Tillamook headlight. (Tillamook, Or.) 1888-1934, November 15, 1917, Image 1

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Tillamook Jottings.
W. A. Wise, dentist.
Hoofror Remedy at C. I.
Have cash buyer for farm in Tilla-
» "’ook C°unty- Write full description
Money to loan on good security. T.
H. Goyne.
Henry Cook, grand son of H. Elli­
Dr. Shearer, physician and surgeon,
son -eceived his draft papers from
Cloverdale, Ore.
Los Angeles and left Wednesday for
Auto Hire—Call J. A. Smith, at Lamp Lewis. He registered in Cali­
Rialto, Both phones.
The Motor service was discontinu-
Jewelry, clocks, watches, silver-
• cd ,°.n, |¥esday between Tillamook
ware.-—R. W. Bennett.
and Mohler on account of a brake­
Get your flour and feed at the Kup- down in the machinery until further
penbender Warehouse.
« notice.
Lots in Block 3, Miller’s Addition
The Tillamook Meat Co. will pay
* ioc for all io pound lard pails and 5c.
for sale.—See T. H. Goyne.
Garbage gathered free. See M. R. for 5 pound pails. They must bi free
from rust. Bring them in at once and
Hanankrat, or call Main 6F11.
get your money.
R. W. Bennett, expert watch re­
A woman’s love and a governor’s
pairing. S. P. Watch inspector.
i pardon turns this "Bad Man” of the
The old fire ¿rap building opposite West into a lovable citizen with three
the saw mill is being torn down.
little kills. See this at the Gem Thea-
Born, to the wife of Hugh B. Hunt, tre 1 hursday, November 22nd.
on Sunday, at Brighton, a daughter.
Don't forget those busted castings.
N. P. Wheeler, Jr. and Attorney C. Can be welded for half. Goods sent
L. Starr, of Portland are in on busi­ by parcel post and express promptly
returned. Hiner & Reed, Tillamook,
Will pay you to see Everson tor * Oregon.
safe investment in city property or
farm lands.
For sale or trade for Tillamook
See Kuppenbender about the Grant farm, 7 room modern house on hard
Six automobile, the snappiest car on surface pavement. Value $3,500, In-
quire of Dr. C.
" E. Hawke, Forest
the road.
Grove, Ore.
Men’s and Ladies Suits pressed,
Larson’s new candy shop is located
prices the lowest at Golden’s Wom­ between Morris Schnall's and Jenkins
en’s Shop.
* jewelry store. . Go
_ _ to ________
Larson’s for
Why not be insured in the best fire fresh home made candies and fresh
insurance company, it costs no more. roasted peanuts and popcorn.
See Everson.
Demand that your contractor use
Now is the time to have your winter Santa Cruz cement. It is always uni-
wood sawed.—Call Ernest Knight form and has exceptional fast setting
Mutual phone.
r » . qualities which is preferred. For sale
| at the Kuppenbender Warehouse. ♦
Lamb-Schrader Co., will pay the
highest cash price for cascara bark i For Sale, a dairy farm of 80 acres
and empty sacks.
* on Bewley creek, 20 acres of which
is cleared. At $2,500 it is a bargain
There will be preaching services at Can be bought on time with $1,000
the Presbyterian church next Sunday, down. Apply to C. J. Chaffee, near
morning and evening.
City Dairy, Tillamook Ore.
For Sale—two Jersey cows coming
Next week the government will
fresh soon. Inquire of Clent King, adopt another draft system, when
Beaver, Oregon. Bell phone.
those who are eligible to be drafted
will go into different classes. No
You always save money by getting
your flour and feed at the Kuppen­ doubt a large number of men are anx­
bender Warehouse.
* ious to know which class they belong.
merchandise, decidedly
Special price—Crystal White soap, 1 Reliable
Sc. a bar; $4.65 for 100 bars, Regular lower prices than those charged else­
price $600. Ray & Co.
* where. A beautiful line in Ladies and
1 Misses Coats and Suits and separate
Get your suit pressed or cleaned by Skirts, now selling at reduced prices.
the only Master Dyers and Cleaners, At Golden’s Women’s Shop, Tilla­
at Golden’s Women’s Shop.
* mook.
