T illamook headlight . O ctober 18, 1917. icon qc WEEK CELEBRATION tercd will from be this EDlb^ - i - qb ER ai-27. prizes made < community. The I prizes will be made up as follows: ity upon ourselves alone. The stan­ I $1,009 c ’ _ , $1,000 cash for the best patchwork dards of American living and the wel­ National Patch-Work Advertising advertisement; $500 cash ---- ■ - • for - th ,.le sec. fare and prosperity of American peo­ Contest One of the Features^ ...----- ond best; $250 for the .'....d u THE STANDARD STORE IN OUR TOWN OF TILLAMOOK Hundreds of Contestants from e third best; ple are, after all, our chief concern. $100 tor the fourth best; ... $50 • = “ for - the In order to safeguard them we shall This State. RELIABLE MERCHANDISE. RELIABLE METHODS | fiith; and $10 dollars each of the find it necessary not only to protect ten our markets at home, but to strike i that earn honorable mention. Edison week will be celebrated Oc­ forth boldly in fore ign fields w ith such tobed 21 to 27. The custom of cele­ governmental sanction as will put brating the anniversary of the inven­ Letter From the Front. exports on even terms with Shop tion of the incandescent light by pay-1 ! C. J. Edwards has received a letter American their foreign rivals. jng honor to the inventive genius of 1 Wisely handled, these post bcllum A few words to the consumer of wearing apparel, Thomas A. Edison, the father of the from France from C. H. Coe who may be the means of estab­ It will pay you to re electric light, will be again carried worked for him ten years in Newberg . problems member when you think about out this year. More than a million He is Co. E. 18 Engineers. The writ­ lishing the United States upon an economic basis so firm that its su­ men and women are employed in the er says: SUITS OR COATS SEE US Everything with me is fine and premacy can never be assailed. vast industries built upon or around We have no competition. We manufacture all COATS and SUITS Edison inventions. This custom be- be­ dandy; and I have no kick coming at right in our STORE f And sell DIRECT TO YOU our Letter From Fort Columbia. AT MANUFACTURERS wail with a group of the Edison indus­ all. This is a great beautiful country; must be averitablc tries determined to observe October and in . peace - - times ..... — .uusi WHOLESALE PRICES We save , you the Wei ----------------- store keepers ,, 3 PROFITS ravel­ a"d travel- Liberty Bonds has been the leading 21, and some years later other indus- wo"aerland and - ■ a _ _ real j jOy a tour- ing expense, high rental expense and middle-man ’ s PROFITS J ____ think « - - J . Just for a tries joined in the yearly celebration ' ,st No,w * - of f course it i is changed topic in the Fr. for the last week. The jq YOU soldiers of the entire army arc being moment what this means to YOU- absolutely half the PRICES that you would 4 A few years ago it was decided to de- somewhat .... by the war conditions. I induced to save a part of their pay As S an electrician I h. vote a week to the celebration and ,.Q ha have to pay IN ANY OTHER STORE our town. We MANUFACTURE noticed the and invest in liberty bonds. The cam- aince then Edison week has been ob- ““*erent --- • telephone ’-•x-t'ZlW _ and d ave power plants paign commenced last Thursday, new styles in COATS an rest have taken a $50.00 bond. Quite ----- o- tes that were so urgently needed in both interesting and instructive. All | a number have alloted from $10.00 To Whom It May Concern: the industrial world. Again Mr. Ed­ the Newberg bunch are doing fine . to $25.00 out of their pay each Whereas, The State Board of Fish Ì ison demonstrated his stickativencss and feeling in the best of physical | month to their parents or some home and Game Commissioners of the and tenacity of purpose would sur­ condition. No quitters or “crabs” in bank for future use when the war is State of Oregon has propagated and stocked and is progagaling and I round almost superhuman difficulties. the bunch, but all are making the best ' over. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL stocking the waters of Tillamook Thousands of men today are employ­ of everything. I Last week Corporal Wicklund and Just a general description of the 15 privates went to Ilwaco where Bay and its tributaries, in Tillamook ed in the production of chemicals that CEMENT, LIME, PLASTER, LATH AND are now produced by Thomas Edison country; AU around are churches, they picked cranberries for three days County, State of Oregon, with Salmon in sufficient quantities to be of great buildings and other structures, many Three of them, however are still pick­ and other food fish, and BRICK; DOMESTIC STEAM AND Whereas, said Tillamook Bay and of which are a way over a thousand ing, but the rest of them earned service commercially. For the last few months the United years old, and bear both historical about $1.25 and spent $1.50 each its