 00 .. . 46 ... 300.00 .. 24.05 51 00 .. 47 5-55 48 ... 2630.00 .. . 308.85 40.70 49 .. . 435 OO .. 50 .. . 480.00 . 46.25 51 ... 225.00 . 14.80 24.05 54 ... 300 00 .. 55 ... 370 00 33 30 56 ... 495-00 48.10 57 ... 890.00.. . 13320 14.80 59 ... 225.00 .. . 60 ... 540.00 5365 61 435-00 .. 40.70 “Wear-Ever $38,915.00 $4.121.02 $13.036 52 County High School fund as follows Dist. No 8, Braver Dist. No. 31 ...... Dist No. 22 ..'.... Dist. No. 9.......... Union High School Nehalem Total UfllVlB-SCHRflDER CO Notice. Cheese maker wanted, to furnish all supplies, and make cheese on percent­ age, at Miami Valley Creamery Co. factory. Bids will be opened at factory Monday, Dec. 3. 1917. Right reserved to reject any or bids. Dated this 7th day of Nov., tqi7 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL CEMENT. LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND SMITHING COAL. Warehouse and Oflice Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. Weal, Tillamook, Or