Class lessons for beginners in music
Let your wagon be a Mitchell—the
St. Alphonsus
wagon that has built a monument of will , commence : at
Nov. 17,. Special classes for
fame. See Kuppenbender.
* ' | Academy,
I children from five to ten years of
We have a 75 to 100 light dinamo age. No home practice required. No-
for sale. Better see us before we send I tation, finger work, time study taught
it to Portland.—Coast Power Co.
* in pleasing and original ways. Terms
W. B. Aiderman vs. John Feldschau and further information on applica-
and Anna Feldschau is a suit filed in tion,
I the circuit court to recover $56.50.
I The pupi]s of St.Alphonsus Acad-
For Sale—New modern residence, cmy gave a successful entertainment
located in best residence district. For at the city hall on Friday evening.
sale at a bargain. See Frank Heyd. * i where a large attendance had a pleas-
'ant evening's enjoyment, with real
Will receive bids for clearing 5 or good music, instrumental and vocal,
10 acres of land consisting of small and a number of amusing stunts. The
stumps. Apply to Carl Possetti, Bay pupils were well trained and carried
out their parts with considerable cred­
City, Ore.
Light wagon and set double har­ it.
ness, good as new, for sale cheap. In­ 260 acres Coos County, Oregon, land
quire or write Moroney, Manhatten three miles from North Bend on nav­
igable channel of Coos Bay, with boat
Beach, Oregon.
Money to loan on farm lands, from service. 130 acres bottom land which
$500 up, Good terms. Reasonable rate is dyked and ready for cultivation,
130 acres bench and hill land. Price
of interest. We want your business. $22,000.00.
Terms $12,000 cash, bal­
See Everson.
ance to suit purchaser at 6 per cent.
Lost—Pocketbook containing some Price at bed rock as owner must sell.
small change, rocks, and three broach Address W. G. Robertson, Cooston,
pins. Finder please leave at the Oregon,
Headlight office
Mrs. ...
H. T.
Botts was the hostess :
Waxit will make your auto bodies I fOr the Shakespeare Club gathering at
look like new, also good for furniture, | her home on Friday afternoon, when
pianos and linolium. Get it at Lar- the members and a number of invited
son's candy shop.
* I guests had another
. e I ternoon
1 he hostess
Itlliuuil s
Liberty Bonds taken in payment of i served , a Hoover
• lunch.
■ The i invited
coal, cement, lime and brick, also on j guests were: Mesdames Hunt,, C. B.
current accounts.—Lamb
Schrader Wiley, Wheeler, Haltom, Todd, Kirk
Co. Phone 28W.
and Harford. The club is now engag­
The Standard Feed Co. will carry a ed in Red Cross work.
full line of farm implements and ma-
Jack Fendell vs. C. S. Cornell is a
jchinery. Also gasoline wood saws. suit filed in the circuit court which is
Get their extreme low prices.
3 to recover possession of two steers.
We make suits for men and ladies The complaint alleges that on the 7th
with our own materials, or of your of October, 1917. ‘he
own materials, tailored to your.satis­ wrongfully and feloniously and un­
lawfully took possession of the steers.
faction at Golden’s Womens Shop
and plaintiff claims damages in thè
See Kuppenbender about
sum of $85.00 if delivery cannot be
your Ford into a first class
made and special damages to the
Ant s worm drive truck at a small
• amount of $100.00.
Dr. Turner the well know n
J. M. Traxler vs. L. B. D. Ivanco-
eye specialist of Portland,
Ividi and N. A. Ivancovich, is a suit T r U k - in Tillamook again Monday
filed in the circuit court to recover and Tuesday, Nov. 26-27 at Jenkms
$211.65 on a promissory note.
kwclrv stork Dr. Turner is a spec-
Acre Ranch, some
bottom i Hst of experience and standing and
ruuv ntic
’u will maPke
mistake m consulf
land. $3,000; half cash. Quick sale,
trite, come and see it. Taylor
IDon't write,
Real Estate Agency, Cloverdale.
Tillamook «bus assuring your^«y
For Sale or Rent —80 acre, irrigat-
Cedy cross oe"Straightened, sat­
cd farm. Alfalfa and stock ranch.
Terms can be had but tio trade con* isfaction guaranteed. Consult him.
sidered. Lay & Son, Hermiston, Ore. Don't forget the date.