tributaries are frequented with SMITHING COAL. States has been feeling the effects of and legendary interest to the country. day, so back to camp was the result. salmon and other food fish and for the purpose of protecting the same, They rise on every hand in stately the Edison research work in the re­ Warehouse and Office Cor. Front and 3rd Ave. West. Tillamook, Or. An appeal was made to the govern­ lief afforded many plants that are grandeur and their beautiful or mas­ ment to send down some soldiers to the Board of Fish and Gjme Com­ missioners has decided to make cer ­ now securing ingredients ‘necessary sive type of architect shows that help pick cranberries on account of tain changes in the closed portions of in manufacture which formerly came I great care was spent on their con­ scarcity of. help. certain tributaries of said Tillamook from Europe. It was characteristic of struction and design. Some of the old We have been taking our hikes reg­ Bay, and in order to do so it is deem­ Mr. Edison to withhold the announce­ chateaus still are surmounted by ularly on Wednesday of each week. ed - advisable to abrogate the orders ment of his wonderful success until fighting towers which in their time Two weeks ago we started out on a I heretofore made by St-te Board of the situation was well in hand. It was were quite a formidable means of de­ hike and took our ponchoes along as Fish and Game Commissioners estab­ thus when a few months ago sur­ fense, but now, after all these hun­ it looked a little like rain. Of course 1 lishing dead lines on said tributaries rounded by five hundred Edison dreds of years, they would crumple it did not rain as we went down but < of Tillamook Bay, to-w;t: Hoquarton phdnogfaph dealers who called upon before even a stiff machine gun fire. on the way back it drizzled all the Slough and Tillamook River. him at his laboratories at Orange, On our way here we were given much way. We were anything but dry when Now Therefore, Notice is hereby New Jersey, he made a simple an­ opportunity to sec much of the coun­ wc returned to camp that evening. given by said Board of Fish and nouncement of his remarkable re­ try and believe me I saw all 1 could We were not the only ones as the Game Commissioners that said trib­ search work. The cheers that greeted in the time at my disposal. The trip Seventh company which went along utaries of said Tillamook Bay, de­ his words were echoed in thousands has been both instructive and inter­ with us was as bad off as we were. scribed as follows, to-wit: Hoquarton Not gravity, but boil­ of big industrial plants the following esting, and except for sea sickness, Last week we had a fine hike to Slough and Tillamook River are and ing points, is the real day when the newspaper accounts of and the expected minor discomforts Megler. Took our lunch with us each of them is hereby open to the Mr. Edison’s success were cabled of crowded traveling conditions, has and practiced signalling most of the public for fishing from and after No­ test for gasoline. Red time. been pleasant. vember 3rd, 1917, and any and all around the world. Crown has the correct We will soon start in on rifle prac­ orders closing said streams or any I am writing this in a crowded room Several weeks ago Mr. Edison's boiling points in a con work for the United States was in­ to the tune of a Victrola and six tice, probably this week if the weath­ portion thereof heretofore made by tinuous chain. terrupted for a few minutes while his husky singers who arc inflicting upon er is favorable. Our drill at the large said State Board of Fish and Game associates remined him that a hun­ us the painful news that my “Old guns will soon be over on account of Commissioners under provisions of Section 5316 L. O. L. :.nd hereby dred men from every section of the I Kentucky Home” is. down in Alabama the winter coming on. Standard Last Saturday morning we had a abrogated, and said streams and each ¡country were in his library waiting to ! or something like that. A sputtering Oil Company ( California) present him with a gold medal cele­ candle is on the table for light, but, ’ cablegram read to us from General of them will remain open to the pub­ brating his fortieth anniversary of believe me, we sure do appreciate the ' Pershing in France. One of the sev- lic for fishing from and after said 3rd day of November, 1917, until said 'yhe (iaso/ine the invention of the dictating machine Y. M. C. A.. They are everywhere cral things he mentioned was the in- streams of them is again of Quality Not a day goes by that does not with the soldiers; and where ever . tensive training of our troops in closed to or the either public for fishing there ­ bring to mind half a dozen inventions they are they are run by "regular” rifle practice before they arc sent in as provided by Section 5316 L. O. that came into life upon that date American young mcn who give a