TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT, NOVEMBER Iß, 1917. What the Editors Say. I The Elderly Man’s Inning. The war is altering to a great ex­ tent the national view of the elderly man in business. Eor years past there has been a clamoring for “young blood’’ especially in the West. Gray­ haired men were almost tabooed from responsible offices. At every turn one was met by youngsters just out of college, in positions of trust and re­ sponsibility and public office—posi­ tions that should have been filled by men of sound judgment, experience and tested ability. Th strenuous pace to which busi- r.rsa has been subjected in past years was the main cause for this demand for younfc men. It was thought that old men could not keep up the pace— forgetting that in order to accom­ plish the maximum of achievement it was not nccessa: for him to main­ tain the pace, as ii.s skill and his ex­ practice, perience, born c.f long counted for more than the dash and fire of his younger competitor. This if affairs have been i car- V.-'Ciw, and the real! y ca­ ried c-n nalde he country have teen instances displace d by in nu 1 V'.U’ g s Ji very little to r< com- n: id i n savi th ir "dash.” •It ' tide has turned \\ i ' the C.' the younger men to 1'" c< ! ■ •tanagers of the 1 e : eing compelled to hai the despised gray h i irter. Von Bernstoffs Criminals Should be Hanged. ISS SALENA DICK antichrist will be crushed like straw mitted to cease fighting so long as TEACHER upon the threshing floor. OF Three Hundred-Year-Old Prophecy The three animals will not be per- of German Monk is Coming True. PIANO antichrist has soldiers. I It will be made manifest that the Primary and Advanced A most remarkable prophesy, made combat which will be fought out in 1 1 list ruction. 1 that part of the country in which anti­ by the German monk. Fratre Johcn- christ forges his arms, is no human Studio at tit«- home of Mrs nes, in the year 1600, seems to be conflict. The animal defenders of the E. Koch. Price reasonable. nearing a fulfillment. As a key to the lamb will exterminate the last army Phone 11 v. prophesy one has only to realize the of antichrist. Antichrist will lose its crown and follow ing: will die in solitude and madness. His The Kaiser is a German Lutheran— empire will be divided into 44 states, he has withered arm. but none will have any longer fortifi­ Germany is the Black Fiagle. cations, armi s or ships of war. Austria her ally, has also an eagle, The white eagles, by order of Mich­ Russia is the White Eagle, ael, will drive the Crescent out of France is the cock. Europe, where there will be no long- England, the British Empire, is the i er any but Christians. He will install Leopard. ¡himself at Constantinople. \\ ithin fortnight three great fires have destroyed vast stores of food­ stuffs, life stock and munitions in this country. That at Baltimore Tuesday night, as well as the conflagration at New York and in the Kansas City stockyards, was obviously of incen­ diary origin, says the Spokesman Re­ view. Undoubtedly the criminal organiza­ tion built by Von Bernsloif prior to Too much advice regarding farm­ his departure from Washi igton is e ri­ ing comes from fellows sitting behind gaged in a far-flung conspiracy to roll top desks. T oo much advice for cripple the military forces of the the housewife comes from women United States and interfere with the who never stuck their hands into dish sending of supplies to our allies. water. This expert business can be If the shoe was on the other foot carried too far, and it begins to look Germany would employ ruthless re­ as though it has already gotten sever­ pressive measures. Suppose that there al miles ahead of the procession.— reirtui .e i in Germany hundreds of Ths following prophesy by tb Telephone Register. thousands of American citizens, as th eri are now in the United States monk Fratre Johannes, who live hu . lrcds of thousands of German about the year 1600 is remarkable i its application to ths present wor! aliens, subjects of_ihe kaiser. sts a practical Suppose that Germany had copies crisis. The authi ...ion in . . inat- of oincial cablegrams that our Ani- ccy was at first -.,ci/l g ..hcrings. bas ador Gerard, while still in Berlin, lew defcrcpancii is Oc tul waste or the new paper had .-.ini to Washington, reviving his m t'.er wa.; 1a . .1 . r< ■ in nts r letter asking in <_ m i.i harbors, incite strikes in tin custo cv of : the monk Ge , ; factories and burn German vhether the pr< ’real, ttt would r ratre Johanne s stor. houses. cy wa is dbiccvcr- .- 4 that tin sc crimes continued .ay that this pr Ninety-six , mis in the ci . couveut of 1 c departure of the American d in old parchn af: . 