Mrs. O. A. Schultz returned from
Aberdeen on Saturday, where she
had taken her mother, who is qu'«’
seriously ill and now confined to her
th rerouting and
1 Several fish cases are to be trieH
fore Justice Stanley, James »
reorge Edwards and G. W. pir”>.
ring charged with violating the is
Bin. >1
KS '..eS
Those who do not know him crj for
is imprisonment bu. a governor par ‘’n/wcB shaped and have a hinged
wood, well
These shipments must
» h.m for his nob'ci deeds and a
cman makes him turn
to bet
Don’t miss this one at tne than December 5‘»-
Thursday, Nov- i2-id.
|i.$o PER YEAR.
SPECIAL ROAD TAX WANTED shall be resident taxpayers of such
road district; it shall be the duty of
such chairman to preside over the de­
------ o-----
To Improve the Road from Brighton liberations of such meetings and sign
the minutes thereof as prepared by
And Build Bridge from Wheeler
the secretary, after the same have
to Nehalem.
been submitted to and approved by
him. The secretary shall keep the
Taxpayers in the north part of the minutes of the meeting, submit., the
county have petitioned the County same to the chairman of the meeting
Court to call a meeting for the pur­ for his approval or correction, and
pose of voting a special tax of five after being so approved and signed
mills to improve the road from Brigh­ by the chairman and secretary, shall
ton and build a bridge from Wheeler certify and transmit the same to the
to Nehalem, and the County Court clerk of the county court who shall
Isabella Bellingham vs. Adam Bell- 1
approved the petition and ordered a preserve them on file with the other
ingham is a divorce suit filed in the 1
meeting to be held at Nehalem on records of such road district.
circuit court. These parties were mar­ Large Part of Quota Already Raised Friday, November 30, at 9 a.m.
Who May Vote at District Meetings;
ried at Rathdrum Idaho, on May 31,
in Tillamook County.
The amount of money that a 5 mill
Rules Governing.
■907- The complaint alleges cruel and
tax will raise in road district No. I
Any citizen of this state, male or
inhuman treatment on the part of the
Tillamook County has to raise will be $32,745, and at the special female, who is twenty-one years of
plaintiff, who was addicted to the ex- $2,000 in the Y. M. C. A. drive now meeting only freeholders are .allowed
sessive use of intoxicating liquors, taking place all over the country, as to vote, as will be seen by the law age, and has been a bona fide resident
of the district for thirty days imme­
during which time he would violently $35,000,000 is required to carry on the quoted below.
diately proceding the meeting or
abuse the plaintiff, using vile epithets. work.
The Petition.
election, and has real property in the
In June 1907 while they were living at
On Tuesday evening Jack Godwin
The undersigned freeholders resid­
Spokane Wash., defendant without gave a patriotic address to a large ing in road district No. I, of Tilla­ district, the title of which is in her or
any cause or provocation, violently audience at the city hall, in behalf of mook County, State of Oregon, re- his own name, on which he or she is
liable or subject to pay tax, shall be
choked plaintiff, and thereupon left the drive.
spectifully petition and request that
her and moved to St. Regis, Mont.,
C. J. Edwards is chairman of the you call a district road meeting of the entitled to vote at any district road
and the plaintiff was obliged to re­ local organization and committees are legal voters of said road district No. meeting. In all other regards the laws
move to Seattle where her son had working in all parts of the county to I, for the purpose of voting an addi­ of this state governing school district
meetings shall control at all road dis­
work. After that she moved to Port­ raise the money.
It was reported today that they had tional tax of 5 mills on the dollar on trict meetings.
land where the defendant came to her
Road District; Special Tax.
been quite successful and that about all taxable property of said road dis­
home and struck and beat her.
The resident taxpayers of any road
two thirds of the money had been trict to be extended upon the tax roll
A notice has been filed with the su­ raised.
of Tillamook County, Oregon for the district in any county of the state may
preme court for the re-hearing in the
vote an additional tax not to exceed
Tillamook High School pupils gave year 1917.
Tillamook County road bond case. $330.00 and the grammar grades gave
Dated this November 8th, 1917.
ten mills on the dollar on all taxable
Should the court refuse a re-hearing $64.00.
