TILLAMOOK HEADLIGHT OCTOBE U. S. FOOD CAMPAIGN. Week to Commence Oct. ’2Mth and End Nov. 4th—Hoover’s Army of 100,000,000 to be Pledged. But non to spare. Eat what will spoil, Save what will not, Raise all you can, Waste not a jot. ----- o----- been wearing the ball and chain while we fought to recover the ground in this country held by the Germans. Better that we lay our own bodies and those of our sons a living sacri­ fice on the soil of France than to have the foot of the invador ever step on our soil. If we cannot serve in the trenches we can serve by saving, so that the fight may go on until Prus­ sian autocracy is wiped from the earth. The U. S. Food Administration By Fred Lockley. Week will commence on October 28 Withing the past few months here and end on November 4th, for the in Oregon thousands of mothers have signing of pledge cards to observe bid their sons “Good bye and God the plan of saving food in the home Speed” as they marched away. Hun­ as set forth by the executive commit­ dreds of thousands of mothers all tee of the campaign. State Supt. of I1 over America have smiled through Schools, Hon. J. A. Churchill has is­ their tears as they gave up what was A CITY OF SEIGES. sued a bulletin to the schools of Ore­ dearer than lite—their boys. No gon in which he calls upon the school ■ mother can think of her boy as a to carry forward his great work, and Iman. She went down into the shadows Verdun has Figured in Wars Since The Time of Ceasar. throughout the state of Oregon, this of death, bravely, uncomplainingly to The first appearance of Verdun in I is being placed in the hands of the 1 give him lite. It seems but a few years school teachers to the children, and since his head was pillowed on her the pages of history was in the time through the children to the home. breast. She can still see his baby smile of Julius Ceaser, who established at Mr. Churchill’s instructions are as fol­ as he looks up into her eyes. The ba­ Verodunum, as it was then called, a lows: by feet that were so uncertain as he magazine for his legions. I most earnestly urge that every tried to walk from the chair to her The Germans first attacked Verdun teacher in the State shall so familiar­ outstretched arms and how marching in the sixth century, when the Franks ize herself immediately with the mes­ away steadily and firmly toward a from the northwestern part of Ger­ sage contained in the enclosed pam­ distant land, to keep, perhaps, his many took possession of the town. By I phlet, that in the next two weeks she tryst with death. Brave indeed are the the famous treaty of Verdun, made on shall radiate the facts and appeal of it boys who go over the top into the this date in the year 843, Verduti into every home into which her in­ whirlwind of shot and shell that formed part of the dominions of Lo- fluence reaches. Our first duty now is sweeps like an iron hail over no man’s chaire. It was taken and annexed to to our country—to win the war. land, but what of the mother? She the German empire in 939 by Otho I. I other things can wait if need be. who tied up the cut fingers and kiss­ and placed under the temporal au­ I I had pledged to the Oregon Pledge ed the hurts of boyhood away, what is thority of the bishops. Card Campaign Committee that the she suffering as she reads that the Verdun surrendered to France in schools, if given the chance to do American casualty lists are expected 155 3, but was not formerly ceded to their bit, could and would obtain the I to bring home to America the serious- France, until nearly a century later. signing of the pledges described in | ness of war. Does she whose boy is During the French revolution, in 1792 this pamphlet in a very large part of I somewhere in France need any list of the citizens of Verdun opened their the homes of the state. Recpresenta- death and wounds to bring home to gates to the Prussians after a bom­ I tives of Mr. Hoover who came from her heart the horror of the gastly bardment of a few hours. The French Washington a few days ago for a con­ conflict waged in Europe. commandant committed suicide and ference on this subject, feared, while the revolutionary government execut­ ! Where a few months ago the sight the children could take the cards ed a number of others who shared the of a soldier ’ s uniform on the streets home and probably in most cases ob­ responsibility for the ignominoius caused the passerby to glance at the tain the signature, that the parents in surrender, including 14 girls jvho had many instances would not be suffi­ I wearer with curiosity, today we see offered flowers to the Prussian mon­ ciently impressed by the importance 1 the olive drab of our soldier boys on arch. The Prussians were driven out of its meaning. And, of course, , the all sides. I wonder how many of us after having held the town 43 days. I mere signing of this card is of < no ¡really appreciate the seriousness of The Tutonic hosts again swooped value if people forget to observe it. I the situation. My nephew. Lieutenant down upon Verdun in 1870. Unable That will not save wheat and beef Frederic Shepard, stopped over for a to take the town t___ by direct assault, ’ brief visit enroute from the Presidio and sugar and butter. they invested and bombarded it, and Notwithstanding these fears, the to American Lake and told me some the French, after a brave defense, Oregon State Executive Committee of the things that do not find their surrendered the fortress \yith 4000 have decided to trust the schools ! and way into print—incidents told Ameri­ men and large stores of ammunition. the children. They believe we can car­ can officers by Australian and Cana­ Verdun was the last place abandoned ry the message home to the hearts of dian officers now in this country re­ by the Germans, the troops retiring the people. We must not fail. Helped covering from wounds. I have on my in September, 1873.—New York by all the publicity that will be given desk a report recently received from World. _________________ Herbert Hoover. In it is a report through the women’s organizations from Frederick C. serv- and press, platform and pulpit, we,- — :r- Wolcott, ■ who —7-77 "Hollering.” must make the state vibrant with this I wltb Red Cross forces in Eu- movement by October 21. Every 1 roPe. anmpress upon America the the top of their voices?” asked a man j need of conserving our meat and company, marshaled for a definite wheat that the battle line in France whose nerves were frazzled by the | part in the war. may not give way through lack of shouting from the vacant lot near by. j County Organization. "Why do children do everything at During the past week county school food. In his report Mr. Wilcott tells the top of their voices?” replied his ' superintendent Geo. B. Lamb has in­ of motoring along one of the three wife. And there the matter rested. j structed nearly all the teachers' great military highways in Poland, A little story in the Denver Times ■ throughout the county in the work, along which more than five million sheds a bit of light on the problem. and Russians— and Mr. Rollie Watson the county troops—Germans A kindly gentleman asks a diminu­ campaign manager, and Mrs. Jennie passed in August and September of tive newsboy “Where d