1 he of Baker, produced 1. .4 v -rth $-0 ambassador, as they continue in this Lie Holy Ghost, at Wisin. iar, in Gcr- each as an average, of $14 each. H. lost Monstrous Tragedy of the Ages country after the departure of Von many, , and is kept under glass in the Saytnour, state club leader, says t . .1 town hall of this city, There have Bernstorff. this is about typical oi the work ¡1 T his is what the German govern­ been numerous translations which Another proof that Prussian ruth- over the state where a special lea. > : vary somewhat. We are return­ ment would be doing: Immediately was provided. .Many thousands oi dol­ 1. -sness is systematic, not the acts of after every suspicious tire, every ing your copy of this prophecy. lars were cleared in the garden work, lawless individual soldiers, coincs in bomb outrage, every scuttling of a “The discrepancies which we noted not counting tile increase obtained by a news dispatch from Amsterdam ship in harbor it would round up all and which you also may notice, are that the German authorities in Bel ­ advising nonclub members, and in­ American citizens in the district and probable due to the variations in the cluding young people to go into gar­ gium have imposed a fine of io,ooo,- siioot every rotii or every 5th man or translation of the text. On the whole 000 francs on the province of East den work.—\\ illaniina l imes. Flanders because it tailed to place woman. If that failed to stop, the de­ it is a remarkable prophecy. It is as I 40,000 laborers at the disposal of the struction, it would kill every third follows: The real antichrist will be one of The Kansas State /Agricultural Col­ Germans by November 1. man or woman and imprison all the the monarchs of his time, a Luthcrin lege lias estimated that it takes 99 This gives the American people just others in starvation prison camps. Cents to raise a bushel of wheat in another glimpse of what their lot Humane .American will not resort to Protestant. He will invoke God and the Middle West under the present would be under German military oc­ Prussian ruthlessness, but humane give himself out as His messenger, or conditions. This means that those cupation of the United Sta’tes. The America must find a way to put a apostle. This prince of lies will swear by the farmers, who are growing rich be­ 40,000 additional workers demanded quick stop to these trecherous crimes cause of high war prices, are making from a single little province are to against its safety. And it is feared Bible. He will represent himself as a net profit of $1.41 a bushel. From all be subjected to conditions of involun­ that they will not end until our au­ the arm of the most high, sent to we can learn they should have bought tary servitude that are worst than the thorities shall have hanged a score or che.stisT corrupt peoples. He will have only one arm, but his a few less high-power automobiles darkest phases of African slavery in more of the guilty wretches. innumerable armies, who will take for and a lew more Liberty Bonds.— American history. T hey arc put un­ 11. ir device the words, “God is with Newberg 1 ndependent. der brutal, armed overseers, driven A South German Chancellor. us” will resemble the infernal regions. for long hours at the hardest sort of For a long time he will act by craft This office is in receipt of a letter of manual labor, fed on starvation diet The appointment of Hertling, the thanks for the part it lias taken in the and lodged in concentration camps Bavarian prime minister, to be Ger­ and strategy. His spies will overrun second Liberty loan campaign. It that would be a disgrace to a humane man chcncellor is a remarkable de­ the :arth, and he will be master of the secrets of the mighty. He will have I conns from the general publicity farmer’s stock barns. parture in German political procedure. The term “laborers” as employed in The chancellorship has, since Bis­ learned men in his pay, who will I committee at San Francisco. \\ e are but one of over 45,000 publications the German command for 40,000 addi­ marck’s day, been regarded as a Prus­ maintain and undertake to prove his that have had a part in this campaign. tional workers means not only men. sian post. 1 he office of Prussian celestial mission. A war will afford him the opportun- Every publisher lias done his duty The cruel Prussian dragnet draws in prime minister and German chancel­ through a sense of patriotism. He girls and women, many of them of lor have been combined. To put a ity of throwing off lie mask. It will doesn't feel that thanks are necessary. gentle rearing. Even the children arc South German in, and a Catholic, is not be in the first instance a war wiiich he will wage against a French The same may be said of a million scourged to their daily tasks. significant, indeed, of remarkable in­ We think most of the horrors of ternal charges in Germany. Even if monarch. But it will be one of such more persons who have aided in the campaign and who doubtless have trench fighting; but Prussian terror­ the change be cunningly designed to nature that after two weeks all will had their letter of thanks, also. Wc ism has inflicted a worse fate on mil­ veil Prussia’s dominant part in the realize its universal character. Not only all Christians, but Mussel­ figure that the expense of sending out lions of millions of noncombatants— war it is eloquent of trouble in the these letters to publishers costs at in northern France, in Belgium, in old system and relations with the al­ mans and even more distant peoples will be involved. Armies will be in­ least $500, and to send to a million Serbia, in Rumania, in Russia, in Po- lies. volved from the four quarters of the more means over $40,000. This coun­ land and Armenia, Whcrevcr the The allies have no reason to expect try has not yet begun to conserve black eagle flies the unhappy land is from the Bavarian prime minister any earth. For by the third week the angels along some lines.