George Loerpabel,
property of the road district, if the
it is the intention of those interested
D. F. Thompson,
county court shall first approve such
in good roads to circulate a petition Liberty Bond Voting Contest Arous­
Fred Zaddach.
additional tax by indorsement to that
calling for a special election and im­
This was approved by tire County effect upon the petition for a road dis­
ing Great Interest.
mediately take the case up to the su­
Court and an election was ordered to trict meeting to be held for that pur­
------ o------
preme court to ascertain whether an­
be held on Friday, the 30th day of pose.
The Liberty Bond voting contest November, 1917, at the hour of 9
other special election can be held now
Meetings for the purpose of voting
or must wait until next June, for the
o’clock a.m. at the Woodmen of the additional taxes in road districts shall
World Hall in Upper Nehalem.
law specifies that only one special
be held in the month of November.
election can be held in any one year. enthusiasm. The store is holding a big
Where Money is to be Expended.
If a majority of the resident tax­
It is very important that the county
Following is an agreement that the payers present and voting at such
be in a position to put up its share of
County Court have entered into:
meeting shall favor such tax, the
the money for the 20 miles of hard cember 24th a $50.00 4 per cent Lib­
“A petition has been filed with the chairman and secretary of such meet­
County Court for your district, re-
surfaced road in the south part of the
Already the contest is assuming the questing that a road district meeting ing shall cause to be filed with the
county, otherwise the county might
county clerk prior to the first day of
be called for the purpose of voting a December following, the certified
lose the money that was intended to
be expended in this county, There is patriotic and other organizations. The five mill special road tax, and the minutes of such meeting,
„, and the
counted court has approved the petition and
considerable demands for state aid ballots thus far cast were
county clerk
shall furnish a certified
from all parts of the state, and this after the close of business Saturday, ordered the meeting held.
copy thereof to the county assessor,
“It is our understanding that it is who shall thereupon compute and ex­
county should be prepared with mon­ Nov. 10, and the standing of the con­
testants at that time was as follows: the desire of the people of that vicin­
ey to meet its share.
tend the levy therefor on the assess­
Honor Guard Girls..................... 32,921 ity who wish to have the meeting cal­ ment roll for that year, the same as
Red Cross (lccal) ..................... 3 b489 led, that the funds raised by the spec­ other taxes are intended, and it shall
RED CROSS MEETING NEXT Presbyterian Guild ..................... 10,989 ial tax should be used in improving
be the duty of the tax collector to col­
Rebekah Lod„e ........................... 7,285 the county road between Brighton, lect such taxes in money, and turn
------ o------
through Wheeler to Nehalem, includ­ the same over to the county treasurer
All Those Who Participated in Drive
Church ....................................... 3.721 ing the building of a bridge over the in the same manner as other taxes are
And Others Invited to Attend.
Fairview Grange ....................... 1,236 Nehalem river. The improvement to collected and turned over, and they
------ o———
Miriam Chapter No. 20 Bay
begin at Brighton. And it is the in­ shall be credited and kept by the
A meeting of those who signed the
City .............................................
first application, for a Red Cross Ladies aid of M. E. Church... 1,054 tention of the court to use the funds treasurer to the account of such road
165 for that purpose if the special tax is district and expended under the_
organization in this city was called
pervision of the county court upon
As the contest does not end until voted.
for Fridav evening of last week at
roads within the district voting such
the residence of C. J. Edwards. Mrs. December 24th there is plenty of time
C. J. Edwards was chosen as tempor­ for others to enter. The standing of ter for the reason that the county tax.
Notice of Road District Meeting
ary chairman and Mrs. Everson acted the different contestants may be seen
Notices of any meeting of the legal
as secretary. A number of letters were each week at the voting booth in the
the improvement of this part of the voters of any road district shall be
read, giving the cause of delay in get­ store.
prepared by the county court, signed
ting started in Tillamook. Amongst
pose and we understand from this by the county judge or a county com­
Slumber Party.
the correspondence was the permit
------ o------
missioner, set forth the purposes of
for Tillamook to become a branch of
On Saturday evening a very enjoy­ the improvement made. The usual such meeting, and the time and place,
Portland, A question was raised
whether those who subscribed in the able slumber party was given at tbe road fund will not be sufficient in when and where it is to be held.