—Telephone Regis­ scourged with death and desolation, more sincerity or genuine peaceful Women and children have perished in disposition than from a Prussian will preccivc that the man is anti­ ter. millions. It is the most monstrous chancellor. The power of the German christ and that all will become slaves if they do not overthrow The Oregon Voter, in its last issue, tragedy of the ages.—Spokesman Re­ war lords is badly underminded in conqueror. Germany, but is still supreme. The tries to gracefully retract the uncalled view. Will Massacre Helpless. main object of Bavarian's sudden rise for slanderous things it recently said Organizing Our Man Power. Antichrist will be recognized by va­ in the empire is probably to enable about the country newspapers. It was the Germans, on top of the Italian rious tokens— in special he will mas­ impossible, however, to get out of Representative Kahn, of California, success, to come forward with new sacre the priests, the monks, the the position in which it had put itself ranking member of the house military proposals calculated to impress the women, the children and the aged. and do it with grace. The Voter’s pus­ committee, has announced that when world favorable by their moderation. He will show no mercy, but will pass, illanimous attack upon the country congress meets in December he will The Bavarian party has been more in torch in hand, like the barbarians, but press threw a deathly chill over some submit an amendment to the draft of the nice things the country press law to make it include all men be­ sympathy with Austria and its peace invoking Christ. His words of imposture will resem­ would liked to have said about The tween 18 and 40. The administration desires than with Prussia. Prussia seems to find it convenient at present ble those of Christians, but his vows Voter's editor, who acted as shairman is said to be opposed to raising the of the publicity committee of the maximum age limit. The proposal, to withdraw somewhat from the Ger­ of all the human race. He will have an eagle in his arms, man leadership. But the move is pal­ state Library loan committee. It was however, raises some interesting pably a dodge to save Germany’s there will also be an eagle in the arms rude ami discourteous, to say the least questions. face. Notwithstanding the German of his confederate. But the latter will for Chapman to lie about those who The author of the measure frankly had made it possible for him to make declares that his purpose is to pro­ and Austrian success* over the Ital­ be a Christian, and will die from the a success of the job. The Sentinel has vide an ample supply of men for what ians, the Berlin war lords know full malcdication of Pope Benedict who received a letter from Chapman high­ may be a long war. He is afraid that well that if they let the war proceed will be elected at the beginning of ly complimenting us upon our work not enough men can be obtained on the western front Germany will be the reign of antichrist. In order to conquer antichrist, it for the Liberty bonds, and Chap, is from the to.ooo.otxi registered under smashed thoroughly. will Fe necessary to kill more men is hereby forgiven.—The Sentinel. the present law. than Rome ever contained, ft will ,. o------ I Nobody knows how long the war Facts About New Income Tax. need the energies of all the kingdoms, will last, and therefore nobody can The figures given by Sir Eric Ged­ ------ o- — because the cock, the leopard and the des in his first address to parlament tell how many soldiers we shall need. Every individual whose net income white eagle will not be able to make day before yesterday effectively dis­ But experts on the other side seem during the calander year of 1917 has an end of the black eagle without the pose of the German boast that the agreed that the possibilities arc am­ been $1,000, if single, or $4,000, if aid of the prayers and the vows of the submarines will bring an early victory ply met bv the preparation we have married or at the head of a household human race. to the central empires. At the same made. The conscription of eligible must make a report to the collector Never will humanity have been fac­ time, they shed some interesting light men between 41 and 31 is expected to of internal revenue. ed with such a peril, because the tri­ on tlie reported mutinies in the Ger­ provide 4,000,000 men. It is regarded These