The county court shall cause such
Red Cross drive in this county were home of Mrs. Lynn Partridge in amount to take care of this and for
entitled to membership in the local honor of Miss Ruth Partridge, of that reason it will be necessary to notices to be posted by the county
branch or whether they were simply Minden, Nebr. The party was unique­ have the special tax if the improve­ roadmaster, a deputy roadmaster, pa­
trolman or other competent person,
members at large was a matter of ly planned by the hostess. After en­ ment is to be made.”
We give below the law governing a at least ten days before the time stat­
doubt with those who attended the joying the show at the Gem theatre,
ed therein for holding such meeting,
meeting, and before a permanent or­ all repairede to the Partridge horn special road district meeting.
Established Road Districts.
in three conspicuous places within
ganization is formed it was decided where games and music were in order
The county courts of the several such road district, and in the custo­
to obtain this information. Should it was an enjoyable hour of five hun-
be decided that those who subscribed dred. After a night of peaceful slum- states shall, as often as they may mary place for posting notices at the
in the Red Cross drive were only ber (slumber in pieces) a delightful deem necessary, but no ofterner than courthouse in the county wherein
members at large, then it will be nec­ breakfast was enjoyed by the guests, once a year, divide their respective such road district lies, and if such
essary for those who want to affiliate after which all departed to their sev­ counties or any part thereof into notices are for a meeting called for
with the work to make application to eral homes, voting Mrs. Partridge a suitable and convient road districts, the purpose of voting a special tax,
The invited guests each of which shall be numbered, and by also causing the same to be pub­
become members of the branch this royal hostess.
is to be formed here as soon as this were Ruth Partridge, Salina Dick, cause a brief description of the same lished once each week for two suc­
point is settled. There were 14 per­ Mena Plaskcr, Esther Munson, Marie to be entered upon the county rec­ cessive weeks in a newspaper of gen­
sons who signed the original applica­ 1 Tinnerstet, Blanche McNair, Beulah ords. Each county court at the Sep­ eral circulation throughout said c/un-
tion and paid $1.00 each, and these Rogers, Mayme LaFollctt, Cecil Kin- tember term thereof, shall so arrange <y-
Proof of posting of any such notic­
have been given their receipts as naman, Clara I’lasker, Helen Langillc the road districts of the county as to
Piggy LaFollctt, Nell Gaylord, Stel- conform to the provisions of this sec­ es shall be made by affidavit of the
members of the branch.
' la Goyne, Chaparones for '.he party tion, and at the September term of person posting them, indorsed upon
Word was received from Pora'.and were Mrs. Leo Morrison, Mrs. W. J. said court every year thereafter and or attached to a certified copy of the
Wednesday in answer to the above Ricchers, Mrs. E. Condit and Mrs. L. at no other time make such changes notices posted, and filed with the
in the road districts of the county as county clerk.
inquiries, and Mr. Corbett as well as ' E. Partridge^
may be deemed necessary; provided,
Proof of publication of such notices
the secretary of the Portland Red
that all road districts found under the shall be made in the same form and
J. U. G. Club.
Cross Chapter, advised organizing at
provisions of this act shall be formed manner as proof of the publication of
once, taging in all those who had sub­
scribed _____
in the
recent Red Cross drive.
Mrs. Clent King and Mrs. W. A. from contiguous territory; provided other legal notices are required by
Mr. Corbett thought that he could ob- 1 Lewis entertained the J. U. G. Club further, that every incorporate city law to be made.
tain one fourth of the money raised at the home of Mrs. Lewis on Wed­ and town shall constitute a separate I
road district, and the county court
in the drive and 50c. for dues, and he nesday afternoon, Nov. 14th.
Those present were Mesdames E. shall not have authority to divide
agree to that.
Yamhill-Nestucca Highway Route in­
There arc 128 persons who subscrib­ sen, Ray Grate, Geo. Hanslmair, any other road district.
to Tillamook County.
Petition for Improvement
ed in the drive, and these with those Clent King, W. A. Lewis, Webb Mc-
who signed the original application, Chacken, Clarence Stanley and Pres­
------ o------
Upon a petition of twelve or a
are invited to a meeting next Tuesday ton Williams.
majority of the resident freeholders County Court of Tillamook County,
evening at the City Ht-.il at eight
Fancywork was the past time of the of any road district, approved by the
Tillamook, Oregon.
o'clock when a permanent organiza­ afternoon. After the business meeting road master, praying for a change in I Gentlemen:—At the last regular
tion will be formed. When this is a delicious luncheon was served by grade or other extensive improve­ meeting of the State Highway Coin-
done an experienced person in Red the hosteses.
ments, the county court shall in­ ! mission, a delegation appeared before
Cross work will be sent here to give
The next meeting to be held with struct the county surveyor, engineer ' them requesting that they tak< final
Mrs. Clarence Stanley and Mrs. Webb or roadmaster, to proceed as soon as action on the location of the deputed
Persons who are anxious to do M cCracken.______________ _
Yamhill-Ni - ticca
convenient to the place named in the ' portion of
Red Cross work and affiliate with the
petition and make such investigations, ' Highway, and the Commission ac­
local organization are aiso invited to
Some Hog to Make $145.60.
surveys or estimates, as the court cordingly notified the delegatii. 11 at
this meeting.
t .
may require and report the same in ' the matter had been placed in Mr.
C. I. Clough has offered ms store
On October I5'.h Joe Donaldson writing to the county court, setting I Benson's hands for decision, but they
building on First Street for a work ( butchered a hog. and this is the 1 forth all material matters necessary i were willing to hear any argpim ■ ts at
room, which will be used for the amount of money he received: 24 gal­ to fully advise the county court; and , any time that those interested wish to
lons of lard, at $2.90 per gallon, if the county court shall determine in 1 present them.
$69.60; 380 pounds of meat at 20c. per favor of such improvement they shall
The Commission will hold a mcet-
Killed at the Logging Camp.
pound, $76.00; total $145.60.
grant the petition of such freeholders, ! ing in Mr. Benson's office, 1301 Yeon
------ o------
Portland, on Tuesday, No­
and proceed to make such change -n
A fatal accident occurred on Wed­
vember 27th, and will be glad to meet
grade or improvements.
Movement for Boat Service.
nesday morning at the Coats logging
all those interested in this matter at
Road District Meetings.
camp, when William Baxter was the
Whenever three freeholders of any that time. Mr. Benson has req-.i ".ted
E. L. Gray, of the Macleay Estate road district in this state- shall peti­ all delegation? which appear before
unfortunate man to meet an untimely
death He was assisting loading logs on Co., which operates steamers in Port­ tion the county court of the county the commission to confine tliemselvrs
a car. when a small log rolled off and land, came in this week to see what wherein such road district is located to facts and figures which may be
struck him in the back. The man was could be done about putting on a to call a district road meeting of the useful to the Commission in making
thrown violently to the ground, face steamer from Portland to Tillamook, legal voters of the district, and shall their decision from the standpoint of
down and the log rolled over h.m. He making this the home port. A number state in such petition the object for a state proposition, and he wishes al!
has been in the employ of the logging of Portland business men will take which the meeting is desired, the delegations to keep out of their argu
company for ."bout six months. Bax- financial interest in the enterprise as county court shall fix a time and ment local matters and local contro­
ter was a man about 40 years ot asrc, well as a number of the business men place for holding such meeting and versies bearing on the location of the
and from what can be learned has no of the city. It is proposed to purchase cause notice thereof to be posted, highway. His method of arriving at
the steamer Sue H. Elmore and put
her on the run. As it is highly im­ published, or given as in this act pro- the proper location of a highway is
from the viewpoint of the advantage
portant that Tillamook should have a vided.
To Liberty Bond Subscribers.
All district road meetings shall be to the people of the State of Oregon
boat service between here and Port­
land, it is hoped that our citizens will conducted in a decent and orderly as a whole rather than from the local
Those who have not paid their sec­ get behind the movement. It is also manner, and shall be governed by the community standpoint. 1 mention this
ond installment on their Liberty of considerable importance to the rules of order known as “Robert's for your information in the prepara­
tion of your argument.
Bonds should do so at once. It is very dairy industry of this county to have Rules of Order.”
Very respectfully.
The meeting shall proceed to elect
important the this be »»ended to a boat service Owing to the scarcity
State Highway Commission.
right awav for the local banks have of cars it is becoming almost impera- I a chairman and a competent secretary
G. E Ro-
from among their own members who
to remit the money to San Francisco. tive to have a boat service.