reports must be made be­ umph of the antichrist would be that man navy. In view of his assertion as unlikely that more than that num­ tween January 1 and .March 1, 1918. of the demon, who will have taken that between 40 and 50 per cent of all ber of Americans can be used to ad­ The income tax due, as shown by possession of his personality. the submarines in service have been vantage in Europe. Our allies say these reports, must be paid to the col­ The Beast Incarnated. sunk and that the sinking in the last they need food and military equip­ lector of internal revenue on or be­ For it has been said that 20 centur­ three months exceeded those of the ment more than fighters. Machinery fore June is. 1918. ies after the incarnation of the woro entire year of 191O, it is not difficult is depended on now to win battles. Failure of any one .coming under to understand why German sailors Our chief role it to provide our allies the law to make his report or pay his the beast will be incarnated in his turn and will menace the world with should so greatly dread submarine with all the material resources they tax subjects him to heavy penalties. as many evils as the divine incarna­ service as to be inclined to revolt can use, and ships to carry it in. If The income tax is passed upon net, tion has brought its graces. the submarine we undertake to raise armies on the not gross income, which means the against it. When Toward the 4000 the antichrist will crew’s chance of death is one out of same scale as Great Britian’s we return from salary for service, or be made manifest. His army will sur­ two, it is not surprising that under­ shall cripple our productive power. profit from business, trade, profession pass in number anything that can be And yet, it might be worth while to or any other source, less certain ex­ water service should come to be in- imagined. There will be Christians vested with a pcculiar horror.—Ore- follow the main lines of Congress­ emptions and deductions specified in among his cohorts and there will be man Kahn’s proposal, and register all tie act, which do not include living, gon Register. Mohammedans among the defenders ' the men from t8 to 40—not necessar­ personal or family expenses. ------ o------ of the lamb as well as some heathen Perhaps the Huns have learned by ily for military duty, but for the sake A husband whose wife has an in­ soldiers. this time that, barbarous treatment of having great, organized bodies of come separate from his, must include For the first time the lamb will be of prisoners has a contrary effect from men who could be used for home de­ his wife’s income statement in his re­ red—for blood will flow in the do- what was anticipated and the Ameri­ fense or for any other great national port, or else each must make individ- mains of the four elephants at once. can soldiers captured the other day purpose. The lads under 41 and the ual reports. The black eagle will hurl itself up­ may receive better treatment than mature men over 31 would never be A single person who has aged or on the cock, which will lose many called to the colors unless all the was given the first English and Ca­ infirm parents, or children dependent fathers. It will soon be exhausted, nadian soldiers that fell into their eligible men of prime military age upon his support, can claim the in- but for the leopard and its claws. were exhausted. But work could al ­ hands. It was found then that the come exemption of $-’,000 as the head The black eagle who will come Prisoners' companions instead of be­ ways be found for them in war time, of a household. from the land of Luther, will make a and perhaps in time of peace, too. ing intimidate», by the barbarities Single individuals with net incomes surprise attack upon the cock. Suppose the government enrolled ■ of $3.000 or more, and married men were eager for revenge and the luck­ The white eagle will come from the less Germans who confronted them the 41,000.000 male Americans includ­ I with net incomes of $4,000 or more, north. paid the penalty for the policy of the ed within the proposed age limit. It ! must pay a tax of 2 per cent, both The black eagle will find itself forc­ higher command. And it will not be would possess invaluable data con­ 1 Henry D. H' -MORE THAN EVER I and, 1 A. I.. l j/our raiiy D. B. L days must be if? nroductiv’e W m. ( W esle’ ” UH Work rc-xnrs Tillam -W -Jff5 Towns nsiM*» REFLEX f AT TILLAMOOK TUESDAY AT CLOVERDALE FRIDAY H ocsk , ■ F. St Al Be L. Ch Fr Ab Fri Al< W< Fr< C. Jes Nel Vec Hiq Am I I T. BO ALS, M.D., I I Alb Ike I P J PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON I Un I Joe Surgeon S. P. Co. I Geo (I. O. O. F. Bldg.) I Wm Tillamook .... Oregon I F. A I Wm I Herl w EBSTER HOLMES, I A .V I. A. fi ATTORNEY-AT LAW EB12 THURSDAY AT TILLAMOOK C ourt Tillamook All Druggists MONDAY s R V J< H E E, B. REEDY, D.V M., TAKE iiili HuiilUilS Oregon F K. I rank A. Ars City T A. G. 1 Wm. fi A. Maj A. Joh Emil R I.amh ¡ Joe Ma A. T. I "Filiamo Ole W< A F. C St. Hel < olumbi